
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


a - Variable in class
a() - Method in class
abs() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
abs() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
abs(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
abs(Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
abs(S) - Method in interface swim.math.OrderedRing
absent() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
absent() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
absent() - Static method in class swim.structure.Absent
absent() - Static method in class swim.structure.Item
absent() - Static method in class swim.structure.Value
Absent - Class in swim.structure
absolute(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriQuery, UriFragment) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
absoluteParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
AbstractAgent - Class in swim.api.agent
Abstract base class for all Agents.
AbstractAgent() - Constructor for class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Creates an AbstractAgent instance managed by SwimContext.getAgentContext().
AbstractAgent(AgentContext) - Constructor for class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Creates an AbstractAgent instance managed by context.
AbstractAgentRoute<A extends Agent> - Class in swim.api.agent
AbstractAgentRoute() - Constructor for class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
AbstractAuthenticator - Class in swim.api.auth
AbstractAuthenticator() - Constructor for class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
AbstractDownlinkBinding - Class in swim.system
AbstractDownlinkBinding(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
AbstractHostObjectType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
AbstractHostObjectType() - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostObjectType
AbstractHostType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
AbstractHostType() - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
AbstractHttpClient - Class in
AbstractHttpClient() - Constructor for class
AbstractHttpRequester<T> - Class in
AbstractHttpRequester() - Constructor for class
AbstractHttpResponder<T> - Class in
AbstractHttpResponder() - Constructor for class
AbstractHttpServer - Class in
AbstractHttpServer() - Constructor for class
AbstractHttpService - Class in
AbstractHttpService() - Constructor for class
AbstractInlet<I> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractInlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
AbstractInoutlet<I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractInoutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
AbstractIpModem<I,O> - Class in
AbstractIpModem() - Constructor for class
AbstractIpService - Class in
AbstractIpService() - Constructor for class
AbstractIpSocket - Class in
AbstractIpSocket() - Constructor for class
AbstractMapInlet<K,V,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractMapInlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
AbstractMapInletMapOutlet<KI,KO,VI,VO,I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractMapInletMapOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
AbstractMapInletOutlet<K,V,I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractMapInletOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
AbstractMapInoutlet<K,VI,VO,I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractMapInoutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
AbstractMapOutlet<K,V,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractMapOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
AbstractMqttService - Class in
AbstractMqttService() - Constructor for class
AbstractMqttSocket<I,O> - Class in
AbstractMqttSocket() - Constructor for class
AbstractOutlet<O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
AbstractPlane - Class in swim.api.plane
AbstractPlane() - Constructor for class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
AbstractPlane(PlaneContext) - Constructor for class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
AbstractPolicy - Class in swim.api.policy
AbstractPolicy() - Constructor for class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
AbstractRecordOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow
AbstractRecordOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
AbstractRecordStreamlet<I extends Value,O extends Value> - Class in swim.dataflow
AbstractRecordStreamlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
AbstractRecordStreamlet(StreamletScope<? extends O>) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
AbstractService - Class in swim.api.service
AbstractService() - Constructor for class swim.api.service.AbstractService
AbstractService(ServiceContext) - Constructor for class swim.api.service.AbstractService
AbstractStreamlet<I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
AbstractStreamlet() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
AbstractStreamlet(StreamletScope<? extends O>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
AbstractTask - Class in swim.concurrent
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Task.
AbstractTask() - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
AbstractTierBinding - Class in swim.system
AbstractTierBinding() - Constructor for class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
AbstractTimer - Class in swim.concurrent
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Timer.
AbstractTimer() - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
AbstractUplinkContext - Class in swim.system
AbstractUplinkContext() - Constructor for class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
AbstractWarpClient - Class in
AbstractWarpClient() - Constructor for class
AbstractWarpClient(WarpSettings) - Constructor for class
AbstractWarpRef - Class in swim.system
AbstractWarpRef() - Constructor for class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
AbstractWarpServer - Class in
AbstractWarpServer() - Constructor for class
AbstractWarpServer(WarpSettings) - Constructor for class
AbstractWarpSocket - Class in
AbstractWarpSocket() - Constructor for class
AbstractWebSocket<I,O> - Class in
AbstractWebSocket() - Constructor for class
AbstractWsClient - Class in
AbstractWsClient() - Constructor for class
AbstractWsClient(WsSettings) - Constructor for class
AbstractWsServer - Class in
AbstractWsServer() - Constructor for class
AbstractWsServer(WsSettings) - Constructor for class
accept() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
accept(HttpResponse<?>, WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
accept(HttpResponder<?>) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
accept(WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
accept(WsEngineSettings, String) - Method in class
accept(WsEngineSettings, String, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class
accept(WsEngineSettings, String, HttpHeader...) - Method in class
accept(WsEngineSettings, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class
accept(WsEngineSettings, HttpHeader...) - Method in class
ACCEPT - Enum constant in enum class
accept enabled; connect, read, and write disabled.
ACCEPT_CONNECT - Enum constant in enum class
accept and connect enabled; read and write disabled.
ACCEPT_CONNECT_READ - Enum constant in enum class
accept, connect, and read enabled; write disabled.
ACCEPT_CONNECT_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
accept, connect, read, and write enabled.
ACCEPT_CONNECT_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
accept, connect, and write enabled; read disabled.
ACCEPT_READ - Enum constant in enum class
accept and read enabled; connect and write disabled.
ACCEPT_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
accept, read, and write enabled; connect disabled.
ACCEPT_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
accept and write enabled; connect and read disabled.
AcceptCharsetHeader - Class in swim.http.header
acceptDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its accept operation disabled.
accepted() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
ACCEPTED - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
acceptEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its accept operation enabled.
AcceptEncodingHeader - Class in swim.http.header
acceptExtensions(FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>) - Method in class
AcceptHeader - Class in swim.http.header
AcceptLanguageHeader - Class in swim.http.header
accessor() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
accessor() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
accessor() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
accessTokenHash() - Method in class
accessTokenHash(Data) - Method in class
accessTokenHash(Data) - Method in class
accumulate(O, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
accumulate(O, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
accumulateExecTime(long) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
accumulateExecTime(long) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
accumulateExecTime(long) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
accumulateExecTime(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
accumulateExecTime(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
accumulateHostProfile(HostProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
accumulateMeshProfile(MeshProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
accumulateNodeProfile(NodeProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
accumulatePartProfile(PartProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
accumulateWarpDownlinkProfile(WarpDownlinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
accumulateWarpLaneProfile(WarpLaneProfile) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
accumulateWarpUplinkProfile(WarpUplinkProfile) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
accumulator - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
acos(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
acos(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
activate(TierBinding) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
ActorAgentRoute - Class in
ActorAgentRoute(String, UriPattern) - Constructor for class
ActorAuthenticator - Class in
ActorAuthenticator(String, Authenticator, KernelContext) - Constructor for class
ActorCell - Class in
ActorCell() - Constructor for class
actorEdge() - Method in class
actorHost() - Method in class
ActorHost - Class in
ActorHost(HostBinding, HostDef) - Constructor for class
ActorHostDef - Class in
ActorHostDef(UriPattern, boolean, boolean, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
ActorIdentity - Class in
ActorIdentity(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class
ActorKernel - Class in
ActorKernel() - Constructor for class
ActorKernel(double) - Constructor for class
ActorLane - Class in
ActorLane(LaneBinding, LaneDef) - Constructor for class
ActorLaneDef - Class in
ActorLaneDef(UriPattern, String, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
actorMesh() - Method in class
ActorMesh - Class in
ActorMesh(MeshBinding, MeshDef) - Constructor for class
ActorMeshDef - Class in
ActorMeshDef(Uri, HashTrieMap<Value, PartDef>, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
actorNode() - Method in class
ActorNode - Class in
ActorNode(NodeBinding, NodeDef) - Constructor for class
ActorNodeDef - Class in
ActorNodeDef(UriPattern, FingerTrieSeq<AgentDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
actorPart() - Method in class
ActorPart - Class in
ActorPart(PartBinding, PartDef) - Constructor for class
ActorPartDef - Class in
ActorPartDef(Value, PartPredicate, boolean, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
ActorSpace - Class in
ActorSpace(EdgeAddress, ActorSpaceDef, KernelContext) - Constructor for class
ActorSpaceDef - Class in
ActorSpaceDef(String, FingerTrieSeq<PlaneDef>, HashTrieMap<String, AuthenticatorDef>, HashTrieMap<Uri, MeshDef>, HashTrieMap<Value, PartDef>, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Constructor for class
ActorTier - Class in
ActorTier() - Constructor for class
add(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, E, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
add(int, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
add(int, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(int, Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
add(int, Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
add(int, Value) - Method in class
add(int, Value) - Method in class
add(int, Value) - Method in class
add(int, Value, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
add(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
add(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
add(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
add(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
add(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
add(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
add(int, T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
add(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
add(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
add(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
add(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
add(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
add(int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
add(int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
add(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(E, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
add(I) - Method in interface swim.util.Builder
Adds a single input value to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
add(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
add(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
add(String) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
add(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
add(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
add(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
add(Map.Entry<String, String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
add(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
add(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.util.EntryBuilder
Adds a single entry to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
add(K, V) - Method in interface swim.util.EntryBuilder
Adds an input pair to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
add(K, V) - Method in interface swim.util.PairBuilder
Adds an input pair to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
add(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
add(R2Vector, R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
add(R3Vector, R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
add(RNVector, RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RN
add(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(Tensor, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(Tensor, Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(Tensor, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
add(Z2Vector, Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
add(Z3Vector, Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
add(Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
add(Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
add(Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
add(Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
add(Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
add(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
add(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
add(Value) - Method in class
add(Value) - Method in class
add(Value) - Method in class
add(Value, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
add(Value, Object) - Method in class
add(Value, Object) - Method in class
add(Value, Object) - Method in class
add(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
add(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
add(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
add(ListLaneView<V>, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
add(ListLaneView<V>, int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
add(T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
add(T) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
add(T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
add(T) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
add(T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
add(T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
add(T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
add(T) - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
add(T, float) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ConcurrentTrancheQueue
add(T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
add(T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
add(T, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
add(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
add(V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
add(V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
add(V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
add(V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
add(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
add(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
add(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
addAgentRoute(String, String, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in class
addAgentRoute(String, String, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
addAgentRoute(String, String, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
addAgentRoute(String, UriPattern, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in class
addAgentRoute(String, UriPattern, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
addAgentRoute(String, UriPattern, AgentRoute<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
addAgentView(AgentView) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
addAll(int, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
addAll(Collection<? extends I>) - Method in interface swim.util.Builder
Adds multiple input values to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
addAll(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
addAll(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
addAll(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
addAll(Collection<? extends Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
addAll(Collection<? extends Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Method in interface swim.util.EntryBuilder
Adds multiple entries to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
addAll(Collection<? extends Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
addAll(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
addAll(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
addAll(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
addAll(Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
addAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
addAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface swim.util.EntryBuilder
Adds multiple entries to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
addAuthenticator(String, Authenticator) - Method in class
addAuthenticator(String, Authenticator) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
addByte(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
addByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
addByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
addCell(C, Builder<C, ?>) - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
addCell(Item, Builder<Item, ?>) - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
addClass(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addClasses(Class<?>...) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addData(Data) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
addDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
added(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
added(T) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
addForm(Form<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addForms(Form<?>...) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addHeader(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
addHostLibrary(HostLibrary) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
addHostModule(String, HostLibrary) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
addHostModule(UriPath, HostLibrary) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
addHostPackage(HostPackage) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
addHostPackage(HostPackage) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
addHostType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
addHostType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
addHostType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
addMember(HostMember<? super T>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
addMember(HostMember<? super T>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
addMember(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
addParam(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
addParam(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
addPart(Value, PartBinding) - Method in class
addPart(Value, PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
addPart(Value, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
addPart(Value, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
addPath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
addQuery(UriQuery) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
address() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
address() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
address(String) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
addSegment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
addSlash() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
addSpecializedMember(String, HostMember<? super T>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
addSpecializedStaticMember(String, HostStaticMember) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
addStaticMember(HostStaticMember) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
addStaticMember(HostStaticMember) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
addType(Type) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addTypes(Type...) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
addUnspecializedMember(HostMember<? super T>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
addUnspecializedStaticMember(HostStaticMember) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
AffineSpace<P,V,S> - Interface in swim.math
agent - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
agent() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
Agent - Interface in swim.api.agent
agentClass - Variable in class
agentClass() - Method in class
agentCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentContext - Variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
agentContext - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgent
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
agentContext - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
agentContext() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Returns the AgentContext used to manage this Agent.
agentContext() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
agentContext() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
agentContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
AgentContext - Interface in swim.api.agent
Internal context that enables URI-based addressability, contextual Lane and Store creation mechanisms, logging, and scheduling to some Agent.
agentCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
agentCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
agentDef - Variable in class
agentDef - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
agentDef() - Method in class
agentDef() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
agentDef(AgentDef) - Method in class
AgentDef - Interface in swim.api.agent
agentDefs() - Method in class
agentDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
AgentException - Exception in swim.api.agent
AgentException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.agent.AgentException
AgentException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.agent.AgentException
AgentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.agent.AgentException
AgentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.agent.AgentException
agentExecDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentExecDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentExecDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentExecDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentExecDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentExecRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentExecRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentExecRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentExecRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentExecRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentExecTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentExecTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentExecTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentExecTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentExecTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
AgentFactory<A extends Agent> - Interface in swim.api.agent
For some class A extends Agent, factory to create instances of A.
agentId() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
agentId() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
agentId() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
agentIds - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
agentIds() - Method in class
agentIds() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
agentIds() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
agentIds() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
agentIds() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
agentIds() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
AgentLane - Class in swim.system.agent
AgentLane(AgentNode, LaneBinding, LaneAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
AgentModel - Class in swim.system.agent
AgentModel(Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
AgentNode - Class in swim.system.agent
AgentNode() - Constructor for class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
agentOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
agentOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
agentOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
agentOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
agentOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
agentPolicy(Agent) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
agentPolicy(Agent) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.AgentRoutePolicy
AgentPolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
AgentPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
AgentPulse(long, long, long, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
AgentRoute<A extends Agent> - Interface in swim.api.agent
Factory for agents that are lazily instantiated when a node URI route pattern is accessed.
agentRouteContext() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
agentRouteContext() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRoute
The internal context used to provide concrete implementations to most AgentRoute methods.
agentRouteContext() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
AgentRouteContext - Interface in swim.api.agent
Internal context that provides concrete implementations for most AgentRoute methods.
agentRoutePolicy(AgentRoute<?>) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
agentRoutePolicy(AgentRoute<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.PlanePolicy
AgentRoutePolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
agents - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
agents - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
agents - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
agents - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
agents - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
agents() - Method in class
agents() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
agents() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
agents() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
agents() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
agents() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
agents() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
agents() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
agents() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
agents() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
agents() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
agents() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
agents() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
AgentTimer - Class in swim.system.agent
AgentTimer(AgentNode, TimerFunction) - Constructor for class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
AgentView - Class in swim.system.agent
AgentView(AgentModel, Value, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.agent.AgentView
alert() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with ALERT_LEVEL of importance.
alert(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with ALERT_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
ALERT_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
algorithm() - Method in class
algorithm() - Method in class
alias() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
alias() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
alias() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
alias() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
alias() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
alias(String) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
alias(AvroName) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
alias(AvroName) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
aliasCount() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
aliasCount() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
allow() - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
allow() - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
allow(T) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
allow(T) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
AllowHeader - Class in swim.http.header
alphabet() - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a 16 character string, where the character at index i is the encoding of the base-16 digit i.
alphabet() - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a 64 character string, where the character at index i is the encoding of the base-64 digit i.
AlternativeRoute - Class in swim.web.route
AlternativeRoute(WebRoute...) - Constructor for class swim.web.route.AlternativeRoute
and(FlowControl) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowControl with all operations enabled in this and that enabled.
and(FlowModifier) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowModifier with all modifications applied in this and that applied, with enable instructions taking precedence over conflicting disable instructions.
and(Field) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
and(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
and(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
and(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
and(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
and(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
and(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
and(PartPredicate) - Method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
and(PartPredicate...) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
and(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
AndOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
AndOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
AndOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
AndOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.AndOutlet
andThen(Encoder<I, O2>) - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder that continues encoding that Encoder, after it finishes encoding this Encoder.
andThen(Encoder<I, O2>) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
andThen(Writer<I, O2>) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer that continues writing that Writer, after it finishes writing this Writer.
andThen(Cont<Chunk>) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
The means to chain Selectors.
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
andThen(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
any() - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
appended(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
appended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
appended(String) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
appended(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
appended(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
appended(String...) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
appended(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
appended(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
appended(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
appended(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
appended(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
appended(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
appended(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
appended(M, E) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
appended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
appended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
appended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
appended(Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
appended(Value, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
appended(T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
appended(T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
appended(T, I) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufRepeatedType
appended(T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
appended(T, Object, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
appendedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
appendedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
appendedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
appendedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
appendedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
appendedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
appendedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
appendedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
appendedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
appendedPath(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedPath(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedPath(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedQuery(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedQuery(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedQuery(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedQuery(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedSegment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedSegment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
appendedSlash() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
appendedSlash() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
applicationJavascript() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
applicationJson() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
applicationOctetStream() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
applicationXml() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
applicationXRecon() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
apply(I) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.function.MapValueFunction
apply(I) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.function.WatchValueFunction
apply(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
apply(K, V) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.function.FilterFieldsFunction
apply(K, V) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.function.WatchFieldsFunction
apply(K, VI) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.function.MapFieldValuesFunction
arg(String) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
arg(String) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
arg(Arg) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
arg(Arg) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
Arg - Class in swim.args
Arg(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.args.Arg
args() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
args() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
args() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
argsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.InvokeOutlet
arity() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
arity() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
arity() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
arity() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
arity() - Method in class swim.db.Page
arity() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
arity() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
arity() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
arity() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
arity() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
arity() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
array - Variable in class swim.math.Tensor
array() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
array() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
array(Object[]) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
array(Object[], int) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
array(Object[], int, int) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
array(CsvCol<? extends Item>) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
array(CsvCol<? extends Item>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
arrayBuilder() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroArrayType
arrayBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
arrayBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
arrayDecoder(AvroArrayType<I, T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
ArrayForm - Class in swim.structure.form
For some type, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an array of elements with that type.
ArrayForm(Class<?>, Form<?>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
arrayOffset() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
arrayOffset() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
arrayParser() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
arrayType(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
arrayType(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
arrayType(Class<?>, AvroType<? extends I>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
arrayType(Class<?>, ProtobufType<I>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
arrayType(AvroType<? extends I>) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
asByteArray() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
asByteBuffer() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class swim.avro.schema.AvroOrder
asDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Casts a done Encoder to a different input type.
asDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Casts a done Writer to a different input type.
asError() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Casts an errored Decoder to a different output type.
asError() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Casts an errored Encoder to different input and output types.
asError() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Casts an errored Parser to a different output type.
asError() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Casts an errored Writer to different input and output types.
asin(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
asin(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
asMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
async(Cont<T>, T) - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Returns a Runnable that, when executed, invokes the given continuation with the provided constant value.
asyncStage() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
The multi-threaded execution Stage on which this AgentContext can run asynchronous operations.
asyncStage() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
The multi-threaded execution Stage on which this AgentContext can run asynchronous operations.
asyncStage() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
asyncStage() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
at(long, int, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns a new Mark at the given zero-based byte offset, one-based line number, and one-based column number, with no attached note.
at(long, int, int, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns a new Mark at the given zero-based byte offset, one-based line number, and one-based column number, with the attached note.
AT_LEAST_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
AT_LEAST_ONCE - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
AT_MOST_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
AT_MOST_ONCE - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
atan(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
atan(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
atan2(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
atan2(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
attr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
attr(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
attr(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
attr(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
attr(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
Attr - Class in swim.structure
AttrForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
AttrForm(Field, Text, Form<?>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
attribute(String, Value) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
attribute(String, V) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
attributes() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
attributes() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
attributesBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
attributesBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
audience() - Method in class
audience(String) - Method in class
audience(String) - Method in class
audience(String) - Method in class
audiences() - Method in class
audiences(String...) - Method in class
audiences(String...) - Method in class
audiences(String...) - Method in class
AuthedResponse - Class in swim.warp
AuthedResponse() - Constructor for class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
AuthedResponse(Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
authenticate(Credentials) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
authenticate(Uri, Uri, JsonWebSignature) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
Authenticated - Class in swim.auth
Authenticated(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.auth.Authenticated
authenticationContextClass() - Method in class
authenticationContextClass(String) - Method in class
authenticationContextClass(String) - Method in class
authenticationMethods() - Method in class
authenticationMethods(String...) - Method in class
authenticationMethods(String...) - Method in class
authenticator() - Method in class
Authenticator - Interface in swim.api.auth
AuthenticatorAddress - Class in swim.system
AuthenticatorAddress(String) - Constructor for class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
authenticatorContext() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
authenticatorContext() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
AuthenticatorContext - Interface in swim.api.auth
authenticatorDef(AuthenticatorDef) - Method in class
AuthenticatorDef - Interface in swim.api.auth
authenticatorDefs() - Method in class
AuthenticatorException - Exception in swim.api.auth
AuthenticatorException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorException
AuthenticatorException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorException
AuthenticatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorException
AuthenticatorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorException
AuthenticatorKernel - Class in swim.auth
AuthenticatorKernel() - Constructor for class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
AuthenticatorKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
authenticatorName() - Method in class
authenticatorName() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorDef
authenticatorName() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
authenticatorName() - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
authenticatorName(String) - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
authority - Variable in class swim.uri.Uri
authority() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
authority(UriAuthority) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
authority(UriUser, UriHost, UriPort) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
authorityParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
authorityPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
authorityPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
authorize(Envelope, Identity) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
authorizedParty() - Method in class
authorizedParty(String) - Method in class
authorizedParty(String) - Method in class
authorizeHttpLane(Uri, Uri, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
authorizeHttpLane(Uri, Uri, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
AuthRequest - Class in swim.warp
AuthRequest() - Constructor for class swim.warp.AuthRequest
AuthRequest(Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.AuthRequest
authTime() - Method in class
authTime(long) - Method in class
authTime(long) - Method in class
autoClose - Variable in class
autoClose() - Method in class
autoClose(boolean) - Method in class
autoClose(boolean) - Method in class
autoCommit(Database, long, long, Commit) - Static method in class swim.db.StoreContext
autoCommitShifted(Store, long, Commit) - Static method in class swim.db.StoreContext
avail_in - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
avail_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
avail_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Avro - Class in swim.avro
Factory for constructing Avro decoders and encoders.
AvroArrayType<I,T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroArrayType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroArrayType
AvroBooleanType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroBooleanType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroBooleanType
AvroComplexType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroDataType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroDataType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroDataType
AvroDecoder - Class in swim.avro.decoder
AvroDecoder() - Constructor for class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
AvroDoubleType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroDoubleType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroDoubleType
AvroEnumType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroEnumType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
AvroException - Exception in swim.avro
AvroException() - Constructor for exception swim.avro.AvroException
AvroException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.avro.AvroException
AvroException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.avro.AvroException
AvroException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.avro.AvroException
AvroFieldType<V,R> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroFieldType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
AvroFixedType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroFixedType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroFixedType
AvroFloatType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroFloatType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroFloatType
AvroIntType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroIntType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroIntType
AvroKind - Annotation Interface in swim.avro
AvroLongType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroLongType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroLongType
AvroMapType<K,V,T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroMapType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroMapType
AvroMember - Annotation Interface in swim.avro
AvroName - Class in swim.avro
AvroName(AvroNamespace, String) - Constructor for class swim.avro.AvroName
AvroNamedType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroNamespace - Class in swim.avro
AvroNullType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroNullType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroNullType
AvroOrder - Enum Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroPrimitiveType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroRecordType<T,R> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroRecordType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
AvroReflection - Class in swim.avro.reflection
AvroStringType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroStringType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroStringType
AvroStructure - Class in swim.avro.structure
AvroType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroUnionType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroUnionType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroUnionType
AvroVarintType<T> - Class in swim.avro.schema
AvroVarintType() - Constructor for class swim.avro.schema.AvroVarintType
await() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
Waits an unbounded amount of time for this Sync continuation to complete.
await(long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
Waits a maximum of timeout milliseconds for this Sync continuation to complete.
awaitStart() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding


b - Variable in class
b() - Method in class
backlog - Variable in class
backlog() - Method in class
Returns the maximum length of the queue of incoming connections.
backlog(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TransportSettings configured with the given backlog for the maximum length of the queue of incoming connections.
BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
BAD_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
balanced(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
balanced(BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
balanced(STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
balanced(QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
base - Variable in class
base() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
base() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
base() - Method in class swim.db.Page
base() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
base() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
base() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
base() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
base() - Method in class
base() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
base() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
base(long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
Base10 - Class in swim.codec
Base-10 (decimal) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
Base16 - Class in swim.codec
Base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
Base64 - Class in swim.codec
Base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
BaseAuthenticator - Class in swim.auth
BaseAuthenticator(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, FingerTrieSeq<String>>, FingerTrieSeq<PublicKeyDef>, Uri, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
BaseAuthenticator(BaseAuthenticatorDef) - Constructor for class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
BaseAuthenticatorDef - Class in swim.auth
BaseAuthenticatorDef(String, String, String, HashTrieMap<String, FingerTrieSeq<String>>, FingerTrieSeq<PublicKeyDef>, Uri, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
baseName() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
basePath - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
basePath - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
basePath() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
basePath() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
basePath() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
baseTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
baseTypes() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
baseTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
baseTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
basis - Variable in class
basis() - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Rebinds the underlying IpSocketContext to a new socket implementation, thereby changing the IpSocket handler that receives network I/O callbacks.
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Rebinds this IpSocketContext to a new socket implementation, thereby changing the IpSocket handler that receives network I/O callbacks.
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
become(IpSocket) - Method in interface
become(IpSocket) - Method in class
beginPhase(int) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
beginPhase(int) - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
bestCompression() - Static method in class
bestCompression() - Static method in class
BigIntegerForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a BigInteger.
BigIntegerForm(BigInteger) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
Binary - Class in swim.codec
Byte Input/Output factory.
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class
binaryDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
binaryFrame(T) - Method in class
binaryFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
binaryFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
BinaryOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
An Operator that represents a binary operation, i.e.
BinaryOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
BinaryOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
BinaryOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.BinaryOutlet
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns the decoded result.
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns the encoded result.
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns the implementation-defined result of writing the output.
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns the parsed result.
bind() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns the written result.
bind() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
bind() - Method in class swim.system.Push
bind() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
bind() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
bind() - Method in interface swim.util.Builder
Returns the output result of this builder.
bind() - Method in interface swim.util.EntryBuilder
Returns the output result of this builder.
bind() - Method in interface swim.util.PairBuilder
Returns the output result of this builder.
bind(Chunk) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
bind(T) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Call
Completes this Call with a value by eventually invoking the bind(T) method of this Call's Continuation.
bind(T) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Invoked when the asynchronous operation completes with a value.
bind(T) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
bindDownlink(Downlink) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
bindHttp(String, int, HttpService) - Method in interface
bindHttp(String, int, HttpService, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
bindHttp(InetSocketAddress, HttpService) - Method in interface
bindHttp(InetSocketAddress, HttpService, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
bindHttps(String, int, HttpService) - Method in interface
bindHttps(String, int, HttpService, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
bindHttps(InetSocketAddress, HttpService) - Method in interface
bindHttps(InetSocketAddress, HttpService, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
bindings() - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
bindInput(String, Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
bindInput(String, Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
bindInput(String, Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Connects the Inlet of this Streamlet, identified by the given key, to the input from which the Inlet should acquire its state.
bindInput(MapOutlet<K, V, ? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
bindInput(MapOutlet<K, V, ? extends Map<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
bindInput(MapOutlet<K, V, ? extends Map<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
bindInput(MapOutlet<K, V, ? extends O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
bindInput(MapOutlet<K, VI, ? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
bindInput(MapOutlet<KI, VI, ? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends I>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Connects this Inlet to an Outlet from which it will acquire its state.
bindInput(Outlet<? extends Map<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
bindInput(Outlet<? extends Map<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
bindInput(Outlet<? extends O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
bindInput(Outlet<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
bindInput(Outlet<? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
bindMqtt(String, int, MqttService) - Method in interface
bindMqtt(String, int, MqttService, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
bindMqtt(InetSocketAddress, MqttService) - Method in interface
bindMqtt(InetSocketAddress, MqttService, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
bindMqtts(String, int, MqttService) - Method in interface
bindMqtts(String, int, MqttService, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
bindMqtts(InetSocketAddress, MqttService) - Method in interface
bindMqtts(InetSocketAddress, MqttService, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Adds an output to the set of Inlets that depend on the state of this Outlet.
bindOutput(Inlet<? super MapDownlink<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
bindOutput(Inlet<? super MapLane<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
bindOutput(Inlet<? super Record>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
bindOutput(Inlet<? super V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
bindOutput(Inlet<? super V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
bindTcp(String, int, IpService) - Method in interface
bindTcp(String, int, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService) - Method in interface
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
bindTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
bindTls(String, int, IpService) - Method in interface
bindTls(String, int, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService) - Method in interface
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
bindTls(InetSocketAddress, IpService, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
bindValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
BitInterval - Class in swim.spatial
Significant bit interval encoding.
bits() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
bitwiseAnd(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
bitwiseAnd(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseAnd(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
bitwiseAnd(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
bitwiseAnd(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseAnd(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseAnd(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseAnd(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseAnd(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseAnd(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
bitwiseAnd(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
BitwiseAndOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
BitwiseAndOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
BitwiseAndOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
BitwiseAndOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseAndOutlet
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
bitwiseNot() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseNot(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
bitwiseNot(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
BitwiseNotOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
BitwiseNotOperator(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
BitwiseNotOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
BitwiseNotOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseNotOutlet
bitwiseOr(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
bitwiseOr(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseOr(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
bitwiseOr(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
bitwiseOr(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseOr(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseOr(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseOr(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseOr(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseOr(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
bitwiseOr(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
BitwiseOrOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
BitwiseOrOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
BitwiseOrOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
BitwiseOrOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseOrOutlet
bitwiseXor(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
bitwiseXor(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseXor(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
bitwiseXor(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
bitwiseXor(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseXor(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseXor(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
bitwiseXor(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
bitwiseXor(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bitwiseXor(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
bitwiseXor(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
BitwiseXorOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
BitwiseXorOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
BitwiseXorOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
BitwiseXorOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseXorOutlet
black(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII black foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
blackBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold black foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
block() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
blockDecoder() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
blockEncoder(Iterator<HpackHeader>) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
blockParser() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
blue(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII blue foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
blueBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold blue foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
body - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
body - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
body - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
body - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
body() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
body() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
body() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
body() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have any non-first members to flatten, and because a Field isn't a distinct Value, so it can't return Extant.
body() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the flattened tail of this Item.
body() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the flattened tail of this Record.
body() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the flattened tail of this Value.
body() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
body() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
body() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
body() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
body() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
body() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
body() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
body() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
body() - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
body() - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
body(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
body(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
body(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
body(String, MediaType) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
body(String, MediaType) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
body(String, MediaType) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
body(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
body(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
body(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
body(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
body(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
body(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.AuthRequest
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.EventMessage
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
body(Value) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
bodyDecoder(HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>, long) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
bodyEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, Encoder<?, ?>, long) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
bodyParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
bodyParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
bodyParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
bodyPath() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
bold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold (increased intensity) escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
bool(boolean) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
bool(boolean) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
bool(boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
bool(boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
Bool - Class in swim.structure
booleanDecoder(AvroBooleanType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
BooleanForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double.
BooleanForm(Boolean) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
booleanType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
booleanType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
booleanType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
booleanType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns false because Absent behaves like a falsey value.
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns true because Extant behaves like a truthy value.
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive boolean value, if possible.
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive boolean value, if possible.
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value.
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
booleanValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value, if possible.
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns false because Absent behaves like a falsey value.
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns true because Extant behaves like a truthy value.
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive boolean value.
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive boolean value.
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value; equivalent to Num.booleanValue().
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
booleanValue(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive boolean value.
BootKernel - Class in swim.kernel
BootKernel() - Constructor for class swim.kernel.BootKernel
BootKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.kernel.BootKernel
BootKernel(double, Value) - Constructor for class swim.kernel.BootKernel
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
bottomEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
bottomHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
bottomLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
bottomLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
bottomMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
bottomNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in class
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
bottomPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
Boundary<T> - Interface in swim.math
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
branch() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
bridge - Variable in class swim.dynamic.BridgeGuest
bridge - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgent
bridge - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlane
bridge() - Method in class swim.dynamic.BridgeGuest
bridge() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
bridge() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
Bridge - Class in swim.dynamic
Interface between a guest language execution environment and a host runtime.
Bridge() - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.Bridge
BridgeException - Exception in swim.dynamic
BridgeException() - Constructor for exception swim.dynamic.BridgeException
BridgeException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.dynamic.BridgeException
BridgeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.dynamic.BridgeException
BridgeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.dynamic.BridgeException
BridgeFunc - Class in swim.structure.func
BridgeFunc() - Constructor for class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
BridgeGuest - Class in swim.dynamic
A host object that wraps a guest value and its dynamic bridge.
BridgeGuest(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.BridgeGuest
BTree<K,V> - Class in swim.collections
Immutable OrderedMap backed by a B-tree.
BTree - Class in swim.db
BTree(BTreePage<K, V, ?>) - Constructor for class swim.collections.BTree
BTree(TreeContext, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTree
BTree(TreeContext, BTreePageRef, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTree
BTree(TreeContext, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTree
BTREE - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.TreeType
BTreeContext<K,V> - Class in swim.collections
BTreeContext() - Constructor for class swim.collections.BTreeContext
BTreeDelegate - Interface in swim.db
btreeDidDrop(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in interface swim.db.BTreeDelegate
btreeDidDrop(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
btreeDidDrop(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
btreeDidDrop(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class
btreeDidRemove(BTree, BTree, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.BTreeDelegate
btreeDidRemove(BTree, BTree, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
btreeDidRemove(BTree, BTree, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
btreeDidRemove(BTree, BTree, Value, Value) - Method in class
btreeDidTake(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in interface swim.db.BTreeDelegate
btreeDidTake(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
btreeDidTake(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
btreeDidTake(BTree, BTree, long) - Method in class
btreeDidUpdate(BTree, BTree, Value, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.BTreeDelegate
btreeDidUpdate(BTree, BTree, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
btreeDidUpdate(BTree, BTree, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
btreeDidUpdate(BTree, BTree, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class
BTreeLeaf - Class in swim.db
BTreeLeaf(BTreePageRef, long, Slot[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
BTreeMap<K,V,U> - Class in swim.collections
Mutable, thread-safe Map backed by a B-tree.
BTreeMap - Class in swim.db
BTreeMap() - Constructor for class swim.collections.BTreeMap
BTreeMap(BTreePage<K, V, U>) - Constructor for class swim.collections.BTreeMap
BTreeMap(Trunk<BTree>) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreeMap
BTreeMapView - Class in swim.db
BTreeMapView(BTree) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreeMapView
BTreeNode - Class in swim.db
BTreeNode(BTreePageRef, long, BTreePageRef[], Value[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreeNode
BTreePage<K,V,U> - Class in swim.collections
BTreePage - Class in swim.db
BTreePageRef - Class in swim.db
BTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreePageRef
BTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value, Object) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreePageRef
BTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value, Object, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.db.BTreePageRef
buildDiff(long, Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
buildDiff(long, Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
buildDiff(long, Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.STree
buildDiff(long, Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
buildDiff(long, Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.Page
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
buildDiff(Builder<Page, ?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
builder() - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
builder() - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
builder() - Static method in class swim.structure.Value
builder() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
builder() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
builder(FingerTrieSeq<? extends T>) - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
Builder<I,O> - Interface in swim.util
Type that accumulates input values of type I, and binds an output result of type O.
by(int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
by(int, int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
byteArrayOutput() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array.
byteArrayOutput(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteArrayOutput(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes.
byteArrayOutput(int, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes, using the given settings.
byteArrayOutput(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, using the given settings.
byteArrayWriter() - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input byte[] array, returns a continuation that writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte array.
byteArrayWriter() - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input byte[] array, returns a continuation that writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte array.
byteArrayWriter() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteArrayWriter(byte[]) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte array.
byteArrayWriter(byte[]) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte array.
byteArrayWriter(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteArrayWriter(O, byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteBufferEWriter(O, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
ByteBufferForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a ByteBuffer.
ByteBufferForm() - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ByteBufferForm
byteBufferOutput() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array.
byteBufferOutput(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteBufferOutput(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes.
byteBufferOutput(int, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes, using the given settings.
byteBufferOutput(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, using the given settings.
byteBufferWriter() - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input ByteBuffer, returns a continuation that writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte buffer.
byteBufferWriter() - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input ByteBuffer, returns a continuation that writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte buffer.
byteBufferWriter() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
byteBufferWriter(ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte buffer.
byteBufferWriter(ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte buffer.
byteBufferWriter(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
ByteForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Byte.
ByteForm(Byte) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
bytes() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
byteType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
byteType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
byteValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive byte value, if possible.
byteValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive byte value, if possible.
byteValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive byte value.
byteValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
byteValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive byte value, if possible.
byteValue(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive byte value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive byte value.
byteValue(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive byte value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive byte value.
byteValue(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive byte value; equivalent to Num.byteValue().
byteValue(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
byteValue(byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive byte value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive byte value.


cache - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
call(Cont<T>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
call(Cont<T>) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Stage
Returns a Call that completes the continuation.
call(Cont<T>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
call(Cont<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
Call<T> - Interface in swim.concurrent
Handle used to eventually complete an asynchronous operation by invoking a Continuation.
callDidBind(Cont<?>, T) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.bind(value) returns nominally.
callDidFail(Cont<?>, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.bind(T) fails by throwing an error.
callDidTrap(Cont<?>, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.trap(error) returns nominally.
callWillBind(Cont<T>, T) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately before a call to cont.bind(value).
callWillCue(Cont<?>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked before a cont call is cued for execution.
callWillTrap(Cont<?>, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately before a call to cont.trap(error).
cancel() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
Cancels this task to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
Cancels this timer to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskContext
Cancels the task to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskRef
Cancels the task to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerContext
Cancels the timer to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerRef
Cancels the timer to prevent it from executing.
cancel() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
canConnect(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canConnect(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.PlanePolicy
canDownlink(CommandMessage, Identity) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canDownlink(CommandMessage, Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Arg
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if these HttpSettings can possibly equal some other object.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if these IpSettings can possibly equal some other object.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if these TcpSettings can possibly equal some other object.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if these TlsSettings can possibly equal some other object.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if these TransportSettings can possibly equal some other object.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(R2Box) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
canEqual(R2Circle) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
canEqual(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
canEqual(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
canEqual(R3Box) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
canEqual(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
canEqual(R3Sphere) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
canEqual(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
canEqual(RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
canEqual(TensorArray<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
canEqual(Z2Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
canEqual(Z2Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
canEqual(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
canEqual(Z3Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
canEqual(Z3Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
canEqual(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
canLink(LinkRequest, Identity) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canLink(LinkRequest, Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
canRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.HttpPolicy
canRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
canRespond(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canRespond(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.HttpPolicy
canRespond(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
canSync(SyncRequest, Identity) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canSync(SyncRequest, Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
canUplink(EventMessage, Identity) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
canUplink(EventMessage, Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.Policy
capacity() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
capacity() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
capacity() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
capacity() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
cast() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNullType
cast(boolean) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroBooleanType
cast(double) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroDoubleType
cast(float) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFloatType
cast(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
cast(int) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed32Type
cast(long) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroVarintType
cast(long) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed64Type
cast(long) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufVarintType
cast(long) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufZigZagType
cast(String, Item, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
cast(String, Item, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
cast(String, Item, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
cast(M) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
cast(R) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
cast(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
cast(Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteBufferForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Converts a structurally typed item into a nominally typed Java object.
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.FieldForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.LongForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.StringForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.uri.UriForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathForm
cast(Item) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPatternForm
cast(Item, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
cast(Item, Collection<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
cast(Item, Map<K, V>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Converts a structurally typed item into a nominally typed Java object based on the provided prototype object.
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.FieldForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
cast(Item, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
castBool(Bool) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
castData(Data) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
castInput(String, Form<T>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
castInput(String, Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
castInput(Inlet<? extends I>, Form<T>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
castInput(Inlet<? extends I>, Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
castNum(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
castRecord(Record) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
castRecord(Record, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
castTensor(Item, TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
castTensor(Item, TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
castTensor(Item, TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
castTensor(Item, TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
castText(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
cause() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns the Diagnostic cause of this diagnostic, forming a linked chain of diagnostics, or null if this diagnostic has no cause.
ceil() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
ceil() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
ceil(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
ceil(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.Metric
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
cellAddress() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
cellAddress() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
cellAddress(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
CellAddress - Interface in swim.system
cellAddressDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
cellAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
cellAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
cellAddressDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
cellAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
cellAddressUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
cellAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
cellBinding() - Method in class
cellBinding() - Method in class
cellBinding() - Method in class
cellBinding() - Method in class
cellBinding() - Method in class
cellBinding() - Method in class
CellBinding - Interface in swim.system
cellContext - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkView
cellContext - Variable in class swim.system.scope.Scope
cellContext - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class
cellContext() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
cellContext() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
cellContext() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
CellContext - Interface in swim.system
CellDef - Interface in swim.system
channel() - Method in interface
Returns the NIO channel that this Transport manages.
channelEncoder() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
channelEncoder(ReadableByteChannel) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
CharacterForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Character.
CharacterForm(Character) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
charset(String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
charsetParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
charsets() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
charsetWriter(String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
charType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
charType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
charValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive char value, if possible.
charValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive char value, if possible.
charValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Value into a primitive char value.
charValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
charValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive char value, if possible.
charValue(char) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive char value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive char value.
charValue(char) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive char value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive char value.
charValue(char) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Value into a primitive char value; equivalent to Num.charValue().
charValue(char) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
charValue(char) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive char value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive char value.
childCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.Page
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
childCount() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
childCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
childCount() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
childIterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
children() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is the ChildrenSelector.
children() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
children(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
children(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
ChildrenSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "children" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
Chunk - Class in swim.db
Chunk(Database, Commit, int, int, Germ, long, FingerTrieSeq<Tree>, FingerTrieSeq<Page>) - Constructor for class swim.db.Chunk
chunked() - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
chunked() - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
chunkedDecoder(HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkedEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, Encoder<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
chunkExtension(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
ChunkExtension - Class in swim.http
chunkExtensionParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkExtensionWriter(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
chunkHeader(long, FingerTrieSeq<ChunkExtension>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkHeaderParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkHeaderWriter(long, Iterator<ChunkExtension>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
chunkTrailer(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkTrailerParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
chunkTrailerWriter(Iterator<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
cipherSuite() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the cryptographic cipher suite used by the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link is not secure, or if not currently executing a link callback.
cipherSuite() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in interface
Returns the cryptographic cipher suite used by the underlying network connection.
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class
cipherSuite() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
cipherSuite() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
cipherSuite() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
cipherSuite() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
cipherSuiteDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
cipherSuiteDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
cipherSuiteDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
cipherSuiteDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
cipherSuiteDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
cipherSuites - Variable in class
cipherSuites() - Method in class
Returns the set of permitted cipher suites for secure socket connections, or null if the system defaults should be used.
cipherSuites(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TlsSettings configured with the given set of cipherSuites; cipherSuites may be null if the system defaults should be used.
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
cipherSuiteUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
claims - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
claims() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Credentials
claims() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
claims() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
claims() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteCredentials
ClassForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
For some Class, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an instance of that Class.
ClassForm(Class<?>, String, T) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
className() - Method in class
className() - Method in class
className(String) - Method in class
className(String) - Method in class
classType(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
classType(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
cleanSession() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
cleanSession(boolean) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
clear() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
clear() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
clear() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
clear() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
clear() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
clear() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
clear() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
clear() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
clear() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
clear() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
clear() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
clear() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
clear() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
clear() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
clear() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
clear() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
clear() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
clear() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
clear() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
clear() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
clear() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
clear() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
clear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
clear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
clear() - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
clear() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
clear() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
clear() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
clear() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
clear() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
clear() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
clear() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenSet
clear() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
clear() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
clear(ListDownlinkView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
clear(MapDownlinkView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
clear(JoinMapLaneDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
clear(JoinMapLaneView<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
clear(JoinValueLaneView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
clear(ListLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
clear(MapLaneView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
clear(SpatialLaneView<?, S, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
cleared() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
cleared() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
cleared(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
cleared(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
cleared(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
cleared(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
CliClient - Class in swim.cli
CliClient(WarpRef) - Constructor for class swim.cli.CliClient
client - Variable in class
Client - Interface in swim.api.client
clientAuth - Variable in class
clientAuth() - Method in class
Returns the authentication requirement for incoming connections.
clientAuth(ClientAuth) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TlsSettings configured with the given clientAuth authentication requirement for incoming connections.
ClientAuth - Enum Class in
Transport-layer security client authentication configuration.
clientCompressionLevel - Variable in class
clientCompressionLevel() - Method in class
clientCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class
clientCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class
clientEngine(WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
ClientException - Exception in swim.api.client
ClientException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.client.ClientException
ClientException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.client.ClientException
ClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.client.ClientException
ClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.client.ClientException
clientId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
clientId(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
clientMaxWindowBits - Variable in class
clientMaxWindowBits() - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
clientMaxWindowBits() - Method in class
clientMaxWindowBits(int) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
clientMaxWindowBits(int) - Method in class
clientMaxWindowBits(int) - Method in class
clientNoContextTakeover - Variable in class
clientNoContextTakeover() - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
clientNoContextTakeover() - Method in class
clientNoContextTakeover(boolean) - Method in class
clientNoContextTakeover(boolean) - Method in class
ClientRuntime - Class in swim.client
ClientRuntime() - Constructor for class swim.client.ClientRuntime
ClientRuntime(Stage) - Constructor for class swim.client.ClientRuntime
ClientRuntime(Stage, WarpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.client.ClientRuntime
Clock - Class in swim.concurrent
Hashed wheel timer Schedule.
Clock() - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Clock
Constructs a new Clock with a timer resolution of Clock.TICK_MILLIS milliseconds, and a clock period of Clock.TICK_COUNT ticks per revolution.
Clock(int, int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Clock
Constructs a new Clock with a timer resolution of tickMillis milliseconds, and a clock period of tickCount ticks per revolution.
Clock(ClockDef) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Clock
Constructs a new Clock with the timer resolution and clock period specified by the given clockDef.
ClockDef - Class in swim.concurrent
ClockDef(int, int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
clockForm() - Static method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
clone() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
clone() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
clone() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
clone() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an independently positioned view into the token stream, initialized with identical state to this Input.
clone() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
clone() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an implementation-defined branch of the token stream.
clone() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
clone() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
clone() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
clone() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
clone() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
clone() - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
clone() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
clone() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
clone() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
clone() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
clone() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
clone() - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
clone() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
close() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
close() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
close() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
close() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
close() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
close() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
close() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
close() - Method in interface swim.api.service.ServiceContext
close() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
close() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
close() - Method in class swim.db.Database
close() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
close() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
close() - Method in class swim.db.PageLoader
close() - Method in class swim.db.Store
close() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
close() - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes the underlying network socket.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes the underlying network socket.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes the underlying I/O transport.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
close() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
close() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
close() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
close() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
close() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
close() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
close() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
close() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
close() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
close() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
close() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
close() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
close() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
close() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
close() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
close() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
close() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
close() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
close() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class
closeAgent(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
closeAgent(String) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
closeAgent(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
closeAgent(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
closeAgent(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
closeAgent(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
closeCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
closed() - Static method in class swim.db.Commit
CLOSED_PHASE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
CLOSED_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
closeData(Value) - Method in class
closeData(Value) - Method in class
closeData(Value) - Method in interface
closeData(Value) - Method in class
closeDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
closeDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
closeDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
closeDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
closeDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
closeDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
closeDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
closeDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
closeDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
closeDownlinkKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
closeDownlinkKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
closeDownlinks() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
closeDownlinks() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
closeDownlinks() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
closeFrame(P) - Method in class
closeFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
closeHost(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
closeLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
closeLaneView(Lane) - Method in class
closeLaneView(Lane) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
closeLaneView(Lane) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
closeLaneView(Lane) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
closeLog() - Method in class
closeLog() - Method in class
closeMesh(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
closeNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
closeNodes() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
closePart(Value) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
closePolicy() - Method in class
closePolicy() - Method in class
closeStage() - Method in class
closeStage() - Method in class
closeStore() - Method in class
closeStore() - Method in class
closeTrunk(Value) - Method in class swim.db.Database
closeUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
closeUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
closeUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
closeUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
closeUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
closeUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
closeUplink(Value) - Method in class
closeUplink(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
closeUplink(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
closeUplink(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
closeUplinks() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
CLOSING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
cmd(String) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
cmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
Cmd - Class in swim.args
Cmd(String, String, String, FingerTrieSeq<Opt>, FingerTrieSeq<Arg>, FingerTrieSeq<Cmd>, ExecCmd, Cmd) - Constructor for class swim.args.Cmd
cmds() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
code - Variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
code - Variable in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
code - Variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
code - Variable in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
code - Variable in enum class
code() - Method in exception swim.deflate.DeflateException
code() - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
code() - Method in class
codings() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
codings() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
codings() - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
coefficient - Variable in class
coefficient() - Method in class
coerce(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
coerce(Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
coerceInput(String, Form<T>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
coerceInput(String, Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
coerceInput(Inlet<? extends I>, Form<T>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
coerceInput(Inlet<? extends I>, Form<T>, T) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
cofactor - Variable in class
cofactor() - Method in class
col(int, String) - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
col(int, CsvCol<? extends C>) - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
col(int, CsvCol<? extends Item>) - Method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureHeader
col(String) - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
col(CsvCol<? extends C>) - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
col(CsvCol<? extends Item>) - Method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureHeader
colCount() - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
CollectionForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
CollectionForm(Class<?>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
collectProfile(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
cols(CsvStructureCol...) - Method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureHeader
column() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the one-based column number of the current lookahead token, relative to the current line in the stream.
column() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns the one-based column number of this position.
combine(double, TensorDims, double[], int, double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, double[], int, double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, double[], int, double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, double[], int, double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, float[], int, double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, float[], int, double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, float[], int, double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, float[], int, double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, TensorDims, Object, int, double, TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, Tensor, double, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, Tensor, double, Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(double, Tensor, double, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
combine(Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
combine(Double, R2Vector, Double, R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
combine(Double, R3Vector, Double, R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
combine(Double, RNVector, Double, RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RN
combine(Long, Long, Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
combine(Long, Z2Vector, Long, Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
combine(Long, Z3Vector, Long, Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
combine(O, O) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
combine(O, O) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
combine(S, T, S, T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
combine(S, V, S, V) - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
combine(S, V, S, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
combine(S, V, S, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
combine(U, V) - Method in interface swim.util.CombinerFunction
combiner - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
CombinerFunction<V,U> - Interface in swim.util
command(float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
command(float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
command(float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
command(float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
command(float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
command(float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
command(float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
command(float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
command(float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
command(float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
command(String, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(String, String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, String, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, String, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, String, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, String, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(String, String, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(String, String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(String, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(String, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(String, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
command(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
command(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkModel
command(Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
command(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
command(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
command(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
command(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
command(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
command(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
command(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
command(Uri, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(Uri, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
command(Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
command(Uri, Uri, Uri, Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
commandCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
commandCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
commandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
commandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
commandCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
commandCount() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
commandCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
commandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
commandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
commandLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
commandLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
commandLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
commandLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
CommandLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
CommandLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
CommandLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneModel
CommandLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
CommandLaneUplink(CommandLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneUplink
CommandLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
CommandLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
CommandLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
CommandMessage - Class in swim.warp
CommandMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.CommandMessage
CommandMessage(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.CommandMessage
CommandMessage(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.CommandMessage
CommandMessage(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.CommandMessage
commandRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
commandRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
commandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
commandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
commandRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
commandRate() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
commandRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
comment(String) - Method in class swim.http.Product
comment(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
comment(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
commentOutput() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
comments() - Method in class swim.http.Product
comments(FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Method in class swim.http.Product
commit() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Flags this Item as immutable, recursively if it is a Record, then returns this Item.
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
commit() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Database
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
commit(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
Commit - Class in swim.db
Commit(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.Commit
Commit(boolean, boolean, boolean, FingerTrieSeq<Cont<Chunk>>) - Constructor for class swim.db.Commit
commitAndWriteChunk(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
commitAndWriteChunk(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Zone
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Database
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Store
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
commitAsync(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
commitChunk(Commit, int, long) - Method in class swim.db.Database
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.Page
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
committed(int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
committed(int, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
committed(int, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
committed(int, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
committed(int, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
committed(int, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
committed(long, PageRef) - Method in class swim.db.Seed
comparator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
comparator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
comparator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
comparator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
comparator() - Method in class
comparator() - Method in class
comparator() - Method in class
comparator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
comparator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
comparator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
comparator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
comparator() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
compare(long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
compare(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
compare(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
compare(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeContext
compare(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.OrderedRing
compare(QTreeEntry<K, S, V>, QTreeEntry<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
compareKey(Object, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeContext
compareKey(K, K) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
compareKeyHashes(int, int) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
compareKeys(Object, Object) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
compareTo(AvroName) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
compareTo(AvroNamespace) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
compareTo(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
compareTo(HpackHeader) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
compareTo(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Operator
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
compareTo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
compareTo(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.Operator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
compareTo(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
compareTo(Record) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
compareTo(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
compareTo(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
compareTo(UriAuthority) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
compareTo(UriFragment) - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
compareTo(UriHost) - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
compareTo(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
compareTo(UriPort) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
compareTo(UriQuery) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
compareTo(UriScheme) - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
compareTo(Severity) - Method in class swim.util.Severity
compile() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordStreamlet
compile(Record) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
compile(Value, Outlet<? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.Dataflow
Returns an Outlet that evaluates the given expr in the context of the giveb scope, and updates whenever any dependent expression updates.
compileField(Field, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
compileInlet(Inlet<I>, String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordStreamlet
compileInlets(Class<?>, RecordStreamlet<I, O>) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
compileItem(Item, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
compileValue(Value, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
CompleteField<S> - Interface in swim.math
complexDecoder(AvroComplexType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
complexDecoder(ProtobufComplexType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
component(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
component(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
compress() - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
compress() - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
compressionLevel(int, int) - Method in class
compressionLevel(int, int) - Method in class
concat(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
concat(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
concat(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
ConcurrentTrancheQueue<T> - Class in swim.concurrent
ConcurrentTrancheQueue(int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.ConcurrentTrancheQueue
conditional(Field, Field) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
conditional(Item, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
conditional(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
conditional(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
conditional(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
conditional(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
conditional(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
conditional(V, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
ConditionalOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
ConditionalOperator(Item, Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
ConditionalOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
ConditionalOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.ConditionalOutlet
configure(Socket) - Method in class
Configures the socket with these IpSettings.
configure(Socket) - Method in class
Configures the socket with these TcpSettings.
CONFLICT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
conforms(TensorDims) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
connAckPacket(int, int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
connAckPacketEncoder(MqttConnAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
connect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
connect(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
connect(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
CONNECT - Enum constant in enum class
connect enabled; accept, read, and write disabled.
CONNECT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
CONNECT_READ - Enum constant in enum class
connect and read enabled; accept and write disabled.
CONNECT_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
connect, read, and write enabled; accept disabled.
CONNECT_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
connect and write enabled; accept and read disabled.
connectCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
connectDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its connect operation disabled.
connected - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
connected - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
connected() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
connected() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
connectEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its connect operation enabled.
connectFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
connectFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
connectHttp(String, int, HttpClient) - Method in interface
connectHttp(String, int, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
connectHttp(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient) - Method in interface
connectHttp(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
connectHttp(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
connectHttps(String, int, HttpClient) - Method in interface
connectHttps(String, int, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
connectHttps(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient) - Method in interface
connectHttps(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in interface
connectHttps(InetSocketAddress, HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
ConnectionHeader - Class in swim.http.header
connectMqtt(String, int, MqttSocket<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectMqtt(String, int, MqttSocket<I, O>, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
connectMqtt(InetSocketAddress, MqttSocket<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectMqtt(InetSocketAddress, MqttSocket<I, O>, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
connectMqtts(String, int, MqttSocket<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectMqtts(String, int, MqttSocket<I, O>, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
connectMqtts(InetSocketAddress, MqttSocket<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectMqtts(InetSocketAddress, MqttSocket<I, O>, MqttSettings) - Method in interface
connectPacket(int, String, int, int, int, String, String, Data, String, Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
connectPacketEncoder(MqttConnectPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
connectStatus() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
connectStatus(MqttConnStatus) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
connectTcp(String, int, IpModem<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectTcp(String, int, IpModem<I, O>, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTcp(String, int, IpSocket) - Method in interface
connectTcp(String, int, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpModem<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpModem<I, O>, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
connectTcp(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
connectTls(String, int, IpModem<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectTls(String, int, IpModem<I, O>, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTls(String, int, IpSocket) - Method in interface
connectTls(String, int, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpModem<I, O>) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpModem<I, O>, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
connectTls(InetSocketAddress, IpSocket, IpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
connectUplinks() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
constant(Cont<T>, T) - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Returns a Continuation that, when completed successfully, completes the given continuation with the provided constant value; and when failed with an error, fails the given continuation with the error.
constructAgent(AgentContext) - Method in class
constructor - Variable in class
constructor(Bridge) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostClassType
constructor(Bridge) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostClassType
constructPlane(PlaneContext) - Method in class
cont() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Call
Returns the Continuation that this Call completes.
cont() - Method in class swim.system.Push
Cont<T> - Interface in swim.concurrent
Continuation of an asynchronous operation.
contains(long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
contains(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a member equal to Item.fromObject(item); otherwise returns false if this Record has no member equal to Item.fromObject(item).
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
contains(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
contains(String) - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
contains(String) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
contains(R2Box) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
contains(R2Box) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
contains(R2Circle) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
contains(R2Circle) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
contains(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
contains(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
contains(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
contains(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
contains(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
contains(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
contains(R3Box) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
contains(R3Box) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
contains(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
contains(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
contains(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
contains(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
contains(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
contains(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
contains(R3Sphere) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
contains(R3Sphere) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
contains(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
contains(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
contains(Shape) - Method in interface swim.math.Shape
contains(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
contains(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
contains(Z2Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
contains(Z2Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
contains(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
contains(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
contains(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
contains(Z3Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
contains(Z3Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
contains(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
contains(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
contains(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
contains(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns false because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a member equal to item.
contains(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a member equal to item; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no member equal to item.
contains(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a member equal to item; otherwise returns false if this Record has no member equal to item.
contains(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is a Record that has a member equal to item; otherwise returns false if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no member equal to item.
contains(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STree
contains(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
contains(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
contains(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
contains(T, T) - Method in interface swim.math.Boundary
contains(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
contains(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
contains(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
contains(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a member equal to every item in items; returns false if any item in items is not contained in this Record.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
containsKey(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
containsKey(Object, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns false because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key string is equal to the given key.
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a Field with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
containsKey(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is a Record that has a Field with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
containsKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
containsKey(K) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Returns true if the current state of this MapOutlet contains the given key; otherwise returns false.
containsKey(KO) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
containsKey(K, int, long, int, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
containsKey(K, long, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
containsKey(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
containsKey(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
containsKey(K, S) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
containsKey(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
containsKey(K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns false because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
containsKey(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is a Record that has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
containsKey(Value, int, long, int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
containsKey(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
containsKey(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
containsKey(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
containsKey(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
containsKey(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
containsKey(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
containsKey(Value, S) - Method in class
containsKey(Value, S) - Method in class
containsKey(Value, S) - Method in class
containsOwnKey(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
containsOwnKey(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
containsValue(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns false because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose value is equal to the given value.
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a Field member with a value that is equal to the given value; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a value equal to the given value.
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has a Field member with a value that is equal to the given value; otherwise returns false if this Record has no Field member with a value equal to the given value.
containsValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is a Record that has a Field member with a value that is equal to the given value; otherwise returns false if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a value equal to the given value.
content() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
content(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
content(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
content(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
contentCoding(String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
ContentCoding - Class in swim.http
contentCodingParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
contentCodingWriter(String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
contentDecoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
contentDecoder(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
contentDecoder(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
contentDecoder(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
contentDecoder(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
contentDecoder(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
contentDecoder(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
contentDecoder(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
contentDecoder(MediaType) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
ContentEncodingHeader - Class in swim.http.header
contentLength() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
ContentLengthHeader - Class in swim.http.header
contentType() - Method in class
ContentTypeHeader - Class in swim.http.header
ContException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a Call or Continuation.
ContException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ContException
ContException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ContException
ContException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ContException
ContException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ContException
context - Variable in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Internal, immutable context that provides contextual Lane and Store creation mechanisms, URI-based addressability, logging, and scheduling.
context - Variable in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
context - Variable in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
context - Variable in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
context - Variable in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
context - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
context - Variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
CONTINUATION - Enum constant in enum class
continuationDecoder(WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
CONTINUE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
controlFrame(WsOpcode, P) - Method in class
conts() - Method in class swim.db.Commit
cookie(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
Cookie - Class in swim.http
CookieHeader - Class in swim.http.header
CookieHeaderParser - Class in swim.http.header
cookieParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
cookies - Variable in class
cookies() - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
cookies() - Method in class
copy(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
copy(boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Returns a new TcpSettings instance with the given options.
copy(int) - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
copy(int, int) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
copy(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class
copy(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class
copy(int, int, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, double, double, int, int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
copy(int, long, long) - Method in class
Returns a new TransportSettings instance with the given options.
copy(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
copy(String, int, ScheduleDef) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
copy(String, String) - Method in class
copy(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
copy(String, String, int, boolean, String, String, UriPath, UriPath, WarpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
copy(String, String, StoreSettings) - Method in class
copy(String, FingerTrieSeq<PlaneDef>, HashTrieMap<String, AuthenticatorDef>, HashTrieMap<Uri, MeshDef>, HashTrieMap<Value, PartDef>, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(String, Value, Value) - Method in class
copy(String, UriPath) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
copy(SSLContext, ClientAuth, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Method in class
Returns a new TlsSettings instance with the given options.
copy(BTreePage<K, V, ?>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
copy(BTreePage<K, V, U>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
copy(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
copy(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
copy(HttpSettings, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class
copy(IpSettings, int) - Method in class
Returns a new HttpSettings instance with the given options.
copy(IpSettings, int) - Method in class
copy(TcpSettings, TlsSettings) - Method in class
Returns a new IpSettings instance with the given options.
copy(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
copy(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
copy(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
copy(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
copy(QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
copy(QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
copy(Value) - Method in class
copy(Value) - Method in class
copy(Value) - Method in class
copy(Value, PartPredicate, boolean, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(UriPath, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
copy(UriPattern, boolean, boolean, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(UriPattern, String, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(UriPattern, FingerTrieSeq<AgentDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(Uri, HashTrieMap<Value, PartDef>, UriMapper<HostDef>, UriMapper<NodeDef>, UriMapper<LaneDef>, LogDef, PolicyDef, StageDef, StoreDef) - Method in class
copy(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Identity, M, Cont<M>) - Method in class swim.system.Push
copy(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriQuery, UriFragment) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
copy(UriUser, UriHost, UriPort) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
copyToArray(Object[], int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
copyToArray(Object[], int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
copyToArray(Object[], int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
copyToArray(Object[], int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
copyToArray(Object[], int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
cos(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
cos(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
cosh(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
cosh(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
count() - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
countDigits(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.
countDigits(long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.
cpuTotal - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
cpuTotal() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
cpuUsage - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
cpuUsage() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
create() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
create() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
create() - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
create() - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
create(boolean) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
Returns InputSettings configured to not include diagnostic metadata in generated output, if isStripped is true.
create(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
create(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
create(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
create(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Static method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
create(int) - Static method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
create(int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
create(int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
create(int) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPort
create(int) - Static method in class
create(int) - Static method in class
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
create(int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
create(int, int, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
create(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
create(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubscription>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
create(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubStatus>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
create(int, String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
create(int, String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with the given importance level, and descriptive label.
create(int, String) - Static method in class
create(int, String) - Static method in class
create(int, String...) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
create(int, String, int, int, int, String, String, Data, String, Data) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
create(int, String, int, T, Encoder<?, ?>, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
create(int, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
create(int, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
create(int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubscription>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
create(int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubStatus>) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
create(int, MqttSubscription...) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
create(int, MqttSubStatus...) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
create(long) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
create(long) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
create(long, FingerTrieSeq<ChunkExtension>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
create(long, ChunkExtension...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
create(Class<V>, TensorSpace<V, S>, int) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
create(Class<V>, TensorSpace<V, S>, TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
create(Integer...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.args.Arg
create(String) - Static method in class swim.args.Cmd
create(String) - Static method in class swim.args.Opt
create(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroName
create(String) - Static method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.Cookie
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.Product
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
create(String) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
create(String) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
create(String) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
create(String) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
create(String) - Static method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
create(String) - Static method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
create(String) - Static method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
create(String) - Static method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
create(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
create(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
create(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriUser
create(String) - Static method in class
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
create(String...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
create(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns OutputSettings configured with the given lineSeparator, pretty printing enabled if isPretty is true, and styling enabled if isStyled is true.
create(String, char) - Static method in class swim.args.Opt
create(String, float) - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
create(String, float) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
create(String, float) - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
create(String, int) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(String, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
create(String, int, T, Encoder<?, ?>, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.args.Arg
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.args.Cmd
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.Cookie
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaRange
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.Product
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
create(String, String) - Static method in class
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
create(String, String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriUser
create(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class swim.args.Arg
create(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
create(String, String, float) - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
create(String, String, float) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaRange
create(String, String, float, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaRange
create(String, String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
create(String, String, String...) - Static method in class swim.http.Product
create(String, String, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.http.Product
create(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
create(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaRange
create(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
create(String, String, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.PartAddress
create(String, String, Value, String) - Static method in class swim.system.HostAddress
create(String, String, Value, String, String) - Static method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
create(String, String, Value, String, String, String) - Static method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
create(String, String, Value, String, String, String, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
create(String, ECParameterSpec) - Static method in class
create(String, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketParam>) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
create(String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
create(String, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(String, WebSocketParam...) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
create(String, MqttQoS) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
create(String, Uri) - Static method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
create(String, UriPath) - Static method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
create(String, Uri, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.PartAddress
create(String, Uri, Value, Uri) - Static method in class swim.system.HostAddress
create(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri) - Static method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
create(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Static method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
create(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
create(String, T, Encoder<?, ?>, int) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
create(InetSocketAddress) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
create(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class
create(ByteBuffer, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(ECParameterSpec) - Static method in class
create(P) - Static method in class
create(P) - Static method in class
create(P) - Static method in class
create(P, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(P, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(P, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(AvroNamespace, String) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroName
create(Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(Encoder<?, ?>, long) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(Encoder<?, ?>, long, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(Encoder<?, T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
create(Encoder<?, T>, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
create(Input, Tag, Severity) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(Input, Tag, Severity, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(Input, Tag, Severity, String, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(Input, Tag, Severity, String, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(Input, Tag, Severity, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(Input, Tag, Severity, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
create(FingerTrieSeq<Integer>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<ContentCoding>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<HttpCharset>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
create(FingerTrieSeq<HttpMethod>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<LanguageRange>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<MediaRange>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<Product>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<Product>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<TransferCoding>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<UpgradeProtocol>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
create(FingerTrieSeq<Uri>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
create(HashTrieMap<String, Cookie>) - Static method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
create(PageContext, int, long, int, int, long, long, long, long, Value, QTreePageRef[], Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, int, long, long, Value, BTreePageRef[], Value[]) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, int, long, long, Value, STreePageRef[], long[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, long, long, long, Value, QTreePageRef[], Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, long, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, long, Value, BTreePageRef[], Value[]) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, long, Value, STreePageRef[], long[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, int, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, long, long, long, Value, QTreePageRef[], Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, long, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, long, Value, BTreePageRef[], Value[]) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, long, Value, QTreePageRef[], Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, long, Value, STreePageRef[], long[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, Value, STreePageRef[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeNode
create(PageContext, int, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
create(PageContext, int, long, Value, Slot[]) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
create(ContentCoding...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
create(Cookie) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
create(Cookie...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
create(HttpCharset...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
create(HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
create(HttpMethod...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
create(HttpMethod, Uri, HttpVersion) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
create(HttpMethod, Uri, HttpVersion, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
create(HttpMethod, Uri, HttpVersion, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>, HttpPayload<T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
create(HttpMethod, Uri, HttpVersion, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
create(HttpRequest<?>) - Static method in class
create(HttpStatus) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpStatus, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpStatus, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpVersion, HttpStatus) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpVersion, HttpStatus, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpVersion, HttpStatus, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>, HttpPayload<T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(HttpVersion, HttpStatus, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
create(LanguageRange...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
create(MediaRange...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
create(MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
create(Product...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
create(Product...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
create(TransferCoding...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
create(UpgradeProtocol...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
create(WebSocketExtension...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
create(ClientAuth, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
create(HttpSettings) - Static method in class
create(IpSettings) - Static method in class
create(IpSettings) - Static method in class
create(IpSettings) - Static method in class
create(TcpSettings) - Static method in class
create(TlsSettings) - Static method in class
create(WsSettings) - Static method in class
create(TensorForm<V>) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
create(MqttConnStatus) - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
create(Data) - Static method in class
create(Data) - Static method in class
create(Data) - Static method in class
create(Data, Data, Data) - Static method in class
create(Data, Data, Data, Data) - Static method in class
create(Record) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
create(Record) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
create(Value, Data, Data, Data) - Static method in class
create(Value, Data, Data, Data, Data) - Static method in class
create(CellAddress, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
create(HostBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
create(LaneBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
create(LinkContext) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.UplinkInfo
create(MeshBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
create(NodeBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
create(NodeBinding, long) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
create(PartBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
create(WarpContext) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
create(Uri) - Static method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
create(Uri) - Static method in class
create(Uri...) - Static method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
create(UriAuthority) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(UriHost) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(UriHost) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
create(UriHost, UriPort) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
create(UriHost, UriPort) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
create(UriPart) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriPath) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriPath, UriFragment) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriPath, UriQuery) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriPath, UriQuery, UriFragment) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Static method in class
create(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>, HashTrieMap<String, Cookie>, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class
create(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class
create(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class
create(UriScheme, UriAuthority) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriFragment) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriQuery) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriQuery, UriFragment) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
create(UriUser, UriHost, UriPort) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
create(WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Static method in class
create(WsStatus) - Static method in class
create(T) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpValue
create(T, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(T, Encoder<?, ?>) - Static method in class
create(T, Encoder<?, ?>, long) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(T, Encoder<?, ?>, long, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
create(T, Encoder<?, T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
create(T, Encoder<?, T>, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
create(T, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpValue
createActorSpace(String, ActorSpaceDef) - Method in class
createAgent(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
createAgent(AgentContext) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentFactory
Creates an instance of A with internal context context.
createAgent(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
createAgent(AgentContext) - Method in class
createAgent(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
createAgent(AgentFactory<?>, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
createAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
createAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
createAgentFactory(AgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(AgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createAgentFactory(AgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
createAgentFactory(AgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAgentFactory(AgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createAgentFactory(NodeBinding, AgentDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
createAgentJsBridge(AgentContext, Context) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
createAgentJsContext(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
createAgentModuleSystem(AgentContext, Context, JsBridge) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
createAgentRoute(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentRoute(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
createAgentRoute(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
createAgentRoute(EdgeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class
createAgentRoute(EdgeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAgentRoute(EdgeBinding, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAuthenticator(ActorSpace, AuthenticatorDef) - Method in class
createAuthenticator(AuthenticatorDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
createAuthenticator(AuthenticatorDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createAuthenticator(AuthenticatorDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createAuthenticators(ActorSpace, ActorSpaceDef) - Method in class
createClock(ClockDef, Stage) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createCommandLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
created - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
created() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
created() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
created() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
created() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
CREATED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
createDbStore(DbStoreDef) - Method in class
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
createDownlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
createdTime() - Method in class
createdTime() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
createdTime() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
createdTime() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
createdTime() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
createdTime() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
createEdge() - Method in class
createEdge(EdgeAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createEdge(EdgeAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createEdge(EdgeAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createGeospatialLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createGuestAgent(AgentContext, JsBridge, JsModule) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
createGuestModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath, Source) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
createGuestPlane(PlaneContext, JsBridge, JsModule) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
createGuestPrototype(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
createGuestType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createHost(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createHost(PartBinding, HostDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createHost(PartBinding, HostDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createHost(PartBinding, HostDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createHost(PartBinding, HostDef) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
createHostContext(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
createHostModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath, HostLibrary) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
createHttpLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createHttpUplink(HttpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
createHttpUplink(HttpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneModel
createJavaAgentFactory(JavaAgentDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createJavaPlaneFactory(JavaPlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createJsAgentFactory(JsAgentDef) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createJsEngine() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createJsModuleResolver() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createJsPlaneFactory(JsPlaneDef) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createJsRuntime() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createLane(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
createLaneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
createLaneContext(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
createListLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createLog(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class
createLog(LogDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createLog(LogDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createMapLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createMesh(EdgeBinding, MeshDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createMesh(EdgeBinding, MeshDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createMesh(EdgeBinding, MeshDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in class
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createMesh(MeshAddress) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createMeshContext(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
createMeta(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaHost(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaHost(HostBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaHost(MeshBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaHost(PartBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaLane(LaneBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaLane(NodeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaMesh(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaMesh(MeshBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaNode(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaNode(HostBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaNode(MeshBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaNode(NodeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaNode(PartBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaPart(EdgeBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaPart(MeshBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaPart(PartBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaUplink(LaneBinding, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createMetaUplink(LinkContext, UriPath) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createModem() - Method in class
createModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath, Source) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
createModuleExports() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
createModuleObject() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
createNode(HostBinding, NodeDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createNode(HostBinding, NodeDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
createNode(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
createNodeContext(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
createPart(MeshBinding, PartDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createPart(MeshBinding, PartDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPart(MeshBinding, PartDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
createPart(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
createPartContext(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
createPlane(ActorSpace, PlaneDef) - Method in class
createPlane(PlaneContext) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneFactory
createPlane(PlaneContext) - Method in class
createPlane(PlaneContext) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
createPlane(PlaneFactory<P>) - Method in class
createPlaneFactory(Class<? extends P>) - Method in class
createPlaneFactory(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
createPlaneFactory(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPlaneFactory(Class<? extends P>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createPlaneFactory(PlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createPlaneFactory(PlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createPlaneFactory(PlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
createPlaneFactory(PlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPlaneFactory(PlaneDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createPlaneJsBridge(PlaneContext, Context) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
createPlaneJsContext(PlaneContext) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
createPlaneModuleSystem(PlaneContext, Context, JsBridge) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
createPlanes(ActorSpace, ActorSpaceDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPolicy(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createPolicy(PolicyDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createRequireFunction() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
createRootPath() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
createSchedule(ScheduleDef, Stage) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createSchedule(ScheduleDef, Stage) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createSchedule(ScheduleDef, Stage) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createServer() - Method in class
createServer() - Method in interface
createServer() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
createService(ServiceContext) - Method in interface swim.api.service.ServiceFactory
createService(ServiceContext) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceFactory
createService(ServiceContext, ServiceFactory<S>) - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
createServiceContext(String) - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
createServiceFactory(ServiceDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
createServiceFactory(ServiceDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createServiceFactory(ServiceDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createServiceFactory(ServiceDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
createSocket() - Method in class
createSocket() - Method in class
createSocket() - Method in interface
Returns a new IpSocket binding to handle an incoming network connection.
createSocket() - Method in class
createSocket() - Method in interface
createSocket() - Method in class
createSocket(WsEngine) - Method in class
createSocket(WsEngine) - Method in class
createStage() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createStage(StageDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createStage(StageDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createStage(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createStation() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createStore(StoreDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createStore(StoreDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createStore(StoreDef, ClassLoader) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
createStore(CellAddress) - Method in class
createSupplyLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createTheater(TheaterDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
createUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
createUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
createUplinkAddress(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
createValueLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
createWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
createWebRouter(WebServiceDef) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
createWebServiceFactory(WebServiceDef) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
Credentials - Interface in swim.api.auth
critical() - Method in class
Csv - Class in swim.csv
Factory for constructing CSV parsers and writers.
CsvCol<C> - Interface in swim.csv.schema
CsvHeader<T,R,C> - Class in swim.csv.schema
CsvHeader() - Constructor for class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
CsvParser - Class in swim.csv.parser
CsvParser(int) - Constructor for class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
CsvStructure - Class in swim.csv.structure
CsvStructureCol - Interface in swim.csv.structure
CsvStructureHeader - Class in swim.csv.structure
cue() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
cue() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
Schedules this task to execute as a sequential process.
cue() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskContext
Schedules the task to execute as a sequential process.
cue() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskRef
Schedules the task to execute as a sequential process.
cue() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
cue(K) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
cue(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
cueAncestorNodes(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
cueDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
cueDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
cueDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
cueDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
cueDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
cueDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
cueDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
cueDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
cueDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
cueUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
cueUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
cueUpKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
cueUpKeys(Collection<? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.Page
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.STree
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
cursor() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
cursor() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
cursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
cursor(long, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
Cursor<T> - Interface in swim.util
curve - Variable in class
curve() - Method in class
cx - Variable in class swim.math.R2Circle
cx - Variable in class swim.math.R3Sphere
cy - Variable in class swim.math.R2Circle
cy - Variable in class swim.math.R3Sphere
cyan(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII cyan foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
cyanBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold cyan foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
cz - Variable in class swim.math.R3Sphere


d1() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d2() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d2x2() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d3() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d3x3() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d4() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
d4x4() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
data - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
data() - Method in class
data() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
data() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
data() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
Data - Class in swim.structure
Data() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Data
Data(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class swim.structure.Data
Data(int) - Constructor for class swim.structure.Data
database() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
database() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
database() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
database() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
database() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
database() - Method in class swim.db.Store
database() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
database() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
database() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
database() - Method in class
database() - Method in class
database() - Method in class
Database - Class in swim.db
databaseCommitDidFail(Store, Database, Throwable) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseCompactDidFail(Store, Database, Throwable) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.Database
DatabaseDelegate - Interface in swim.db
databaseDidClose(Store, Database) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidCloseTrunk(Trunk<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Database
databaseDidCommit(Database, Chunk) - Method in interface swim.db.DatabaseDelegate
databaseDidCommit(Store, Database, Chunk) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidCompact(Database, int) - Method in interface swim.db.DatabaseDelegate
databaseDidCompact(Store, Database, int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidCreateTrunk(Trunk<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Database
databaseDidDeleteZone(Store, Database, int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidOpen(Store, Database) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidOpenTrunk(Trunk<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Database
databaseDidShiftZone(Store, Database, Zone) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseDidUpdateTrunk(Trunk<?>, Tree, Tree, long) - Method in class swim.db.Database
databaseWillClose(Store, Database) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseWillCommit(Store, Database, Commit) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseWillCompact(Store, Database, int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
databaseWillOpen(Store, Database) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
dataBinding - Variable in class
dataBinding - Variable in class
dataBinding - Variable in class
dataBinding - Variable in class
dataBinding - Variable in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
dataBinding() - Method in class
DataBinding - Interface in
dataBindings() - Method in class
dataBindings() - Method in class
dataBindings() - Method in interface
dataBindings() - Method in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext - Variable in class
dataContext() - Method in interface
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in interface
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in interface
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in interface
dataContext() - Method in class
dataContext() - Method in interface
dataContext() - Method in class
DataContext - Interface in
dataDecoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
dataDecoder(AvroDataType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
dataDecoder(ProtobufDataType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
dataEncoder(Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
Dataflow - Class in swim.dataflow
dataFrame(WsOpcode, T) - Method in class
dataOutput() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
dataOutput() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
dataSize() - Method in interface
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataSize() - Method in class
dataType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
dataType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
dataType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
dataType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
dataView - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dataView - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dataView - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dataView - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dataView - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
DbStore - Class in
DbStore(Store, Value) - Constructor for class
DbStoreDef - Class in
DbStoreDef(String, String, StoreSettings) - Constructor for class
DbStoreKernel - Class in
DbStoreKernel() - Constructor for class
DbStoreKernel(double) - Constructor for class
dealias() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
DeauthedResponse - Class in swim.warp
DeauthedResponse() - Constructor for class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
DeauthedResponse(Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
DeauthRequest - Class in swim.warp
DeauthRequest() - Constructor for class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
DeauthRequest(Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
debug() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with DEBUG_LEVEL of importance.
debug(Object) - Method in class
debug(Object) - Method in class
debug(Object) - Method in class
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
debug(Object) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Returns the human-readable Debug string for the givem object, output using standard settings.
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes the code points of the developer-readable Debug string of the given object.
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
debug(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
debug(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
debug(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs a debug-level message.
debug(Object, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Returns the developer-readable Display string for the givem object, output using the given settings.
debug(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with DEBUG_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.args.Arg
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
debug(Output<T>) - Method in interface swim.codec.Debug
Writes a developer readable, debug-formatted string representation of this object to output.
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.Span
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class swim.db.PageType
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.Product
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.MutableTensor
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Precision
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R2
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R3
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.RN
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in enum class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>) - Method in class
debug(Output<T>, Object) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the developer-readable Debug string for the given object to output.
debug(Output<U>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
debug(Output<U>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
debug(Output<U>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
debug(Output<U>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
debug(Output<U>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
debug(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
debug(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
Debug - Interface in swim.codec
Type that can output a developer readable debug string.
DEBUG_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
DEBUG_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
debugChar(Output<T>, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java character literal for the given value to output.
debugDouble(Output<T>, double) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java numeric literal for the given value to output.
debugDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
debugDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
debugDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
debugDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
debugDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
debugFloat(Output<T>, float) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java numeric literal for the given value to output.
debugInt(Output<T>, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java numeric literal for the given value to output.
debugLong(Output<T>, long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java numeric literal for the given value to output.
debugString(Output<T>, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the Java string literal for the given value to output.
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
debugThen(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
debugUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
debugUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
debugUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
debugUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
debugUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
debugUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
decimalParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
decode(InputStream, Decoder<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
decode(InputStream, Parser<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decode(InputBuffer) - Static method in class
decode(InputBuffer, Decoder<?>...) - Static method in class swim.codec.Detect
decodeArray(InputBuffer, AvroArrayType<I, T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeBinaryFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeBinaryFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeBlock(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
decodeBody(InputBuffer, HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>, long) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
decodeBoolean(InputBuffer, AvroBooleanType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeChunked(InputBuffer, HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
decodeCloseFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<P>) - Method in class
decodeComplex(InputBuffer, AvroComplexType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeComplex(InputBuffer, ProtobufComplexType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeConnAckPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeConnectPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeContinuation(InputBuffer, WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeContinuationFrame(InputBuffer, int, WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeContinuationFrame(InputBuffer, int, WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeData(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroDataType
decodeData(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeData(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufDataType
decodeData(InputBuffer, AvroDataType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeData(InputBuffer, ProtobufDataType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeDigit(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns the decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive) represented by the base-10 digit c.
decodeDigit(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns the 4-bit quantity represented by the base-16 digit c.
decodeDigit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the 7-bit quantity represented by the base-64 digit c.
decodedInput(String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodedInput(String, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodedInput(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodedInput(Input, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodeDisconnectPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeDouble(InputBuffer, AvroDoubleType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodedOutput(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns a new Output that accepts UTF-8 code unit sequences, and writes decoded Unicode code points to the composed output, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the UtfErrorMode.fatal() policy.
decodedOutput(Output<T>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns a new Output that accepts UTF-8 code unit sequences, and writes decoded Unicode code points to the composed output, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the errorMode policy.
decodedParser(Parser<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodedParser(Parser<O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
decodedString() - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns a new Output that accepts UTF-8 code unit sequences, and writes decoded Unicode code points to a growable String, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the UtfErrorMode.fatal() policy.
decodeEnum(InputBuffer, AvroEnumType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeFinRsvOp(InputBuffer, int, WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeFixed(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFixedType
decodeFixed(InputBuffer, AvroFixedType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeFixed32(InputBuffer, ProtobufFixed32Type<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeFixed64(InputBuffer, ProtobufFixed64Type<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeFloat(InputBuffer, AvroFloatType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeHeader(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
decodeHttp(InputBuffer, HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
decodeHttp(InputBuffer, HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>, long) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
decodeMap(InputBuffer, AvroMapType<K, V, T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeMessage(InputBuffer, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeMessage(InputBuffer, ProtobufMessageType<T, M>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeNull(InputBuffer, AvroNullType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeOutput(InputBuffer, Output<O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Writes the decoded Unicode code points of the input buffer to the given output, returning a Decoder continuation that knows how to decode subsequent input buffers.
decodeOutput(Input, Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Writes the decoded Unicode code points of the input buffer to the given output, returning a Decoder continuation that knows how to decode subsequent input buffers.
decodePacket(InputBuffer, Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePacketType(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePayload(InputBuffer, ProtobufMessageType<T, ?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.Protobuf
decodePayload(InputBuffer, ProtobufMessageType<T, M>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodePingFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<P>) - Method in class
decodePingReqPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePingRespPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePongFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<P>) - Method in class
decodePrimitive(InputBuffer, AvroPrimitiveType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodePrimitive(InputBuffer, ProtobufPrimitiveType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodePubAckPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePubCompPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePublishPacket(InputBuffer, Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePubRecPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodePubRelPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decoder - Variable in class
decoder() - Static method in class swim.avro.Avro
decoder() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.Protobuf
decoder() - Static method in class swim.warp.Envelope
decoder() - Method in class
decoder() - Static method in class
decoder(Decoder<?>...) - Static method in class swim.codec.Detect
Decoder<O> - Class in swim.codec
Continuation of how to decode subsequent input buffers from a byte stream.
Decoder() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Decoder
decodeRecord(InputBuffer, AvroRecordType<T, R>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeRepeated(InputBuffer, ProtobufRepeatedType<I, T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeRequest(DecodeRequestHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
decodeRequest(DecodeRequestHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
decodeRequest(DecodeRequestHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DecodeRequestHttp
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
decodeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
decodeRequest(U, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
decodeRequestDefault(U, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
DecodeRequestHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
decodeResponse(DecodeResponseHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
decodeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DecodeResponseHttp
DecodeResponseHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
DecoderException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when a Decoder decodes invalid data.
DecoderException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.DecoderException
DecoderException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.DecoderException
DecoderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.DecoderException
DecoderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.DecoderException
decodeString(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeString(InputBuffer, AvroStringType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeString(InputBuffer, ProtobufStringType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeSubAckPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeSubscribePacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeSubscription(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeTextFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeTextFrame(InputBuffer, int, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
decodeType(InputBuffer, AvroType<T>) - Static method in class swim.avro.Avro
decodeType(InputBuffer, AvroType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeType(InputBuffer, ProtobufType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeType(InputBuffer, ProtobufType<T>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.Protobuf
decodeUnion(InputBuffer, AvroUnionType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeUnsubAckPacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeUnsubscribePacket(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
decodeVarint(InputBuffer, AvroVarintType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
decodeVarint(InputBuffer, ProtobufVarintType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decodeZigZag(InputBuffer, ProtobufZigZagType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
decoding - Variable in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
Current decoder continuation.
decohere() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
decohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
decohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
decohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
decohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
decohere() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Marks this Streamlet—and all of its outlets—as having inconsistent state.
decohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
decohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
decohereInput() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Marks this Outlet—and all outputs that depend on the state of this Outlet—as having decoherent state.
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decohereInput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
decohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
decohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
decohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Marks this MapOutlet as needing an effect applied to a given key.
decohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
decohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decohereOutlets(Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohereOutput() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Marks this Inlet—and the Streamlet to which this Inlet is attached—as having decoherent state.
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decohereOutput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
decohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapInlet
Marks this MapInlet as needing an effect applied to a given key.
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
decohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
decompressing - Variable in class
decompressing() - Method in class
DEF_MEM_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
DEF_WBITS - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
defaultCell() - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
defaultCompression() - Static method in class
defaultCompression() - Static method in class
defaultValue() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
defineActorHost(Item) - Method in class
defineActorLane(Item) - Method in class
defineActorMesh(Item) - Method in class
defineActorNode(Item) - Method in class
defineActorPart(Item) - Method in class
defineActorSpace(Item) - Method in class
defineAgent(Item) - Method in class
defineAgent(Item) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
defineAgent(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
defineAgent(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineAgent(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineAuthenticator(Item) - Method in class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
defineAuthenticator(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineAuthenticator(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineDbStore(Item) - Method in class
defineHost(Item) - Method in class
defineHost(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineHost(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineJavaAgent(Item) - Method in class
defineJavaPlane(Item) - Method in class
defineJsAgent(Item) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
defineJsPlane(Item) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
defineLane(Item) - Method in class
defineLane(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineLane(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineLog(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineLog(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineMesh(Item) - Method in class
defineMesh(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineMesh(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineModuleSource(String, String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
defineModuleSource(UriPath, String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
defineNode(Item) - Method in class
defineNode(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineNode(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
definePart(Item) - Method in class
definePart(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
definePart(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
definePlane(Item) - Method in class
definePlane(Item) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
definePlane(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
definePlane(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
definePlane(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
definePolicy(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
definePolicy(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineSchedule(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
defineSchedule(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineSchedule(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineService(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
defineService(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineService(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineService(Item) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
defineSpace(Item) - Method in class
defineSpace(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
defineSpace(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineSpace(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineStage(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
defineStage(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineStage(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineStore(Item) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
defineStore(Item) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
defineStore(Item) - Method in class
defineWebService(Item) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
deflate - Variable in class
deflate() - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
deflate() - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
deflate() - Method in class
deflate(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate<O> - Class in swim.deflate
Deflate() - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
Deflate(Encoder<?, O>, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflate_fast(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflate_huff(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflate_rle(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflate_slow(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflate_stored(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflateClientEngine(WebSocketExtension, WsEngineSettings) - Static method in class
deflateDecoder() - Static method in class
deflateDecoder(Inflate<?>) - Static method in class
deflateEncoderMasked() - Static method in class
deflateEncoderMasked(Deflate<?>, int) - Static method in class
deflateEncoderUnmasked() - Static method in class
deflateEncoderUnmasked(Deflate<?>, int) - Static method in class
deflateEnd() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
DeflateException - Exception in swim.deflate
DeflateException() - Constructor for exception swim.deflate.DeflateException
DeflateException(int) - Constructor for exception swim.deflate.DeflateException
DeflateException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.deflate.DeflateException
deflateInit(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflateParams(int, int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflateReset() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflateResetKeep() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
deflateServerEngine(WebSocketExtension, WsEngineSettings) - Static method in class
defs() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
delete() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
delete(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
delete(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
DELETE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
deleteDelay - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
deleteDelay() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
deleteDelay(int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
deletePost(int) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
deletePost(int) - Method in class swim.db.Store
delimiter - Variable in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
delimiter() - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
deltaCursor(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
deltaCursor(long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
deltaCursor(long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
deltaCursor(long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
deltaCursor(long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
deltaCursor(long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
DemandDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
DemandDownlinkModem(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.DemandDownlinkModem
demandLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
demandLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
demandLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
demandLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
DemandLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
DemandLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneModel
DemandLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandLaneUplink(DemandLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneUplink
DemandLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
DemandLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
demandMapLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
demandMapLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
demandMapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
demandMapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
DemandMapLane<K,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
DemandMapLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandMapLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneModel
DemandMapLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandMapLaneUplink(DemandMapLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneUplink
DemandMapLaneView<K,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
DemandMapLaneView(AgentContext, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
DemandMapLaneView(AgentContext, Form<K>, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
DemandUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
DemandUplinkModem(WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.DemandUplinkModem
density(double) - Method in class swim.math.Distribution
density(double) - Method in class swim.math.UniformDistribution
deny() - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
deny() - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
deny(Object) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
deny(Object) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
deny(Policy) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
deny(Policy, Object) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
depthCursor(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
depthCursor(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
depthCursor(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
depthCursor(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
depthCursor(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
depthCursor(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
depthIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
depthValueIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
depthValueIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
depthValueIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
desc() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
desc() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
desc(String) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
desc(String) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
descendants() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is the DescendantsSelector.
descendants() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
descendants(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
descendants(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
DescendantsSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter stack, yields all of the "descendants" of the top Item in stack.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class swim.avro.schema.AvroOrder
Detect - Class in swim.codec
detectContentDecoder() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
Diagnostic - Class in swim.codec
Informational message attached to an input location.
didAccept(HttpServer) - Method in class
didAccept(HttpServer) - Method in interface
didAccept(HttpServer) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didAccept(IpSocket) - Method in class
didAccept(IpSocket) - Method in class
didAccept(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has accepted a new socket connection.
didAccept(IpSocket) - Method in class
didAccept(MqttSocket<?, ?>) - Method in class
didAccept(MqttSocket<?, ?>) - Method in interface
didAddDownlink(ListDownlinkView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
didAddDownlink(MapDownlinkView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
didAddDownlink(ValueDownlinkView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
didAddDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didAddDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context after it has become a new socket implementation.
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after it has become a new socket implementation.
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didBecomeMaster() - Method in class
didBecomeMaster() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didBecomeMaster() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
didBecomeMaster() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didBecomeMaster() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didBecomeSlave() - Method in class
didBecomeSlave() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didBecomeSlave() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
didBecomeSlave() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didBecomeSlave() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didBind() - Method in class
didBind() - Method in class
didBind() - Method in interface
didBind() - Method in class
didBind() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has bound to a port.
didBind() - Method in class
didBind() - Method in interface
didBind() - Method in class
didBind() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didChange() - Method in interface
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didChange() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
didClear() - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidClear
didClear() - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidClear
didClear() - Method in interface
didClear() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in interface
didClear() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in interface
didClear() - Method in class
didClear() - Method in class
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
didClear(DidClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didClear(DidClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
DidClear - Interface in swim.observable.function
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class
didClose() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didClose() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent closes.
didClose() - Method in interface swim.api.function.DidClose
didClose() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
didClose() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
didClose() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
didClose() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
didClose() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
didClose() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closed state.
didClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closed state.
didClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closed state.
didClose() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didClose() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidClose
didClose() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
didClose() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the transport context after the underlying transport has closed.
didClose() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didClose() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
didClose() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didClose() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
didClose() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didClose() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
didClose(DidClose) - Method in interface
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didClose(DidClose) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
DidClose - Interface in swim.api.function
didCloseAgentView(AgentView) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didCloseDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
didCloseDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didCloseDownlink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didCloseHost(HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
didCloseLane(LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didCloseLane(LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
didCloseLaneView(View) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didCloseMesh(MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
didCloseNode(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didClosePart(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didCloseUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didCloseUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didCloseUplink(WarpContext) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didCloseUplink(U) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didCloseUplink(U) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didCommand(DidCommand) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
didCommand(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidCommand
didCommand(Value) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidCommand
DidCommand - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didCommit() - Method in interface
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didCommit() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface swim.api.function.DidConnect
didConnect() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidConnect
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context after the underlying network socket has opened a connection.
didConnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network socket has opened a connection.
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in interface
didConnect() - Method in class
didConnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didConnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
didConnect() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didConnect() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didConnect() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didConnect() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in interface
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
didConnect(DidConnect) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
DidConnect - Interface in swim.api.function
didDecode(O) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
Lifecycle callback invoked after this DynamicDecoder has finished decoding a value.
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
didDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
didDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
didDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
didDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
didDecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didDecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
didDecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
didDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
didDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
didDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
didDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
didDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
didDecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
didDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface swim.api.function.DidDisconnect
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidDisconnect
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network connection has disconnected.
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network connection has disconnected.
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in interface
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didDisconnect() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didDisconnect() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in interface
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
didDisconnect(DidDisconnect) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
DidDisconnect - Interface in swim.api.function
didDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.DidDownlinkValue
didDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestDidDownlinkValue
didDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.DidDownlinkMap
didDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestDidDownlinkMap
didDownlink(DidDownlinkMap<L>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didDownlink(DidDownlinkMap<L>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didDownlink(DidDownlinkValue<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didDownlink(DidDownlinkValue<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
DidDownlinkMap<L> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
DidDownlinkValue<K> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
didDrop(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
didDrop(int) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidDrop
didDrop(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidDrop
didDrop(long) - Method in interface
didDrop(long) - Method in class
didDrop(long) - Method in class
didDrop(long) - Method in interface
didDrop(long) - Method in class
didDrop(long) - Method in class
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didDrop(DidDrop) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
DidDrop - Interface in swim.observable.function
didEncode(O) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
Lifecycle callback invoked after this DynamicEncoder has finished encoding a value.
didEnter(Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidEnter
didEnter(Identity) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidEnter
didEnter(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didEnter(DidEnter) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
DidEnter - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent throws error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.api.function.DidFail
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Lifecycle callback invoked if the timer thread throws a fatal error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Lifecycle callback invoked if this Theater encounters an internal error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidFail
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context when the underlying network socket fails by throwing an error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context when the underlying network listener fails by throwing an error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context when the underlying network socket fails by throwing an error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
Lifecycle callback invoked if the selector thread throws a fatal error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the transport context when the underlying transport fails by throwing an error.
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
didFail(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didFail(DidFail) - Method in interface
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
didFail(DidFail) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didFail(StoreException) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
didFail(StoreException) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
didFail(StoreException) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
didFail(StoreException) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
DidFail - Interface in swim.api.function
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
didFailDown(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didFailUp(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didInsert(long, Value) - Method in interface
didInsert(long, Value) - Method in class
didInsert(long, Value) - Method in class
didLeave(Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidLeave
didLeave(Identity) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidLeave
didLeave(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didLeave(DidLeave) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
DidLeave - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didLink() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidLink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didLink(DidLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didLink(DidLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didLink(DidLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didLink(DidLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didLink(DidLink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didLink(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didLink(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
DidLink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didLoad() - Method in class
didLoad() - Method in class
didLoad() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didLoad() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent loads, i.e.
didLoad() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
didLoad() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didLoad() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
didLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didLoad() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
didMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidMoveIndex
didMove(int, int, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidMoveIndex
didMove(K, S, V, S, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidMoveShape
didMove(K, S, V, S, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidMoveShape
didMove(DidMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didMove(DidMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didMove(DidMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didMove(DidMoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didMove(DidMoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didMove(DidMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didMove(DidMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
didMove(DidMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didMove(Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in interface
didMove(Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
didMove(Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
DidMoveIndex<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
DidMoveShape<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
didOpen() - Method in class
didOpen() - Method in class
didOpen() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didOpen() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent opens, i.e.
didOpen() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
didOpen() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opened state.
didOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opened state.
didOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opened state.
didOpen() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didOpen() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
didOpen() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
didOpen() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didOpenAgent(AgentView) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didOpenDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
didOpenDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
didOpenDownlink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didOpenHost(HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
didOpenLane(LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didOpenLane(LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
didOpenLaneView(CommandLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(DemandLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(DemandMapLaneView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(JoinMapLaneView<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(JoinValueLaneView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(ListLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(MapLaneView<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(SpatialLaneView<?, S, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(SupplyLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(ValueLaneView<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(View) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
didOpenLaneView(View) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didOpenMesh(MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
didOpenNode(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didOpenPart(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
didOpenUplink(WarpContext) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didOpenUplink(U) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
didOpenUplink(U) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didOperate(Operator, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
didPushMessage(Envelope) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didRead(I) - Method in class
didRead(I) - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the modem context with the completed value of the current read Decoder after it has transitioned to the done state.
didRead(Object) - Method in class
didRead(Object) - Method in class
didRead(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
didRead(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didRead(MqttPacket<? extends I>) - Method in class
didRead(MqttPacket<? extends I>) - Method in interface
didRead(Envelope) - Method in class
didRead(Envelope) - Method in interface
didRead(Envelope) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didRead(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class
didRead(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in interface
didRead(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didRead(WsFrame<? extends I>) - Method in class
didRead(WsFrame<? extends I>) - Method in interface
didRead(WsFrame<? extends Envelope>) - Method in class
didReadClose(WsCloseFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didReadClose(WsCloseFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
didReadFrame(DidReadFrameWs<I>) - Method in interface
didReadFrame(DidReadFrameWs<I>) - Method in interface
didReadFrame(WsFrame<? extends I>) - Method in interface
DidReadFrameWs<I> - Interface in
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didReceive(DidReceive) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didReceive(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidReceive
DidReceive - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
didRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
didRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
didRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
didRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
didRecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didRecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
didRecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
didRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
didRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
didRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
didRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
didRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
didRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
didRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
didRecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
didRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
didRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
didRemove(int, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveIndex
didRemove(int, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidRemoveIndex
didRemove(long, Value) - Method in interface
didRemove(long, Value) - Method in class
didRemove(long, Value) - Method in class
didRemove(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveShape
didRemove(K, S, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidRemoveShape
didRemove(K, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveKey
didRemove(K, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidRemoveKey
didRemove(DidRemoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didRemove(DidRemoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didRemove(DidRemoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didRemove(DidRemoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didRemove(DidRemoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didRemove(DidRemoveKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didRemove(DidRemoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didRemove(DidRemoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
didRemove(DidRemoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didRemove(Value, long, long, Value) - Method in interface
didRemove(Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
didRemove(Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
didRemove(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
didRemove(Value, Value) - Method in interface
didRemove(Value, Value) - Method in class
didRemove(Value, Value) - Method in class
didRemoveDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
didRemoveDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
DidRemoveIndex<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
DidRemoveKey<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
DidRemoveShape<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
didRequest(DidRequestHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didRequest(DidRequestHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
didRequest(DidRequestHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
didRequest(DidRequestHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
didRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
didRequest(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didRequest(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class
didRequest(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in interface
didRequest(HttpRequest<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DidRequestHttp
didRequest(U, HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
DidRequestHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
didRespond(DidRespondHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
didRespond(DidRespondHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
didRespond(DidRespondHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
didRespond(DidRespondHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
didRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
didRespond(HttpResponse<Object>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<T>) - Method in class
didRespond(HttpResponse<T>) - Method in interface
didRespond(HttpResponse<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DidRespondHttp
didRespond(U, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
DidRespondHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context after the underlying network socket has established a secure connection.
didSecure() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network socket has established a secure connection.
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in interface
didSecure() - Method in class
didSecure() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didSelect(Selector, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
didSet(DidSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didSet(DidSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
didSet(DidSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
didSet(DidSet<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didSet(DidSet<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didSet(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
didSet(Value, Value) - Method in interface
didSet(Value, Value) - Method in class
didSet(Value, Value) - Method in class
didSet(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
didSet(V, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidSet
didSet(V, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidSet
DidSet<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
didStart() - Method in class
didStart() - Method in class
didStart() - Method in class
didStart() - Method in class
didStart() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didStart() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent starts.
didStart() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
didStart() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
didStart() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
didStart() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
didStart() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
didStart() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
didStart() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
didStart() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
didStart() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Lifecycle callback invoked after the clock thread starts.
didStart() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Lifecycle callback invoked before the thread pool starts up.
didStart() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didStart() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
didStart() - Method in class
Lifecycle callback invoked after the selector thread starts.
didStart() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didStart() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
didStart() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
didStart() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
didStart() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
didStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didStart() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
didStop() - Method in class
didStop() - Method in class
didStop() - Method in class
didStop() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didStop() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent stops, i.e.
didStop() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
didStop() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
didStop() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
didStop() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
didStop() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
didStop() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
didStop() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
didStop() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Lifecycle callback invoked after the clock thread stops.
didStop() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Lifecycle callback invoked after the thread pool shuts down.
didStop() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didStop() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
didStop() - Method in class
Lifecycle callback invoked after the selector thread stops.
didStop() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didStop() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
didStop() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
didStop() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
didStop() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
didStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didStop() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
didSync() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidSync
didSync() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkGetter
didSync() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
didSync(DidSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didSync(DidSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didSync(DidSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didSync(DidSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didSync(DidSync) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didSync(DidSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didSync(DidSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didSync(DidSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didSync(DidSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didSync(DidSync) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didSync(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didSync(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
DidSync - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didTake(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
didTake(int) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidTake
didTake(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidTake
didTake(long) - Method in interface
didTake(long) - Method in class
didTake(long) - Method in class
didTake(long) - Method in interface
didTake(long) - Method in class
didTake(long) - Method in class
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didTake(DidTake) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
didTake(DidTake) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didTake(DidTake) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didTake(DidTake) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didTake(DidTake) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
DidTake - Interface in swim.observable.function
didTick(long, long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked after each tick of the clock.
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context after the underlying network connection has timed out.
didTimeout() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network connection has timed out.
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the transport context after the underlying transport has timed out.
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in interface
didTimeout() - Method in class
didTimeout() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didTimeout() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
didTransform(Selector, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
didUnbind() - Method in class
didUnbind() - Method in class
didUnbind() - Method in interface
didUnbind() - Method in class
didUnbind() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has been unbound.
didUnbind() - Method in class
didUnbind() - Method in interface
didUnbind() - Method in class
didUnbind() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
didUnlink() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidUnlink
didUnlink() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
didUnlink(DidUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
didUnlink(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didUnlink(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
DidUnlink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didUnload() - Method in class
didUnload() - Method in class
didUnload() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
didUnload() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately after this Agent unloads, i.e.
didUnload() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
didUnload() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
didUnload() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
didUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
didUnload() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
didUpdate(int, V, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateIndex
didUpdate(int, V, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidUpdateIndex
didUpdate(long, Value, Value) - Method in interface
didUpdate(long, Value, Value) - Method in class
didUpdate(long, Value, Value) - Method in class
didUpdate(K, S, V, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateShape
didUpdate(K, S, V, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidUpdateShape
didUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateKey
didUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.DidUpdateKey
didUpdate(DidUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
didUpdate(DidUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didUpdate(DidUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
didUpdate(DidUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
didUpdate(DidUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didUpdate(DidUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didUpdate(DidUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didUpdate(DidUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
didUpdate(DidUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didUpdate(Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in interface
didUpdate(Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class
didUpdate(Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class
didUpdate(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
didUpdate(Value, Value, Value) - Method in interface
didUpdate(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class
didUpdate(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class
DidUpdateIndex<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
DidUpdateKey<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
didUpdateMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
DidUpdateShape<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
didUpgrade(DidUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
didUpgrade(DidUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
didUpgrade(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didUpgrade(WsResponse) - Method in interface
DidUpgradeWs - Interface in
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
didUplink(DidUplink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
didUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.DidUplink
didUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidUplink
DidUplink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
didWrite() - Method in class
didWrite() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the socket context after the underlying network socket has completed writing all data in its outputBuffer.
didWrite() - Method in class
didWrite() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the transport context after the underlying transport has completed writing all data in its writeBuffer, thereby completing the current write operation.
didWrite(Object) - Method in class
didWrite(Object) - Method in class
didWrite(O) - Method in class
didWrite(O) - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the modem context with the completed value of the current write Encoder after it has transitioned to the done state.
didWrite(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
didWrite(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
didWrite(MqttPacket<? extends O>) - Method in class
didWrite(MqttPacket<? extends O>) - Method in interface
didWrite(Envelope) - Method in class
didWrite(Envelope) - Method in interface
didWrite(Envelope) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didWrite(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class
didWrite(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in interface
didWrite(WsControlFrame<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
didWrite(WsFrame<? extends O>) - Method in class
didWrite(WsFrame<? extends O>) - Method in interface
didWrite(WsFrame<? extends Envelope>) - Method in class
didWriteFrame(DidWriteFrameWs<O>) - Method in interface
didWriteFrame(DidWriteFrameWs<O>) - Method in interface
didWriteFrame(WsFrame<? extends O>) - Method in interface
DidWriteFrameWs<O> - Interface in
difference(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
difference(P, P) - Method in interface swim.math.AffineSpace
difference(R2Point, R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2
difference(R3Point, R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.Database
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.Page
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
diffSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
diffSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
diffSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
diffSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
diffSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
diffSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
digest() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
dimension() - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
DimensionException - Exception in swim.math
DimensionException() - Constructor for exception swim.math.DimensionException
DimensionException(int) - Constructor for exception swim.math.DimensionException
DimensionException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.math.DimensionException
DimensionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.math.DimensionException
DimensionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.math.DimensionException
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.R
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.R2
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.R3
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.RN
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
dimensions() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
dimensions() - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
dims - Variable in class swim.math.RN
dims - Variable in class swim.math.Tensor
directory() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
DirectoryRoute - Class in swim.web.route
DirectoryRoute(UriPath, String) - Constructor for class swim.web.route.DirectoryRoute
DISABLE_READ - Enum constant in enum class
read operation should be disabled; write operation should not be modified.
DISABLE_READ_ENABLE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
read operation should be disabled; write operation should be enabled.
DISABLE_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
read and write operations should be disabled.
DISABLE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
write operation should be disabled; read operation should not be modified.
DISABLE_WRITE_ENABLE_READ - Enum constant in enum class
write operation should be disabled; read operation should be enabled.
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
disconnectInputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Disconnects all Inlets dominated by this Inlet in the dataflow dependency graph.
disconnectInputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inoutlet
Disconnects all Inlets dominated by this Inoutlet in the dataflow dependency graph.
disconnectInputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Disconnects all Inlets dominated by this Outlet in the dataflow dependency graph.
disconnectInputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Disconnects all Inlets dominated by this Streamlet in the dataflow dependency graph.
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
disconnectInputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
disconnectInputs(Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
disconnectOutputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Disconnects all Outlets dominated by this Inlet in the dataflow graph.
disconnectOutputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inoutlet
Disconnects all Inletss dominated by this Inoutlet in the dataflow graph.
disconnectOutputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Disconnects all Outlets dominated by this Outlet in the dataflow graph.
disconnectOutputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Disconnects all Inletss dominated by this Streamlet in the dataflow graph.
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
disconnectOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
disconnectOutputs(Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
disconnectPacket(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
disconnectPacketEncoder(MqttDisconnectPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
disconnectUplinks() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
diskTotal - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
diskTotal() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
diskUsage - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
diskUsage() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
dispatchDecodeRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchDidClear(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidClear(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchDidClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchDidClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchDidClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchDidClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchDidClose() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchDidClose(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
dispatchDidCommand(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchDidConnect(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
dispatchDidDisconnect(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
dispatchDidDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchDidDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchDidDrop(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidDrop(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchDidDrop(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidDrop(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchDidEnter(Identity, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchDidFail(Throwable, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
dispatchDidLeave(Identity, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchDidLink(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchDidMove(int, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidMove(Link, int, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidMove(Link, K, S, V, S, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchDidReceive(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchDidRemove(int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidRemove(K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchDidRemove(Link, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidRemove(Link, K, S, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchDidRemove(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchDidRemove(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchDidRemove(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchDidRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<Object>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchDidRespond(HttpUplink, HttpResponse<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchDidSet(Link, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
dispatchDidSet(V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
dispatchDidSync(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchDidTake(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidTake(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchDidTake(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidTake(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchDidUnlink(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchDidUpdate(int, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchDidUpdate(K, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchDidUpdate(Link, int, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchDidUpdate(Link, K, S, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchDidUpdate(Link, K, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchDidUpdate(Link, K, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchDidUpdate(Link, K, V, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchDidUplink(WarpUplink, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchDoRespond(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<Object>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchOnCommand(Link, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
dispatchOnCommand(CommandMessage, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnCue(K, WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
dispatchOnCue(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
dispatchOnEvent(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnEvent(V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
dispatchOnLink(LinkRequest, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnLinked(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnSync(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
dispatchOnSync(SyncRequest, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnSynced(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnUnlink(UnlinkRequest, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchOnUnlinked(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
dispatchWillClear(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillClear(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchWillClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchWillClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchWillClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchWillClear(Link, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchWillCommand(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchWillCommand(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchWillDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchWillDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchWillDrop(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillDrop(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchWillDrop(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillDrop(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchWillEnter(Identity, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchWillLeave(Identity, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
dispatchWillLink(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchWillMove(int, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillMove(Link, int, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillMove(Link, K, S, V, S, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchWillReceive(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchWillRemove(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillRemove(K, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchWillRemove(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillRemove(Link, K, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchWillRemove(Link, K, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchWillRemove(Link, K, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchWillRemove(Link, K, S, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchWillRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchWillRespond(HttpUplink, HttpResponse<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
dispatchWillSet(Link, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
dispatchWillSet(V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
dispatchWillSync(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchWillTake(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillTake(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchWillTake(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillTake(Link, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchWillUnlink(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
dispatchWillUpdate(int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
dispatchWillUpdate(K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
dispatchWillUpdate(Link, int, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
dispatchWillUpdate(Link, K, S, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
dispatchWillUpdate(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
dispatchWillUpdate(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
dispatchWillUpdate(Link, K, V, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
dispatchWillUplink(WarpUplink, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
display(Object) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Returns the human-readable Display string for the givem object, output using standard settings.
display(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes the code points of the human-readable Display string of the given object.
display(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
display(Object, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Returns the human-readable Display string for the givem object, output using the given settings.
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
display(Output<T>) - Method in interface swim.codec.Display
Writes a human readable, display-formatted string representation of this object to output.
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.codec.Span
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
display(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
display(Output<T>, Object) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the human-readable Display string for the given object to output.
Display - Interface in swim.codec
Type that can output a human readable display string.
displayDouble(Output<T>, double) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the numeric string for the given value to output.
displayFloat(Output<T>, float) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the numeric string for the given value to output.
displayInt(Output<T>, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the numeric string for the given value to output.
displayLong(Output<T>, long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Writes the code points of the numeric string for the given value to output.
Distribution - Class in swim.math
Distribution() - Constructor for class swim.math.Distribution
divide(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
divide(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.Field
divide(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
divide(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
divide(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
divide(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
divide(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
divide(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
divide(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
divide(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
divide(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
divide(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
divide(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
DivideOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a division operation between its two operands.
DivideOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
DivideOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
DivideOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.DivideOutlet
doAccept() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the transport context when the underlying transport is ready to complete an accept operation.
doc() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
doc() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
doc() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
doc(String) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
doc(String) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
doc(String) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
doConnect() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the transport context when the underlying transport is ready to complete a connect operation.
doctype(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
doctype(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
doctype(String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
doctype(String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
doctype(String, String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
doctype(String, String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
documentBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
documentBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
documentBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
documentBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
documentParser() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
documentParser() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
documentRoot() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
documentRoot(UriPath) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
doDecode() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
Returns a new Decoder continuation for this DynamicDecoder, or null if this DynamicDecoder is done.
doEncode() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
Returns a new Encoder continuation for this DynamicEncoder, or null if this DynamicEncoder is done.
domain - Variable in class
domain - Variable in class
domain() - Method in interface
domain() - Method in class
domain() - Method in class
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns a Decoder in the done state that binds a null decoded result.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder in the done state that binds a null encoded result.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the done state.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the done state.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the done state, that binds a null result.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the done state, that binds a null result.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns a Parser in the done state that binds a null parsed result.
done() - Static method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer in the done state that binds a null written result.
done() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
done() - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
done(Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
done(Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
done(Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
done(Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
done(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns a Decoder in the done state that binds the given decoded output.
done(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder in the done state that binds the given encoded output.
done(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns a Parser in the done state that binds the given parsed output.
done(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer in the done state that binds the given written output.
done(InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the done state, with the given settings.
done(InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, with the given settings.
done(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the done state, with the given settings.
done(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the done state, with the given settings.
done(T) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the done state, that binds the given value.
done(T) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the done state, that binds the given value.
done(T, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the done state, that binds the given value, with the given settings.
done(T, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the done state, that binds the given value, with the given settings.
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the modem context asking this IpModem to provide an input Decoder by invoking the modem context's read method.
doRead() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the socket context asking this IpSocket to read input data out of the socket context's inputBuffer.
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in interface
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the transport context asking this Transport to read input data out of the readBuffer, thereby completing a read operation from the underlying I/O transport.
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in interface
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in interface
doRead() - Method in class
doRead() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
doRequest() - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DoRequestHttp
doRequest() - Method in class
doRequest() - Method in interface
doRequest() - Method in class
doRequest() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
doRequest() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
doRequest() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
doRequest(DoRequestHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
doRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
doRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
doRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServer
doRequest(HttpRequester<?>) - Method in class
doRequest(HttpRequester<?>) - Method in interface
doRequest(HttpRequester<?>) - Method in class
DoRequestHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
doRespond(DoRespondHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
doRespond(DoRespondHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
doRespond(DoRespondHttp<V>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
doRespond(HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
doRespond(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class
doRespond(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in interface
doRespond(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class
doRespond(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpWebResponder
doRespond(HttpRequest<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.DoRespondHttp
doRespond(U, HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
doRespondDefault(U, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
DoRespondHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
doubleDecoder(AvroDoubleType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
DoubleForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double.
DoubleForm(Double) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
doubleType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
doubleType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
doubleType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
doubleType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
doubleValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive double value, if possible.
doubleValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive double value, if possible.
doubleValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive double value.
doubleValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
doubleValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive double value, if possible.
doubleValue(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive double value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive double value.
doubleValue(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive double value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive double value.
doubleValue(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive double value; equivalent to Num.doubleValue().
doubleValue(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
doubleValue(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive double value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive double value.
doubleWriter(long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
doUpgrade(DoUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
doUpgrade(DoUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
doUpgrade(WsRequest) - Method in interface
DoUpgradeWs - Interface in
downlink - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
downlink - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
downlink - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
downlink - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlink() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkRecord
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
downlink() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlink() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlink() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlink() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlink() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
downlink(K) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
downlink(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
downlink(L) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
downlink(L) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
downlink(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
downlink(Value, JoinMapLaneDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
downlink(Value, JoinValueLaneDownlink<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
Downlink - Interface in swim.api
DownlinkAddress - Class in swim.system
DownlinkAddress(CellAddress, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkDidClose() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkDidConnect() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkDidDisconnect() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkDidDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkDidFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkDidInsert(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidInsertValue(int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidLink(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkDidMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidMoveValue(int, int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidReceive(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkDidRemove(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidRemove(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidRemoveValue(int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidRemoveValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidRemoveValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkDidSet(V, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
downlinkDidSetValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
downlinkDidSetValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
downlinkDidSync(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkDidTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkDidUnlink(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkDidUpdate(int, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidUpdateValue(int, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkDidUpdateValue(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkDidUpdateValue(Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
DownlinkException - Exception in swim.api
DownlinkException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.DownlinkException
DownlinkException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.DownlinkException
DownlinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.DownlinkException
DownlinkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.DownlinkException
DownlinkFactory - Interface in swim.api.downlink
downlinkGetter(WarpDownlink, Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
DownlinkGetter - Class in swim.cli
DownlinkGetter(WarpDownlink, String) - Constructor for class swim.cli.DownlinkGetter
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlinkHttp() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlinkHttp() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
downlinkIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
downlinkIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
downlinkIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
downlinkIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlinkList() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlinkList() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
downlinkLogger(WarpDownlink, Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
DownlinkLogger - Class in swim.cli
DownlinkLogger(WarpDownlink, String) - Constructor for class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlinkMap() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlinkMap() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkModel() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
DownlinkModel<View extends DownlinkView> - Class in swim.system
DownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkModel
downlinkOnEvent(V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
downlinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
downlinkPolicy(Downlink) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
downlinkPolicy(Downlink) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.AgentPolicy
downlinkPolicy(Downlink) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.AgentRoutePolicy
downlinkPolicy(Downlink) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.PlanePolicy
DownlinkPolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
downlinkPulse - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
downlinkPulse() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
DownlinkPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
DownlinkPulse() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.DownlinkPulse
downlinkRecord - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
DownlinkRecord - Class in swim.api.downlink
DownlinkRecord() - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkRecord
DownlinkRelay<Model extends DownlinkModel<View>,View extends DownlinkView> - Class in swim.system
DownlinkRelay(Model) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
DownlinkRelay(Model, int) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
DownlinkRelay(Model, int, int, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
downlinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
downlinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
downlinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
downlinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
downlinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
downlinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
DownlinkStreamlet - Class in swim.api.downlink
DownlinkStreamlet(WarpRef) - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
DownlinkStreamlet(WarpRef, StreamletScope<? extends Value>) - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlinkValue() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlinkValue() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
DownlinkView - Class in swim.system
DownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.DownlinkView
downlinkWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkWillCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkWillDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkWillInsert(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillInsertValue(int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillLink(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkWillMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillMoveValue(int, int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillReceive(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkWillRemove(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillRemove(K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillRemoveValue(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillRemoveValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillRemoveValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkWillSet(V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
downlinkWillSetValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
downlinkWillSetValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
downlinkWillSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkWillTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkWillUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
downlinkWillUpdate(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillUpdate(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillUpdateValue(int, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
downlinkWillUpdateValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
downlinkWillUpdateValue(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
downlinkWs() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.DownlinkFactory
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
downlinkWs() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
downQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListUplinkModem
downQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
downQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyUplinkModem
downQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the modem context asking this IpModem to provide an output Encoder by invoking the modem context's write method.
doWrite() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the socket context asking this IpSocket to write output data into the socket context's outputBuffer.
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in interface
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in interface
I/O callback invoked by the transport context asking this Transport to write output data into the writeBuffer, thereby initiating a write operation to the underlying I/O transport.
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in interface
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in interface
doWrite() - Method in class
doWrite() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
drop(int) - Method in interface
drop(int) - Method in interface
drop(int) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
drop(int) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
drop(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
drop(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
drop(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
drop(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
drop(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
drop(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
drop(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
drop(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
drop(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class
drop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
drop(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
drop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
drop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
drop(int) - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
drop(int, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
drop(int, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
drop(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
drop(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
drop(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
drop(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullRequest
drop(Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
drop(ListDownlinkView<?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
drop(MapDownlinkView<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
drop(ListLaneView<?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
drop(MapLaneView<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
DropException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Used to trap a continuation when a PullRequest drops.
DropException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.DropException
DropException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.DropException
DropException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.DropException
DropException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.DropException
dup() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
dup(boolean) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
DynamicDecoder<O> - Class in swim.codec
Dynamically generated Decoder continuation.
DynamicDecoder() - Constructor for class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
DynamicEncoder<I,O> - Class in swim.codec
Dynamically generated Encoder continuation.
DynamicEncoder() - Constructor for class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
dynamicType() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostArray
dynamicType() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostFunction
dynamicType() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostObject
dynamicType() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostValue


EcCharacteristic2FieldDef - Class in
EcCharacteristic2FieldDef(int, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
EcDef - Class in
EcDef(String, EcFieldDef, BigInteger, BigInteger, byte[]) - Constructor for class
EcDef(EcFieldDef, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
EcDef(EcFieldDef, BigInteger, BigInteger, byte[]) - Constructor for class
EcDomainDef - Class in
EcDomainDef(String, EcDef, EcPointDef, BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class
EcDomainDef(EcDef, EcPointDef, BigInteger, int) - Constructor for class
EcFieldDef - Class in
ecKey() - Method in class
EcKeyDef - Interface in
EcPointDef - Class in
EcPointDef(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
EcPrimeFieldDef - Class in
EcPrimeFieldDef(BigInteger) - Constructor for class
ecPrivateKey() - Method in class
EcPrivateKeyDef - Class in
EcPrivateKeyDef(EcDomainDef, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
ecPublicKey() - Method in class
EcPublicKeyDef - Class in
EcPublicKeyDef(EcDomainDef, EcPointDef) - Constructor for class
edge - Variable in class swim.meta.MetaEdgeAgent
edge - Variable in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
edge() - Method in class
edge() - Method in class
edge() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
edge() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
edge() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
edge() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
edge() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
EdgeAddress - Class in swim.system
EdgeAddress(String) - Constructor for class swim.system.EdgeAddress
EdgeAddressed - Interface in swim.system
edgeBinding - Variable in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
edgeBinding() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
EdgeBinding - Interface in swim.system
edgeContext - Variable in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
edgeContext - Variable in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
edgeContext() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
edgeContext() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
edgeContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
EdgeContext - Interface in swim.system
EdgeDef - Interface in swim.system
EdgeException - Exception in swim.system
EdgeException() - Constructor for exception swim.system.EdgeException
EdgeException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.system.EdgeException
EdgeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.EdgeException
EdgeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.EdgeException
edgeName() - Method in class
edgeName() - Method in class
edgeName() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
edgeName() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeAddressed
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
edgeName() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
edgeName() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
edgeName(String) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
EdgeProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
EdgeProfile(EdgeAddress, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, long, long, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
EdgeProxy - Class in swim.system
EdgeProxy(EdgeBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.EdgeProxy
EdgePulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
EdgePulse(int, int, int, long, AgentPulse, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
EdgeTable - Class in swim.system.router
EdgeTable() - Constructor for class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
EdgeTableMesh - Class in swim.system.router
EdgeTableMesh(EdgeTable, MeshBinding, MeshAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
edgeWrapper() - Method in class
edgeWrapper() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
edgeWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
edgeWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
edgeWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
edgeWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
effects - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
effects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
effects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
effects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
effects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
effects - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
effects - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
elementCount(Bridge, T) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostArrayType
elseInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.ConditionalOutlet
elseTerm() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
email() - Method in class
email(String) - Method in class
emailVerified() - Method in class
emailVerified(boolean) - Method in class
empty() - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
empty() - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the empty state.
empty() - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state.
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.BTree
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.STree
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.STreeList
empty() - Static method in class swim.collections.STreePage
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
empty() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
empty() - Static method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
empty() - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
empty() - Static method in class swim.structure.Item
empty() - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
empty() - Static method in class swim.structure.Text
empty() - Static method in class swim.structure.Value
empty() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
empty() - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
empty() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
empty() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
empty() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
empty() - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
empty() - Static method in class
empty() - Static method in class
empty() - Static method in class
empty() - Static method in class
empty() - Static method in class
empty(Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
empty(Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
empty(Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
empty(Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
empty(InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the empty state, with the given settings.
empty(InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, with the given settings.
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreePage
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreePage
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.STreePage
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreePage
empty(PageContext, int, long) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
empty(Z2Form<S>) - Static method in class swim.spatial.QTree
empty(Z2Form<S>) - Static method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
emptyPageRef(PageContext, int, long) - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
emptyTree(TreeContext, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
ENABLE_READ - Enum constant in enum class
read operation should be enabled; write operation should not be modified.
ENABLE_READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
read and write operations should be enabled.
ENABLE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
write operation should be enabled; read operation should not be modified.
encode(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class
encodeBinaryFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeBinaryFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeBlock(OutputBuffer<?>, Iterator<HpackHeader>) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeBody(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, Encoder<?, ?>, long) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
encodeChunked(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, Encoder<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
encodeCloseFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeConnAckPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttConnAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeConnectPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttConnectPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeData(OutputBuffer<?>, Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeDigit(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns the Unicode code point of the base-10 digit that encodes the given decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive).
encodeDigit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns the Unicode code point of the base-16 digit that encodes the given 4-bit quantity.
encodeDigit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the Unicode code point of the base-64 digit that encodes the given 7-bit quantity.
encodeDisconnectPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttDisconnectPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodedOutput(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
encodedOutput(Output<T>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
encodedWriter(Writer<I, O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
encodedWriter(Writer<I, O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
encodeFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeHeader(OutputBuffer<?>, int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeHeader(OutputBuffer<?>, int, Encoder<?, ?>, Encoder<?, ?>, HpackIndexing) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeHeader(OutputBuffer<?>, HpackHeader) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeHeader(OutputBuffer<?>, HpackHeader, HpackIndexing) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
encodeHttp(OutputBuffer<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
encodeInteger(OutputBuffer<?>, int, int, int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
encodeMqtt(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
encodePingFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodePingReqPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPingReqPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePingRespPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPingRespPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePongFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodePubAckPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePubCompPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPubCompPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePublishPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPublishPacket<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePubRecPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPubRecPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodePubRelPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttPubRelPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encoder - Variable in class
encoder() - Static method in class swim.warp.Envelope
encoder() - Method in class
encoder() - Method in class
Encoder<I,O> - Class in swim.codec
Continuation of how encode subsequent output buffers for a byte stream.
Encoder() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Encoder
EncoderException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when an Encoder encodes invalid data.
EncoderException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.EncoderException
EncoderException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.EncoderException
EncoderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.EncoderException
EncoderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.EncoderException
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, byte[], boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, String) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, String, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, Input) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, Input, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeString(OutputBuffer<?>, Input, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
encodeSubAckPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttSubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeSubscribePacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttSubscribePacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeSubscription(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttSubscription) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeTextFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeTextFrame(OutputBuffer<?>, WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
encodeUnsubAckPacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttUnsubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encodeUnsubscribePacket(OutputBuffer<?>, MqttUnsubscribePacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
encoding - Variable in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
Current encoder continuation.
end() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
end() - Method in class swim.codec.Span
end() - Method in class swim.codec.Tag
Returns the last source position covered by this Tag.
END_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
endPhase(int) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
endPhase(int) - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
endpoint() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
endpoint() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
engineForm() - Static method in class
engineSettings(WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
EntryBuilder<K,V,O> - Interface in swim.util
Type that accumulates map entries, and binds an output result of type O.
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
entryIterator() - Method in class
entryIterator() - Method in class
entryIterator() - Method in class
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
entryIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
entryIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
entrySet() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
entrySet() - Method in class
entrySet() - Method in class
entrySet() - Method in class
entrySet() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
entrySet() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
entrySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
entrySet() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
entrySet() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
entrySet() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
entrySet() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
enumDecoder(AvroEnumType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
enumType(Class<T>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
enumType(Class<T>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
enumType(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
enumType(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
enumType(String, String...) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
enumType(AvroName) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
enumType(AvroName, Class<T>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
enumType(AvroName, String...) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
Envelope - Class in swim.warp
eq(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
eq(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
eq(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
eq(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
eq(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
eq(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
eq(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
EqOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents an equality comparison between its two operands.
EqOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
EqOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
EqOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.EqOutlet
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Arg
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Span
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.Product
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Precision
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Operator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.util.Severity
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
equals(Object) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equalsName(byte[]) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
error() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with ERROR_LEVEL of importance.
error(Object) - Method in class
error(Object) - Method in class
error(Object) - Method in class
error(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
error(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
error(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
error(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
error(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
error(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
error(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
error(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
error(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
error(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
error(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
error(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs an error-level message.
error(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with ERROR_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns a Decoder in the error state that traps the given decode error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder in the error state that traps the given encode error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the error state, with the given input error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the error state, with the given output error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the error state, with the given output error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns a Parser in the error state that traps the given parse error.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer in the error state that traps the given write error.
error(Throwable, Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
error(Throwable, Object, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
error(Throwable, Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
error(Throwable, Object, Mark, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
error(Throwable, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input in the error state, with the given input error and settings.
error(Throwable, InputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error and settings.
error(Throwable, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the error state, with the given output error and settings.
error(Throwable, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the error state, with the given output error and settings.
error(Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns a Parser in the error state that traps a ParserException with the given diagnostic.
error(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
error(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
ERROR_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
ERROR_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
errorDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
errorDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
errorDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
errorDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
errorDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
errorUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
errorUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
errorUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
errorUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
errorUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
errorUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.Page
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
evacuated(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
eval(String, CharSequence) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
eval(UriPath, CharSequence) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
eval(UriPath, Source) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
evalModule() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
evalModule() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
evalModule() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModule
evalModule(JsModule) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
evalModule(JsModule) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
evalModule(JsModule) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModuleLoader
evalModule(JsModule) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
evaluate(I) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueCombinator
evaluate(I) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueOperator
evaluate(I) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueCombinator
evaluate(I) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueOperator
evaluate(K, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsCombinator
evaluate(K, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
evaluate(K, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsCombinator
evaluate(K, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsOperator
evaluate(K, VI) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesCombinator
evaluate(K, VI) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Operator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
Evaluates this Selector against some Interpreter.
evaluate(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
evaluate(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
evaluate(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseNotOutlet
evaluate(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.NegativeOutlet
evaluate(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.NotOutlet
evaluate(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.PositiveOutlet
evaluate(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.UnaryOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BinaryOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseAndOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseOrOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BitwiseXorOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.DivideOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.EqOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.GeOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.GtOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.LeOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.LtOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.MinusOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.ModuloOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.NeOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.PlusOutlet
evaluate(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.TimesOutlet
eventCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
eventCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
eventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
eventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
eventCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
eventCount() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
eventCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
eventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
eventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
EventDownlink<V> - Interface in swim.api.downlink
EventDownlinkModel - Class in swim.system.downlink
EventDownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkModel
EventDownlinkView<V> - Class in swim.system.downlink
EventDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
EventDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
EventMessage - Class in swim.warp
EventMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.EventMessage
EventMessage(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.EventMessage
EventMessage(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.EventMessage
EventMessage(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.EventMessage
eventRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
eventRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
eventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
eventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
eventRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
eventRate() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
eventRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
evict(K, V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
evict(V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenSet
EXACTLY_ONCE - Enum constant in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
EXACTLY_ONCE - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
exec() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
exec(Cmd) - Method in interface swim.args.ExecCmd
exec(ExecCmd) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
EXEC_DELTA - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
EXEC_DELTA - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
EXEC_TIME - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
EXEC_TIME - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
ExecCmd - Interface in swim.args
execDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
execDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
execRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
execRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
execRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
execRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
execTime - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
execTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
execTime() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
execTime() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
execute(Runnable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
execute(Runnable) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Stage
Schedules a runnable for concurrent execution.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
execute(Runnable) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
execute(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
execute(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
execute(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
execute(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostMethod
execute(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostStaticMethod
execute(Bridge, T, Object...) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostFunctionType
exp(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
exp(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
expand(Value, Interpreter, InvokeOperator) - Method in class swim.structure.Func
expandEntityRef(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
expected(int, Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, Severity) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, Severity, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, Severity, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(int, Input, Severity, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, Severity) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, Severity, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, Severity, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
expected(String, Input, Severity, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
ExpectHeader - Class in swim.http.header
expiration - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
expiration() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
expiration() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
expiration() - Method in class
expiration(long) - Method in class
expiration(long) - Method in class
expiration(long) - Method in class
expire() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
exponent - Variable in class
exponent() - Method in class
Expression - Class in swim.structure
A combination of operators, constants, and variables.
Expression() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Expression
extant() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
extant() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
extant() - Static method in class swim.structure.Extant
extant() - Static method in class swim.structure.Item
extant() - Static method in class swim.structure.Value
Extant - Class in swim.structure
extendType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
extendType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
extension(WebSocketExtension, WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
extensions - Variable in class
extensions - Variable in class
extensions() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
extensions() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
extensions() - Method in class
extensions() - Method in class
extensions() - Method in class
extensions(Iterable<WebSocketExtension>, WsEngineSettings) - Method in class


f16() - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
F2<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
F3<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
f32() - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
f64() - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
factor - Variable in class
factor() - Method in class
fail(Object) - Method in class
fail(Object) - Method in class
fail(Object) - Method in class
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
fail(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
fail(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
fail(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs an fail-level message.
fail(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
fail(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
FAIL_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
failDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
failDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
failDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
failDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
failDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
FAILED_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
FAILING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
failUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
failUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
failUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
failUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
failUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
failUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
FAILURE - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
faint(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII faint (decreased intensity) escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
familyName() - Method in class
familyName(String) - Method in class
fastestCompression() - Static method in class
fastestCompression() - Static method in class
fatal() - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that aborts Unicode decoding with an error when invalid code unit sequences are encountered.
fatal() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with FATAL_LEVEL of importance.
fatal(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with FATAL_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
FATAL_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
fatalNonZero() - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that aborts Unicode decoding with an error when invalid code unit sequences, and NUL bytes, are encountered.
feed(I) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
feed(I) - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder that represents the continuation of how to encode the given input object.
feed(I) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer that represents the continuation of how to write the given input object.
feed(Encoder<?, O>) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
feed(Input) - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Incrementally parses as much input as possible, and returns another Parser that represents the continuation of how to parse additional Input.
feed(Input) - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeaderParser
feed(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Incrementally decodes as much input buffer data as possible, and returns another Decoder that represents the continuation of how to decode additional buffer data.
feed(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
feed(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
feed(InputBuffer) - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
feed(PullRequest<Envelope>) - Method in class
feed(PullRequest<Envelope>) - Method in interface
feed(PullRequest<Envelope>) - Method in class
feed(Envelope) - Method in class
feed(Envelope) - Method in interface
feed(Envelope) - Method in class
feed(Envelope, float) - Method in class
feed(Envelope, float) - Method in interface
feed(Envelope, float) - Method in class
feedDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
feedDown() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
feedDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
feedUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
feedUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
feedUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
feedUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
feedUp() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpContext
feedUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
field - Variable in class
field() - Static method in class swim.math.R
field() - Method in class
field() - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
field() - Method in class swim.structure.form.FieldForm
field() - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
field(Field, long, ProtobufType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
field(Field, AvroType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
field(String, long, ProtobufType<? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
field(String, AvroType<? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
field(AvroFieldType<?, R>) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
field(ProtobufFieldType<?, E>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapEntryType
field(ProtobufFieldType<?, M>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
field(Value, long, ProtobufType<? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
field(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
field(V, V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
Field - Class in swim.structure
Field<S> - Interface in swim.math
fieldCount() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
fieldCount() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
fieldCount() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the number of Field members contained in this Record.
FieldForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
fieldIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
fieldNumber() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFieldType
fieldSet() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
fieldUpdaters - Variable in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
file() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
FileStore - Class in swim.db
FileStore(File, String, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileStore(File, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileStore(String, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileStore(StoreContext, File, String, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileStore(StoreContext, File, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileStore(StoreContext, String, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileStore
FileZone - Class in swim.db
FileZone(Store, int, File, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileZone
FileZone(Store, int, File, Stage, Database, Germ) - Constructor for class swim.db.FileZone
fill_window() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception swim.concurrent.DropException
filter() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
filter() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
Returns a new FilterSelector with this as the predicate.
filter() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
filter(FilterFieldsFunction<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
filter(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
filter(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a FilterSelector.
filter(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
filter(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
FilterFieldsCombinator<K,V,I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
FilterFieldsCombinator(FilterFieldsFunction<? super K, ? super V>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsCombinator
FilterFieldsFunction<K,V> - Interface in swim.streamlet.function
FilterFieldsOperator<K,V,I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
FilterFieldsOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
filterSelected(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
FilterSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated, yields each Item in interpreter such that evaluating predicate against this Item would select at least one defined result.
FilterSelector(Selector, Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
FingerTrieSeq<T> - Class in swim.collections
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
firstEntry() - Method in class
firstEntry() - Method in class
firstEntry() - Method in class
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
firstEntry() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
firstEntry() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
firstEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
firstEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
firstEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
firstEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
firstKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
firstKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
firstKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
firstKey() - Method in class
firstKey() - Method in class
firstKey() - Method in class
firstKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
firstKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
firstKey() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
firstKey() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
firstKey() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
firstKey() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
firstValue() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
firstValue() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
firstValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
firstValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
firstValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
firstValue() - Method in class
firstValue() - Method in class
firstValue() - Method in class
firstValue() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
firstValue() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
firstValue() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
firstValue() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
firstValue() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
FIXED32 - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
fixed32Decoder(ProtobufFixed32Type<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
fixed32Type() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
FIXED64 - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
fixed64Decoder(ProtobufFixed64Type<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
fixed64Type() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
fixedDecoder(AvroFixedType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
fixedType(String, int) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
fixedType(String, int) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
fixedType(AvroName, int) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
fixedType(AvroName, int) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
flag() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
flag(char) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
flags - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
flags - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
flags - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
flags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
flattened() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
flattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be flattened into a Value.
flattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the sole member of this Item, if this Item is a Record with exactly one member, and its member is a Value; returns Extant if this Item is an empty Record; returns Absent if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns this if this Item is a Record with more than one member, or if this Item is a non-Record Value.
flattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the sole member of this Record, if this Record has exactly one member, and its member is a Value; returns Extant if this Record is empty; otherwise returns this if this Record has more than one member.
flattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the sole member of this Value, if this Value is a Record with exactly one member, and its member is a Value; returns Extant if this Value is an empty Record; otherwise returns this if this Value is a Record with more than one member, or if this Value is not a Record.
flattened(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
flattened(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
flattened(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
flattened(QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
floatDecoder(AvroFloatType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
FloatForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Float.
FloatForm(Float) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
floatType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
floatType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
floatType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
floatType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
floatValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive float value, if possible.
floatValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive float value, if possible.
floatValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive float value.
floatValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
floatValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive float value, if possible.
floatValue(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive float value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive float value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive float value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive float value.
floatValue(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive float value; equivalent to Num.floatValue().
floatValue(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
floatValue(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive float value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive float value.
floatWriter(long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
floor() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
floor() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
floor(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
floor(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
FlowContext - Interface in
Flow-controlled network channel context.
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in interface
Returns the current FlowControl state of the underlying network channel.
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl() - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in interface
Enqueues an atomic replacement of the underlying network channel's flow control state with a new flowControl.
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowControl) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in interface
Enqueues an atomic modification to the underlying network channel's flow control state by applying a flowModifier delta.
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
flowControl(FlowModifier) - Method in class
FlowControl - Enum Class in
Network channel flow state, controlling accept, connect, read, and write operations.
FlowModifier - Enum Class in
Network channel flow delta, modifying read and write operations.
flush - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
flush - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
flush - Variable in class
flush() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes any internally buffered state to the underlying output stream.
flush() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
flush() - Method in class
flush(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
flush(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
flush_pending() - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
flushMetrics() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
FN<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
fold() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
fold() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
fold() - Method in class swim.db.Page
fold() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
fold() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
fold() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
fold() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
fold() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
foot() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
foot() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
forArray(Class<?>, Form<?>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct an ArrayForm.
forbid() - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
forbid() - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
forbid() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
forbid(Object) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
forbid(Object) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
forbid(Policy) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
forbid(Policy, Object) - Static method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
forBigInteger() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton BigIntegerForm.
forBoolean() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton BooleanForm.
forBuiltin(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns the type built-in Form for type if it exists, and null if it does not.
forByte() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton ByteForm.
forByteBuffer() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton ByteBufferForm.
forced() - Static method in class swim.db.Commit
forCharacter() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton CharacterForm.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns a Form for type preferring built-in Forms to ClassForm constructions whenever possible.
forClass(Class<?>, PolyForm) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns a Form for type against scope preferring built-in Forms to ClassForm constructions whenever possible.
forCollection(Class<?>, Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct a CollectionForm.
forDouble() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton DoubleForm.
forFloat() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton FloatForm.
forInteger() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton IntegerForm.
forItem() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton ItemForm.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns a Decoder continuation whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns an Encoder continuation whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output equivalent to this Output, but whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns a Parser continuation whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
fork(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns a Writer continuation whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition.
forList(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct a CollectionForm where the underlying collection is of type List<T>.
forLong() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton LongForm.
form() - Static method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
form() - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.ScheduleDef
form() - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.StageDef
form() - Static method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
form() - Static method in enum class
Returns the structural Form of ClientAuth.
form() - Static method in class
Returns the structural Form of HttpSettings.
form() - Static method in class
Returns the structural Form of IpSettings.
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
Returns the structural Form of TcpSettings.
form() - Static method in class
Returns the structural Form of TlsSettings.
form() - Static method in class
Returns the structural Form of TransportSettings.
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Box
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Circle
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Point
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Vector
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Box
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Point
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
form() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Vector
form() - Static method in class swim.math.RNVector
form() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Box
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Point
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Box
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Point
form() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class
form() - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
form() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
form() - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
form() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
form() - Method in class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
form() - Method in class swim.warp.AuthRequest
form() - Method in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
form() - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
form() - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
form() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
form() - Method in class swim.warp.EventMessage
form() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
form() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
form() - Method in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
form() - Method in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
form() - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
form() - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
form(String) - Static method in class swim.warp.Envelope
form(TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
form(TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
form(TensorForm<V>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
Form<T> - Class in swim.structure
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a nominally typed Java object.
Form() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Form
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.AuthRequest
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.EventMessage
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
FORM - Static variable in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
forMap(Class<?>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct a MapForm where casts return objects of type type.
forMap(Form<K>, Form<V>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct a MapForm.
Format - Class in swim.codec
Text format utility functions.
formDecoder(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
formDecoder(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
formEncoder(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
formEncoder(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
FormException - Exception in swim.structure
FormException() - Constructor for exception swim.structure.FormException
FormException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.FormException
FormException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.FormException
FormException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.FormException
formForClass(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
formForTag(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
formForType(Type) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
formParser(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
formParser(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
formWriter(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
formWriter(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
forName(String) - Static method in class
forNumber() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton NumberForm.
forPath(String) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
Invokes then.forSelected() against the Interpreter containing each child, then moves onto each descendant.
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
Evaluates callback.selected against the Items that match this Selector's selection criteria.
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
forSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
forSet(Form<T>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to construct a CollectionForm where the underlying collection is of type List<T>.
forShort() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton ShortForm.
forString() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton StringForm.
forValue() - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Utility method to receive a singleton ValueForm.
FOUND - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
fragment - Variable in class swim.uri.Uri
fragment() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
fragment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
fragment(UriFragment) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
fragmentBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
fragmentBuilder() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
fragmentFrame(WsOpcode, Decoder<T>) - Method in class
fragmentIdentifier() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
fragmentIdentifier(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
fragmentParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
fragmentPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
fragmentPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
frameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
frameType() - Method in class
from(boolean) - Static method in class swim.structure.Bool
from(char) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(double) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(float) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(int) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
from(int) - Static method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
from(int) - Static method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
from(int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(int) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with the given importance level.
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
from(long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
from(Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
from(Number) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the ClientAuth with the given case-insensitive name, one of none, want, or need.
from(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Text
from(BigInteger) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
from(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
from(ECPrivateKey) - Static method in class
from(ECPublicKey) - Static method in class
from(RSAPrivateKey) - Static method in class
from(RSAPublicKey) - Static method in class
from(Key) - Static method in class
from(PrivateKey) - Static method in class
from(PublicKey) - Static method in class
from(ECField) - Static method in class
from(ECFieldF2m) - Static method in class
from(ECFieldFp) - Static method in class
from(ECPoint) - Static method in class
from(EllipticCurve) - Static method in class
from(RSAOtherPrimeInfo) - Static method in class
from(Collection<? extends String>) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
from(Collection<? extends String>) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
from(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
from(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.collections.BTree
from(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
from(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
from(Mark, Mark) - Static method in class swim.codec.Span
Returns a new Span representing the closed interval between the given start and end marks.
from(Value) - Static method in class
from(Value) - Static method in class
from(Value) - Static method in class
from(Value) - Static method in class
from(Value) - Static method in class
from(Uri) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
from(WsEngineSettings) - Static method in class
fromArray(Object...) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
fromBase16(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
fromBase64(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
fromBase64(String, Base64) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
fromBits(int) - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
fromClassName(String) - Static method in class
fromClassName(String) - Static method in class
fromFile(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
fromFile(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
fromFile(String, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
fromFile(String, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
fromHostPattern(String) - Static method in class
fromHostPattern(UriPattern) - Static method in class
fromHostUri(String) - Static method in class
fromHostUri(Uri) - Static method in class
fromLanePattern(String) - Static method in class
fromLanePattern(UriPattern) - Static method in class
fromLaneUri(String) - Static method in class
fromLaneUri(Uri) - Static method in class
fromMeshUri(String) - Static method in class
fromMeshUri(Uri) - Static method in class
fromModulePath(String) - Static method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
fromModulePath(String) - Static method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
fromModulePath(UriPath) - Static method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
fromModulePath(UriPath) - Static method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
fromName(String) - Static method in class
fromNodePattern(String) - Static method in class
fromNodePattern(UriPattern) - Static method in class
fromNodeUri(String) - Static method in class
fromNodeUri(Uri) - Static method in class
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class swim.structure.Item
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class swim.structure.Text
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class swim.structure.Value
fromPartPredicate(Value, PartPredicate) - Static method in class
fromPlaneDef(PlaneDef) - Static method in class
fromResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
fromResource(ClassLoader, String, MediaType) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
fromSelectorOps(int) - Static method in enum class
Returns the FlowControl corresponding to the given SelectionKey interest set.
fromTag(String) - Static method in enum class swim.db.PageType
fromTag(String) - Static method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
fromTensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
fromTensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
fromTensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
fromTensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
fromUri() - Method in class
fromUri() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Credentials
fromUri() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
fromUri() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
fromUri() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteCredentials
fromUri() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
fromUtf8(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
fromValue(BTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
fromValue(BTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
fromValue(BTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreePage
fromValue(PageContext, int, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
fromValue(PageContext, int, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
fromValue(PageContext, int, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
fromValue(PageContext, int, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
fromValue(QTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
fromValue(QTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
fromValue(QTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.QTreePage
fromValue(STreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
fromValue(STreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.STreeNode
fromValue(STreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.STreePage
fromValue(UTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
fromValue(UTreePageRef, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.UTreePage
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.db.Germ
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.db.Seed
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.js.JsKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class swim.warp.Envelope
fromValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class swim.db.MetaTree
full() - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the full state, that binds a null result.
full() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the full state, that binds a null result.
full(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the full state, with the given settings.
full(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the full state, with the given settings.
full(T) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the full state, that binds the given value.
full(T) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the full state, that binds the given value.
full(T, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns an Output in the full state, that binds the given value, with the given settings.
full(T, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
Returns an OutputBuffer in the full state, that binds the given value, with the given settings.
fullName() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
func - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsCombinator
func - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesCombinator
func - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueCombinator
func - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsCombinator
func - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueCombinator
func() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
Func - Class in swim.structure
Func() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Func
funcInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.InvokeOutlet


gateway() - Method in class
gateway() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
gateway() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
gateway() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
gatewayPartKey - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
gatewayPartKey() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
ge(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
ge(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
ge(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
ge(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
ge(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
ge(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
ge(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
generate() - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
generateDemand() - Method in class
generateLinkKey() - Static method in class swim.system.LinkKeys
GenericStreamlet<I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
GeOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents greater than or equal to operation between its two operands.
GeOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
GeoProjection - Class in swim.spatial
geospatialData(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
geospatialData(String) - Method in interface
geospatialData(String) - Method in class
geospatialData(String) - Method in class
geospatialData(String) - Method in class
geospatialData(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
geospatialData(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
geospatialData(Value) - Method in interface
geospatialData(Value) - Method in class
geospatialData(Value) - Method in class
geospatialData(Value) - Method in class
geospatialData(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
geospatialLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
geospatialLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
geospatialLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
geospatialLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
GeOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
GeOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.GeOutlet
germ() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
germ() - Method in class swim.db.Database
germ() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
germ() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
Germ - Class in swim.db
Germ(int, long, long, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.Germ
get() - Method in interface
get() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
get() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
get() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
get() - Method in class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.AndOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BinaryOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.ConditionalOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.InvokeOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.OrOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.UnaryOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.dataflow.selector.GetOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
get() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
get() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
get() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
get() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
get() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
get() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
get() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
get() - Static method in class swim.math.Random
get() - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueOperator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeValueCombinator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapOutput
get() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Returns the current state of this Outlet.
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.ValueInput
get() - Method in class swim.streamlet.ValueOutput
get() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
get() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
get() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
get() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
get() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
get() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
get(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
get(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
get(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
get(int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
get(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
get(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
get(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
get(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
get(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
get(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
get(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
get(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
get(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
get(int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
get(int) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
get(int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
get(int) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
get(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the member of this Record at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
get(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
get(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
get(int, Object) - Method in class
get(int, Object) - Method in class
get(int, Object) - Method in class
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
get(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
get(int, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
get(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
get(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
get(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
get(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
get(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
get(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostArray
get(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmProxyArray
get(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
get(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
get(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
get(Object) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
get(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
get(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
get(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
get(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
get(Object, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
get(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
get(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
get(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
get(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key string is equal to the given key.
get(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Item with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
get(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
get(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetSelector.
get(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Value with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
get(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
get(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
get(K) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Returns the value assocaited with the given key in the current state of this MapOutlet, if defined; otherwise returns null.
get(K) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
get(K) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
get(KO) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
get(K, int, long, int, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
get(K, long, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
get(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
get(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
get(K, S) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
get(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
get(K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
get(Bridge) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostStaticField
get(Bridge, T) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostField
get(RNVector, int) - Method in class swim.math.RN
get(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
get(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
get(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
get(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
get(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
get(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
get(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
get(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
get(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
get(Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetSelector.
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
get(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Field member of this Value whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
get(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
get(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
get(Value, int, long, int, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
get(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
get(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
get(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
get(Value, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
get(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
get(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
get(Value, S) - Method in class
get(Value, S) - Method in class
get(Value, S) - Method in class
get(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
get(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
get(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
get(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
get(V, int) - Method in interface swim.math.FN
get(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
GET - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
getActorSpace(String) - Method in class
getAgent(Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
getAgent(Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getAgent(Class<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
getAgent(Class<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
getAgent(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
getAgent(String) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
getAgent(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getAgent(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
getAgent(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
getAgent(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getAgentContext() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
getAgentDef(Value) - Method in class
getAgentDef(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
getAgentFactory(Uri) - Method in class
getAgentFactory(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
getAgentFactory(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
getAgentRoute(String) - Method in class
getAgentRoute(String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
getAgentRoute(String) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
getAgentView(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
getAlias(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
getAlias(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
getAll(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
getAll(long, long) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
getAll(long, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
getAll(long, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
getArg() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
getArg() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
getArg(int) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
getArg(int) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
getArrayOffset() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have an Attr member whose key string is equal to the given key.
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Item with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Attr member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Attr member with a key equal to the given key.
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetAttrSelector.
getAttr(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Value with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Attr member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have an Attr member whose key is equal to the given key.
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Attr member with a key equal to the given key.
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Attr member with a key equal to the given key.
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetAttrSelector.
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
getAttr(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Attr member of this Value whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Attr member with a key equal to the given key.
getAttr(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
getAttr(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
GetAttrSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
GetAttrSelector(Text, Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
getAuthenticator(String) - Method in class
getAuthenticator(String) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
getAuthenticatorDef(String) - Method in class
getByte(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.Page
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
getChild(int) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.Page
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
getChildRef(int) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
getCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
getCol(int) - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
getDiagnostic() - Method in exception swim.codec.ParserException
getDouble(int...) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
getDoubleArray() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
getDownlink(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
getDownlink(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
getDownlink(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
getDownlink(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
getDownlink(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
getDownlink(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
getDynamicMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
getElement(Bridge, T, long) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostArrayType
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
getEntry(int) - Method in class
getEntry(int) - Method in class
getEntry(int) - Method in class
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
getEntry(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
getEntry(int) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
getEntry(int, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
getEntry(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
getEntry(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
getEntry(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
getEntry(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
getEntry(Object) - Method in class
getEntry(Object) - Method in class
getEntry(Object) - Method in class
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
getEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
getEntry(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
getEntry(Object, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
getEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
getEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getField(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroRecordType
getField(long) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapEntryType
getField(long) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
getField(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getField(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getField(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns null because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key string is equal to the given key.
getField(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the last Field member of this Item with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns null if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getField(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the last Field member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns null if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
getField(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the last Field member of this Value with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns null if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns null because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the last Field member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns null if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the last Field member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns null if this Record has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
getField(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the last Field member of this Value whose key is equal to the given key; returns null if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.
getFloat(int...) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
getFloatArray() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
getHeader(Class<H>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
getHeader(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
getHost() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
getHost(Uri) - Method in class
getHost(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
getHost(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
getHost(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
getHostDef(HostAddress) - Method in class
getHostDef(HostAddress) - Method in class
getHostDef(HostAddress) - Method in class
getHostDef(HostAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getHostDef(HostAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in class
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in class
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in class
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
getHostDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
getHostLibrary(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
getHostLibrary(String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
getHostLibrary(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
getHostLibrary(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
getHostModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
getHostModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
getHostModule(UriPath) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsRuntime
getHostPackage(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
getHostPackage(String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
getHostPackage(String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
getHostPackage(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
getHostPackage(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
getHostPackage(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostPackage
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
getHostType(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
getHostType(String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
getHostType(String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostPackage
getHostType(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
getHostType(String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
getHttpHeader(Class<H>) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
getHttpHeader(String) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
getIndex(byte[]) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
getIndex(int) - Method in class
getIndex(int) - Method in class
getIndex(int) - Method in class
getIndex(int) - Method in class
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
getIndex(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
getIndex(int) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
getIndex(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
getIndex(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getIndex(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
getIndex(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getIndex(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getInput(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getInput(String) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getInput(String, I2) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getInput(String, I2) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getInput(Inlet<I2>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getInput(Inlet<I2>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getInput(Inlet<I2>, I2) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getInput(Inlet<I2>, I2) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a member at the given index.
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the member of this Item at the given index, if this Item is a Record, and the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of the Record; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but the index is out of bounds.
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the member of this Record at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record; otherwise returns Absent if the index is out of bounds.
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetItemSelector.
getItem(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the member of this Value at the given index, if this Value is a Record, and the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of the Record; otherwise returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but the index is out of bounds.
getItem(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is a GetItemSelector.
getItem(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
getItem(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
getItem(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
GetItemSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
GetItemSelector(Num, Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
getKey() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
getKey() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
getKey() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
getKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
getKey() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns the key component of this Field.
getKey(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getKey(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getKey(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getLane() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
getLane(Uri) - Method in class
getLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
getLane(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Returns the Lane belonging to the Agent managed by this AgentContext that is addressable by laneUri, or null if no such Lane exists.
getLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
getLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getLane(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
getLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getLaneDef(LaneAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in class
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in class
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in class
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in class
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in class
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
getLaneDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
getLaneView(AgentContext) - Method in class
getLaneView(AgentContext) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
getLaneView(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
getLaneView(AgentContext) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
getLink() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
getMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
getMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostObjectType
getMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostObjectType
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
getMemberKeys() - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
getMesh(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
getMesh(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
getMesh(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
getMeshDef(MeshAddress) - Method in class
getMeshDef(MeshAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getMeshDef(MeshAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getMeshDef(Uri) - Method in class
getMeshDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
getModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
getName() - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
getNode(Uri) - Method in class
getNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
getNode(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
getNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
getNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in class
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in class
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in class
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in class
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getNodeDef(NodeAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in class
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in class
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in class
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in class
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
getNodeDef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
getOffset(TensorDims, int[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
getOpt(String) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
GetOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.selector
GetOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.selector.GetOutlet
getOutput(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getOutput(String) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getOutput(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getOutput(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
getOutput(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
getOutput(Outlet<? super Value>) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
getOwnMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostObjectType
getOwnMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostObjectType
getOwnMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
getOwnMember(Bridge, T, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
getOwnStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
getOwnStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
getOwnStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
getOwnStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
getPage(int) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
getParam(String) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
getParam(String) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
getParam(String) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
getParam(String) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
getPart(Value) - Method in class
getPart(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
getPart(Value) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
getPart(Value) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
getPart(Uri) - Method in class
getPart(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
getPart(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
getPart(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
getPartDef(Value) - Method in class
getPartDef(Value) - Method in class
getPartDef(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
getPartDef(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
getPartDef(PartAddress) - Method in class
getPartDef(PartAddress) - Method in class
getPartDef(PartAddress) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getPartDef(PartAddress) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getPlane(Class<? extends P>) - Method in class
getPlane(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface
getPlane(String) - Method in class
getPlane(String) - Method in interface
getPlaneContext() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
getPlaneDef(String) - Method in class
getPlaneDef(String) - Method in interface
getProp(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the value of name in AbstractAgent.props().
getProp(String) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Returns the value of name in AgentContext.props().
getProp(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getProp(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the value of key in AbstractAgent.props().
getProp(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Returns the value of key in AgentContext.props().
getProp(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
getScope(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
GetSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated, searches all variables in its evaluation scope and yields the most recent Value that corresponds to key.
GetSelector(Value, Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
getService(String) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
getService(String) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getService(String) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getService(String) - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
getServiceContext() - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
getShape() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
getShape() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap.Entry
getShape() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
getShape() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
getSize() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
getSize() - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostArray
getSize() - Method in class swim.vm.VmProxyArray
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
getSlot(int) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Slot member whose key string is equal to the given key.
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Item with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Slot member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Slot member with a key equal to the given key.
getSlot(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Value with a Text key whose string value is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Slot member with a Text key whose string value equals the given key.
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Slot member whose key is equal to the given key.
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Item whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Slot member with a key equal to the given key.
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Record whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Record has no Slot member with a key equal to the given key.
getSlot(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the last Slot member of this Value whose key is equal to the given key; returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record, but has no Slot member with a key equal to the given key.
getSpace(String) - Method in class
getSpace(String) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
getSpace(String) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
getSpace(String) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
getStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
getStaticMember(Bridge, String) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
getSuffix(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
getSuffix(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
getSymbol(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
getTree() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
getTree() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
getUnlinkedResponse() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
getUplink(Value) - Method in class
getUplink(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
getUplink(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
getUplink(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
getValue() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
getValue() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
getValue() - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
getValue() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
getValue() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
getValue() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
getValue() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
getValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns the value component of this Field.
getValue(int) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
getValue(int) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
getVariant(int) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroUnionType
getX(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
getX(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
getX(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
getX(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
getX(V) - Method in interface swim.math.F2
getX(V) - Method in interface swim.math.F3
getXMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R2Boundary
getXMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
getXMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getXMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getXMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2Boundary
getXMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
getXMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getXMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
getXMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R2Boundary
getXMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
getXMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getXMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getXMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2Boundary
getXMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
getXMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getXMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
getY(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
getY(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
getY(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
getY(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
getY(V) - Method in interface swim.math.F2
getY(V) - Method in interface swim.math.F3
getYMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R2Boundary
getYMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
getYMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getYMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getYMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2Boundary
getYMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
getYMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getYMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
getYMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R2Boundary
getYMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
getYMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getYMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getYMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2Boundary
getYMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
getYMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getYMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
getZ(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
getZ(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
getZ(V) - Method in interface swim.math.F3
getZMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getZMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getZMax(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getZMax(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
getZMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.R3Boundary
getZMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
getZMin(T) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3Boundary
getZMin(T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
givenName() - Method in class
givenName(String) - Method in class
globalScope() - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
globalScope() - Static method in class swim.structure.Item
GONE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
GoogleIdToken - Class in
GoogleIdToken() - Constructor for class
GoogleIdToken(Value) - Constructor for class
gray(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII gray foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
grayBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold gray foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
green(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII green foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
greenBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold green foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
gt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
gt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
gt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
gt(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
gt(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
gt(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
gt(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
GtOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly greater than operation between its two operands.
GtOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
GtOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
GtOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.GtOutlet
guest - Variable in class swim.dynamic.BridgeGuest
guest - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgent
guest - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlane
GuestAgent - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
GuestAgent(Bridge, Object, AgentContext) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
GuestAgentRoute - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
GuestAgentRoute(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
guestCanExecute(Object) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestCanExecute(Object) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
guestCanInvokeMember(Object, String) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestCanInvokeMember(Object, String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
GuestDidClear - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidClear(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidClear
GuestDidClose - Class in swim.dynamic.api.function
GuestDidClose(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidClose
GuestDidCommand - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestDidCommand(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidCommand
GuestDidConnect - Class in swim.dynamic.api.function
GuestDidConnect(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidConnect
GuestDidDisconnect - Class in swim.dynamic.api.function
GuestDidDisconnect(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidDisconnect
GuestDidDownlinkMap<L> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestDidDownlinkMap(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestDidDownlinkMap
GuestDidDownlinkValue<K> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestDidDownlinkValue(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestDidDownlinkValue
GuestDidDrop - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidDrop(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidDrop
GuestDidEnter - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestDidEnter(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidEnter
GuestDidFail - Class in swim.dynamic.api.function
GuestDidFail(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.function.GuestDidFail
GuestDidLeave - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestDidLeave(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidLeave
GuestDidMoveIndex<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidMoveIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidMoveIndex
GuestDidMoveShape<K,S,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidMoveShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidMoveShape
GuestDidRemoveIndex<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidRemoveIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveIndex
GuestDidRemoveKey<K,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidRemoveKey(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveKey
GuestDidRemoveShape<K,S,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidRemoveShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidRemoveShape
GuestDidSet<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidSet(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidSet
GuestDidTake - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidTake(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidTake
GuestDidUpdateIndex<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidUpdateIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateIndex
GuestDidUpdateKey<K,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidUpdateKey(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateKey
GuestDidUpdateShape<K,S,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestDidUpdateShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestDidUpdateShape
GuestDidUplink - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestDidUplink(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestDidUplink
guestExecute(Object, Object...) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestExecute(Object, Object...) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
guestExecuteVoid(Object, Object...) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestExecuteVoid(Object, Object...) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
guestFunctionPrototype() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
guestInvokeMember(Object, String, Object...) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestInvokeMember(Object, String, Object...) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
guestLanguage() - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestLanguage() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
guestObjectPrototype() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
GuestOnCommand<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestOnCommand(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestOnCommand
GuestOnCue<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestOnCue(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnCue
GuestOnCueKey<K,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestOnCueKey(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnCueKey
GuestOnSyncKeys<K> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestOnSyncKeys(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnSyncKeys
GuestPlane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.plane
GuestPlane(Bridge, Object, PlaneContext) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
guestToHost(Object) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
guestToHost(Object) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
GuestWillClear - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillClear(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillClear
GuestWillCommand - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestWillCommand(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillCommand
GuestWillDownlinkMap<L> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestWillDownlinkMap(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestWillDownlinkMap
GuestWillDownlinkValue<K> - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
GuestWillDownlinkValue(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestWillDownlinkValue
GuestWillDrop - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillDrop(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillDrop
GuestWillEnter - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestWillEnter(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillEnter
GuestWillLeave - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestWillLeave(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillLeave
GuestWillMoveIndex<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillMoveIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillMoveIndex
GuestWillMoveShape<K,S,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillMoveShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillMoveShape
GuestWillRemoveIndex - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillRemoveIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveIndex
GuestWillRemoveKey<K> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillRemoveKey(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveKey
GuestWillRemoveShape<K,S> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillRemoveShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveShape
GuestWillSet<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillSet(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillSet
GuestWillTake - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillTake(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillTake
GuestWillUpdateIndex<V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillUpdateIndex(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateIndex
GuestWillUpdateKey<K,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillUpdateKey(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateKey
GuestWillUpdateShape<K,S,V> - Class in swim.dynamic.observable.function
GuestWillUpdateShape(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateShape
GuestWillUplink - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
GuestWillUplink(Bridge, Object) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillUplink
GuestWrapper - Interface in swim.dynamic
A host object that wraps a guest value.
gzip() - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
gzip() - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding


handshakeRequest(Uri) - Method in class
handshakeRequest(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Method in class
handshakeRequest(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class
handshakeRequest(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<String>, HttpHeader...) - Method in class
handshakeRequest(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Method in class
hardPage() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
hardPage() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
hardPage() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
hardPage() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
hardPage() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
has(int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
has(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
hasDynamicMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
hash() - Method in class
hash(boolean) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `boolean` `value`.
hash(byte) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `byte` `value`.
hash(char) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `char` `value`.
hash(double) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `double` `value`.
hash(float) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `float` `value`.
hash(int) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `int` `value`.
hash(int, int) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
hash(long) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `long` `value`.
hash(short) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the primitive `short` `value`.
hash(Number) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the number.
hash(Object) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the–possibly nullobject.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
hashCode() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
hashCode() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
hashCode() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
hashCode() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
hashCode() - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
hashCode() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
hashCode() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
hashCode() - Method in class swim.codec.Span
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
hashCode() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
hashCode() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
hashCode() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.Product
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
hashCode() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
hashCode() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
hashCode() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
hashCode() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Operator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
hashCode() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
hashCode() - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
hashCode() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
hashCode() - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
hashCode() - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
hashCode() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
HashGenCacheMap<K,V> - Class in swim.util
A hashed generational cache map discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenCacheMap(int) - Constructor for class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
HashGenCacheSet<T> - Class in swim.util
A hashed generational cache set discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenCacheSet(int) - Constructor for class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
HashGenMap<K,V> - Class in swim.util
A hashed generational map evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenMap(int) - Constructor for class swim.util.HashGenMap
HashGenSet<V> - Class in swim.util
A hashed generational set evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenSet(int) - Constructor for class swim.util.HashGenSet
HashTrieMap<K,V> - Class in swim.collections
HashTrieSet<T> - Class in swim.collections
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
hasMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
hasNext() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
hasNext() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
hasNext() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
hasNext() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
hasNext() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
hasPacketId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
hasPrevious() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
hasPrevious() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
hasPrevious() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
head() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
head() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the current lookahead token, if this Input is in the cont state.
head() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
head() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
head() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
head() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
head() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
head() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a first member.
head() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the first member of this Item, if this Item is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns Absent.
head() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the first member of this Record, if this Record is non-empty; otherwise returns Absent.
head() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the first member of this Value, if this Value is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns Absent.
head() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
head() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
head() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
head(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
head(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
HEAD - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
header() - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
header() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
header(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns Absent because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a head Attr whose value could be returned if its key were equal to the tag.
header(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is an Attr whose key does not equal the tag.
header(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the value of the first member of this Record, if the first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns Absent if the first member of this Record is not an Attr, or if the first member of this Record is an Attr whose key does not equal the tag.
header(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the value of the first member of this Value, if this Value is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns Absent if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record whose first member is not an Attr, or if this Value is a Record whose first member is an Attr whose key does not equal the tag.
header(CsvStructureCol...) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
Header - Annotation Interface in swim.structure
headerDecoder() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
headerEncoder(int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
headerEncoder(int, Encoder<?, ?>, Encoder<?, ?>, HpackIndexing) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
headerEncoder(HpackHeader) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
headerEncoder(HpackHeader, HpackIndexing) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
headerParser() - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
headerParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
headerParser(int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
headerParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
headerParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
headerParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
headers() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
headers(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns null because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a head Attr whose value could be returned as a Record if its key is equal to the tag.
headers(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the unflattened header of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns null.
headers(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the unflattened header of this Record.
headers(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the unflattened header of this Value, if this Value is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns null.
headers(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
headers(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
headers(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
headers(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
headers(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
headers(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
headerWriter(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
headKey() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
headMap(K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
headMap(K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
headMap(K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
headMap(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
headMap(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
headMap(Value) - Method in class
headMap(Value) - Method in class
headMap(Value) - Method in class
headMap(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
headValue() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
help() - Static method in class swim.args.Cmd
helpCmd() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
hitPage(Page) - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
hitPage(Page) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
hitPage(Store, Database, Page) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
hitRatio() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
hitRatio() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
hitRatio() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
hitRatio() - Method in class swim.util.HashGenSet
hmacSHA(Key, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
hmacSHA(Mac, Key, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
hmacSHA(Mac, Key, Value, Value, Data, Data) - Static method in class
host - Variable in class swim.meta.MetaHostAgent
host - Variable in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
host - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
host - Variable in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
host() - Method in class
host() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
host() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
host() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
host() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
host() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
host() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
host() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
host(UriHost) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
host(UriHost) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
HostAbsent - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
hostAddress - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
hostAddress() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostAddress() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
HostAddress - Class in swim.system
HostAddress(String, Uri, Value, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.HostAddress
HostAddressed - Class in swim.warp
HostAddressed - Interface in swim.system
hostAddressParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
HostAgent - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
HostAgentContext - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
HostAgentFactory - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
HostAgentRoute - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
HostAgentRouteContext - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
HostArray - Interface in swim.dynamic
A host object that has a dynamic array type descriptor.
HostArrayType<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamic array type descriptor for a host type.
HostAttr - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
hostBinding - Variable in class swim.system.HostProxy
hostBinding() - Method in class
hostBinding() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
HostBinding - Interface in swim.system
HostBool - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
hostClass - Variable in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
hostClass - Variable in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
hostClass() - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
hostClass() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
hostClass() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
hostClass() - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
HostClassType<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamic object type descriptor for an instantiable host type.
hostCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
hostCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
hostCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
hostCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
hostCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
hostCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
HostCollection - Class in
HostCommandLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostComparable - Class in
HostConstructor - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed constructor descriptor for a host type.
hostContext - Variable in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
hostContext - Variable in class swim.system.HostProxy
hostContext - Variable in class swim.system.router.HostTable
hostContext() - Method in class
hostContext() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
hostContext() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
hostContext() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
hostContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
HostContext - Interface in swim.system
hostCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
hostCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
hostCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
hostCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
hostCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
hostCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
hostCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
hostCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
HostData - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
hostDef() - Method in class
hostDef(HostDef) - Method in class
hostDef(HostDef) - Method in class
hostDef(HostDef) - Method in class
HostDef - Interface in swim.system
hostDefs() - Method in class
hostDefs() - Method in class
hostDefs() - Method in class
hostDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
hostDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
hostDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
HostDemandLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostDemandMapLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
hostDidConnect(Uri) - Method in class
hostDidConnect(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
hostDidConnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
hostDidConnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
hostDidConnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
hostDidDisconnect(Uri) - Method in class
hostDidDisconnect(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
hostDidDisconnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
hostDidDisconnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
hostDidDisconnect(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
hostedDomain() - Method in class
hostedDomain(String) - Method in class
HostException - Exception in swim.system
HostException() - Constructor for exception swim.system.HostException
HostException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.system.HostException
HostException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.HostException
HostException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.HostException
HostExtant - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostField - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostField<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed field descriptor for a host type.
HostFunction - Interface in swim.dynamic
A host object that has a dynamic function type descriptor.
HostFunctionType<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamic function type descriptor for a host type.
HostHeader - Class in swim.http.header
HostInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
HostInfo(Uri, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
hostIPv4() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostIPv4() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostIPv4(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostIPv4(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostIPv4(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
hostIPv6() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostIPv6() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostIPv6(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostIPv6(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostIPv6(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
HostItem - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostIterable - Class in
HostIterator - Class in
HostJoinMapLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostJoinValueLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api
HostLaneFactory - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
hostLibraries() - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostLibraries() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
hostLibraries() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
hostLibraries() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
HostLibrary - Interface in swim.dynamic
A collection of dynamically typed module descriptors representing a host library.
HostLink - Class in swim.dynamic.api
HostList - Class in
HostListLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
hostLiteralParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
HostMap - Class in
HostMapLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostMember<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed member descriptor for a host type.
HostMethod<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed method descriptor for a host type.
hostMethodToGuestMethod(HostMethod<? super T>, T) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostMethodToGuestMethod(HostMethod<? super T>, T) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
hostModules() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostModules() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
hostModules() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsRuntime
hostName() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostName() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostName(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostName(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostName(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
HostNum - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostObject - Class in
HostObject - Interface in swim.dynamic
A host object that has a dynamic object type descriptor.
HostObjectType<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamic object type descriptor for a host type.
HostObservableList - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
HostObservableMap - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
HostObservableSortedMap - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
HostObservableSpatialMap - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
HostObservableValue - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
hostOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
hostOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
hostOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
hostOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
hostOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
hostOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
HostPackage - Interface in swim.dynamic
A collection of dynamic type descriptors representing a host package.
hostPackages() - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostPackages() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
hostPackages() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
hostPackages() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
hostPackages() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
hostPackages() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
hostParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
hostPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostPart() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
hostPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
hostPattern() - Method in class
hostPattern() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
hostPattern(UriPattern) - Method in class
HostPlane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.plane
HostPlaneContext - Class in swim.dynamic.api.plane
HostProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
HostProfile(HostAddress, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, long, long, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
HostProxy - Class in swim.system
HostProxy(HostBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.HostProxy
HostPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
HostPulse(long, AgentPulse, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
HostRecord - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
hostRef(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
hostRef(String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
hostRef(String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
hostRef(String) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
hostRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
hostRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
hostRef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
hostRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
HostRef - Interface in swim.api.ref
hostRuntime() - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostRuntime() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
HostRuntime - Interface in swim.dynamic
A collection of dynamically typed library descriptors representing a host runtime.
hosts() - Method in class
hosts() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
hosts() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
hosts() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
HostScope - Class in swim.system.scope
HostScope(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.scope.HostScope
HostSlot - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostSpatialLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostStaticField - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed static field descriptor for a host type.
HostStaticMember - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed static member descriptor for a host type.
HostStaticMethod - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamically typed static method descriptor for a host type.
hostStaticMethodToGuestStaticMethod(HostStaticMethod) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostStaticMethodToGuestStaticMethod(HostStaticMethod) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
HostSupplyLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostTable - Class in swim.system.router
HostTable() - Constructor for class swim.system.router.HostTable
HostTableNode - Class in swim.system.router
HostTableNode(HostTable, NodeBinding, NodeAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
HostText - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostThrowable - Class in
hostToGuest(Object) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostToGuest(Object) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
hostType(T) - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostType(T) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
HostType<T> - Interface in swim.dynamic
A dynamic type descriptor for a host type.
hostTypedValueToGuestProxy(HostType<? super T>, T) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostTypedValueToGuestProxy(HostType<? super T>, T) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
hostTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.Bridge
hostTypes() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
hostTypes() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostPackage
hostTypes() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostRuntime
hostTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
hostTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
hostTypes() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
hostTypes() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
hostTypeToGuestPrototype(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostTypeToGuestType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
hostUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
hostUri - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
hostUri() - Method in class
hostUri() - Method in class
hostUri() - Method in class
hostUri() - Method in class
hostUri() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
This Agent's hostUri.
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
The hostUri of the Agent managed by this AgentContext.
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
hostUri() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
hostUri() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostAddressed
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
hostUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.Push
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
hostUri() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.HostAddressed
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
hostUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.PartAddressed
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
hostUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostAddressed
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
hostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartAddressed
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.Push
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
hostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
HostValue - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
HostValue - Interface in swim.dynamic
A host object that has a dynamic type descriptor.
HostValueLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
HostWarpLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp
hostWrapper() - Method in class
hostWrapper() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
hostWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
hostWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
hostWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
hostWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
hostWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
Hpack - Class in swim.hpack
HpackDecoder - Class in swim.hpack
HpackDecoder() - Constructor for class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
HpackDecoder(int) - Constructor for class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
HpackEncoder - Class in swim.hpack
HpackEncoder() - Constructor for class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
HpackEncoder(int) - Constructor for class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
HpackException - Exception in swim.hpack
HpackException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.hpack.HpackException
HpackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.hpack.HpackException
HpackException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.hpack.HpackException
HpackHeader - Class in swim.hpack
HpackIndexing - Enum Class in swim.hpack
Http - Class in swim.http
HTTP_1_0 - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpVersion
HTTP_1_1 - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpVersion
HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
HttpBinding - Interface in swim.system
HttpBody<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpCharset - Class in swim.http
HttpChunk - Class in swim.http
HttpChunk(HttpChunkHeader, Encoder<?, ?>) - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpChunk
HttpChunked<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpChunkHeader - Class in swim.http
HttpChunkTrailer - Class in swim.http
HttpClient - Interface in
httpClientContext() - Method in class
httpClientContext() - Method in interface
HttpClientContext - Interface in
HttpClientModem - Class in
HttpClientModem(HttpClient, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class
HttpClientRequester<T> - Class in
HttpClientRequester(HttpClientModem, HttpRequester<T>) - Constructor for class
HttpContext - Interface in swim.system
httpDecoder(HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
httpDecoder(HttpMessage<?>, Decoder<T>, long) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpBody
HttpDownlink<V> - Interface in swim.api.http
httpEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
httpEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
httpEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
httpEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
httpEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
httpEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
httpEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
httpEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
httpEncoder(HttpMessage<T2>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
httpEncoder(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
httpEncoder(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
httpEncoder(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
httpEncoder(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
HttpEndpoint - Class in
HttpEndpoint(Stage) - Constructor for class
HttpEndpoint(Stage, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class
HttpEndpoint(Station) - Constructor for class
HttpEndpoint(Station, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class
HttpErrorUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.http
HttpErrorUplinkModem(HttpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
HttpException - Exception in swim.http
HttpException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.http.HttpException
HttpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.http.HttpException
HttpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.http.HttpException
HttpHeader - Class in swim.http
HttpHeader() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpHeader
httpHeaders() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
HttpInterface - Interface in
httpLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
httpLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
httpLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
httpLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
HttpLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.http
HttpLaneModel<View extends HttpLaneView<?>,U extends HttpUplinkModem> - Class in swim.system.http
HttpLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
HttpLaneResponder - Class in swim.service.web
HttpLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.http
HttpLaneView(Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
HttpLink - Interface in swim.api.http
HttpMessage<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpMessage() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpMessage
httpMethod() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
HttpMethod - Class in swim.http
HttpParser - Class in swim.http
HttpParser() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpParser
HttpPart - Class in swim.http
HttpPart() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpPart
httpPayload() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
HttpPayload<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpPayload() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpPayload
HttpPolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
HttpProxy - Class in swim.system
HttpProxy(HttpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.HttpProxy
httpRequest - Variable in class
httpRequest - Variable in class
httpRequest() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
httpRequest() - Method in class swim.web.WebServerRequest
httpRequest() - Method in class
httpRequest() - Method in class
HttpRequest<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpRequester<T> - Interface in
httpRequesterContext() - Method in class
httpRequesterContext() - Method in interface
HttpRequesterContext - Interface in
httpResponder() - Method in class swim.web.WebResponse
HttpResponder<T> - Interface in
httpResponderContext() - Method in class
httpResponderContext() - Method in interface
httpResponderContext() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
HttpResponderContext - Interface in
httpResponse - Variable in class
httpResponse() - Method in class
httpResponse() - Method in class
httpResponse(String) - Method in class
httpResponse(String, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class
httpResponse(String, HttpHeader...) - Method in class
httpResponse(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class
httpResponse(HttpHeader...) - Method in class
HttpResponse<T> - Class in swim.http
HttpServer - Interface in
httpServerContext() - Method in class
httpServerContext() - Method in interface
HttpServerContext - Interface in
HttpServerModem - Class in
HttpServerModem(HttpServer, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class
HttpServerResponder<T> - Class in
HttpServerResponder(HttpServerModem, HttpResponder<T>) - Constructor for class
HttpService - Interface in
httpServiceContext() - Method in class
httpServiceContext() - Method in interface
httpServiceContext() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
HttpServiceContext - Interface in
httpSettings - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
httpSettings - Variable in class
httpSettings - Variable in class
httpSettings - Variable in class
httpSettings - Variable in class
httpSettings - Variable in class
httpSettings() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
httpSettings() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in interface
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class
httpSettings() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
httpSettings() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
httpSettings(HttpSettings) - Method in class
httpSettings(HttpSettings) - Method in class
HttpSettings - Class in
HTTP configuration parameters.
HttpSettings(IpSettings, int) - Constructor for class
HttpSocketService - Class in
HttpSocketService(HttpService, HttpSettings) - Constructor for class
HttpStatus - Class in swim.http
HttpUplink - Interface in swim.api.http
HttpUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.http
HttpUplinkModem(HttpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
HttpUplinkModem(HttpBinding, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
httpUri() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
httpUriPath() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
httpUriQuery() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
HttpValue<T> - Class in swim.http
httpVersion() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
HttpVersion - Class in swim.http
HttpWebResponder<T> - Class in swim.service.web
HttpWebResponder(WebRoute, KernelContext) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.HttpWebResponder
httpWriter() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPart
httpWriter() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
httpWriter() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPart
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.Product
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
httpWriter(HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
HttpWriter - Class in swim.http
HttpWriter() - Constructor for class swim.http.HttpWriter
huffmanEncodedOutput() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
huffmanEncodedOutput(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
hypot(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
hypot(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField


id - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
id() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentDef
id() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
id() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an object that identifies the token stream, or null if the stream is unidentified.
id() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
id() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
id() - Method in class
id() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
id(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but logically identified by the given–possibly nullid.
id(Object) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
id(Value) - Method in class
id(Value) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
id(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentFactory
id(Uri) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
id(Uri) - Method in class
id(Uri) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
ident(Value) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
ident(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
ident(V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
ident(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
identifier - Variable in class swim.uri.UriFragment
identifier() - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
IDENTIFIER_REJECTED - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
identify(Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
identify(T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
identify(T) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeContext
identity - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
identity() - Method in class
identity() - Method in class
identity() - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
identity() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
identity() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
identity() - Static method in class swim.structure.Selector
identity() - Static method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
identity() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
identity() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
identity() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
identity() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
identity() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
identity() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
identity() - Method in class swim.system.Push
identity() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
Identity - Interface in swim.api.auth
IdentitySelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
idleInterval - Variable in class
idleInterval() - Method in class
Returns the number of milliseconds between transport idle checks.
idleInterval(long) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TransportSettings configured with the given idleInterval for transport idle checks.
idleTimeout - Variable in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
Returns the number of idle milliseconds after which this IpModem should be closed due to inactivity.
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
Returns the number of idle milliseconds after which this IpSocket should be closed due to inactivity.
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
Returns the number of idle milliseconds after which this Transport should be closed due to inactivity.
idleTimeout() - Method in class
Returns the default number of idle milliseconds after which a transport should be timed out due to inactivity.
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in interface
idleTimeout() - Method in class
idleTimeout() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
idleTimeout(long) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TransportSettings configured with the given idleTimeout for transport idle timeouts
ifInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.ConditionalOutlet
ifTerm() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
ignore() - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Returns a Cont continuation that, when completed successfully, does nothing; and when failed with an exception, throws the exception.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class swim.avro.schema.AvroOrder
imageJpeg() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
imagePng() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
imageSvgXml() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
In - Annotation Interface in swim.streamlet
INCREMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class swim.hpack.HpackIndexing
index() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
index() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
index(int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
index(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STree
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
indexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
indexOf(Object, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
indexOf(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
indexOf(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
indexOf(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
indexOf(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
inetAddress() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
inetAddress(InetAddress) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
inetSocketAddress() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
inflate - Variable in class
inflate() - Method in class
inflate(int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate<O> - Class in swim.deflate
Inflate() - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate(int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate(int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate(Decoder<O>) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate(Decoder<O>, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
Inflate(Decoder<O>, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.deflate.Inflate
inflateInit(int, int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
inflateReset() - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
inflateReset(int, int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
inflateResetKeep() - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
info() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with INFO_LEVEL of importance.
info(Object) - Method in class
info(Object) - Method in class
info(Object) - Method in class
info(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
info(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
info(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
info(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
info(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
info(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
info(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
info(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
info(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
info(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
info(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
info(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs an info-level message.
info(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with INFO_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
info(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
info(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
INFO_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
INFO_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
infoDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
infoDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
infoDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
infoDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
infoDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
infoUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
infoUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
infoUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
infoUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
infoUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
infoUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
inheritsType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
inheritsType(HostType<?>) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
inheritType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
inheritType(HostType<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
initWindow() - Method in class swim.deflate.Inflate
injectAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectAuthenticator(Authenticator) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectEdge(EdgeAddress, EdgeBinding) - Method in class
injectEdge(EdgeAddress, EdgeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectEdge(EdgeAddress, EdgeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
injectHost(HostAddress, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
injectKernel(Kernel) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
Returns a Kernel implementation with the combined capabilities of this Kernel implementation and the given kernel implementation.
injectKernel(Kernel) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
injectLane(LaneAddress, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
injectListData(ListDataBinding) - Method in class
injectListData(ListDataBinding) - Method in class
injectListData(ListDataBinding) - Method in interface
injectListData(ListDataBinding) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in class
injectLog(Log) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectLog(Log) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectMapData(MapDataBinding) - Method in class
injectMapData(MapDataBinding) - Method in class
injectMapData(MapDataBinding) - Method in interface
injectMapData(MapDataBinding) - Method in class
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in class
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
injectMesh(MeshAddress, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
injectNode(NodeAddress, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
injectPart(PartAddress, PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
injectPlane(Plane) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectPlane(Plane) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectPolicy(Policy) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectSchedule(Schedule) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectServerStack(ClassLoader, Kernel) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
injectService(Service) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectService(Service) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectSpatialData(SpatialDataBinding<S>) - Method in class
injectSpatialData(SpatialDataBinding<S>) - Method in class
injectSpatialData(SpatialDataBinding<S>) - Method in interface
injectSpatialData(SpatialDataBinding<S>) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class
injectStage(Stage) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectStage(Stage) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in interface
injectStore(StoreBinding) - Method in class
injectValueData(ValueDataBinding) - Method in class
injectValueData(ValueDataBinding) - Method in class
injectValueData(ValueDataBinding) - Method in interface
injectValueData(ValueDataBinding) - Method in class
inlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
inlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
inlet(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
inlet(String) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
inlet(String) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Returns the Inlet to this Streamlet identified by the given key; returns null if this Streamlet has no such Inlet.
Inlet<I> - Interface in swim.streamlet
Input connector into a Streamlet.
inner - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
inner - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
inner - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
inner - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
inner - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
inner - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
inner() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
inner() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
Inout - Annotation Interface in swim.streamlet
inoutlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
inoutlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
Inoutlet<I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
input - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
input - Variable in class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
input - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
input - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
input - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
input - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
input() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns the Input source to which this diagnostic is attached.
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
input() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Returns the Outlet from which this Inlet acquires its state; returns null if this Inlet is disconnected.
input() - Method in class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
input() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
input() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
input() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
input() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
input(byte...) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Input - Class in swim.codec
Non-blocking token stream reader, with single token lookahead.
Input() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Input
inputBody - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inputBuffer() - Method in class
inputBuffer() - Method in interface
Returns the buffer into which input data is read by the underlying network socket.
inputBuffer(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
inputBuffer(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
inputBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
InputBuffer - Class in swim.codec
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
InputBuffer() - Constructor for class swim.codec.InputBuffer
inputEffects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
InputException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when reading invalid Input.
InputException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.InputException
InputException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.InputException
InputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.InputException
InputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.InputException
inputHostUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inputLaneUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inputNodeUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inputPrio - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inputRate - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
InputSettings - Class in swim.codec
Input consumption parameters.
InputSettings(boolean) - Constructor for class swim.codec.InputSettings
inputType - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
inserted(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
inserted(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
inserted(int, T, Object, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
inserted(long, Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
inserted(long, Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
inserted(long, Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
inserted(long, Value, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
integerEncoder(int, int, int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
IntegerForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and an Integer.
IntegerForm(Integer) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
integerParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
integerValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a BigInteger value, if possible.
integerValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a BigInteger value, if possible.
integerValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a BigInteger value.
integerValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
integerValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a BigInteger value, if possible.
integerValue(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a BigInteger value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a BigInteger value.
integerValue(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a BigInteger value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a BigInteger value.
integerValue(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a BigInteger value; equivalent to Num.integerValue().
integerValue(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
integerValue(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a BigInteger value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a BigInteger value.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
Interpreter - Class in swim.structure
Interpreter() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Interpreter
Interpreter(InterpreterSettings) - Constructor for class swim.structure.Interpreter
Interpreter(InterpreterSettings, Item[], int) - Constructor for class swim.structure.Interpreter
InterpreterException - Exception in swim.structure
InterpreterException() - Constructor for exception swim.structure.InterpreterException
InterpreterException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.InterpreterException
InterpreterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.InterpreterException
InterpreterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.structure.InterpreterException
InterpreterSettings - Class in swim.structure
InterpreterSettings(int) - Constructor for class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
intersects(long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
intersects(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
intersects(R2Box) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
intersects(R2Box) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
intersects(R2Circle) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
intersects(R2Circle) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
intersects(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
intersects(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
intersects(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
intersects(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
intersects(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
intersects(R2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
intersects(R3Box) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
intersects(R3Box) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
intersects(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
intersects(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
intersects(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
intersects(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
intersects(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
intersects(R3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
intersects(R3Sphere) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
intersects(R3Sphere) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
intersects(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
intersects(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
intersects(Shape) - Method in interface swim.math.Shape
intersects(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
intersects(Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
intersects(Z2Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
intersects(Z2Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
intersects(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
intersects(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
intersects(Z2Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
intersects(Z3Box) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
intersects(Z3Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
intersects(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
intersects(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
intersects(Z3Shape) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
intersects(T, T) - Method in interface swim.math.Boundary
intersects(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.R2Form
intersects(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.R3Form
intersects(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Form
intersects(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Form
intType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
intType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
intType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
intValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive int value, if possible.
intValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive int value, if possible.
intValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive int value.
intValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
intValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive int value, if possible.
intValue(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive int value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive int value.
intValue(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive int value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive int value.
intValue(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive int value; equivalent to Num.intValue().
intValue(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
intValue(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive int value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive int value.
intWriter() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Integer value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
intWriter(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
inverse() - Method in interface swim.math.R2ToZ2Operator
inverse() - Method in interface swim.math.R3ToZ3Operator
inverse() - Method in interface swim.math.Z2ToR2Operator
inverse() - Method in interface swim.math.Z3ToR3Operator
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
inverse() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
inverse(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
inverse(S) - Method in interface swim.math.Field
invoke(Bridge, Object...) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostStaticMethod
invoke(Bridge, T, Object...) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostMethod
invoke(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
invoke(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
Creates, but does not evaluate, an InvokeOperator where this Selector evaluates to the operator.
invoke(Value, Interpreter, InvokeOperator) - Method in class swim.structure.Func
invoke(Value, Interpreter, InvokeOperator) - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
invoke(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
invoke(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
InvokeOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
InvokeOperator(Value, Value) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
InvokeOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
InvokeOutlet(Record) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.InvokeOutlet
IpContext - Interface in
IP network connection context.
IpEndpoint - Class in
Network interface for binding and connecting IP sockets and modems.
IpEndpoint(Stage) - Constructor for class
IpEndpoint(Stage, IpSettings) - Constructor for class
IpEndpoint(Station) - Constructor for class
IpEndpoint(Station, IpSettings) - Constructor for class
IpException - Exception in
IpException() - Constructor for exception
IpException(String) - Constructor for exception
IpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
IpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
IpInterface - Interface in
IpModem<I,O> - Interface in
Network socket binding that provides asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
ipModemContext() - Method in class
ipModemContext() - Method in class
ipModemContext() - Method in class
ipModemContext() - Method in interface
Returns the socket modem context to which this IpModem is bound; returns null if this IpModem is unbound.
ipModemContext() - Method in class
ipModemContext() - Method in class
IpModemContext<I,O> - Interface in
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpService - Interface in
Network service listener that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
ipServiceContext() - Method in class
ipServiceContext() - Method in class
ipServiceContext() - Method in interface
Returns the network listener context to which this IpService is bound; returns null if this IpService is unbound.
ipServiceContext() - Method in class
IpServiceContext - Interface in
Network listener context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
IpServiceRef - Interface in
External handle to a network IpService listener.
ipSettings - Variable in class
ipSettings - Variable in class
ipSettings - Variable in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
Returns the socket configuration.
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in interface
ipSettings() - Method in interface
Returns the configuration parameters that govern the underlying network socket.
ipSettings() - Method in interface
Returns the configuration parameters that govern the underlying network listener.
ipSettings() - Method in interface
Returns the configuration parameters that govern the underlying network socket.
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
ipSettings() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
ipSettings() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
ipSettings(IpSettings) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these HttpSettings configured with the given ipSettings.
ipSettings(IpSettings) - Method in class
ipSettings(IpSettings) - Method in class
ipSettings(IpSettings) - Method in class
IpSettings - Class in
IP Socket configuration parameters.
IpSettings(TcpSettings, TlsSettings) - Constructor for class
IpSocket - Interface in
Network socket binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
ipSocketContext() - Method in class
ipSocketContext() - Method in interface
Returns the network socket context to which this IpSocket is bound; returns null if this IpSocket is unbound.
ipSocketContext() - Method in class
IpSocketContext - Interface in
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpSocketModem<I,O> - Class in
Adapter from a flow-controlled IpSocket to a decoder/encoder controlled IpModem.
IpSocketModem(IpModem<I, O>) - Constructor for class
IpSocketRef - Interface in
External handle to a network IpSocket.
IpStation - Interface in
ipv4() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
ipv4(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
ipv6() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
ipv6(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
is_last - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
is100Continue() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
isAbsolute() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isAccepted() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
isAccepted() - Method in class swim.web.WebResponse
isAcceptEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the accept operation is enabled.
isAlert() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has ALERT_LEVEL of importance.
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
isAliased() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
isAllowed() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
isAlpha(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isApplication() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isApplication() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isArray() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
isArray() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
isArray() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
isArray() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
isArray() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has only Value members–no Field members.
isAtLeastOnce() - Method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
isAtLeastOnce() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
isAtMostOnce() - Method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
isAtMostOnce() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
isAttr(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isAttr(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isAudio() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isAudio() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isAuthenticated() - Method in class
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
isAuthenticated() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
isAuthenticated() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
isBinary() - Method in enum class
isBlank() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
isBlank() - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
isBlockSafe(Iterator<I>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isBool(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isBool(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isBTree() - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
isBTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
isBTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isBuiltin() - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
isBuiltin() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
isBuiltin() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostBuiltinType
isBuiltin() - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
isBuiltin(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns whether type has a built-in base (i.e.
isChildOf(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
isChildOf(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isChunked() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in interface
Returns true if the underlying network channel initiated an outgoing connection.
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClient() - Method in class
isClose() - Method in enum class
isClosed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
isClosed() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
isClosed() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
isClosed(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isCommentChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isCommitted() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
isCommitted() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
isCommitted() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
isCommitted() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
isCommitted() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
isCommitting() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
isCommitting() - Method in class swim.db.Store
isCompacting() - Method in class swim.db.Database
isCompacting() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
isCompacting() - Method in class swim.db.Store
isCompress() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
isCompress() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in interface
Returns true if the underlying network channel is currently connected.
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isConnected() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isConnected() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isConnected() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
isConnected() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isConnected() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isConnected() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isConnectedDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
isConnectedDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isConnectedDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isConnectedDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
isConnectedDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isConnectedUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isConnectedUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
isConnectedUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isConnectedUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
isConnectedUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
isConnectedUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isConnectEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the connect operation is enabled.
isConstant() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordStreamlet
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Func
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item always evaluates to the same Item.
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.UnaryOperator
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
isConstant() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns true when feed is able to consume InputBuffer data.
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns true when pull is able to produce buffer data.
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns true when a lookeahead token is immediately available.
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns true when the next Output.write(int) will succeed.
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns true when feed is able to consume Input.
isCont() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns true when pull is able to produce Output.
isContinuation() - Method in enum class
isControl() - Method in enum class
isCued() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
Returns true if the task is currently scheduled for execution.
isCued() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskContext
Returns true if the task is currently scheduled for execution.
isCued() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskRef
Returns true if the task is currently scheduled for execution.
isData() - Method in enum class
isDebug() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has DEBUG_LEVEL of importance.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
isDefined() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
isDefined() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
isDefined() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
isDefined() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
isDefined() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
isDefined() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
isDefined() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
isDefined() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
isDefined() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns false because Absent represents an undefined value.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns true because Extant is a defined value.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns true because a Field can never be Absent.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is not Absent.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is not Absent.
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.Pulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
isDefined() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
isDefined() - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns false because Absent is not a definite value.
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns false because Extant is not a definite value.
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns true because a Field cannot be one of: an empty Record, False, Extant, or Absent.
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is not one of: an empty Record, False, Extant, or Absent.
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
isDefinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is not one of: an empty Record, False, Extant, or Absent.
isDeflate() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
isDeflate() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
isDelimiter(int) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
isDenied() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
isDigit(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns true if the Unicode code point c is a valid base-10 digit.
isDigit(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns true if the Unicode code point c is a valid base-16 digit.
isDigit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns true if the Unicode code point c is a valid base-64 digit.
isDistinct() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns false because Absent is not a distinct value.
isDistinct() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns false because Extant is not a distinct value.
isDistinct() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns true because a Field can be neither Extant nor Absent.
isDistinct() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns true if this Item is neither Extant nor Absent.
isDistinct() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns true if this Value is neither Extant nor Absent.
isDistinct(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
isDistinct(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns true when decoding has terminated successfully, and bind will return the decoded result.
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns true when encoding has terminated successfully, and bind will return the encoded result.
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns true when no lookahead token is currently available, and no additional input will ever become available.
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns true when no write will ever again suucced.
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns true when parsing has terminated successfully, and bind will return the parsed result.
isDone() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns true when writing has terminated successfully, and bind will return the written result.
isDone() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
isDone() - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
isDouble() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns true when no lookahead token is currently available, but additional input may be available in the future.
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
isEmpty() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has no members.
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
isEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
isEmpty() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
isEmpty() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
isEmpty() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
isEndGroup() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns true when decoding has terminated in failure, and trap will return the decode error.
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns true when encoding has terminated in failure, and trap will return the encode error.
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns true when no lookahead token is currently available due to an error with the token stream.
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns true when an immediate write will fail due to an error with the token stream.
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns true when parsing has terminated in failure, and trap will return the parse error.
isError() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns true when writing has terminated in failure, and trap will return the write error.
isError() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has ERROR_LEVEL of importance.
isEscapeChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isExactlyOnce() - Method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
isExactlyOnce() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
isExpression(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isExpression(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isExtant(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isExtant(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isFailure() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
isFatal() - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns true if a Unicode decoding should abort with an error when an invalid code unit sequence is encountered.
isFatal() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has FATAL_LEVEL of importance.
isField(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isField(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isFieldChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isFixed32() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isFixed64() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isForbidden() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
isForced() - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isForced(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isFull() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns true when an immediate write will fail, but writes may succeed at some point in the future.
isFullyPacked() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
isGateway() - Method in class
isGateway() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
isGateway(boolean) - Method in class
isGzip() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
isGzip() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
isHalf() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
isIdent(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isIdent(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isIdentity() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
isImage() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isImage() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isInfinite() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isInfo() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has INFO_LEVEL of importance.
isLeaf() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
isLeaf() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isLeaf() - Method in enum class swim.db.PageType
isLeaf() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
isLeaf() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
isLeaf() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
isLinked() - Method in class
isLinked() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
isLinked() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
isLinked() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
isLoaded() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
isLoaded() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
isMarkupSafe(Iterator<I>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isMasked() - Method in class
isMaster() - Method in class
isMaster() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isMaster() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isMaster() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isMaster() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isMultipart() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isMultipart() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
isMutable() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
isNameChar(int) - Static method in class swim.avro.Avro
isNameStartChar(int) - Static method in class swim.avro.Avro
isNaN() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isNativeHostClass(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
isNode() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
isNode() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isNode() - Method in enum class swim.db.PageType
isNode() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
isNode() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
isNonFatal(Throwable) - Static method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Returns true if throwable is a recoverable exception; returns false if throwable cannot be recovered from.
isNonZero() - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns true if Unicode decoding should abort with an error when a NUL byte is encountered.
isNonZero(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that, if isNonZero is true, aborts when Unicode decoding encounters a NUL byte.
isNote() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has NOTE_LEVEL of importance.
isNum(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isNum(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isObject() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
isObject() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
isObject() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
isObject() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
isObject() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns true if this Record has only Field members–no Value members.
isOpened() - Method in class
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
isOpened() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
isOpened() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
isPacked() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
isPadded() - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns true if this base-64 encoding requires padding.
isPadded(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns this Base64 encoding with required padding, if isPadded is true.
isPart() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns true if this is a partial Input will that enter the empty state after it consumes the last available input token.
isPart() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns true if this is a partial Output that will enter the full state when it is unable to write additional tokens.
isPart(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns a partial Input equivalent to this Input, if isPart is true; returns a final Input equivalent to this Input if isPart is false.
isPart(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
isPart(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns a partial Output equivalent to this Output, if isPart is true; returns a final Output equivalent to this Output if isPart is false.
isPart(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
isPhraseChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isPing() - Method in enum class
isPong() - Method in enum class
isPreemptive() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Preemptive
Returns true if callers can safely invoke this function object concurrently.
isPretty - Variable in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
isPretty() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns true if output producers should pretty print their output, when possible.
isPretty(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns a copy of these settings with the given isPretty flag.
isPrimary() - Method in class
isPrimary() - Method in class
isPrimary() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isPrimary() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isPrimary() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
isPrimary() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isPrimary() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isPrimary(boolean) - Method in class
isPrimitive() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isQTree() - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
isQTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isQTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
isQuotedChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isReadDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the read operation should be disabled.
isReadEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the read operation is enabled.
isReadEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the read operation should be enabled.
isRecord(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isRecord(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isRefused() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
isRejected() - Method in class swim.web.WebResponse
isRelative() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isRelativeModulePath(UriPath) - Static method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
isRelativeTo(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
isRelativeTo(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
isReleasable() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
isRemote() - Method in class
isRemote() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
isRemote() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isRemote() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isRemote() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isRemote() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
isRemote() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isRemote() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isRemote() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isRemoteDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
isRemoteDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isRemoteDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isRemoteDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
isRemoteDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isRemoteUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isRemoteUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
isRemoteUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isRemoteUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
isRemoteUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
isRemoteUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isReplacement() - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns true if a Unicode decoding should substitute invalid code unit sequences with a replacement character.
isReplica() - Method in class
isReplica() - Method in class
isReplica() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isReplica() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isReplica() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
isReplica() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isReplica() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isReplica(boolean) - Method in class
isReserved() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isReserved() - Method in enum class
isResident() - Method in interface
isResident() - Method in interface
isResident() - Method in interface
isResident() - Method in interface
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
isResident() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.PageLoader
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.STree
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
isResident() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
isResident() - Method in interface
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
isResident() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STree
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in interface
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
isResident(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
isScheduled() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
Returns true if this timer is currently scheduled to execute.
isScheduled() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerContext
Returns true if the timer is currently scheduled to execute.
isScheduled() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerRef
Returns true if the timer is currently scheduled to execute.
isScheduled() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns true if the currently executing link is secure, or false if the currently executing link is not secure, or if not currently executing a link callback.
isSecure() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in interface
Returns true if the underlying network transport is encrypted.
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isSecure() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isSecure() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isSecure() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
isSecure() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isSecure() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isSecure() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isSecureDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
isSecureDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
isSecureDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isSecureDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
isSecureDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isSecureUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
isSecureUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
isSecureUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
isSecureUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
isSecureUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
isSecureUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
isSensitive() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in interface
Returns true if the underlying network channel accepted an incoming connection.
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isServer() - Method in class
isShifted() - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isShifted(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
isSingle() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
isSized() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isSlave() - Method in class
isSlave() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
isSlave() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
isSlave() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isSlave() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
isSlot(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isSlot(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isSpace(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isStar() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
isStar() - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
isStarted() - Method in class
isStarted() - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
isStarted() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
isStarted() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
isStarted() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
isStartGroup() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isStateful() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
isStateful() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
isStateful() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
isStateful() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
isStateful(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
isStateful(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
isStateful(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
isStateful(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
isSTree() - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
isSTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isSTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
isStripped - Variable in class swim.codec.InputSettings
isStripped() - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
Returns true if input consumers should not include diagnostic metadata in generated output.
isStripped(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
Returns a copy of these settings with the given isStripped flag.
isStyled - Variable in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
isStyled() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns true if output producers should style their output, when possible.
isStyled(boolean) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns a copy of these settings with the given isStyled flag.
isSuccess() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
issuedAt() - Method in class
issuedAt(long) - Method in class
issuedAt(long) - Method in class
issuedAt(long) - Method in class
issuer() - Method in class
issuer(String) - Method in class
issuer(String) - Method in class
issuer(String) - Method in class
isText() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isText() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isText() - Method in enum class
isText(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isText(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isToken(String) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isTokenChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isTrace() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has TRACE_LEVEL of importance.
isTransient() - Method in interface
isTransient() - Method in interface
isTransient() - Method in interface
isTransient() - Method in interface
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
isTransient() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.STree
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
isTransient() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
isTransient() - Method in interface
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
isTransient() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STree
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in interface
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
isTransient(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
isUint32() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isUint64() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isUri() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
isUTree() - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
isUTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.Page
isUTreePage() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
isValidByte() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidDouble() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidFloat() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidInt() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidInteger() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidLong() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValidShort() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
isValue(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
isValue(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
isVarint() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
isVideo() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
isVideo() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
isVisibleChar(int) - Static method in class swim.http.Http
isWarning() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns true if this Severity has WARNING_LEVEL of importance.
isWriteDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the write operation should be disabled.
isWriteEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the write operation is enabled.
isWriteEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns true if the write operation should be enabled.
item() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
item(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
item(Value) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
item(Value) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
item(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
item(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
item(Value) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
item(V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
item(V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
item(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
item(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
item(V) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
Item - Class in swim.structure
ItemForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Fall-through "transformation" between a structural Item and a nominal Item.
ItemForm(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
items(I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
items(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
items(Item) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
items(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
itemType() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroArrayType
itemType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
itemType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufRepeatedType
IterableMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.util
iterator() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
iterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
iterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
iterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
iterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
iterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
iterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
iterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
iterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
iterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
iterator() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
iterator() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
iterator(S) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
iterator(S) - Method in class
iterator(S) - Method in class
iterator(S) - Method in class
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
iterator(S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView


JavaAgentDef - Class in
JavaAgentDef(String, Value, Value) - Constructor for class
JavaAgentFactory<A extends Agent> - Class in
JavaAgentFactory(Class<? extends A>) - Constructor for class
JavaAgentFactory(JavaAgentDef, Class<? extends A>) - Constructor for class
JavaAgentFactory(JavaAgentDef, Class<? extends A>, Constructor<? extends A>) - Constructor for class
JavaBase - Class in
JavaHostBuiltinType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostBuiltinType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostBuiltinType
JavaHostClassType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostClassType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostClassType
JavaHostLibrary - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostLibrary(String) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
JavaHostObjectType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostObjectType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
JavaHostPackage - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostPackage(String) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
JavaHostRuntime - Class in swim.dynamic
JavaHostRuntime() - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.JavaHostRuntime
JavaKernel - Class in
JavaKernel() - Constructor for class
JavaKernel(double) - Constructor for class
JavaLang - Class in
JavaPlaneDef - Class in
JavaPlaneDef(String, String) - Constructor for class
JavaPlaneFactory<P extends Plane> - Class in
JavaPlaneFactory(KernelContext, JavaPlaneDef, Class<? extends P>) - Constructor for class
JavaUtil - Class in
joinMapLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
joinMapLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
joinMapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
joinMapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
JoinMapLane<L,K,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
JoinMapLaneDownlink<K,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinMapLaneDownlink(CellContext, Stage, JoinMapLaneModel, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<K>, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
JoinMapLaneDownlink(CellContext, Stage, JoinMapLaneModel, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
JoinMapLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinMapLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
JoinMapLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinMapLaneUplink(JoinMapLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneUplink
JoinMapLaneView<L,K,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinMapLaneView(AgentContext, Form<L>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
joinValueLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
joinValueLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
joinValueLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
joinValueLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
JoinValueLane<K,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
JoinValueLaneDownlink<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinValueLaneDownlink(CellContext, Stage, JoinValueLaneModel, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
JoinValueLaneDownlink(CellContext, Stage, JoinValueLaneModel, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
JoinValueLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinValueLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
JoinValueLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinValueLaneUplink(JoinValueLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneUplink
JoinValueLaneView<K,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
JoinValueLaneView(AgentContext, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
joseHeader() - Method in class
JsAgent - Class in swim.js
JsAgent(AgentContext, JsBridge, JsModule, Object) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsAgent
JsAgentDef - Class in swim.js
JsAgentDef(UriPath, Value, Value) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsAgentDef
JsAgentFactory - Class in swim.js
JsAgentFactory(JsKernel, UriPath, JsAgentDef) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
JsBridge - Class in swim.vm.js
JsBridge(JsRuntime, Context) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
JsCachedModuleResolver - Class in swim.vm.js
JsCachedModuleResolver(JsModuleResolver) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsCachedModuleResolver
jsContext() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
jsContext() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
jsEngine() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
JsGuestModule - Class in swim.vm.js
JsGuestModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath, Source) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
JsGuestModuleExports - Class in swim.vm.js
JsGuestModuleExports(JsGuestModule) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
JsGuestModuleLoader - Class in swim.vm.js
JsGuestModuleLoader() - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
JsGuestModuleLoader(JsModuleResolver) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
JsGuestModuleObject - Class in swim.vm.js
JsGuestModuleObject(JsGuestModule) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
JsHostClass - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostClass(JsBridge, HostClassType<?>) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
JsHostLibraryModule - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostLibraryModule(JsBridge, JsModuleSystem, UriPath, HostLibrary) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
JsHostMethod<T> - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostMethod(JsBridge, HostMethod<? super T>, T) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
JsHostObject<T> - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostObject(JsBridge, HostObjectType<? super T>, T) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
JsHostPrototype - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostPrototype(JsBridge, HostClassType<?>) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
JsHostRuntime - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostRuntime() - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
JsHostRuntime(JsModuleResolver) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
JsHostStaticMethod - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostStaticMethod(JsBridge, HostStaticMethod) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
JsHostType - Class in swim.vm.js
JsHostType(JsBridge, HostType<?>) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
jsKernel - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
jsKernel - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
jsKernel() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
jsKernel() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
JsKernel - Class in swim.js
JsKernel() - Constructor for class swim.js.JsKernel
JsKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsKernel
JsModule - Interface in swim.vm.js
JsModuleException - Exception in swim.vm.js
JsModuleException() - Constructor for exception swim.vm.js.JsModuleException
JsModuleException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.vm.js.JsModuleException
JsModuleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.vm.js.JsModuleException
JsModuleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.vm.js.JsModuleException
JsModuleLoader - Interface in swim.vm.js
JsModuleResolver - Interface in swim.vm.js
JsModuleSystem - Class in swim.vm.js
JsModuleSystem(Context) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
JsModuleSystem(Context, JsModuleLoader) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
JsNodeModuleResolver - Class in swim.vm.js
JsNodeModuleResolver() - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
JsNodeModuleResolver(UriPath) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
Json - Class in swim.json
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and writers.
JsonParser<I,V> - Class in swim.json
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and parse trees.
JsonParser() - Constructor for class swim.json.JsonParser
JsonStructureParser - Class in swim.json
JsonStructureParser() - Constructor for class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
JsonStructureWriter - Class in swim.json
JsonStructureWriter() - Constructor for class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
jsonWebKey() - Method in class
JsonWebKey - Class in
JsonWebKey(Value) - Constructor for class
jsonWebKeySetUrl() - Method in class
JsonWebSignature - Class in
JsonWebSignature(Value, Value, Data, Data, Data) - Constructor for class
JsonWebToken - Class in
JsonWebToken() - Constructor for class
JsonWebToken(Value) - Constructor for class
JsonWriter<I,V> - Class in swim.json
Factory for constructing JSON writers.
JsonWriter() - Constructor for class swim.json.JsonWriter
JsPlane - Class in swim.js
JsPlane(PlaneContext, JsBridge, JsModule, Object) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsPlane
JsPlaneDef - Class in swim.js
JsPlaneDef(String, UriPath) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
JsPlaneFactory - Class in swim.js
JsPlaneFactory(JsKernel, UriPath, JsPlaneDef) - Constructor for class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
JsRequireFunction - Class in swim.vm.js
JsRequireFunction(JsGuestModule) - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
jsRuntime() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
jsRuntime() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
JsRuntime - Interface in swim.vm.js
JsStaticModuleResolver - Class in swim.vm.js
JsStaticModuleResolver() - Constructor for class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
jwtId() - Method in class
jwtId(String) - Method in class
jwtId(String) - Method in class
jwtId(String) - Method in class


KEEP_LINKED - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
KEEP_SYNCED - Static variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
keepAlive - Variable in class
keepAlive() - Method in class
Returns true if TCP should be configured with the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option to send keepalive probes to prevent idle connections from timing out.
keepAlive() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
keepAlive(boolean) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given keepAlive value for the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option.
keepAlive(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
keepLinked() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
keepLinked() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
keepLinked() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
keepLinked() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
keepLinked() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
keepLinked() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
keepLinked(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
keepSynced() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
keepSynced() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
keepSynced() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
keepSynced() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
keepSynced() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
keepSynced() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
keepSynced(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
kernel - Variable in class
kernel - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
kernel() - Method in class
kernel() - Method in class
kernel() - Method in class
kernel() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelShutdownHook
kernel() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
kernel() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServer
kernel() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
kernel() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceFactory
Kernel - Interface in swim.kernel
kernelBinding - Variable in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
kernelBinding() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
kernelBinding() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
KernelBinding - Interface in swim.kernel
kernelContext - Variable in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
kernelContext() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelBinding
kernelContext() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
KernelContext - Interface in swim.kernel
KernelException - Exception in swim.kernel
KernelException() - Constructor for exception swim.kernel.KernelException
KernelException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.kernel.KernelException
KernelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.kernel.KernelException
KernelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.kernel.KernelException
KernelLoader - Class in swim.kernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.auth.AuthenticatorKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
Returns the relative priority of this Kernel implementation.
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.meta.MetaKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
kernelPriority() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
kernelPriority() - Method in class
kernelPriority() - Method in class
KernelProxy - Class in swim.kernel
KernelProxy() - Constructor for class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
KernelShutdownHook - Class in swim.kernel
kernelWrapper() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelBinding
kernelWrapper() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
kernelWrapper() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
key - Variable in class swim.dataflow.RecordFieldUpdater
key - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
key - Variable in class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
key - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
key - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
key - Variable in class
key() - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
key() - Method in class swim.db.MetaLeaf
key() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostMember
key() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostStaticMember
key() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
key() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
key() - Method in interface
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in interface
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class
key() - Method in class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
key() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
key() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns the key component of this Field.
key() - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
key() - Method in class swim.structure.form.FieldForm
key() - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
key() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the key component of this Item, if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is a Value.
key() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
key() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Always returns Absent because a Value can't be a Field, so it can't have a key component.
key() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
key() - Method in class
key(I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
key(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
key(Item) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
key(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
key(Value) - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keyClass(Class<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
keyDef() - Method in class
KeyDef - Class in
KeyDef() - Constructor for class
KeyedList<E> - Interface in swim.util
KeyEffect - Enum Class in swim.streamlet
keyEquals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
keyEquals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
keyEquals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
keyEquals(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
keyField() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapEntryType
keyForm - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
keyForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
keyForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keyForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
keyForm() - Method in interface
keyForm() - Method in interface
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
keyForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
keyForm() - Static method in class
keyForm() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class
keyForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
keyForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
keyForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keyForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keyForm(Form<K2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
keyId() - Method in class
keyId() - Method in class
keyInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.selector.GetOutlet
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Returns an Iterator over the keys in the current state of this MapOutlet.
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
keyIterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
keyIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
keyOperations() - Method in class
KeyOutlet<K,V> - Class in swim.streamlet
KeyOutlet(MapOutlet<? super K, ? extends V, ?>, K) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.KeyOutlet
keys() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
keys() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is the KeysSelector.
keys(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
keys(Cursor<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ?>>) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
keys(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
keySet() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
keySet() - Method in class
keySet() - Method in class
keySet() - Method in class
keySet() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
keySet() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
keySet() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
keySet() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
keySet() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
keySet() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
keySet() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
KeysSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "keys" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
KeysSelector(Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
keyType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
keyType() - Method in class
Kind - Annotation Interface in swim.structure


label() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a descriptive label for this Severity.
label(String) - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a new Severity with the same level as this Severity, but with a new descriptive label.
lambda(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
lambda(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
lambda(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
lambda(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
lambda(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
LambdaFunc - Class in swim.structure.func
LambdaFunc(Value, Value) - Constructor for class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
lane - Variable in class swim.meta.MetaLaneAgent
lane - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
lane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the currently executing lane, or null if not currently executing a lane or link callback.
lane() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Returns the currently executing lane, or null if not currently executing a lane or link callback.
lane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
Lane - Interface in swim.api
laneAddress - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
LaneAddress - Class in swim.system
LaneAddress(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneAddress
LaneAddressed - Class in swim.warp
LaneAddressed - Interface in swim.system
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
laneBinding - Variable in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneBinding() - Method in class
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneUplink
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneBinding() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
LaneBinding - Interface in swim.system
laneContext - Variable in class swim.system.LaneModel
laneContext - Variable in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneContext() - Method in class
laneContext() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
laneContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
laneContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
LaneContext - Interface in swim.system
laneCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
laneCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LanePulse
laneCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
laneDecodeRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
laneDef() - Method in class
laneDef(LaneDef) - Method in class
laneDef(LaneDef) - Method in class
laneDef(LaneDef) - Method in class
laneDef(LaneDef) - Method in class
laneDef(LaneDef) - Method in class
LaneDef - Interface in swim.system
laneDefs() - Method in class
laneDefs() - Method in class
laneDefs() - Method in class
laneDefs() - Method in class
laneDefs() - Method in class
laneDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
laneDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
laneDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
laneDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
laneDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
laneDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneDidClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneDidCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneDidDownlink(K, MapDownlink<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneDidDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneDidDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneDidEnter(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneDidFail(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
laneDidInsert(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidLeave(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneDidMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidMove(K, S, V, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneDidRemove(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidRemove(K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneDidRemove(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneDidRemove(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneDidRemove(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneDidRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
laneDidRespond(HttpUplink, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
laneDidSet(V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
laneDidTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneDidUpdate(int, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneDidUpdate(K, S, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneDidUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneDidUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneDidUpdate(K, V, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneDidUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneDoRespond(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<Object>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
LaneException - Exception in swim.api
LaneException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.LaneException
LaneException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LaneException
LaneException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LaneException
LaneException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LaneException
LaneFactory - Interface in swim.api.lane
LaneInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
LaneInfo(Uri, String) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
laneModel - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
laneModel - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
LaneModel<View extends LaneView,U extends AbstractUplinkContext> - Class in swim.system
LaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneModel
laneOnCommand(V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
lanePattern() - Method in class
lanePattern() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneDef
lanePattern(UriPattern) - Method in class
lanePolicy(Lane) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
lanePolicy(Lane) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.AgentPolicy
LanePolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
LaneProxy - Class in swim.system
LaneProxy(LaneBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneProxy
LanePulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
LanePulse() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.LanePulse
laneRef(String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
laneRef(String) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
laneRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
laneRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
laneRef(String, String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
laneRef(String, String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
laneRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
laneRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
laneRef(String, String, String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
laneRef(String, String, String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
laneRef(String, String, String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
laneRef(String, String, String) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
laneRef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
laneRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
laneRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
laneRef(Uri, Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
laneRef(Uri, Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
laneRef(Uri, Uri, Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
laneRef(Uri, Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
LaneRef - Interface in swim.api.ref
LaneRelay<Model extends LaneModel<View,?>,View extends LaneView> - Class in swim.system
LaneRelay(Model) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneRelay
LaneRelay(Model, int) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneRelay
LaneRelay(Model, int, int, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneRelay
lanes() - Method in class
lanes() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
lanes() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
lanes() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
LaneScope - Class in swim.system.scope
LaneScope(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
laneType - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
laneType() - Method in class
laneType() - Method in class
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneModel
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
laneType() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
laneType() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneDef
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneType() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
laneType(String) - Method in class
laneUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
laneUri - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
laneUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
laneUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
laneUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
laneUri - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
laneUri() - Method in class
laneUri() - Method in class
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
laneUri() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneAddressed
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneDef
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
laneUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.Push
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
laneUri() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
laneUri() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
laneUri() - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
laneUri() - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneAddressed
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
laneUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeAddressed
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
laneUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneAddressed
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
laneUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeAddressed
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.Push
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.EventMessage
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
laneUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
LaneView - Class in swim.system
LaneView(Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.LaneView
laneWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneWillClear() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneWillCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneWillDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneWillDownlink(L, MapDownlink<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneWillDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillDrop(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneWillEnter(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneWillInsert(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillLeave(Identity) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneWillMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillMove(K, S, V, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneWillRemove(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillRemove(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneWillRemove(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneWillRemove(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneWillRemove(K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneWillRequest(HttpUplink, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
laneWillRespond(HttpUplink, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
laneWillSet(V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
laneWillTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillTake(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneWillUpdate(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
laneWillUpdate(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
laneWillUpdate(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
laneWillUpdate(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
laneWillUpdate(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
laneWillUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
laneWrapper() - Method in class
laneWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
laneWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
laneWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
laneWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
laneWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
languageRange(String, String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
LanguageRange - Class in swim.http
languageRangeParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
languageRangeWriter(String, String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
languages() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
last() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
lastEntry() - Method in class
lastEntry() - Method in class
lastEntry() - Method in class
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
lastEntry() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
lastEntry() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STree
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
lastKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
lastKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
lastKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
lastKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
lastKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
lastKey() - Method in class
lastKey() - Method in class
lastKey() - Method in class
lastKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
lastKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
lastKey() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
lastKey() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
lastKey() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
lastKey() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
lastValue() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
lastValue() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
lastValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
lastValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
lastValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
lastValue() - Method in class
lastValue() - Method in class
lastValue() - Method in class
lastValue() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
lastValue() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
lastValue() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
lastValue() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
lastValue() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
latest() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
Lax - Enum constant in enum class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader.SameSite
le(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
le(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
le(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
le(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
le(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
le(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
le(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
LEAF - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.PageType
leafCount() - Method in class
leafs() - Method in class swim.db.Database
length() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
length() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
length() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
length() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns 0 because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't contain any members.
length() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the number of members contained in this Item, if this Item is a Record; otherwise returns 0 if this Item is not a Record.
length() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the number of members contained in this Record; equivalent to Record.size().
length() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the number of members contained in this Value, if this Value is a Record; otherwise returns 0 if this Value is not a Record.
LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
LeOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a less than or equal to comparison between its two operands.
LeOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
LeOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
LeOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.LeOutlet
level() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the integer level of importance of this Severity, with higher levels signifying greater importance.
lhs() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
lhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.AndOutlet
lhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BinaryOutlet
lhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.OrOutlet
LIBRARY - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.SwimApi
LIBRARY - Static variable in class
LIBRARY - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.SwimObservable
LIBRARY - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.SwimStructure
libraryName - Variable in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
libraryName() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostLibrary
libraryName() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostLibrary
limit() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
limit() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
limit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
limit(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
line() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the one-based line number of the current lookahead token, relative to the start of the stream.
line() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns the one-based line number of this position.
lineParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
lineSeparator - Variable in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
lineSeparator() - Static method in class swim.codec.Format
Returns the operting system specific string used to separate lines of text.
lineSeparator() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns the code point sequence used to separate lines of text.
lineSeparator(String) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns a copy of these settings with the given lineSeparator.
link() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the currently executing link, or null if not currently executing a link callback.
link() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Returns the currently executing link, or null if not currently executing a link callback.
link() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
link() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
Link - Interface in swim.api
LinkAddress - Interface in swim.system
LinkAddressed - Class in swim.warp
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
linkBinding - Variable in class swim.system.WarpProxy
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
linkBinding() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
LinkBinding - Interface in swim.system
linkClass(Class<L2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
linkClass(Class<L2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
linkCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
linkContext - Variable in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkContext - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
linkContext - Variable in class swim.system.WarpProxy
linkContext() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
linkContext() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
linkContext() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
linkContext() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkContext() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
linkContext() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
linkContext() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
linkContext() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
LinkContext - Interface in swim.system
linkCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
linkCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
linkCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LinkPulse
linkCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
linkCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
linkData - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
linkedResponse() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
LinkedResponse - Class in swim.warp
LinkedResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(String, String, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(String, String, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(Uri, Uri, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkedResponse(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
LinkException - Exception in swim.api
LinkException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.LinkException
LinkException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LinkException
LinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LinkException
LinkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.LinkException
linkForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
linkForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
linkForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
linkForm(Form<L2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
linkForm(Form<L2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
LinkInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
LinkInfo() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.LinkInfo
linkKey - Variable in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
linkKey - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
linkKey() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkKey() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
linkKey() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
linkKey() - Method in interface swim.system.UplinkAddressed
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
linkKey() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
linkKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
linkKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
linkKey(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneAddressed
linkKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
linkKey(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.UplinkAddressed
LinkKeys - Class in swim.system
LinkPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
LinkPulse() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.LinkPulse
linkRequest() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
LinkRequest - Class in swim.warp
LinkRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(String, String, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(String, String, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(Uri, Uri, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
LinkRequest(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.LinkRequest
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
linkWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpContext
linkWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
listData(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
listData(String) - Method in interface
listData(String) - Method in class
listData(String) - Method in class
listData(String) - Method in class
listData(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
listData(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
listData(Value) - Method in interface
listData(Value) - Method in class
listData(Value) - Method in class
listData(Value) - Method in class
listData(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
ListData<V> - Interface in
ListDataBinding - Interface in
ListDataContext - Interface in
ListDataModel - Class in
ListDataModel - Class in
ListDataModel(Value, STreeList<Value>) - Constructor for class
ListDataModel(Value, STreeList) - Constructor for class
ListDataProxy - Class in
ListDataProxy(ListDataBinding) - Constructor for class
ListDataView<V> - Class in
ListDataView(ListDataBinding, Form<V>) - Constructor for class
ListDownlink<V> - Interface in swim.api.downlink
ListDownlinkModel - Class in swim.system.downlink
ListDownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
ListDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
ListDownlinkModem(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.ListDownlinkModem
ListDownlinkRecord - Class in swim.api.downlink
ListDownlinkRecord(ListDownlink<Value>) - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
ListDownlinkView<V> - Class in swim.system.downlink
ListDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
ListDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
listIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
listIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
listIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
listIterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
listIterator() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
listIterator() - Method in class
listIterator() - Method in class
listIterator() - Method in class
listIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
listIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
listIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
listIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
listIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
listIterator(int) - Method in class
listIterator(int) - Method in class
listIterator(int) - Method in class
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
listIterator(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
listLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
listLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
listLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
listLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
ListLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
ListLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
ListLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
ListLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
ListLaneUplink(ListLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ListLaneUplink
ListLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
ListLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
ListLinkDelta - Class in swim.system.warp
ListUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
ListUplinkModem(WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.ListUplinkModem
literal(Item) - Static method in class swim.structure.Selector
Lifts item into a LiteralSelector if it is not already a Selector.
LiteralSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated, evaluates and yields item against interpreter.
LiteralSelector(Item, Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
load() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
load() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
load() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
load() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
load() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
load() - Method in class swim.db.STree
load() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
load() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
load() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
load() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
load() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
load() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
load() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
load() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
load() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
load() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
load() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
load() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
load() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
load() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
load() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
load() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
loadAgentClass(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class
loadConfig() - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadConfig(ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadConfigFile() - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadConfigFile(File) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadConfigResource(ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadConfigResource(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
LOADED_PHASE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
LOADED_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
loadGerm() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
loadGuestModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
loadHostModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
LOADING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
loadKernel() - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadKernel(ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadKernelModule(ClassLoader, Value) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadKernelStack(ClassLoader, Value) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
loadModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
loadModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
loadModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
loadModule(JsModuleSystem, UriPath) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModuleLoader
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsCachedModuleResolver
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModuleResolver
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
loadModuleSource(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
loadPackage(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
loadPage(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
loadPage(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
loadPage(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
loadPage(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
loadPage(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
loadPage(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
loadPage(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
loadPage(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
loadPage(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
loadPage(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
loadPage(PageRef) - Method in class swim.db.PageLoader
loadPlaneClass(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class
loadServer() - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadServer(ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadServerStack() - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadServerStack(ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadServerStack(ClassLoader, Value) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadServices(Kernel, Value, ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadSpaces(Kernel, Value, ClassLoader) - Static method in class swim.server.ServerLoader
loadTree(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
loadTree(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
loadTree(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
loadTree(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
loadTree(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.Page
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
loadTree(PageLoader) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
localAddress() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the local internet address of the currently executing link, or null if not currently executing a link callback.
localAddress() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the IP address and port of the local endpoint of the underlying network connection.
localAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the IP address and port to which the underlying network listener is bound.
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
localAddress() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localAddress() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localAddress() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
localAddressDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
localAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localAddressDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
localAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
localAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localAddressUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
localAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
localAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localCertificates() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the certificates used to authenticate the local end of the currently executing link; returns an empty collection if the currently executing link has no local certificates, or if not currently executing a link callback.
localCertificates() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in interface
Returns the certificate chain used to authenticate the local endpoint of the underlying network connection.
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class
localCertificates() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
localCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
localCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
localCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localCertificatesDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
localCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
localCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localCertificatesUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
localCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
localCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
locale() - Method in class
locale(String) - Method in class
localIdentity() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the local user identity of the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link has no local user identity, or if not currently executing a link callback.
localIdentity() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
localIdentity() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
localIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
localIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
localIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localIdentityDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
localIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
localIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localIdentityUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
localIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
localIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localPrincipal() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the principal used to identify the local end of the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link has no local principal, or if not currently executing a link callback.
localPrincipal() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in interface
Returns the authenticated identity of the local endpoint of the underlying network connection.
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class
localPrincipal() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
localPrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localPrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localPrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
localPrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
localPrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
localPrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localPrincipalDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
localPrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
localPrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
localPrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
localPrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
localPrincipalUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
localPrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
localPrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
location() - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
LocationHeader - Class in swim.http.header
log - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
log(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
log(String) - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
log(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
Log - Interface in swim.util
Takes actions when presented messages of various severities.
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in class
logDef() - Method in interface swim.system.CellDef
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
logDef(LogDef) - Method in class
LogDef - Interface in swim.system
LogEntry - Class in swim.system.reflect
LogEntry(String, long, Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
LongForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Long.
LongForm(Long) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.LongForm
longType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
longType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
longType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
longValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive long value, if possible.
longValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive long value, if possible.
longValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive long value.
longValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
longValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive long value, if possible.
longValue(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive long value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive long value.
longValue(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive long value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive long value.
longValue(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive long value; equivalent to Num.longValue().
longValue(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
longValue(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive long value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive long value.
longWriter() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Long value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
longWriter(long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
lookup(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
lookup(int, Object, STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
lookup(long, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STree
lowercase() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns the Base16 encoding with lowercase alphanumeric digits.
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
lowerCaseName() - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
lt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
lt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
lt(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
lt(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
lt(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
lt(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
lt(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
LtOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly less than comparison between its two operands.
LtOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
LtOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
LtOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.LtOutlet


mac(Key) - Method in class
mac(Key, Data) - Static method in class
mac(Key, Value, Data) - Static method in class
mac(Key, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
magenta(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII magenta foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
magentaBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold magenta foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
main(String[]) - Static method in class swim.cli.Main
Main - Class in swim.cli
mainCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
MainStage - Interface in swim.concurrent
Stage that can be started and stopped.
major() - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
map(MapFieldValuesFunction<? super K, ? super V, V2>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
map(MapValueFunction<? super O, O2>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
mapBuilder() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroMapType
mapData(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
mapData(String) - Method in interface
mapData(String) - Method in class
mapData(String) - Method in class
mapData(String) - Method in class
mapData(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
mapData(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
mapData(Value) - Method in interface
mapData(Value) - Method in class
mapData(Value) - Method in class
mapData(Value) - Method in class
mapData(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
MapData<K,V> - Interface in
MapDataBinding - Interface in
MapDataContext - Interface in
MapDataModel - Class in
MapDataModel - Class in
MapDataModel(Value, BTreeMap<Value, Value, Value>) - Constructor for class
MapDataModel(Value, BTreeMap) - Constructor for class
MapDataProxy - Class in
MapDataProxy(MapDataBinding) - Constructor for class
MapDataView<K,V> - Class in
MapDataView(MapDataBinding, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class
mapDecoder(AvroMapType<K, V, T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
MapDownlink<K,V> - Interface in swim.api.downlink
MapDownlinkModel - Class in swim.system.downlink
MapDownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
MapDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
MapDownlinkModem(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
MapDownlinkRecord - Class in swim.api.downlink
MapDownlinkRecord(MapDownlink<Value, Value>) - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
MapDownlinkView<K,V> - Class in swim.system.downlink
MapDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<K>, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
MapDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
mapEntryType(ProtobufType<? extends K>, ProtobufType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
mapEntryType(ProtobufType<? extends K>, ProtobufType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
MapFieldValuesCombinator<K,VI,VO,I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MapFieldValuesCombinator(MapFieldValuesFunction<? super K, ? super VI, ? extends VO>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesCombinator
MapFieldValuesFunction<K,VI,VO> - Interface in swim.streamlet.function
MapFieldValuesOperator<K,VI,VO,I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MapFieldValuesOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapFieldValuesOperator
MapForm<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.form
For some Map<K,V>, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an instance of that Map.
MapForm(Class<?>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.MapForm
mapInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.selector.GetOutlet
MapInlet<K,V,I> - Interface in swim.streamlet
Input connector into a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
MapInletMapOutlet<KI,KO,VI,VO,I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
MapInletOutlet<K,V,I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
MapInoutlet<K,VI,VO,I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
MapInput<K,V> - Class in swim.streamlet
MapInput() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.MapInput
MapInput(HashTrieMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.MapInput
mapLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
mapLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
mapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
mapLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
MapLane<K,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
MapLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
MapLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
MapLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
MapLaneUplink(MapLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.MapLaneUplink
MapLaneView<K,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
MapLaneView(AgentContext, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
MapOutlet<K,V,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
Output connector from a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
MapOutput<K,V> - Class in swim.streamlet
MapOutput() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.MapOutput
mapping(String, T) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
mapping(UriPattern, T) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
mapping(Uri, T) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
mapSelected(Interpreter, Selectee<Item>) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
mapType(Class<?>, AvroType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
mapType(Class<?>, ProtobufMapEntryType<? extends K, ? extends V, ? extends Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
mapType(AvroType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
mapType(AvroType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
mapType(ProtobufMapEntryType<? extends K, ? extends V, ? extends Map.Entry<K, V>>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
mapType(ProtobufMapEntryType<? extends K, ? extends V, ? extends Field>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
mapType(ProtobufType<? extends K>, ProtobufType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
mapType(ProtobufType<? extends K>, ProtobufType<? extends V>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
MapUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
MapUplinkModem(WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
MapValueCombinator<I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MapValueCombinator(MapValueFunction<? super I, ? extends O>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueCombinator
MapValueFunction<I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet.function
MapValueOperator<I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MapValueOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MapValueOperator
mark() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the position of the current lookahead token, relative to the start of the stream.
mark(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but logically positioned at the given mark.
mark(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
Mark - Class in swim.codec
Description of a source position, identified by byte offset, line, and column number, with an optional note.
mash(int) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Finalizes a hash code.
mask(long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
maskingKey(byte[]) - Method in class
master - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
master() - Method in class
master() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
master() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
master() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
master() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
masterHostUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
masterHostUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
matches(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
matches(HttpCharset) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
matches(UpgradeProtocol) - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
matches(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
materialize(Record) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
materializeField(Field) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
materializeItem(Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
materializeValue(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
MathModule - Class in swim.structure.func
max() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
max(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
max(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
max(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.OrderedRing
max(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns this position, if its byte offset is greater than or equal to that position; otherwise returns that position.
max(Precision) - Method in class swim.math.Precision
max(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
max(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
MAX_SCOPE_DEPTH - Static variable in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
MAX_WBITS - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
maxCommitSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCommitSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCommitSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCommitTime - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCommitTime() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCommitTime(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactTime - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactTime() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxCompactTime(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxDynamicTableSize() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
MaxForwardsHeader - Class in swim.http.header
maxFrameSize - Variable in class
maxFrameSize() - Method in class
maxFrameSize(int) - Method in class
maxFrameSize(int) - Method in class
maxKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
maxKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
maxKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
maxKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
maxMessageSize - Variable in class
maxMessageSize - Variable in class
maxMessageSize() - Method in class
Returns the maximum size in bytes on the wire of an HTTP request or response message + payload.
maxMessageSize() - Method in class
maxMessageSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these HttpSettings configured with the given maxMessageSize limit on HTTP message + payload sizes.
maxMessageSize(int) - Method in class
maxMessageSize(int) - Method in class
maxPayloadSize - Variable in class
maxPayloadSize() - Method in class
maxPayloadSize(int) - Method in class
maxQoS() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
maxRetries - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxRetries() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxRetries(int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxScopeDepth - Variable in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
maxScopeDepth() - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
maxScopeDepth(int) - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
maxZoneSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxZoneSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
maxZoneSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
mediaRange(String, String, float, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
MediaRange - Class in swim.http
mediaRangeParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
mediaRanges() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
mediaRangeWriter(String, String, float, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
mediaType() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
mediaType() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
mediaType() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
mediaType() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
mediaType() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
mediaType(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
MediaType - Class in swim.http
mediaTypeParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
mediaTypeWriter(String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
Member - Annotation Interface in swim.structure
members(Bridge, T) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostObjectType
members(Bridge, T) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostObjectType
memoize() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
memoize() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
memoize() - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeValueCombinator
memoize() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
memoize() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
MemoizeMapCombinator<K,V,IO> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MemoizeMapCombinator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
MemoizeValueCombinator<IO> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
MemoizeValueCombinator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeValueCombinator
MemStore - Class in
MemStore() - Constructor for class
MemStoreKernel - Class in
MemStoreKernel() - Constructor for class
MemStoreKernel(double) - Constructor for class
memTotal - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
memTotal() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
memUsage - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
memUsage() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
merge(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
merge(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
merged(HashTrieMap<K, HashTrieSet<V>>, HashTrieMap<K, HashTrieSet<V>>) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
merged(HashTrieSet<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
merged(Commit) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
merged(UriMapper<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
MersenneTwister64 - Class in swim.math
MersenneTwister64() - Constructor for class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
MersenneTwister64(long) - Constructor for class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
MersenneTwister64(long[]) - Constructor for class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
mesh - Variable in class swim.meta.MetaMeshAgent
mesh - Variable in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
mesh - Variable in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
mesh() - Method in class
mesh() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
mesh() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
mesh() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
mesh() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
mesh() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
meshAddress - Variable in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
MeshAddress - Class in swim.system
MeshAddress(String, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.MeshAddress
MeshAddressed - Interface in swim.system
meshBinding - Variable in class swim.system.MeshProxy
meshBinding() - Method in class
meshBinding() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
MeshBinding - Interface in swim.system
meshCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
meshCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
meshContext - Variable in class swim.system.MeshProxy
meshContext - Variable in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
meshContext() - Method in class
meshContext() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
meshContext() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
meshContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
MeshContext - Interface in swim.system
meshCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
meshCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
meshDef() - Method in class
meshDef(MeshDef) - Method in class
MeshDef - Interface in swim.system
meshDefs() - Method in class
meshDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
meshes() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
meshes() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
meshes() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
MeshException - Exception in swim.system
MeshException() - Constructor for exception swim.system.MeshException
MeshException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.system.MeshException
MeshException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.MeshException
MeshException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.MeshException
MeshInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
MeshInfo(Uri, Value, Value, int) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
meshOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
meshOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
MeshProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
MeshProfile(MeshAddress, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, long, long, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
MeshProxy - Class in swim.system
MeshProxy(MeshBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.MeshProxy
MeshPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
MeshPulse(int, int, long, AgentPulse, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse, SystemPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
MeshTable - Class in swim.system.router
MeshTable() - Constructor for class swim.system.router.MeshTable
MeshTablePart - Class in swim.system.router
MeshTablePart(MeshTable, PartBinding, PartAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
meshUri - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
meshUri() - Method in class
meshUri() - Method in class
meshUri() - Method in class
meshUri() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
meshUri() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
meshUri() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshAddressed
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
meshUri() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.Push
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
meshUri() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeAddressed
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshAddressed
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
meshUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeAddressed
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshAddressed
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.Push
meshUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
meshWrapper() - Method in class
meshWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
meshWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
meshWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
meshWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
meshWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
message - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
message() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns the help message that describes this diagnostic.
message() - Method in class swim.system.Push
message(String, Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, Severity) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, Severity, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, Severity, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Input, Severity, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
message(String, Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
messageDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
messageDecoder(ProtobufMessageType<T, M>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
messageType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
messageType(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
MetaEdgeAgent - Class in swim.meta
MetaEdgeAgent(EdgeBinding) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaEdgeAgent
MetaHostAgent - Class in swim.meta
MetaHostAgent(HostBinding) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaHostAgent
MetaKernel - Class in swim.meta
MetaKernel() - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaKernel
MetaKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaKernel
MetaLaneAgent - Class in swim.meta
MetaLaneAgent(LaneBinding) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaLaneAgent
MetaLeaf - Class in swim.db
MetaLeaf(Value, TreeType, Value, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.MetaLeaf
MetaMeshAgent - Class in swim.meta
MetaMeshAgent(MeshBinding) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaMeshAgent
MetaPartAgent - Class in swim.meta
MetaPartAgent(PartBinding) - Constructor for class swim.meta.MetaPartAgent
MetaTree - Class in swim.db
MetaTree(Value, TreeType, int, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.db.MetaTree
method() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
method(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
method(HttpMethod) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
methodParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
methods() - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
methodWriter(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
Metric - Class in swim.system
Metric() - Constructor for class swim.system.Metric
min() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
min(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
min(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
min(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.OrderedRing
min(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns this position, if its byte offset is less than or equal to that position; otherwise returns that position.
min(Precision) - Method in class swim.math.Precision
min(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
min(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
minCommitInterval - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCommitInterval() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCommitInterval(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCommitSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCommitSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCommitSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCompactSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCompactSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minCompactSize(long) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minDataFrameBufferSize() - Method in class
minKey() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
minKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
minKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
minKey() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
minor() - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
minTreeFill - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minTreeFill() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minTreeFill(double) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minus(R2Point) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
minus(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
minus(R3Point) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
minus(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
minus(RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
minus(Tensor) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
minus(TensorArray<V, S>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
minus(Z2Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
minus(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
minus(Z3Point) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
minus(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
minus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
minus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
minus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
minus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
minus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
minus(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
minus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
minus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
minus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
minus(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
minus(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
MinusOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a subtraction operation between its two operands.
MinusOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
MinusOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
MinusOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.MinusOutlet
minux(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
minux(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
minux(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
minux(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
minZoneFill - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minZoneFill() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
minZoneFill(double) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
mix(int, byte[]) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Mixes each consecutive 4-byte word in the array into the accumulated hash code.
mix(int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Mixes each consecutive 4-byte word in the array, starting at index offset, and continuing for size bytes, into the accumulated hash code.
mix(int, int) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Mixes a new hash value into the accumulated cumulative hash code.
mix(int, String) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Mixes each consecutive 4-byte word in the UTF-8 encoding of the string into the accumulated hash code.
model - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
model - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
model - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
model - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
model - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
model - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
modem - Variable in class
modem - Variable in class
modify(FlowModifier) - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its read and write operations patched by a flowModifier delta.
module - Variable in class swim.js.JsAgent
module - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlane
module() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
module() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
module() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2
module() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3
module() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
module() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
module() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
moduleExports() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
moduleExports() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
moduleExports() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModule
moduleId() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
moduleId() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
moduleId() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModule
moduleLoader() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
moduleObject() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
modulePath() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
modulePath() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
modulePath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
modulePath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
moduleResolver() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
moduleResolver() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsCachedModuleResolver
moduleResolver() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
moduleResolver() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
moduleResolver() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsRuntime
modules() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
modules() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
moduleSource() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
moduleSystem() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
moduleSystem() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
moduleSystem() - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModule
modulo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
modulo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
modulo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
modulo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
modulo(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
modulo(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
modulo(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
modulo(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
modulo(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
modulo(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
modulo(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
ModuloOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a modulus operation between its two operands.
ModuloOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
ModuloOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
ModuloOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.ModuloOutlet
modulus - Variable in class
modulus - Variable in class
modulus() - Method in interface
modulus() - Method in class
modulus() - Method in class
mold(Boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
mold(Byte) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
mold(Character) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
mold(Double) - Method in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
mold(Float) - Method in class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
mold(Integer) - Method in class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
mold(Long) - Method in class swim.structure.form.LongForm
mold(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
mold(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
mold(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
mold(Object, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
mold(Object, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
mold(Short) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
mold(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.StringForm
mold(String, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
mold(String, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
mold(String, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
mold(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
mold(ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteBufferForm
mold(Collection<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
mold(Collection<T>, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
mold(Map<K, V>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
mold(Map<K, V>, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
mold(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
mold(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
mold(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriForm
mold(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathForm
mold(UriPattern) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPatternForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Converts a nominally typed Java object into its structurally typed equivalent.
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
mold(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Converts a nominally typed Java object into its structurally typed equivalent based on the provided prototype item.
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
mold(T, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
moldArray(Object[]) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldArray(Object[], Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldBoolean(Boolean, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldByteBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldByteBuffer(ByteBuffer, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldCharacter(Character) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldCharacter(Character, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldCollection(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldCollection(Collection<?>, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldMap(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldMap(Map<?, ?>, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldNumber(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldNumber(Number, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldString(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldString(String, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
moldTensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
moldTensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
moldTensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
moldTensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
move(int, int) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
move(int, int) - Method in class
move(int, int) - Method in class
move(int, int) - Method in class
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
move(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
move(int, int) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
move(int, int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
move(int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
move(int, int, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
move(int, int, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
move(K, S, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
move(K, S, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
move(K, S, S, V) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
move(K, S, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
move(K, S, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
move(Value, S, S, Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
move(Value, S, S, Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
move(Value, S, S, Value) - Method in class
move(Value, S, S, Value) - Method in class
move(Value, S, S, Value) - Method in class
move(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
move(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
move(SpatialLaneView<K, S, V>, K, S, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
moved(Value, long, long, long, long, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
Mqtt - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttConnAckPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttConnectPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttConnStatus - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttDecoder - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttDecoder() - Constructor for class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
MqttDisconnectPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
mqttEncoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
mqttEncoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
mqttEncoder(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
MqttEncoder - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttEncoder() - Constructor for class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
MqttEndpoint - Class in
MqttEndpoint(Stage) - Constructor for class
MqttEndpoint(Stage, MqttSettings) - Constructor for class
MqttEndpoint(Station) - Constructor for class
MqttEndpoint(Station, MqttSettings) - Constructor for class
MqttException - Exception in swim.mqtt
MqttException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.mqtt.MqttException
MqttException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.mqtt.MqttException
MqttException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.mqtt.MqttException
MqttInterface - Interface in
MqttPacket<T> - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPingReqPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPingRespPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPubAckPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPubCompPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPublishPacket<T> - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPubRecPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttPubRelPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttQoS - Enum Class in swim.mqtt
MqttService - Interface in
mqttServiceContext() - Method in class
mqttServiceContext() - Method in interface
MqttServiceContext - Interface in
mqttSettings - Variable in class
mqttSettings - Variable in class
mqttSettings - Variable in class
mqttSettings() - Method in class
mqttSettings() - Method in class
mqttSettings() - Method in class
mqttSettings() - Method in interface
mqttSettings() - Method in interface
mqttSettings() - Method in interface
mqttSettings() - Method in class
mqttSettings() - Method in class
MqttSettings - Class in
MqttSettings(IpSettings, int) - Constructor for class
mqttSize(MqttEncoder) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
MqttSocket<I,O> - Interface in
mqttSocketContext() - Method in class
mqttSocketContext() - Method in interface
MqttSocketContext<I,O> - Interface in
MqttSocketModem<I,O> - Class in
MqttSocketModem(MqttSocket<I, O>, MqttSettings) - Constructor for class
MqttSocketService - Class in
MqttSocketService(MqttService, MqttSettings) - Constructor for class
MqttSubAckPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttSubscribePacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttSubscription - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttSubStatus - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttUnsubAckPacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MqttUnsubscribePacket - Class in swim.mqtt
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
multiply(double, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(double, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
multiply(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
multiply(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
multiply(R2Vector, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R2
multiply(R3Vector, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R3
multiply(RNVector, Double) - Method in class swim.math.RN
multiply(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(Tensor, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(Tensor, Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(Tensor, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiply(Z2Vector, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
multiply(Z3Vector, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
multiply(T, S) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
multiply(V, S) - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
multiply(V, S) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
multiply(V, S) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, double[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean, TensorDims, float[], int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(TensorDims, Object, int, boolean, TensorDims, Object, int, boolean, TensorDims, Object, int, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(Tensor, boolean, Tensor, boolean, MutableTensor, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(Tensor, boolean, Tensor, boolean, TensorDims, Precision, boolean) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(Tensor, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
multiplyMatrix(Tensor, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
Murmur3 - Class in swim.util
32-bit MurmurHash algorithm, version 3.
MutableTensor - Class in swim.math
MutableTensor(TensorDims, double...) - Constructor for class swim.math.MutableTensor
MutableTensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Constructor for class swim.math.MutableTensor
MutableTensor(TensorDims, float...) - Constructor for class swim.math.MutableTensor
MutableTensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Constructor for class swim.math.MutableTensor
MutableTensor(TensorDims, Object, int) - Constructor for class swim.math.MutableTensor


name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class swim.uri.UriScheme
name() - Method in interface
name() - Method in interface
name() - Method in interface
name() - Method in interface
name() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
name() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
name() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
name() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
name() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
name() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
name() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
name() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
name() - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
name() - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
name() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
name() - Method in class swim.db.MetaLeaf
name() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
name() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
name() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
name() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
name() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
name() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
name() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
name() - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
name() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
name() - Method in class swim.http.Product
name() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
name() - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
name() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in interface
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class
name() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
name() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
name() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
name() - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
name(String) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
name(String) - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
name(String) - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
name(String) - Method in class
name(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
name(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
name(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
name(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
nameOutput() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
nameOutput() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
nameSize() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
namespace() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
namespace() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroNamedType
nanoTime() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Returns the current time, in nanoseconds, with arbitrary origin.
ne(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
ne(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
ne(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
ne(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
ne(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
ne(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
ne(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
NEED - Enum constant in enum class
Client authentication required.
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
negative() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
negative(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
negative(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
NegativeOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
NegativeOperator(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
NegativeOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
NegativeOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.NegativeOutlet
NeOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents an inequality comparison between its two operands.
NeOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
NeOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
NeOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.NeOutlet
network() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
network() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
network() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
NEVER - Enum constant in enum class swim.hpack.HpackIndexing
newArray(int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
newArray(int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
newestZoneId() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
newestZoneId() - Method in class swim.db.Store
newInstance(Value...) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
newInstance(Bridge, Object...) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostConstructor
next() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
next() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
next() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
next() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
next() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
next() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
next() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
next() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
next(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
next(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
next_in - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
next_in_index - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
next_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
next_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
next_out_index - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
next_out_index - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
nextBoolean() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextBoolean() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextByte() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextByte() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextDouble() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextDouble() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextDownCue() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneUplink
nextDownCue() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneUplink
nextDownCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.DemandUplinkModem
nextDownCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
nextDownCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
nextDownCueEvent() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneUplink
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneUplink
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneUplink
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneUplink
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneUplink
nextDownKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
nextDownQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListUplinkModem
nextDownQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
nextDownQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyUplinkModem
nextDownQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
nextDownQueueEvent() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
nextEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
nextEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
nextEntry(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
nextEntry(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
nextEntry(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
nextEntry(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
nextEntry(K, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class
nextEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
nextFloat() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextFloat() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
nextIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
nextIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
nextIndex() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
nextIndexLong() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
nextIndexLong() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
nextIndexLong() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
nextInt() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextInt() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
nextKey() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMapCursor
nextKey(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
nextKey(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
nextKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
nextKey(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
nextKey(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
nextKey(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
nextKey(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
nextKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
nextKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
nextKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
nextKey(Value) - Method in class
nextKey(Value) - Method in class
nextKey(Value) - Method in class
nextKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
nextLong() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextLong() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextShort() - Method in class swim.math.MersenneTwister64
nextShort() - Method in class swim.math.Random
nextUpCue() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
nextUpCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.DemandDownlinkModem
nextUpCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
nextUpCue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
nextUpKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
nextUpKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
nextUpQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListDownlinkModem
nextUpQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
nextUpQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyDownlinkModem
nextUpQueue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
nextValue(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
nextValue(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
nextValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
nextValue(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
nextValue(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
nextValue(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
nextValue(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
nextValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
nextValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
nextValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
nextValue(Value) - Method in class
nextValue(Value) - Method in class
nextValue(Value) - Method in class
nextValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
noCompression() - Static method in class
noCompression() - Static method in class
node - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
node - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
node - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
node - Variable in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
node() - Method in class
node() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
node() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
node() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
node() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
node() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
node(String) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
node(UriPattern) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
NODE - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.PageType
nodeAddress - Variable in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
NodeAddress - Class in swim.system
NodeAddress(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.NodeAddress
NodeAddressed - Interface in swim.system
nodeBinding - Variable in class swim.system.NodeProxy
nodeBinding() - Method in class
nodeBinding() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
NodeBinding - Interface in swim.system
nodeCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
nodeCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
nodeCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
nodeCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
nodeCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
nodeCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
nodeCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
nodeCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
nodeContext - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
nodeContext - Variable in class swim.system.NodeProxy
nodeContext() - Method in class
nodeContext() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
nodeContext() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
nodeContext() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
NodeContext - Interface in swim.system
nodeCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
nodeCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
nodeCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
nodeCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
nodeCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
nodeCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
nodeCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
nodeCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
nodeCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
nodeCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
nodeDef() - Method in class
nodeDef(NodeDef) - Method in class
nodeDef(NodeDef) - Method in class
nodeDef(NodeDef) - Method in class
nodeDef(NodeDef) - Method in class
NodeDef - Interface in swim.system
nodeDefs() - Method in class
nodeDefs() - Method in class
nodeDefs() - Method in class
nodeDefs() - Method in class
nodeDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
nodeDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.HostDef
nodeDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
nodeDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
NodeException - Exception in swim.system
NodeException() - Constructor for exception swim.system.NodeException
NodeException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.system.NodeException
NodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.NodeException
NodeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.NodeException
NodeInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
NodeInfo(Uri, long, FingerTrieSeq<Value>, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
noDelay - Variable in class
noDelay() - Method in class
Returns true if TCP should be configured with the TCP_NODELAY socket option to disable Nagle's algorithm.
noDelay(boolean) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given noDelay value for the TCP_NODELAY socket option.
nodeOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
nodeOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
nodeOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
nodeOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
nodeOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
nodeOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
nodeOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
nodeOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
nodePattern() - Method in class
nodePattern() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
nodePattern(UriPattern) - Method in class
NodeProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
NodeProfile(NodeAddress, int, int, int, int, long, long, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
NodeProxy - Class in swim.system
NodeProxy(NodeBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.NodeProxy
NodePulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
NodePulse(AgentPulse, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
nodeRef(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
nodeRef(String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
nodeRef(String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
nodeRef(String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
nodeRef(String) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
nodeRef(String) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
nodeRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
nodeRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
nodeRef(String, String) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
nodeRef(String, String) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.HostRef
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
nodeRef(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.scope.HostScope
nodeRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
nodeRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
nodeRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.ref.WarpRef
nodeRef(Uri, Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractWarpRef
NodeRef - Interface in swim.api.ref
nodes() - Method in class
nodes() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
nodes() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
nodes() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
nodes() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
NodeScope - Class in swim.system.scope
NodeScope(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
nodeUri - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
nodeUri() - Method in class
nodeUri() - Method in class
nodeUri() - Method in class
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
This Agent's nodeUri.
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
The nodeUri of the Agent managed by this AgentContext.
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.LaneRef
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.api.ref.NodeRef
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeAddressed
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
nodeUri() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.Push
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.LaneScope
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.scope.NodeScope
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
nodeUri() - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.HostAddressed
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
nodeUri(String) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeAddressed
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
nodeUri(String) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostAddressed
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeAddressed
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.Push
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.EventMessage
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.HostAddressed
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LaneAddressed
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
nodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
nodeWrapper() - Method in class
nodeWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
nodeWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
nodeWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
nodeWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
nodeWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
nonce() - Method in class
nonce(String) - Method in class
nonce(String) - Method in class
None - Enum constant in enum class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader.SameSite
NONE - Enum constant in enum class swim.hpack.HpackIndexing
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
Client authentication disabled.
normalizedLaneUri(Uri) - Static method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
not() - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowControl with all operations enabled in this disabled, and all operations disabled in this enabled.
not() - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowModifier with all applied modifications in this unapplied, and all unapplied operations in this applied, with enable instructions taking precedence over conflicting disable instructions.
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
not() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
not(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
not(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
NOT_AUTHORIZED - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
notBefore() - Method in class
notBefore(long) - Method in class
notBefore(long) - Method in class
notBefore(long) - Method in class
note() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns an informative comment on the source context to which this diagnostic is attached.
note() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns the note attached to the marked position, or null if this position has no attached note.
note() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with NOTE_LEVEL of importance.
note(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with NOTE_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
NOTE_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
NotOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
NotOperator(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
NotOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
NotOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.NotOutlet
nullCol() - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
nullCol(String) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
nullCol(Value) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
nullDecoder(AvroNullType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
nullParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
nullParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
nullType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
nullType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
num(double) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(double) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(double) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(double) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
num(float) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(float) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(float) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(float) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
num(int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
num(long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
num(String) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(String) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
num(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
num(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
num(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
num(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
Num - Class in swim.structure
number - Variable in class swim.uri.UriPort
number() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
numberCol() - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
numberCol(String) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
numberCol(Value) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
NumberForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Number.
NumberForm(Number) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
numberParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
numberValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a Number object, if possible.
numberValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a Number object, if possible.
numberValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a Number object.
numberValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
numberValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a Number object, if possible.
numberValue(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a Number object, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a Number object.
numberValue(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a Number object, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a Number object.
numberValue(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a Number object; equivalent to Num.numberValue().
numberValue(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
numberValue(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a Number object, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a Number object.


objectBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
objectBuilder() - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
objectParser() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
Observable<O> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableIterableMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableList<V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableOrderedMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableSortedMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableSpatialMap<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable
ObservableValue<V> - Interface in swim.observable
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpUplink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Link
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Uplink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
observe(Object) - Method in interface
observe(Object) - Method in interface
observe(Object) - Method in interface
observe(Object) - Method in interface
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
observe(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
observe(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
observe(O) - Method in interface swim.observable.Observable
observers - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
observers - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkView
observers - Variable in class swim.system.LaneView
of() - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
of() - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
of() - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
of(double...) - Method in class swim.math.RN
of(double...) - Static method in class swim.math.RNVector
of(double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R2Point
of(double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R2Vector
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R2Circle
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R3Point
of(double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R3Vector
of(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R2Box
of(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
of(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.R3Box
of(int) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
of(int, int) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
of(long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Point
of(long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
of(long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Point
of(long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
of(long, long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Box
of(long, long, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Box
of(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R2
of(Double, Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R3
of(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
of(Long, Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
of(Object) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
of(Object) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
of(Object) - Static method in class swim.structure.Field
of(Object) - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
of(Object...) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
of(Object...) - Static method in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
of(Object...) - Method in interface swim.math.FN
of(Object...) - Method in class swim.math.RN
of(Object...) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
of(Object...) - Static method in class swim.structure.Record
of(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String...) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
of(String...) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
of(String...) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
of(String, boolean) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, boolean) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, double) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, double) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, float) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, float) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(String, Value) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(String, Value) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.F2
of(S, S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.F3
of(TensorDims, int, double...) - Static method in class swim.math.MutableTensor
of(TensorDims, int, double...) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
of(TensorDims, int, float...) - Static method in class swim.math.MutableTensor
of(TensorDims, int, float...) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
of(Text) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, boolean) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, double) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, float) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Text, Value) - Static method in class swim.structure.Attr
of(Value) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, boolean) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, double) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, float) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, String) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(Value, Value) - Static method in class swim.structure.Slot
of(T...) - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
of(T...) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
of(T...) - Static method in class swim.collections.STree
of(T...) - Static method in class swim.collections.STreeList
of(T, T) - Static method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
offset - Variable in class swim.math.Tensor
offset() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the byte offset of the current lookahead token, relative to the start of the stream.
offset() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns the zero-based byte offset of this position.
OK - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
oldestZoneId() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
oldestZoneId() - Method in class swim.db.Store
onAuthedResponse(AuthedResponse) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
onAuthRequest(AuthRequest) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
onClose() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually close the database.
onClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually close the store.
onClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually close the zone.
onCommand(OnCommand<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
onCommand(OnCommand<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
onCommand(OnCommandMessage) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onCommand(OnCommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
onCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
onCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnCommandMessage
onCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
onCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onCommand(V) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnCommand
onCommand(V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestOnCommand
OnCommand<V> - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onCommandMessage(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnCommandMessage - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onCue(K, WarpUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.OnCueKey
onCue(K, WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnCueKey
onCue(OnCue<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
onCue(OnCue<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
onCue(OnCueKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
onCue(OnCueKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
onCue(WarpUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.OnCue
onCue(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnCue
OnCue<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
OnCueKey<K,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
onDeauthedResponse(DeauthedResponse) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
onDeauthRequest(DeauthRequest) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
onDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
onDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
onDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
onDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
onDecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onDecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
onDecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
onDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
onDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
onDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
onDecohereOutlets() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
onDecohereOutlets() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
onDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordFieldUpdater
onDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
onDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
onDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletInlet
onDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
onDecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
onDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
onDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
onDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
onEvent(OnEvent<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
onEvent(OnEvent<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
onEvent(OnEventMessage) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onEvent(OnEventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onEvent(Value) - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
onEvent(EventMessage) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnEventMessage
onEvent(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
onEvent(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onEvent(V) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnEvent
OnEvent<V> - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onEventMessage(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnEventMessage - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onLink(OnLinkRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onLink(OnLinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onLink(LinkRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnLinkRequest
onLinked(OnLinkedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onLinked(OnLinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onLinked(LinkedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnLinkedResponse
onLinkedResponse(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnLinkedResponse - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onLinkRequest(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnLinkRequest - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onOpen() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually open the database.
onOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually open the store.
onOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked to actually open the zone.
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeValueCombinator
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
onRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
onRecohereInlets(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
onRecohereInlets(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
onRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
onRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
onRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
onRecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onRecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
onRecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
onRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
onRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
onRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
onRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
onRecohereOutlets(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
onRecohereOutlets(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordFieldUpdater
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueOperator
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletInlet
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
onRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.ValueOutput
onRecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsOperator
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapOutput
onRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
onSync(OnSyncKeys<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
onSync(OnSyncKeys<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
onSync(OnSyncRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onSync(OnSyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onSync(WarpUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.OnSyncKeys
onSync(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestOnSyncKeys
onSync(SyncRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnSyncRequest
onSynced(OnSyncedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onSynced(OnSyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onSynced(SyncedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnSyncedResponse
onSyncedResponse(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnSyncedResponse - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
OnSyncKeys<K> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
onSyncRequest(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnSyncRequest - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onUnknownEnvelope(Envelope) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
onUnlink(OnUnlinkRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onUnlink(OnUnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnUnlinkRequest
onUnlinked(OnUnlinkedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
onUnlinked(OnUnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
onUnlinked(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.OnUnlinkedResponse
onUnlinkedResponse(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnUnlinkedResponse - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
onUnlinkRequest(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
OnUnlinkRequest - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in class
open() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
open() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
open() - Method in interface
open() - Method in class swim.cli.DownlinkLogger
open() - Method in class swim.db.Database
open() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
open() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
open() - Method in class swim.db.Store
open() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
open() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
open() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
open() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
open() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
open() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
open() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
open() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
open() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
open() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
open() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
open() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
open() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
open() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
open() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
open() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
open() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
openActorSpace(ActorSpaceDef) - Method in class
openAgent(String, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(String, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(String, Class<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(String, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(String, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(String, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(Value, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(Value, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(Value, Class<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(Value, Value, Class<? extends A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(Value, Value, Class<? extends A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(Value, Value, Class<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(Value, Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openAgent(Value, Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
openAgent(Value, Value, AgentFactory<A>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openAgent(Value, Value, AgentFactory<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openAgents(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openBTreeMap(String) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openBTreeMap(Value) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openBTreeMap(Value, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openBTreeTrunk(Value, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
openDatabase() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
openDatabase() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
openDatabase() - Method in class swim.db.Store
openDatabase() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
openDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
openDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
openDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
openDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
openDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
openDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
openDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
openDownlink() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
openDownlink() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
openDownlink(Value, JoinMapLaneDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
openDownlink(Value, JoinValueLaneDownlink<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openDownlink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
openDownlinks() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
openDownlinks() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
OPENED_PHASE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
OPENED_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
openGateway() - Method in class
openGateway() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openGateway() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openGateway() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openHost(Uri) - Method in class
openHost(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openHost(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openHost(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openHost(Uri, HashTrieMap<String, Cookie>) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServer
openHost(Uri, HostBinding) - Method in class
openHost(Uri, HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openHost(Uri, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openHost(Uri, HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
OpenIdToken - Class in
OpenIdToken() - Constructor for class
OpenIdToken(Value) - Constructor for class
OPENING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
openLane(Uri) - Method in class
openLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openLane(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openLane(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openLane(Uri, Lane) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
openLane(Uri, Lane) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
Registers lane with laneUri and returns lane.
openLane(Uri, Lane) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openLane(Uri, Lane) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openLane(Uri, LaneBinding) - Method in class
openLane(Uri, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openLane(Uri, LaneBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openLane(Uri, LaneBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openLanes(NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openLaneView(Lane) - Method in class
openLaneView(Lane) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
openLaneView(Lane) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openLaneView(Lane) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openLaneView(Uri, LaneView) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openListData(Value) - Method in class
openListData(Value) - Method in class
openListData(Value) - Method in interface
openListData(Value) - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLog() - Method in class
openLogLanes(EdgeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openLogLanes(HostBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openLogLanes(LaneBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openLogLanes(MeshBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openLogLanes(NodeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
openLogLanes(PartBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMapData(Value) - Method in class
openMapData(Value) - Method in class
openMapData(Value) - Method in interface
openMapData(Value) - Method in class
openMesh(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMesh(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMesh(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMesh(Uri, MeshBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMesh(Uri, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMesh(Uri, MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
openMetaDownlink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaEdge(EdgeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaHost(HostBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaLane(LaneBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openMetaLanes(EdgeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaLanes(HostBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaLanes(HostBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaLanes(LaneBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openMetaLanes(LaneBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openMetaLanes(MeshBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaLanes(NodeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
openMetaLanes(PartBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaMesh(MeshBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaNode(NodeBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaPart(PartBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
openMetaUplink(LinkBinding, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
openModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
openNode(Uri) - Method in class
openNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openNode(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openNode(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openNode(Uri, NodeBinding) - Method in class
openNode(Uri, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openNode(Uri, NodeBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
openNode(Uri, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openNode(Uri, NodeBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openPageLoader(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
openPageLoader(boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
openPageLoader(TreeDelegate, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
openPageLoader(TreeDelegate, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Store
openPart(Uri) - Method in class
openPart(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
openPart(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openPart(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openPlane(String, Class<? extends P>) - Method in class
openPlane(String, Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface
openPlane(String, PlaneFactory<P>) - Method in class
openPlane(String, PlaneFactory<P>) - Method in interface
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openPolicy() - Method in class
openQTreeMap(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openQTreeMap(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openQTreeMap(Value, Z2Form<S>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openQTreeTrunk(Value, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openReadChannel() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
openReflectLanes(EdgeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openReflectLanes(HostBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openReflectLanes(HostBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openReflectLanes(LaneBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openReflectLanes(MeshBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openReflectLanes(NodeBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
openReflectLanes(PartBinding, AgentNode) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openService(String, ServiceFactory<S>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
openService(String, ServiceFactory<S>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openService(String, ServiceFactory<S>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openService(String, ServiceFactory<S>) - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
openService(ServiceDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
openService(ServiceDef, ClassLoader) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
openSpace(SpaceDef) - Method in class
openSpace(SpaceDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
openSpace(SpaceDef) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
openSpace(SpaceDef) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
openSpatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
openSpatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
openSpatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in interface
openSpatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStage() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
openStore() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
openStore(Value) - Method in class
openStore(Value) - Method in class
openStore(Value) - Method in interface
openStore(Value) - Method in class
openSTreeList(String) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openSTreeList(Value) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openSTreeList(Value, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openSTreeTrunk(Value, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openTrunk(Value, TreeType, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openUnknownUplink(Uri, LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaMeshAgent
openUnknownUplink(Uri, LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.CellBinding
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
openUplink(LinkBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
openUTreeValue(String) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openUTreeValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.Database
openValueData(Value) - Method in class
openValueData(Value) - Method in class
openValueData(Value) - Method in interface
openValueData(Value) - Method in class
openWarpUplink(WarpBinding) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
openWriteChannel() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
openZone() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
openZone(int) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
openZone(int) - Method in class swim.db.Store
operand() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.UnaryOperator
operandInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.UnaryOutlet
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
Returns the token that identifiers this Operator's operation.
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
operator() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.UnaryOperator
Returns the token that identifiers this Operator's operation.
Operator - Class in swim.structure
An Expression that identifies an operation on constants, variables, or Selector expressions.
Operator() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Operator
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
opposite() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
opposite(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
opposite(Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
opposite(S) - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
opposite(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
opposite(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
opposite(RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RN
opposite(Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
opposite(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
opposite(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
opposite(T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
opposite(V) - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
opposite(V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
opposite(V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
opt(String) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
opt(Opt) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
Opt - Class in swim.args
Opt(String, char, String, FingerTrieSeq<Arg>, int) - Constructor for class swim.args.Opt
optional() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
optional() - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
optional(boolean) - Method in class swim.args.Arg
optional(boolean) - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
optional(boolean) - Method in interface swim.csv.structure.CsvStructureCol
options() - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
options(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
options(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
OPTIONS - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
opts() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
or(FlowControl) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowControl with all operations enabled in this or that enabled.
or(FlowModifier) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowModifier with all modifications applied in this or that applied, with enable instructions taking precedence over conflicting disable instructions.
or(Field) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
or(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
or(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
or(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
or(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
or(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
or(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
or(PartPredicate) - Method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
or(PartPredicate...) - Static method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
or(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
order - Variable in class
order() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
order() - Method in class
OrderedField<S> - Interface in swim.math
OrderedMap<K,V> - Interface in swim.util
OrderedMapCursor<K,V> - Interface in swim.util
OrderedRing<S> - Interface in swim.math
orElse(WebRoute) - Method in class swim.web.route.AlternativeRoute
orElse(WebRoute) - Method in class swim.web.route.RejectRoute
orElse(WebRoute) - Method in interface swim.web.WebRoute
origin() - Method in interface swim.math.AffineSpace
origin() - Method in class swim.math.R
origin() - Method in class swim.math.R2
origin() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Point
origin() - Method in class swim.math.R3
origin() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Point
origin() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Point
origin() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Point
OriginHeader - Class in swim.http.header
origins() - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
OrOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
OrOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
OrOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
OrOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.OrOutlet
OS_CODE - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
OS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
ourself() - Method in class
ourself() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
ourself() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
ourself() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
ourselfPartKey - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
ourselfPartKey() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
Out - Annotation Interface in swim.streamlet
outlet - Variable in class swim.streamlet.OutletInlet
outlet - Variable in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
outlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
outlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
outlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletInlet
outlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
outlet(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
outlet(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
outlet(String) - Method in interface swim.dataflow.RecordOutlet
outlet(String) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
outlet(String) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Returns the Outlet of this Streamlet identified by the given key; returns null if this Streamlet has no such Outlet.
outlet(String) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.StreamletScope
Returns an Outlet that updates when the specified key updates.
outlet(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
outlet(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
outlet(K) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Returns an Outlet that updates when the specified key updates.
outlet(K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
outlet(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
outlet(KO) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
outlet(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
outlet(Value) - Method in interface swim.dataflow.RecordOutlet
Outlet<O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
Output connector from a Streamlet.
OutletInlet<I> - Class in swim.streamlet
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Outlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
OutletInlet(Outlet<?>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.OutletInlet
OutletMapInlet<K,V,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
A MapInlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever the MapInlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Outlet whenever the MapInlet recoheres.
OutletMapInlet(Outlet<?>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.OutletMapInlet
outlets - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
outlets - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
outlets - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
outlets - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
outlets - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
outlets - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
output - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
output() - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
output() - Static method in class swim.structure.Text
output(int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
output(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.structure.Text
output(Data) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
Output<T> - Class in swim.codec
Non-blocking token stream writer.
Output() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Output
outputBuffer() - Method in class
outputBuffer() - Method in interface
Returns the buffer from which output data is written by the underlying network socket.
outputBuffer(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
outputBuffer(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
outputBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
OutputBuffer<T> - Class in swim.codec
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
OutputBuffer() - Constructor for class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
outputDecoder(Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns a new Decoder that writes decoded Unicode code points to the given output, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the UtfErrorMode.fatal() policy.
outputDecoder(Output<O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns a new Decoder that writes decoded Unicode code points to the given output, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the errorMode policy.
outputEffects - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
OutputException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when writing invalid Output.
OutputException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.OutputException
OutputException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.OutputException
OutputException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.OutputException
OutputException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.OutputException
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
outputIterator() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Returns an Iterator over the set of Inlets that depend on the state of this Outlet.
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
outputIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
outputParser(Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Returns a new Parser that writes decoded bytes to the given output.
outputParser(Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
outputs - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
outputs - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
outputs - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
outputs - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
outputs - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
OutputSettings - Class in swim.codec
Output production parameters.
OutputSettings(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.codec.OutputSettings
OutputStyle - Class in swim.codec
Stylized text output utility functions.
overflowCol() - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
ownMembers(Bridge, T) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostObjectType
ownMembers(Bridge, T) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostObjectType
ownMembers(Bridge, T) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
ownMembers(Bridge, T) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
ownStaticMembers(Bridge) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
ownStaticMembers(Bridge) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
ownStaticMembers(Bridge) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
ownStaticMembers(Bridge) - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType


PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.SwimApiAgent
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.SwimApiLane
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.SwimApiPlane
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.SwimApi
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.SwimApiWarp
PACKAGE - Static variable in class
PACKAGE - Static variable in class
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.SwimObservable
PACKAGE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.SwimStructure
packageName - Variable in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
packageName() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostPackage
packageName() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostPackage
packedType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFieldType
packet() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
packet() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
packet() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
packetDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
packetFlags() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
packetFlags(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
packetId() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
packetId(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
packetType() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
page() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
page() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
page() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
page() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
page() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
Page - Class in swim.db
pageCache() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
pageCacheSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageCacheSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageCacheSize(int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.Page
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
pageContext() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
PageContext - Class in swim.db
PageContext() - Constructor for class swim.db.PageContext
PageLoader - Class in swim.db
PageLoader() - Constructor for class swim.db.PageLoader
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.Page
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
pageRef() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
PageRef - Class in swim.db
pageRefFromValue(PageContext, int, Value) - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
pageRefSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
pageRefSize() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
pageRefSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
pageRefSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
pageRefSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
pages() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
pageShouldMerge(BTreePage<K, V, ?>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeContext
pageShouldMerge(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
pageShouldMerge(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeContext
pageShouldMerge(Page) - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
pageShouldMerge(Page) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
pageShouldMerge(Page, int) - Static method in class swim.db.PageContext
pageShouldMerge(Store, Database, Page) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
pageShouldMerge(QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
pageShouldSplit(BTreePage<K, V, ?>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeContext
pageShouldSplit(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
pageShouldSplit(STreePage<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeContext
pageShouldSplit(Page) - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
pageShouldSplit(Page) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
pageShouldSplit(Page, int) - Static method in class swim.db.PageContext
pageShouldSplit(Store, Database, Page) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
pageShouldSplit(QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.Page
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
pageSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
pageSplitSize - Variable in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageSplitSize() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeContext
pageSplitSize() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
pageSplitSize() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeContext
pageSplitSize() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageSplitSize() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
pageSplitSize(int) - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.Page
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
pageType() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
PageType - Enum Class in swim.db
PairBuilder<K,V,O> - Interface in swim.util
Type that accumulates pairs of input values, and binds an output result of type O.
parallelism() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
parallelism() - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
parallelism(int) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
param(String) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
param(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
param(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
param(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
param(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
param(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
param(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
param(String, String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
param(WebSocketParam) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
params - Variable in class
params() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
params() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
params() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
params() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
params() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
parent() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
parent() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
parentPath() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroName
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.Cookie
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaRange
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.Product
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPort
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriUser
parse(String) - Static method in class swim.xml.Xml
parse(String[]) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
parse(String[], int) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
parse(String[], int) - Method in class swim.args.Opt
parse(Input, Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Parses the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to output, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parse(Input, Output<O>) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Parses the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to output, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parse(Input, Parser<?>...) - Static method in class swim.codec.Detect
parseAbsolute(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseAbsoluteString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseAdditiveOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseAndOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseArray(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseAttr(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseAttrExpression(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseAttributeValue(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseAuthority(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseAuthorityString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseBitwiseAndOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBitwiseOrOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBitwiseXorOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBlock(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBlockExpression(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBlockExpression(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBlockItem(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBlockString(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseBody(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseBody(Input, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseBodyBuffer(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseBodyData(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseBodyString(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, String) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseByteArray(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Parses the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to a growable array, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parseByteArray(Input) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Parses the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to a growable array, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parseByteBuffer(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Parses the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to a growable buffer, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parseByteBuffer(Input) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Parses the base-64 (t-bit ASCII) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to a growable buffer, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to parse any additional input.
parseCDataSection(Input, Output<?>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseCDataSectionRest(Input, Output<?>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseCell(Input) - Method in interface swim.csv.schema.CsvCol
parseCell(Input, CsvCol<C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseCharset(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseCharsetString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkExtension(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkExtensionString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkHeader(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkHeaderString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkTrailer(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseChunkTrailerString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseComment(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseComment(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseCommentRest(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseComparisonOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseConditionalOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseConfigValue(InputStream) - Static method in class swim.kernel.KernelLoader
parseContentCoding(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseContentCodingString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseCookie(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseCookieString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseData(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parsedCol(String, Parser<? extends Item>) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
parsedCol(Parser<? extends Item>) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
parsedCol(Value, Parser<? extends Item>) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
parseDecimal(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
parseDecoded(Input, Parser<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseDecoded(Input, Parser<O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseDoctypeDecl(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseDoctypeDeclRest(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseDocument(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseDocumentString(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseEntityName(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseFragment(String) - Static method in class swim.xml.Xml
parseFragment(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseFragment(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseFragmentString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseFragmentString(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseGerm(Input) - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
parseHeader(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseHeader(Input, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseHeaderString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseHeaderValue(Input, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser) - Static method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
parseHeaderValue(Input, HttpParser, String, String) - Static method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
parseHost(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseHostAddress(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseHostLiteral(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseHostString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
parseHttp(String) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
parseIdent(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseIdent(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseInlineItem(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseInteger(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
parseInteger(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseInvokeOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseKey(Input) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroMapType
parseLambdaFunc(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseLanguageRange(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseLanguageRangeString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseLine(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseLine(Input, StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseLiteral(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseMarkup(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseMarkup(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseMarkupDecl(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseMediaRange(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMediaRangeString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMediaType(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMediaTypeString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMethod(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMethodString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseMultiplicativeOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseName(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseNull(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
parseNull(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseNumber(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
parseNumber(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseNumber(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseNumberString(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseObject(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseObjectString(String) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseOrOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseOutput(Input, Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
Writes the decoded bytes of the input buffer to the given output, returning a Parser continuation that knows how to decode subsequent input buffers.
parseOutput(Input, Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseParamMap(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseParamMapRest(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseParamMapRest(Input, StringBuilder) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parsePath(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parsePath(Input, UriPathBuilder) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parsePathString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parsePI(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parsePIRest(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parsePITarget(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parsePITargetRest(Input, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parsePort(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parsePortString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parsePrefixOperator(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parsePrimary(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseProduct(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseProductString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseQuery(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseQuery(Input, UriQueryBuilder) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseQueryString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseQValue(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseQValueRest(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parser() - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parser() - Static method in class swim.json.Json
parser() - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
parser() - Static method in class
parser() - Static method in class swim.xml.Xml
parser(int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parser(Output<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns a Parser that decodes base-16 (hexadecimal) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to output.
parser(Output<O>) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns a Parser that decodes base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoded input, and writes the decoded bytes to output.
parser(Parser<?>...) - Static method in class swim.codec.Detect
Parser<O> - Class in swim.codec
Continuation of how to parse subsequent Input tokens from a stream.
Parser() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Parser
parseRawString(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseRecon(String) - Static method in class swim.warp.Envelope
parseRecord(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseRecord(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseReference(Input, Output<?>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseRequest(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseRequestString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseResponse(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseResponseString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
ParserException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when a Parser parses invdalid syntax.
ParserException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.ParserException
ParserException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.ParserException
ParserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.ParserException
ParserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.ParserException
ParserException(Diagnostic) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.ParserException
parseRow(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseRow(Input, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseRowBuffer(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseRowData(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseRowString(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, String) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseScheme(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseSchemeString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseSelector(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseSelector(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseStatus(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseStatusString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseString(Input) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroStringType
parseString(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseString(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseString(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseString(Input) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufStringType
parseString(Input) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
parseString(Input, StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
parseString(Input, StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseString(Input, StringBuilder, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseString(Input, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
parseTable(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(byte[], int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(byte[], CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(String) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(String, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(String, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(ByteBuffer, CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
parseTable(Input, CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseTableBuffer(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseTableData(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseTableString(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, String) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
parseTagContent(Input, String, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTagEnd(Input, String, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTagEndRest(Input, String, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTagStart(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTagStartRest(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTagStartRest(Input, Builder<I, V>) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseTokenList(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseTransferCoding(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseTransferCodingString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseUpgradeProtocol(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseUpgradeProtocolString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseUser(Input) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseUserString(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
parseValue(Input) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseValueString(String) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
parseVersion(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseVersionString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseWebSocketExtension(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseWebSocketExtensionString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseWebSocketParam(Input) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseWebSocketParamString(String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
parseXmlDecl(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
parseXmlDeclRest(Input) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
part - Variable in class swim.meta.MetaPartAgent
part - Variable in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
part - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
part - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
part - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
part() - Method in class
part() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
part() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
part() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
part() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
part() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
part() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
partAddress - Variable in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
PartAddress - Class in swim.system
PartAddress(String, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.PartAddress
PartAddressed - Interface in swim.system
partBinding - Variable in class swim.system.PartProxy
partBinding() - Method in class
partBinding() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
PartBinding - Interface in swim.system
partCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
partCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
partCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
partCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
partContext - Variable in class swim.system.PartProxy
partContext - Variable in class swim.system.router.PartTable
partContext() - Method in class
partContext() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
partContext() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
partContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
PartContext - Interface in swim.system
partCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
partCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
partCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
partCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
partCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
partDef() - Method in class
partDef(PartDef) - Method in class
partDef(PartDef) - Method in class
PartDef - Interface in swim.system
partDefs() - Method in class
partDefs() - Method in class
partDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeDef
partDefs() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshDef
PartException - Exception in swim.system
PartException() - Constructor for exception swim.system.PartException
PartException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.system.PartException
PartException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.PartException
PartException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.system.PartException
PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
PartInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
PartInfo(Value, PartPredicate, Uri, int) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
partKey - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
partKey() - Method in class
partKey() - Method in class
partKey() - Method in class
partKey() - Method in class
partKey() - Method in class
partKey() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.PartAddressed
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
partKey() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
partKey() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in class
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshAddressed
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
partKey(Value) - Method in interface swim.system.PartAddressed
partKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
partOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
partOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
partOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
partOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
PartPredicate - Class in swim.system
PartPredicate() - Constructor for class swim.system.PartPredicate
PartProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
PartProfile(PartAddress, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, long, long, long, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, long, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
PartProxy - Class in swim.system
PartProxy(PartBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.PartProxy
PartPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
PartPulse(int, long, AgentPulse, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse, SystemPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
parts() - Method in class
parts() - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
parts() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
parts() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
PartTable - Class in swim.system.router
PartTable() - Constructor for class swim.system.router.PartTable
PartTable(PartPredicate) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.PartTable
PartTableHost - Class in swim.system.router
PartTableHost(PartTable, HostBinding, HostAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
PartTableHttpUplink - Class in swim.system.router
PartTableHttpUplink(PartTable, HttpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.PartTableHttpUplink
PartTableWarpUplink - Class in swim.system.router
PartTableWarpUplink(PartTable, WarpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.router.PartTableWarpUplink
partWrapper() - Method in class
partWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
partWrapper() - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
partWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
partWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
partWrapper() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
password - Variable in class swim.uri.UriUser
password() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
password() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
password() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
password() - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
password(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
password(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
password(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
password(Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
path - Variable in class
path - Variable in class swim.uri.Uri
path() - Method in class
path() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
path(String) - Method in class
path(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
path(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
pathBuilder() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
pathEmpty() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
pathForm() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
pathName() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
pathName(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
pathParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
pathParser(UriPathBuilder) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
pathPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
pathPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
PathPrefixRoute - Class in swim.web.route
PathPrefixRoute(UriPath, WebRoute) - Constructor for class swim.web.route.PathPrefixRoute
pattern() - Method in class
pattern() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
pattern() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRoute
The UriPattern that every nodeUri corresponding to an instance of A must match.
pattern() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRouteContext
pattern() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
payload - Variable in class
payload() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
payload() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
payload() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
payload() - Method in class
payload() - Method in class
payload(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payload(ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payload(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
payload(Encoder<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payload(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
payload(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
payload(HttpPayload<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
payload(Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payload(Form<T>) - Method in class
payload(U, Encoder<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
payloadData - Variable in class
payloadData() - Method in class
payloadDecoder() - Method in class
payloadDecoder(Decoder<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
payloadDecoder(Decoder<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
payloadDecoder(Decoder<T2>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
payloadDecoder(ProtobufMessageType<T, ?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.Protobuf
payloadDecoder(ProtobufMessageType<T, M>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
payloadEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
payloadEncoder() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
payloadEncoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadEncoder(WsEncoder) - Method in class
payloadSize() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payloadValue() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue() - Method in class
payloadValue(U) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
peek() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ConcurrentTrancheQueue
peekScope() - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
permessageDeflate(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
phase - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
phase - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
PHASE_MASK - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
PHASE_SHIFT - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
phaseCount - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
phaseCount - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
phrase() - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
pi(String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
pi(String, String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
picture() - Method in class
picture(String) - Method in class
PING - Enum constant in enum class
pingDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
pingFrame(P) - Method in class
pingFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
pingReqPacket(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pingReqPacketEncoder(MqttPingReqPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
pingRespPacket(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pingRespPacketEncoder(MqttPingRespPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
piOutput(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
Plane - Interface in swim.api.plane
planeClass - Variable in class
planeClass() - Method in class
planeContext - Variable in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
planeContext - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlane
planeContext() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
planeContext() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
planeContext() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
planeContext() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
PlaneContext - Interface in swim.api.plane
planeDef - Variable in class
planeDef - Variable in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
planeDef() - Method in class
planeDef() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
planeDef(PlaneDef) - Method in class
PlaneDef - Interface in swim.api.plane
planeDefs() - Method in class
planeDefs() - Method in interface
PlaneException - Exception in swim.api.plane
PlaneException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.plane.PlaneException
PlaneException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.plane.PlaneException
PlaneException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.plane.PlaneException
PlaneException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.plane.PlaneException
PlaneFactory<P extends Plane> - Interface in swim.api.plane
planeName() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneDef
planeName() - Method in class
planeName() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
planeName(String) - Method in class
planeName(String) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
PlanePolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
planes() - Method in class
planes() - Method in interface
plus(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
plus(R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
plus(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
plus(R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
plus(RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
plus(Tensor) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
plus(TensorArray<V, S>) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
plus(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
plus(Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
plus(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
plus(Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
plus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
plus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
plus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
plus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
plus(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
plus(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
plus(Text) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
plus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
plus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
plus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
plus(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
plus(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
plus(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
PlusOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents an addition operation between its two operands.
PlusOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
PlusOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
PlusOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.PlusOutlet
point - Variable in class
point() - Method in class
policy - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
policy() - Method in class
policy() - Method in class
policy() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
policy() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
policy() - Method in interface
policy() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
policy() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
policy() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
policy() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
policy() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
policy() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
policy() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
policy() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
policy() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
policy() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
policy() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
Policy - Interface in swim.api.policy
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in class
policyDef() - Method in interface swim.system.CellDef
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
policyDef(PolicyDef) - Method in class
PolicyDef - Interface in swim.system
PolicyDirective<T> - Class in swim.api.policy
poll() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ConcurrentTrancheQueue
PolyForm - Class in swim.structure.form
PolyForm() - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
PolyglotHostObjectType<T> - Class in swim.dynamic
A dynamic object type descriptor that has specialized members for specific guest languages.
PolyglotHostObjectType(Class<?>) - Constructor for class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
PONG - Enum constant in enum class
pongDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
pongFrame(P) - Method in class
pongFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
pop() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
popScope() - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
port - Variable in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
port() - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
port() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
port() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
port() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
port(int) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
port(int) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
port(UriPort) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
port(UriPort) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
portNumber() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
portNumber() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
portNumber(int) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
portNumber(int) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
portParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
portPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
portPart() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
portPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
portPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
positive() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
positive(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
positive(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
PositiveOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
PositiveOperator(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
PositiveOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
PositiveOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.PositiveOutlet
post() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
post() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
post() - Method in class swim.db.Database
post() - Method in class swim.db.Page
post() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
post() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
post() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
post() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
post() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
post() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
post(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
post(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
POST - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
pow() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
pow(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
pow(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
pow(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
precedence() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
precedence(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
precedence(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
precision() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
Precision - Class in swim.math
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
predicate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
predicate() - Method in class
predicate() - Method in class
predicate() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
predicate() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
predicate() - Method in interface swim.system.PartDef
predicate() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
predicate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
predicate() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
predicate(PartPredicate) - Method in class
preemptive - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
preemptive - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
Preemptive - Interface in swim.concurrent
Function interface that callers can optionally invoke concurrently.
prefixModuleSource(UriPath, StringBuilder) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
prefixModuleSource(UriPath, StringBuilder) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
prepended(boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
prepended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(Object...) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
prepended(String) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
prepended(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
prepended(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
prepended(String...) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
prepended(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
prepended(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
prepended(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
prepended(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
prepended(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
prepended(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
prepended(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
prepended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
prepended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
prepended(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
prepended(Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
prepended(Value, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
prepended(T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
prepended(T, Object, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
prependedPath(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedPath(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedPath(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedQuery(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedQuery(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedQuery(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedQuery(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedSegment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedSegment(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
prependedSlash() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
prependedSlash() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
pretty() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns OutputSettings configured with the system line separator, pretty printing enabled, and styling disabled.
prettyStyled() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns OutputSettings configured with the system line separator, pretty printing enabled, and styling enabled.
previous() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
previous() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
previous() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
previous() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
previousEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
previousEntry(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
previousEntry(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
previousEntry(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
previousEntry(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
previousEntry(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
previousEntry(K, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class
previousEntry(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
previousIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
previousIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
previousIndex() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
previousIndex() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
previousIndexLong() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
previousIndexLong() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
previousIndexLong() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
previousKey() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
previousKey() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMapCursor
previousKey(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
previousKey(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
previousKey(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
previousKey(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
previousKey(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
previousKey(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
previousKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
previousKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
previousKey(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
previousKey(Value) - Method in class
previousKey(Value) - Method in class
previousKey(Value) - Method in class
previousKey(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
previousValue(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
previousValue(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
previousValue(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
previousValue(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
previousValue(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
previousValue(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
previousValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
previousValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
previousValue(Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
previousValue(Value) - Method in class
previousValue(Value) - Method in class
previousValue(Value) - Method in class
previousValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
primary - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
primary() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
prime - Variable in class
prime() - Method in class
primeDefs - Variable in class
primeDefs() - Method in class
primitiveDecoder(AvroPrimitiveType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
primitiveDecoder(ProtobufPrimitiveType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
printTree() - Method in class swim.db.Page
prio - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
prio - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
prio - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
prio() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
prio() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
prio() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullRequest
prio() - Method in class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
prio() - Method in class swim.system.Push
prio() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
prio() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
prio() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
prio() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
prio() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
prio() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
prio(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
prio(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
prio(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
prio(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
prio(float) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.Push
prio(float) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
privateExponent - Variable in class
privateExponent() - Method in class
privateKey - Variable in class
privateKey - Variable in class
privateKey() - Method in class
privateKey() - Method in class
privateKey() - Method in class
privateKey() - Method in class
privateKeyDef() - Method in class
PrivateKeyDef - Class in
PrivateKeyDef() - Constructor for class
privateKeyForm() - Static method in class
processModuleSource(UriPath, String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
product(String, String, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
Product - Class in swim.http
productParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
products() - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
products() - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
productWriter(String, String, Iterator<String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
props - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
props - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
props() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
A Record that maps every dynamic property in AbstractAgent.nodeUri(), as defined by AgentRoute.pattern(), to its value.
props() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
A Record that maps every dynamic property in AgentContext.nodeUri(), as defined by AgentRoute.pattern(), to its value.
props() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentDef
props() - Method in class
props() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
props() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
props() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
props(Value) - Method in class
props(Value) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
props(Uri) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
props(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentFactory
props(Uri) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
props(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeDef
protectedHeader - Variable in class
protectedHeader - Variable in class
protectedHeader() - Method in class
protectedHeader() - Method in class
Protobuf - Class in swim.protobuf
Factory for constructing Protocol Buffers decoders and encoders.
ProtobufComplexType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufDataType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufDataType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufDataType
ProtobufDecoder - Class in swim.protobuf.decoder
ProtobufDecoder() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
ProtobufException - Exception in swim.protobuf
ProtobufException() - Constructor for exception swim.protobuf.ProtobufException
ProtobufException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.protobuf.ProtobufException
ProtobufException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.protobuf.ProtobufException
ProtobufException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.protobuf.ProtobufException
ProtobufFieldType<V,M> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufFieldType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFieldType
ProtobufFixed32Type<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufFixed32Type() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed32Type
ProtobufFixed64Type<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufFixed64Type() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed64Type
ProtobufKind - Annotation Interface in swim.protobuf
ProtobufMapEntryType<K,V,E> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufMapEntryType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapEntryType
ProtobufMapType<K,V,E,M> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufMapType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
ProtobufMember - Annotation Interface in swim.protobuf
ProtobufMessageType<T,M> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufMessageType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
ProtobufPrimitiveType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufReflection - Class in swim.protobuf.reflection
ProtobufRepeatedType<I,T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufRepeatedType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufRepeatedType
ProtobufStringType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufStringType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufStringType
ProtobufStructure - Class in swim.protobuf.structure
ProtobufType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufVarintType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufVarintType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufVarintType
ProtobufWireType - Enum Class in swim.protobuf
ProtobufZigZagType<T> - Class in swim.protobuf.schema
ProtobufZigZagType() - Constructor for class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufZigZagType
protocol - Variable in class
protocol() - Method in class
protocolLevel() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
protocolLevel(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
protocolName() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
protocolName(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
protocols - Variable in class
protocols - Variable in class
protocols() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
protocols() - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
protocols() - Method in class
Returns the set of permitted secure socket layer protocols, or null if the system defaults should be used.
protocols() - Method in class
protocols(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TlsSettings configured with the given set of protocols; protocols may be null if the system defaults should be used.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
pubAckPacket(int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pubAckPacketEncoder(MqttPubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
pubCompPacket(int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pubCompPacketEncoder(MqttPubCompPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
publicExponent - Variable in class
publicExponent - Variable in class
publicExponent() - Method in class
publicExponent() - Method in class
publicKey - Variable in class
publicKey - Variable in class
publicKey() - Method in class
publicKey() - Method in class
publicKey() - Method in class
publicKey() - Method in class
publicKeyDef() - Method in class
PublicKeyDef - Class in
PublicKeyDef() - Constructor for class
publicKeyDefs - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
publicKeyDefs() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
publicKeyForm() - Static method in class
publicKeyUri - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
publicKeyUri() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
publicKeyUri() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
publicKeyUse() - Method in class
publishPacket(int, String, int, T) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
publishPacketEncoder(MqttPublishPacket<T>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
pubRecPacket(int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pubRecPacketEncoder(MqttPubRecPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
pubRelPacket(int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
pubRelPacketEncoder(MqttPubRelPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
pull(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Incrementally writes as much output as possible, and returns another Writer that represents the continuation of how to write additional Output.
pull(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
pull(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Incrementally encodes as much output buffer data as possible, and returns another Encoder that represents the continuation of how to write additional buffer data.
pull(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
pull(OutputBuffer<?>) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
pull(PullContext<? super T>) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullRequest
pull(PullContext<? super T>) - Method in class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
PullContext<T> - Interface in swim.concurrent
pullDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
pullDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pullDown() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpContext
pullDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
pullDownEnvelope() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pullDownEvent(EventMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pullDownLinked(LinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pullDownSynced(SyncedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pullDownUnlinked(UnlinkedResponse) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
PullRequest<T> - Interface in swim.concurrent
pullUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pullUp() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
pullUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
pullUpCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pullUpCommand(CommandMessage) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pullUpLink(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pullUpLink(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pullUpSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pullUpSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pullUpUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pullUpUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
Pulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
Pulse() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.Pulse
PULSE_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.Pulse
push(Envelope) - Method in class
push(T) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullContext
push(V) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
push(V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
Push<M> - Class in swim.system
Push(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, Identity, M, Cont<M>) - Constructor for class swim.system.Push
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
pushDown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
pushDown(Envelope) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkModel
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pushDownEvent(Push<EventMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushDownLinked(Push<LinkedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pushDownLinked(Push<LinkedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushDownSynced(Push<SyncedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pushDownSynced(Push<SyncedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushDownUnknown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushDownUnlinked(Push<UnlinkedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
pushDownUnlinked(Push<UnlinkedResponse>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
PushRequest<T> - Class in swim.concurrent
PushRequest(T) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
PushRequest(T, float) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
pushScope(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
pushUp(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.CellBinding
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.WarpContext
pushUp(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
pushUp(ListLinkDelta) - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListDownlinkModem
pushUp(Envelope) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
pushUpCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushUpLink(Push<LinkRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushUpSync(Push<SyncRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushUpUnknown(Push<?>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
pushUpUnlink(Push<UnlinkRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
put(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
put(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
put(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
put(K, S, V) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
put(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
put(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
put(K, V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
put(K, V) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
put(K, V) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
put(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(Value, S, Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
put(Value, S, Value) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
put(Value, S, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, S, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, S, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
put(Value, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, Value) - Method in class
put(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
put(MapDownlinkView<K, V>, K, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
put(JoinMapLaneDownlink<?, ?>, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
put(JoinMapLaneView<?, K, V>, K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
put(JoinValueLaneDownlink<?>, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
put(JoinValueLaneView<K, V>, K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
put(MapLaneView<K, V>, K, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
put(SpatialLaneView<K, S, V>, K, S, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
put(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
put(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
put(Uri, T) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
put(T) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
put(V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenSet
PUT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class
putAll(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAll(Map<? extends Uri, ? extends T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
putAttr(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
putAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
putAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putDynamicMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
putHeader(String, Form<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putHeader(String, Value, Form<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putHeader(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
putMember(String, Form<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putMember(String, Value, Form<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putMember(Form<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
putSlot(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
putSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
putSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record


qos() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
qos() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
qos(MqttQoS) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
qos(MqttQoS) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
QTree - Class in swim.db
QTree<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
QTree(TreeContext, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTree
QTree(TreeContext, QTreePageRef, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTree
QTree(TreeContext, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTree
QTree(Z2Form<S>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTree
QTree(Z2Form<S>, QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTree
QTREE - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.TreeType
QTreeContext<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
QTreeContext() - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTreeContext
QTreeDelegate - Interface in swim.db
qtreeDidMove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.QTreeDelegate
qtreeDidMove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
qtreeDidMove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
qtreeDidMove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
qtreeDidRemove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.QTreeDelegate
qtreeDidRemove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
qtreeDidRemove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
qtreeDidRemove(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value) - Method in class
qtreeDidUpdate(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.QTreeDelegate
qtreeDidUpdate(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
qtreeDidUpdate(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
qtreeDidUpdate(QTree, QTree, Value, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class
QTreeEntry<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
QTreeEntry(K, S, long, long, V) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
QTreeLeaf - Class in swim.db
QTreeLeaf(QTreePageRef, long, Slot[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
QTreeMap<S> - Class in swim.db
QTreeMap<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
QTreeMap(Trunk<QTree>, Z2Form<S>) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreeMap
QTreeMap(Z2Form<S>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
QTreeMap(Z2Form<S>, QTreePage<K, S, V>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
QTreeMapView<S> - Class in swim.db
QTreeMapView(QTree, Z2Form<S>) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreeMapView
QTreeNode - Class in swim.db
QTreeNode(QTreePageRef, long, QTreePageRef[], Slot[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreeNode
QTreePage - Class in swim.db
QTreePage<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
QTreePageRef - Class in swim.db
QTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, long, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreePageRef
QTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, long, long, Value, Object) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreePageRef
QTreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, long, long, Value, Object, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.db.QTreePageRef
query - Variable in class swim.uri.Uri
query() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
query(String...) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
query(UriQuery) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
queryBuilder() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
queryParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
queryParser(UriQueryBuilder) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
queryPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
queryPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
queueDown(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
queueDown(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyUplinkModem
queueDown(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
queueDown(ListLinkDelta) - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListUplinkModem
queueUp(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
queueUp(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyDownlinkModem
queueUp(Value, Cont<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
queueUp(ListLinkDelta) - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListDownlinkModem


r - Variable in class swim.math.R2Circle
r - Variable in class swim.math.R3Sphere
R - Class in swim.math
R() - Constructor for class swim.math.R
R2 - Class in swim.math
R2() - Constructor for class swim.math.R2
R2Boundary<T> - Interface in swim.math
R2Box - Class in swim.math
R2Box(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Box
R2Circle - Class in swim.math
R2Circle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Circle
R2Form<T> - Class in swim.math
R2Form() - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Form
R2Point - Class in swim.math
R2Point(double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Point
R2Shape - Class in swim.math
R2Shape() - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Shape
R2ToZ2Function - Interface in swim.math
R2ToZ2Operator - Interface in swim.math
R2Vector - Class in swim.math
R2Vector(double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R2Vector
R3 - Class in swim.math
R3() - Constructor for class swim.math.R3
R3Boundary<T> - Interface in swim.math
R3Box - Class in swim.math
R3Box(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Box
R3Form<T> - Class in swim.math
R3Form() - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Form
R3Point - Class in swim.math
R3Point(double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Point
R3Shape - Class in swim.math
R3Shape() - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Shape
R3Sphere - Class in swim.math
R3Sphere(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Sphere
R3ToZ3Function - Interface in swim.math
R3ToZ3Operator - Interface in swim.math
R3Vector - Class in swim.math
R3Vector(double, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.R3Vector
random() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
Random - Class in swim.math
Random() - Constructor for class swim.math.Random
RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
rank() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
rank(long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
rate - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
rate - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
rate - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
rate() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
rate() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
rate() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
rate() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
rate() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
rate() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
rate() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
rate() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
rate() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkAddressed
rate(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
rate(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
rate(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
rate(float) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
rate(float) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
rate(float) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
RawHeader - Class in swim.http.header
read(InputStream, Decoder<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
read(InputStream, Parser<O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in interface
Enqueues a read decoder to which input data will be asynchronously fed.
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in interface
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in interface
read(Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(WsOpcode, Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(WsOpcode, Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
read(WsOpcode, Decoder<I2>) - Method in interface
read(WsOpcode, Decoder<I2>) - Method in class
READ - Enum constant in enum class
read enabled; accept, connect, and write disabled.
read_buf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class swim.deflate.Deflate
READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
read and write enabled; accept and connect disabled.
readBuffer() - Method in interface
Returns the buffer into which input data should be read by the underlying I/O transport.
readBufferSize - Variable in class
readBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the size in bytes of the per-socket userspace buffers into which data is received.
readBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given readBufferSize for per-socket userspace read buffers.
readDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its read operation disabled.
readEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its read operation enabled.
readRequest() - Method in class
readRequest() - Method in interface
readRequest() - Method in class
readResponse() - Method in class
readResponse() - Method in interface
readResponse() - Method in class
RealField<S> - Interface in swim.math
reason() - Method in class swim.api.policy.PolicyDirective
reason() - Method in class
receiveBufferSize - Variable in class
receiveBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the value of the SO_RCVBUF socket option with which TCP should be configured to control the size of receive buffers.
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given receiveBufferSize value for the SO_RCVBUF socket option.
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
recohere(int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Updates the state of this Streamlet to make it consistent with the target version.
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
recohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
recohereInlets(int, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
recohereInput(int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Updates the state of this Outlet to make it consistent with the target version.
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
recohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
recohereInputKey(KO, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
recohereInputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohereInputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
recohereInputKey(K, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
Updates the state of an individual key in this MapOutlet to make it consistent with the target version.
recohereInputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohereInputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
recohereInputKey(Value, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
recohereKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohereKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohereKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
recohereOutlets(int, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohereOutput(int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Updates the state of this Inlet to make it consistent with the target version.
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
recohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
recohereOutputKey(KI, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapInlet
Updates the state of an individual key in this MapInlet to make it consistent with the target version.
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
recohereOutputKey(K, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
Recon - Class in swim.recon
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and writers.
reconcileReceiveBacklog() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
reconEncoder() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
reconnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
reconnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
ReconParser<I,V> - Class in swim.recon
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and parse trees.
ReconParser() - Constructor for class swim.recon.ReconParser
ReconSignature - Class in
ReconSignature(Value, Value, Value) - Constructor for class
ReconStructureParser - Class in swim.recon
ReconStructureParser() - Constructor for class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
ReconStructureWriter - Class in swim.recon
ReconStructureWriter() - Constructor for class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
reconWriter() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
ReconWriter<I,V> - Class in swim.recon
Factory for constructing Recon writers.
ReconWriter() - Constructor for class swim.recon.ReconWriter
record - Variable in class swim.dataflow.RecordFieldUpdater
Record - Class in swim.structure
Record() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Record
recordBuilder() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
recordBuilder() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
recordDecoder(AvroRecordType<T, R>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
RecordFieldUpdater - Class in swim.dataflow
RecordFieldUpdater(Record, Value) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordFieldUpdater
RecordModel - Class in swim.dataflow
RecordModel() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
RecordModel(Record) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
RecordOutlet - Interface in swim.dataflow
RecordScope - Class in swim.dataflow
RecordScope(StreamletScope<? extends Value>) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
RecordScope(StreamletScope<? extends Value>, Record) - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
RecordStreamlet<I extends Value,O extends Value> - Class in swim.dataflow
RecordStreamlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.RecordStreamlet
recordType(String) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
recordType(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
recordType(AvroName) - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
recordType(AvroName, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
RECOVERING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
rectify(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
rectify(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
red(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII red foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
redBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold red foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
redirect(Uri) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
redirect(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
redirect(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
reduce(Record) - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
reduce(U, CombinerFunction<? super V, U>, CombinerFunction<U, U>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
reduced(Value, CombinerFunction<? super Value, Value>, CombinerFunction<Value, Value>, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
reduced(U, CombinerFunction<? super V, U>, CombinerFunction<U, U>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
reduced(U, CombinerFunction<? super V, U>, CombinerFunction<U, U>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
reduced(U, CombinerFunction<? super V, U>, CombinerFunction<U, U>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
reduced(U, CombinerFunction<? super V, U>, CombinerFunction<U, U>) - Method in interface swim.util.ReducedMap
Returns the reduction of this ReducedMap, combining all contained elements with the given accumulator and combiner functions, recomputing only what has changed since the last invocation of reduced.
reducedClass(Class<U2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
reducedForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
reducedForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
reducedForm(Form<U2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
ReducedMap<K,V,U> - Interface in swim.util
An OrderedMap that memoizes partial combinations of sub-elements to support efficient, incremental reduction of continuously mutating datasets.
ReduceFieldsCombinator<K,V,I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
ReduceFieldsCombinator(O, CombinerFunction<? super V, O>, CombinerFunction<O, O>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsCombinator
ReduceFieldsOperator<K,V,I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
ReduceFieldsOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
reflectAgentRouteField(PlaneContext, P, Field) - Method in class
reflectAgentRouteFields(PlaneContext, Class<?>, P) - Method in class
reflectClass(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassForm(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassForm(Class<?>, String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassForm(Class<?>, String, T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassForm(ClassForm<T>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassName(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectClassTag(Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
reflectField(ClassForm<T>, Field) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectFields(ClassForm<T>, Class<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
reflectInletCount(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectInletField(Streamlet<I, O>, Field) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectInletIndex(int, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectInletKey(String, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectInoutletField(Streamlet<I, O>, Field) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectLogCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
reflectOutletCount(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectOutletField(Streamlet<I, O>, Field) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectOutletIndex(int, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
reflectOutletKey(String, Streamlet<I, O>, Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
refreshPublicKeys() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
reifier(WarpRef) - Static method in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
Reifier - Class in swim.dataflow
Reifier() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.Reifier
reify() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
reify(Reifier) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
reify(Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.Reifier
reifyItem(Item, Reifier) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
reject() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
reject(HttpResponder<?>) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
rejectHostNotFound(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
rejectLaneNotFound(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
rejectMeshNotFound(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
rejectNodeNotFound(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
rejectPartNotFound(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
RejectRoute - Class in swim.web.route
RejectRoute() - Constructor for class swim.web.route.RejectRoute
rejectUnsupported(LinkBinding) - Static method in class swim.system.UplinkError
reluUniform(double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.Distribution
reluUniform(Random, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.Distribution
remaining() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
remaining() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
remote - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
remote - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
remote() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
remote() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
remoteAddress() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the remote internet address of the currently executing link, or null if not currently executing a link callback.
remoteAddress() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the IP address and port of the remote endpoint of the underlying network connection.
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
remoteAddress() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteAddress() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteAddress() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
remoteAddressDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
remoteAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteAddressDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
remoteAddressDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remoteAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
remoteAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteAddressUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
remoteAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
remoteAddressUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remoteCertificates() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the certificates used to authenticate the remote end of the currently executing link; returns an empty collection if the currently executing link has no remote certificates, or if not currently executing a link callback.
remoteCertificates() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in interface
Returns the certificate chain used to authenticate the remote endpoint of the underlying network connection.
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class
remoteCertificates() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
remoteCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteCertificates() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
remoteCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
remoteCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteCertificatesDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
remoteCertificatesDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
remoteCertificatesUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
RemoteCredentials - Class in swim.remote
RemoteCredentials(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteCredentials
RemoteHost - Class in swim.remote
RemoteHost(Uri) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteHost
RemoteHost(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteHost
RemoteHost(Uri, Uri, HashTrieMap<String, Cookie>) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteHost
RemoteHostClient - Class in swim.remote
RemoteHostClient(Uri, IpInterface) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
RemoteHostClient(Uri, IpInterface, WarpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
RemoteHostException - Exception in swim.remote
RemoteHostException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.remote.RemoteHostException
RemoteHostException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.remote.RemoteHostException
RemoteHostException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.remote.RemoteHostException
remoteIdentity() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the remote user identity of the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link has no remote user identity, or if not currently executing a link callback.
remoteIdentity() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
remoteIdentity() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
remoteIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteIdentity() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
remoteIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
remoteIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remoteIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteIdentityDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
remoteIdentityDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
remoteIdentityUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
RemoteKernel - Class in swim.remote
RemoteKernel() - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
RemoteKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
RemoteKernel(double, WarpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
remotePrincipal() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the principal used to identify the remote end of the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link has no remote principal, or if not currently executing a link callback.
remotePrincipal() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in interface
Returns the authenticated identity of the remote endpoint of the underlying network connection.
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class
remotePrincipal() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
remotePrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remotePrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remotePrincipal() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
remotePrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
remotePrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
remotePrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remotePrincipalDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
remotePrincipalDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
remotePrincipalUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
remove() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
remove() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
remove() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
remove() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
remove() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
remove(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
remove(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
remove(int) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
remove(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
remove(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
remove(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
remove(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
remove(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
remove(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
remove(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
remove(int) - Method in class
remove(int) - Method in class
remove(int) - Method in class
remove(int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
remove(int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
remove(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
remove(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
remove(int, Object) - Method in class
remove(int, Object) - Method in class
remove(int, Object) - Method in class
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
remove(int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
remove(int, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
remove(int, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
remove(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
remove(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostArray
remove(long) - Method in class swim.vm.VmProxyArray
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
remove(Object) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
remove(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
remove(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
remove(K) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
remove(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
remove(K) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
remove(K) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenMap
remove(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
remove(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
remove(K, S) - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
remove(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
remove(K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
remove(Bridge) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostStaticField
remove(Bridge, T) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostField
remove(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
remove(Value, S) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
remove(Value, S) - Method in class
remove(Value, S) - Method in class
remove(Value, S) - Method in class
remove(ListDownlinkView<V>, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
remove(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
remove(MapDownlinkView<K, V>, K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
remove(JoinMapLaneDownlink<?, ?>, Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
remove(JoinMapLaneView<?, K, V>, K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
remove(JoinValueLaneView<K, V>, K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
remove(ListLaneView<V>, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
remove(ListLaneView<V>, int, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
remove(MapLaneView<K, V>, K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
remove(SpatialLaneView<K, S, V>, K, S) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
remove(T) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
remove(V) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenSet
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class swim.streamlet.KeyEffect
removeAgentRoute(String) - Method in class
removeAgentRoute(String) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
removeAgentRoute(String) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
removeAgentView(AgentView) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
removed(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
removed(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
removed(int, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
removed(int, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
removed(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
removed(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
removed(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
removed(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
removed(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
removed(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
removed(Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
removed(Object, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
removed(Object, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
removed(Object, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
removed(Object, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
removed(Object, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
removed(Object, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
removed(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
removed(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
removed(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
removed(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
removed(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
removed(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
removed(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
removed(K) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
removed(K, int, long, int, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
removed(K, long, long, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
removed(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
removed(K, S) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
removed(HashTrieMap<K, HashTrieSet<V>>, K, V) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
removed(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
removed(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
removed(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
removed(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
removed(Value, int, long, int, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
removed(Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
removed(Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
removed(Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
removed(Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
removed(Value, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
removed(Value, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
removed(Value, long, long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
removed(Value, long, long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
removed(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
removed(UriPattern) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
removed(T) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
removeDotSegments() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
removeDownlink(View) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
removeDownlinks() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
removedQuery(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
removeDynamicMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
removeElement(Bridge, T, long) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostArrayType
removeKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
removeKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
removeKey(String) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
removeKey(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
removeKey(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
removeKey(K) - Method in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
removeKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
removeKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
removeKey(Value) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
removeKey(Value) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
removeKey(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleExports
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleObject
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostLibraryModule
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostMethod
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostStaticMethod
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsRequireFunction
removeMember(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
removeTree(Value) - Method in class swim.db.Database
reopen() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
reopen() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
reopen() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
reopen() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
reopen() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
reopen() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
reopenUplinks() - Method in class
reopenUplinks() - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
reopenUplinks() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
reopenUplinks() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
repeatedDecoder(ProtobufRepeatedType<I, T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
repeatedField(Field, long, ProtobufRepeatedType<V, ?>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
repeatedField(String, long, ProtobufRepeatedType<? extends Item, ? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
repeatedField(Value, long, ProtobufRepeatedType<? extends Item, ? extends Value>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
repeatedType(ProtobufType<I>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
replacement() - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that substitutes invalid code unit sequences with the replacement character (U+FFFD).
replacement(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that substitutes invalid code unit sequences with the given replacementChar.
replacementChar() - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns the Unicode code point of the replacement character to substitute for invalid code unit sequences.
replacementNonZero() - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that substitutes invalid code unit sequences with the replacement character (U+FFFD), and aborts decoding with an error when NUL bytes are encountered.
replacementNonZero(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
Returns a UtfErrorMode that substitutes invalid code unit sequences with the given replacementChar, and aborts decoding with an error when NUL bytes are encountered.
replica - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
replica() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
REPORT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class swim.system.Metric
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
reportDown(Metric) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
reportDown(Metric) - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
reportDown(Metric) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
reportMetrics(long) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
request() - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpUplink
request() - Method in interface
request() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
request() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
request() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
request() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
request(HttpMethod, Uri, HttpVersion, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
requester - Variable in class
requestParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
requestUri() - Method in class
requestUri() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Credentials
requestUri() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
requestUri() - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLink
requestUri() - Method in interface
requestUri() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
requestUri() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteCredentials
requestUri() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
requestUri() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
requestUri() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
requestUri() - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
requestUri() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
requestUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
requestUri(Uri) - Method in interface
requestWriter(HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
requireAgentModule(AgentContext, JsModuleSystem) - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentFactory
requireFunction() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
requireModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModule
requireModule(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
requireModule(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
requirePlaneModule(PlaneContext, JsModuleSystem) - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneFactory
reschedule(long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
Schedules this timer to execute after millis milliseconds has elapsed.
reschedule(long) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerContext
Schedules the timer to execute after millis milliseconds has elapsed.
reschedule(long) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerRef
Schedules the timer to execute after millis milliseconds has elapsed.
reschedule(long) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
RESELECT - Enum constant in enum class
read and write operations should not be modified.
RESERVED_3 - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_4 - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_5 - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_6 - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_7 - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_B - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_C - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_D - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_E - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED_F - Enum constant in enum class
RESERVED6 - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
RESERVED7 - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
reset(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII reset escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
resolve(Uri) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
resolve(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
resolve(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
resolveAbsoluteModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModuleDirectory(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModuleDirectoryIndex(UriPath, String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModuleDirectoryPackage(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModulePackage(UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsBridge
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsCachedModuleResolver
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsGuestModuleLoader
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModuleLoader
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsModuleResolver
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsModuleSystem
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
resolveModuleScript(UriPath, String) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveNodeModulesPath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
resolveRelativeModulePath(UriPath, UriPath) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
ResourceDirectoryRoute - Class in swim.web.route
ResourceDirectoryRoute(ClassLoader, UriPath, String) - Constructor for class swim.web.route.ResourceDirectoryRoute
resourceRoot() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
resourceRoot(UriPath) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
respond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
responder - Variable in class
response - Variable in class
response() - Method in class
response(HttpVersion, HttpStatus, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
responseParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
responseWriter(HttpResponse<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
RestLaneModel - Class in swim.system.http
RestLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.http.RestLaneModel
RestLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.http
RestLaneUplink(RestLaneModel, HttpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
RestLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.http
RestLaneView(AgentContext, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
retain() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
retain(boolean) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
reverseEntryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
reverseEntryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
reverseEntryIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
reverseIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
reverseKeyIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
reverseValueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
reverseValueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
reverseValueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
rhs() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
rhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.AndOutlet
rhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.BinaryOutlet
rhsInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.OrOutlet
ring() - Static method in class swim.math.Z
Ring<S> - Interface in swim.math
RN - Class in swim.math
RN(TensorDims) - Constructor for class swim.math.RN
RNVector - Class in swim.math
RNVector(double...) - Constructor for class swim.math.RNVector
rootPage() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
rootPage() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
rootPage() - Method in class swim.db.STree
rootPage() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
rootPage() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
rootPath() - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
rootPath() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
rootRef() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
rootRef() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
rootRef() - Method in class swim.db.STree
rootRef() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
rootRef() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
rootRef(PageContext) - Method in class swim.db.Seed
rootRefValue() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
round() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
round() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
round(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
round(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
routeDownlink(LinkAddressed) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
routeName() - Method in class
routeName() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
routeName() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRoute
Returns a plane-unique identifier for this agent route.
routeName() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRouteContext
routeName() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
routePath() - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
routePath() - Method in class swim.web.WebServerRequest
routePath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
routePath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.web.WebServerRequest
router() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
router() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceFactory
router(WebRoute) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.web.route.AlternativeRoute
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.web.route.DirectoryRoute
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.web.route.PathPrefixRoute
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.web.route.RejectRoute
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in class swim.web.route.ResourceDirectoryRoute
routeRequest(WebRequest) - Method in interface swim.web.WebRoute
routeUplink(LaneAddressed) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
rowBuilder() - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
rowParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
rowParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
rowParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
rsaKey() - Method in class
RsaKeyDef - Interface in
RsaPrimeDef - Class in
RsaPrimeDef(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
RsaPrimeDef(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
rsaPrivateKey() - Method in class
RsaPrivateKeyDef - Class in
RsaPrivateKeyDef(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
RsaPrivateKeyDef(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, FingerTrieSeq<RsaPrimeDef>) - Constructor for class
RsaPrivateKeyDef(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, RsaPrimeDef...) - Constructor for class
rsaPublicKey() - Method in class
RsaPublicKeyDef - Class in
RsaPublicKeyDef(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class
run() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
run() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
run() - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
run() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
run() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelShutdownHook
run() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
run() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
run() - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
runGetCmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
runLinkCmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
runOnCommand(Push<CommandMessage>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
runOnLink(Push<LinkRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
runOnSync(Push<SyncRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
runOnUnlink(Push<UnlinkRequest>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
runPhase(View, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
runPhase(View, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.system.LaneRelay
runPullDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
runReflectCmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
runReflectLogCmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
runSyncCmd(Cmd) - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
runTask() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
runTask() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Executes this sequential process.
runTask() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskFunction
Executes this sequential process.
runTask() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
runTimer() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
runTimer() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Timer
Executes scheduled logic when this Timer fires.
runTimer() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerFunction
Executes scheduled logic when this timer fires.
runTimer() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
runTimer(TimerFunction, Runnable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Invokes timer.runTimer(), or arranges for the asynchronous execution of the provided runnable, which will itself invoke timer.runTimer().
runTimer(TimerFunction, Runnable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Schedules the runnable to invoke timer.runTimer() on the execution StageClock.stage.


sample() - Method in class swim.math.Distribution
sample() - Method in class swim.math.UniformDistribution
sample(TensorDims, Precision) - Method in class swim.math.Distribution
scalar() - Method in interface swim.math.AffineSpace
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.R
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.R2
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.R3
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.RN
scalar() - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
scalar() - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
scalar() - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.Z
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.Z2
scalar() - Method in class swim.math.Z3
schedule() - Method in class
schedule() - Method in class
schedule() - Method in class
schedule() - Method in class
schedule() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
The Schedule that this Agent is bound to.
schedule() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
The Schedule that this AgentContext is bound to.
schedule() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
schedule() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorContext
schedule() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
schedule() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
schedule() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
schedule() - Method in interface swim.api.service.ServiceContext
schedule() - Method in interface
schedule() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
schedule() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
Returns the Schedule to which this timer is bound.
schedule() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
schedule() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TimerContext
Returns the Schedule to which the timer is bound.
schedule() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
schedule() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
schedule() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.StreamletContext
Returns the Schedule with which the Streamlet can set timers.
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
schedule() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
schedule() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
schedule() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
Schedule - Interface in swim.concurrent
Timetable for executing timers at their scheduled times.
scheduleDef() - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
scheduleDef(ScheduleDef) - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
ScheduleDef - Interface in swim.concurrent
Marker interface for a Schedule definition.
ScheduleException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Thrown when a Schedule encounters an error.
ScheduleException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ScheduleException
ScheduleException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ScheduleException
ScheduleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ScheduleException
ScheduleException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.ScheduleException
scheme - Variable in class swim.uri.Uri
scheme() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
scheme(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
scheme(UriScheme) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
schemeName() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
schemeName(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
schemeParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
schemePart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
schemePart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
scope - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
scope - Variable in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
scope - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
scope() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
Scope - Class in swim.system.scope
Scope(CellContext) - Constructor for class swim.system.scope.Scope
Scope(CellContext, Stage) - Constructor for class swim.system.scope.Scope
scopeDepth() - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
secret - Variable in class
secret() - Method in class
secure - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
secure - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
secure() - Static method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
secure() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
secure() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
securityProtocol() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
Returns the security protocol used by the currently executing link, or null if the currently executing link is not secure, or if not currently executing a link callback.
securityProtocol() - Method in interface swim.api.Link
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the transport-layer security protocol used by the underlying network connection.
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class
securityProtocol() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
securityProtocol() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
securityProtocol() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
securityProtocol() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
securityProtocolDown() - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
securityProtocolDown() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
securityProtocolDown() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
securityProtocolDown() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
securityProtocolDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
securityProtocolUp() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
securityProtocolUp() - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
securityProtocolUp() - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
securityProtocolUp() - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
securityProtocolUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
securityProtocolUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
SecWebSocketAcceptHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SecWebSocketKeyHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SecWebSocketProtocolHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SecWebSocketVersionHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SEE_OTHER - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
seed - Variable in class
seed() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
seed() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
seed() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
seed() - Method in class swim.db.STree
seed() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
seed() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
seed(Class<?>) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the name of the class.
seed(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Murmur3
Returns the hash code of the string.
Seed - Class in swim.db
Seed(TreeType, int, long, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.Seed
seedEdge(EdgeBinding) - Method in class
seedHost(PartBinding, HostDef) - Method in class
seedLane(NodeBinding, LaneDef) - Method in class
seedMesh(EdgeBinding, MeshDef) - Method in class
seedNode(HostBinding, NodeDef) - Method in class
seedPart(MeshBinding, PartDef) - Method in class
seedRefValue() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
seek(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but repositioned to the given mark.
seek(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
segment(String) - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
selected(Interpreter) - Method in interface swim.structure.Selectee
Performs this operation against interpreter.
selected(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
Always returns Extant, which, crucially, is never null.
Selectee<T> - Interface in swim.structure
selector() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
selector() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
Selector - Class in swim.structure
An Expression that returns references to Items when it is evaluated.
Selector() - Constructor for class swim.structure.Selector
sendBufferSize - Variable in class
sendBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the value of the SO_SNDBUF socket option with which TCP should be configured to control the size of send buffers.
sendBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given sendBufferSize value for the SO_SNDBUF socket option.
sendDown(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
sendDown(Value) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
sendDown(ListLinkDelta) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
sendDown(ListLinkDelta) - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListUplinkModem
sentinel() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
server - Variable in class
SERVER_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
serverCompressionLevel - Variable in class
serverCompressionLevel() - Method in class
serverCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class
serverCompressionLevel(int) - Method in class
serverEngine(WsEngineSettings) - Method in class
ServerHeader - Class in swim.http.header
ServerLoader - Class in swim.server
serverMaxWindowBits - Variable in class
serverMaxWindowBits() - Method in class
serverMaxWindowBits(int) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
serverMaxWindowBits(int) - Method in class
serverMaxWindowBits(int) - Method in class
serverNoContextTakeover - Variable in class
serverNoContextTakeover() - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
serverNoContextTakeover() - Method in class
serverNoContextTakeover(boolean) - Method in class
serverNoContextTakeover(boolean) - Method in class
service - Variable in class
service - Variable in class
service - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
service() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
Service - Interface in swim.api.service
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
ServiceAddress - Class in swim.system
ServiceAddress(String) - Constructor for class swim.system.ServiceAddress
serviceContext() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
serviceContext() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
serviceContext() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
ServiceContext - Interface in swim.api.service
serviceDef() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServer
serviceDef() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
serviceDef() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceFactory
ServiceDef - Interface in swim.api.service
ServiceException - Exception in swim.api.service
ServiceException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.service.ServiceException
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.service.ServiceException
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.service.ServiceException
ServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.service.ServiceException
ServiceFactory<S extends Service> - Interface in swim.api.service
ServiceKernel - Class in swim.service
ServiceKernel() - Constructor for class swim.service.ServiceKernel
ServiceKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.service.ServiceKernel
serviceName - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
serviceName() - Method in interface swim.api.service.ServiceDef
serviceName() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
serviceName() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
serviceName() - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
serviceName(String) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
serviceName(String) - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
ServicePort - Class in swim.service
ServicePort(String, KernelContext) - Constructor for class swim.service.ServicePort
session() - Method in class
session() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
session() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
session() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
sessionPresent() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
sessionPresent(boolean) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
set(int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
set(int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
set(int, E, Object) - Method in interface swim.util.KeyedList
set(int, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a new item, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
set(int, Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
set(int, Value) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
set(int, Value) - Method in class
set(int, Value) - Method in class
set(int, Value) - Method in class
set(int, Value, Object) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
set(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
set(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
set(int, Value, Object) - Method in class
set(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
set(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
set(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
set(int, T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
set(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
set(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
set(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
set(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
set(int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
set(int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
set(int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
set(long, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
set(long, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostArray
set(long, Value) - Method in class swim.vm.VmProxyArray
set(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
set(O) - Method in class swim.streamlet.ValueInput
set(Bridge, Object) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostStaticField
set(Bridge, T, Object) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostField
set(Value) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
set(Value) - Method in class
set(Value) - Method in class
set(Value) - Method in class
set(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
set(ListDownlinkView<V>, int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
set(ValueDownlinkView<V>, V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
set(ListLaneView<V>, int, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
set(ListLaneView<V>, int, V, Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
set(ValueLaneView<V>, V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
set(T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
set(T) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
set(T) - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
set(V) - Method in interface
set(V) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
set(V) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
set(V) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
set(V) - Method in class
set(V) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
set(V) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
setAgentContext(AgentContext) - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
setAgentRouteContext(AgentRouteContext) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgentRoute
setAgentRouteContext(AgentRouteContext) - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentRoute
Updates the internal context used to provide concrete implementations to most AgentRoute methods.
setAgentRouteContext(AgentRouteContext) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgentRoute
setAuthenticatorContext(AuthenticatorContext) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
setAuthenticatorContext(AuthenticatorContext) - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
setCapacity(int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
setCapacity(int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
setCellContext(CellContext) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
setCellContext(CellContext) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
setCellContext(CellContext) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
setCellContext(CellContext) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
setCellContext(CellContext) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
setConstructor(HostConstructor) - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostClassType
SetCookieHeader - Class in swim.http.header
SetCookieHeader.SameSite - Enum Class in swim.http.header
setDatabaseDelegate(DatabaseDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.Database
setDataContext(ListDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(ListDataContext) - Method in interface
setDataContext(ListDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(ListDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(MapDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(MapDataContext) - Method in interface
setDataContext(MapDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(MapDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(SpatialDataContext<S>) - Method in class
setDataContext(SpatialDataContext<S>) - Method in class
setDataContext(SpatialDataContext<S>) - Method in interface
setDataContext(SpatialDataContext<S>) - Method in class
setDataContext(ValueDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(ValueDataContext) - Method in class
setDataContext(ValueDataContext) - Method in interface
setDataContext(ValueDataContext) - Method in class
setDomain(String) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setEdgeContext(EdgeContext) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
setEdgeContext(EdgeContext) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
setEdgeContext(EdgeContext) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
setElement(Bridge, T, long, Object) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostArrayType
setGateway(PartBinding) - Method in class
setGateway(PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
setGateway(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
setGateway(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
setGuestLanguage(String) - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridge
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in class
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
setHostContext(HostContext) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
setHostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
setHostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
setHostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
setHostUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
setHostUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
setHttpClientContext(HttpClientContext) - Method in class
setHttpClientContext(HttpClientContext) - Method in interface
setHttpClientContext(HttpClientContext) - Method in class
setHttpClientContext(HttpClientContext) - Method in class
setHttpOnly() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setHttpRequesterContext(HttpRequesterContext) - Method in class
setHttpRequesterContext(HttpRequesterContext) - Method in interface
setHttpResponderContext(HttpResponderContext) - Method in class
setHttpResponderContext(HttpResponderContext) - Method in interface
setHttpResponderContext(HttpResponderContext) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
setHttpServerContext(HttpServerContext) - Method in class
setHttpServerContext(HttpServerContext) - Method in interface
setHttpServerContext(HttpServerContext) - Method in class
setHttpServerContext(HttpServerContext) - Method in class
setHttpServiceContext(HttpServiceContext) - Method in class
setHttpServiceContext(HttpServiceContext) - Method in interface
setHttpServiceContext(HttpServiceContext) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<I, O>) - Method in class
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<I, O>) - Method in interface
Sets the socket modem context to which this IpModem is bound.
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<Object, Object>) - Method in class
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class
setIpModemContext(IpModemContext<HttpResponse<?>, HttpRequest<?>>) - Method in class
setIpServiceContext(IpServiceContext) - Method in class
setIpServiceContext(IpServiceContext) - Method in class
setIpServiceContext(IpServiceContext) - Method in interface
Sets the network listener context to which this IpService is bound.
setIpServiceContext(IpServiceContext) - Method in class
setIpSocketContext(IpSocketContext) - Method in class
setIpSocketContext(IpSocketContext) - Method in interface
Sets the network socket context to which this IpSocket is bound.
setIpSocketContext(IpSocketContext) - Method in class
setItem(int, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Bool value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Num value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Num value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Num value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Num value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a Text value, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Replaces the member of this Record at the given index with a new item, returning the previous Item at the given index, if the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of this Record.
setKernelBinding(KernelBinding) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
setKernelBinding(KernelBinding) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
setKernelContext(KernelContext) - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelBinding
setKernelContext(KernelContext) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
setKeyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
setKeyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
setKeyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
setKeyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
setKeyForm(Form<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
setLane(Lane) - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
setLaneBinding(SpatialLaneModel<S>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
setLaneContext(LaneContext) - Method in class
setLaneContext(LaneContext) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
setLaneContext(LaneContext) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
setLaneContext(LaneContext) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
setLink(Link) - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
setLinkContext(LinkContext) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
setLinkContext(LinkContext) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
setLinkContext(LinkContext) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
setLinkContext(LinkContext) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
setLinkContext(LinkContext) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
setLinkForm(Form<L>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
setMaster(HostBinding) - Method in class
setMaster(HostBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
setMaster(HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
setMaster(HostBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
setMaxAge(long) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setMaxDynamicTableSize(int) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
setMeshContext(MeshContext) - Method in class
setMeshContext(MeshContext) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
setMeshContext(MeshContext) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
setMeshContext(MeshContext) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
setModuleResolver(JsModuleResolver) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostRuntime
setModuleResolver(JsModuleResolver) - Method in interface swim.vm.js.JsRuntime
setMqttServiceContext(MqttServiceContext) - Method in class
setMqttServiceContext(MqttServiceContext) - Method in interface
setMqttSocketContext(MqttSocketContext<I, O>) - Method in class
setMqttSocketContext(MqttSocketContext<I, O>) - Method in interface
setNetwork(MeshBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
setNetwork(MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
setNetwork(MeshBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaEdgeAgent
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaHostAgent
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaLaneAgent
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaMeshAgent
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.meta.MetaPartAgent
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
setNodeContext(NodeContext) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
setNodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
setNodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
setNodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
setNodeUri(Uri) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
setNodeUri(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
setOurself(PartBinding) - Method in class
setOurself(PartBinding) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
setOurself(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
setOurself(PartBinding) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
setPageValue(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
setPageValue(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
setPageValue(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
setPageValue(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
setPageValue(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
setPartContext(PartContext) - Method in class
setPartContext(PartContext) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
setPartContext(PartContext) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
setPartContext(PartContext) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
setPath(String) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setPlaneContext(PlaneContext) - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
setPolicy(PlanePolicy) - Method in class
setPolicy(PlanePolicy) - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
setPublicKeyDefsFromUri(FingerTrieSeq<PublicKeyDef>) - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
setReplica(boolean) - Method in class
setReplica(boolean) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
setReplica(boolean) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
setReplica(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
setReplica(boolean) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
setRootPath(UriPath) - Method in class swim.js.JsKernel
setSameSite(SetCookieHeader.SameSite) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setSchedule(Schedule) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
setSecure() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
setService(Service) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
setServiceContext(ServiceContext) - Static method in class swim.api.SwimContext
setState(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in interface
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreBinding(StoreBinding) - Method in class
setStoreContext(StoreContext) - Method in class
setStoreContext(StoreContext) - Method in class
setStoreContext(StoreContext) - Method in interface
setStoreContext(StoreContext) - Method in class
setStreamletContext(StreamletContext) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
setStreamletContext(StreamletContext) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
setStreamletContext(StreamletContext) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Sets the environment in which this Streamlet operates.
setStreamletScope(StreamletScope<? extends O>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
setStreamletScope(StreamletScope<? extends O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
setStreamletScope(StreamletScope<? extends O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Sets the lexically scoped parent of this Streamlet.
setTail(UriQuery) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
setTaskContext(TaskContext) - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
setTaskContext(TaskContext) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Sets the context used to managed this Task.
setTaskContext(TaskContext) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Schedule
Schedules timer to execute after millis milliseconds have elapsed.
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
setTimer(long, TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
setTimerContext(TimerContext) - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
setTimerContext(TimerContext) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Timer
Sets the context used to manage this Timer.
setTimerContext(TimerContext) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
settings - Variable in class swim.db.StoreContext
settings - Variable in class
settings - Variable in class swim.structure.Interpreter
settings() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the InputSettings used to configure the behavior of input consumers that read from this Input.
settings() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns the OutputSettings used to configure the behavior of output producers that write to this Output.
settings() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
settings() - Method in class swim.db.Database
settings() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
settings() - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
settings() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
settings() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
settings() - Method in class swim.db.Store
settings() - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
settings() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
settings() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
settings() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
settings() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
settings() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
settings() - Method in class
settings() - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
settings(InputSettings) - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but with the given input settings.
settings(InputSettings) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
settings(OutputSettings) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Updates the settings associated with this Output.
settings(OutputSettings) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
settings(StoreSettings) - Method in class
settings(InterpreterSettings) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
setTransportContext(TransportContext) - Method in interface
Sets the I/O transport context to which this Transport is bound.
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
setTreeDelegate(TreeDelegate) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
setValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
setValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Sets the value of this Field to the new value, returning the old value.
setValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
setValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
setValue(Value) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
setValue(V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
setValue(V) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
setValueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
setWarpSocketContext(WarpSocketContext) - Method in class
setWarpSocketContext(WarpSocketContext) - Method in interface
setWarpSocketContext(WarpSocketContext) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
setWebSocketContext(WebSocketContext<I, O>) - Method in class
setWebSocketContext(WebSocketContext<I, O>) - Method in interface
setWebSocketContext(WebSocketContext<Envelope, Envelope>) - Method in class
severity() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns the level of importance of this diagnostic.
Severity - Class in swim.util
Level of importance.
shape - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
Shape - Interface in swim.math
shapeForm - Variable in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
shapeForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
shapeForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
shapeForm() - Method in interface
shapeForm() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
shapeForm() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
shapeForm() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Shape
shapeForm() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Shape
shapeForm() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
shapeForm() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
shapeForm() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
shapeForm() - Method in class
shapeForm() - Method in class
shapeForm() - Method in class
shapeForm() - Method in class
shift(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
shift(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Span
shift(Mark) - Method in class swim.codec.Tag
Returns the position of this Tag relative to the given mark.
shiftZone() - Method in class swim.db.Database
shiftZone() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
shiftZone() - Method in class swim.db.Store
ShortForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Short.
ShortForm(Short) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
shortType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
shortType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
shortValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive short value, if possible.
shortValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive short value, if possible.
shortValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive short value.
shortValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
shortValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive short value, if possible.
shortValue(short) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a primitive short value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a primitive short value.
shortValue(short) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a primitive short value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a primitive short value.
shortValue(short) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a primitive short value; equivalent Num.shortValue().
shortValue(short) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
shortValue(short) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a primitive short value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive short value.
SideStage - Class in swim.concurrent
Stage wrapper that prevents its underlying stage from being started and stopped.
SideStage(Stage) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.SideStage
sigmoid(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
sigmoid(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
sigmoidUniform(double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.Distribution
sigmoidUniform(Random, double, double) - Static method in class swim.math.Distribution
sign(PrivateKey) - Method in class
sign(PrivateKey, Data) - Static method in class
sign(PrivateKey, Value, Data) - Static method in class
sign(PrivateKey, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
sign(PrivateKey, Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class
signatureData - Variable in class
signatureData() - Method in class
signatureHeader - Variable in class
signatureHeader() - Method in class
signECDSA(PrivateKey, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
signECDSA(Signature, PrivateKey, int, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
signECDSA(Signature, PrivateKey, int, Value, Value, Data, Data) - Static method in class
signingInput - Variable in class
signingInput() - Method in class
signingInput() - Method in class
signRsa(PrivateKey, Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class
signRsa(Signature, PrivateKey, Value, Value, Value) - Static method in class
signRSA(PrivateKey, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
signRSA(Signature, PrivateKey, int, Value, Value, Data) - Static method in class
signRSA(Signature, PrivateKey, int, Value, Value, Data, Data) - Static method in class
SimpleEntry(K, S, V) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
sin(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
sin(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
sinh(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
sinh(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
size - Variable in class swim.math.TensorDims
size - Variable in class
size() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ListDownlinkRecord
size() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.MapDownlinkRecord
size() - Method in class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
size() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
size() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFixedType
size() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
size() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
size() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
size() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
size() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
size() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
size() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
size() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
size() - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
size() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ConcurrentTrancheQueue
size() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
size() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
size() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
size() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
size() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
size() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
size() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
size() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
size() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
size() - Method in class swim.db.Store
size() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
size() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
size() - Method in class swim.db.Zone
size() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackDecoder
size() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
size() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
size() - Method in interface swim.math.FN
size() - Method in class swim.math.RN
size() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
size() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
size() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
size() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
size() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
size() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
size() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
size() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the number of members contained in this Record.
size() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
size() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
size() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
size() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
size() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
size() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
size() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
size() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
size() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
size() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
size() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
size() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
size() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
size() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
size() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
size() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
SIZED - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
sizeOf(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode code point c; returns the size of the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) for surrogates and invalid code points.
sizeOf(int, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode code point c, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the errorMode policy.
sizeOf(String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding the given string, assuming the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) replaces unpaired surrogates and invalid code points.
sizeOf(String, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding the given string, handling invalid code unit sequences according to the errorMode policy.
sizeOf(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
sizeOfAbsent() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfAttr(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfBlock(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfBlock(Iterator<I>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfBlock(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
sizeOfBlockItem(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfBlockItem(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfBlockValue(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfBlockValue(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfBool(boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfChildrenSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfConditionalOperator(I, I, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfData(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfData(Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
sizeOfDescendantsSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfExtant() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfFilterSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfFunc(Func) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfGetAttrSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfGetItemSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfGetSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfIdentitySelector() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfInfixOperator(I, String, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfInvokeOperator(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfItem(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfItem(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfKeysSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfLambdaFunc(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfLiteralSelector(I, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfMarkupText(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfMarkupText(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfNum(double) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfNum(float) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfNum(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfNum(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfNum(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfOperator(Operator) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfPrefixOperator(String, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfPrimary(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfRecord(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfSelector(Selector) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfSlot(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfString(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
sizeOfSubscription(MqttSubscription) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
sizeOfText(String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThen(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfThen(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenChildrenSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenDescendantsSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenFilterSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenGetAttrSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenGetItemSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenGetSelector(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenIdentitySelector() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenKeysSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenLiteralSelector(I, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfThenValuesSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfUint32(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfUint64(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfValue(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
sizeOfValue(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
sizeOfValuesSelector(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
skip() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullContext
skip() - Method in class
skip(long) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
skip(long) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
skip(long) - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
skipDown() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
skipDown() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpBinding
skipDown() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
skipUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
skipUp() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
skipUp() - Method in interface swim.system.WarpContext
skipUp() - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
slash() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPath
slave - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
slave() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
sleep(long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Parks the current thread for the specified number of millis.
slice(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
slot(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
slot(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
slot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
slot(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
slot(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
Slot - Class in swim.structure
slotCount() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
slotCount() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
slotCount() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
slotCount() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
SlotForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
SlotForm(Field, Value, Form<?>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
snapshot() - Method in interface
snapshot() - Method in interface
snapshot() - Method in interface
snapshot() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
snapshot() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
snapshot() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
snapshot() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
An immutable copy of this BTreeMap's data.
snapshot() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
snapshot() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
snapshot() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
snapshot() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
snapshot() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
An immutable copy of this STreeList's data.
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class
snapshot() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
snapshot() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
snapshot() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
socket - Variable in class
socket - Variable in class
socket - Variable in class
soften() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.Page
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
soften(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
softPage() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
softPage() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
softPage() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
softPage() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
softPage() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
softVersion() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
softVersion() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
softVersion() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
softVersion() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
softVersion() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
space() - Static method in class swim.math.R2
space() - Static method in class swim.math.R3
space() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
space(int) - Static method in class swim.math.RN
space(int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
space(TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.RN
space(TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
space(TensorSpace<Tensor, Double>, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
space(TensorSpace<Tensor, Double>, TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
space(TensorSpace<V, S>, int) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorArray
space(TensorSpace<V, S>, TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.TensorArray
Space - Interface in
spaceDef() - Method in class
SpaceDef - Interface in
SpaceException - Exception in
SpaceException() - Constructor for exception
SpaceException(String) - Constructor for exception
SpaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
SpaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
spaceName() - Method in class
spaceName() - Method in interface
spaceName() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
spaceName(String) - Method in class
spaceName(String) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
span() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
span() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
span() - Method in class swim.db.Page
span() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
span() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
span() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
span() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
span() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
span() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
span() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
span() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
span(long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
Span - Class in swim.codec
Description of a source range, identified by a closed interval between start and end marks.
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in interface
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(String, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in interface
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class
spatialData(Value, Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
SpatialData<K,S,V> - Interface in
SpatialDataBinding<S> - Interface in
SpatialDataContext<S> - Interface in
SpatialDataModel<S> - Class in
SpatialDataModel<S> - Class in
SpatialDataModel(Value, QTreeMap<S>) - Constructor for class
SpatialDataModel(Value, QTreeMap<Value, S, Value>) - Constructor for class
SpatialDataProxy<S> - Class in
SpatialDataProxy(SpatialDataBinding<S>) - Constructor for class
SpatialDataView<K,S,V> - Class in
SpatialDataView(SpatialDataBinding<S>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class
spatialLane(Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
spatialLane(Z2Form<S>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
spatialLane(Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
spatialLane(Z2Form<S>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
SpatialLane<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
SpatialLaneModel<S> - Class in swim.system.lane
SpatialLaneModel(Z2Form<S>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
SpatialLaneUplink<S> - Class in swim.system.lane
SpatialLaneUplink(SpatialLaneModel<S>, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneUplink
SpatialLaneView<K,S,V> - Class in swim.system.lane
SpatialLaneView(AgentContext, Form<K>, Z2Form<S>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
SpatialMap<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.spatial
SpatialMap.Entry<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.spatial
SpatialMap.SimpleEntry<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
SpatialValueEntry<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
SpatialValueEntry(SpatialMap.Entry<Value, S, Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
SpatialValueMap<K,S,V> - Class in swim.spatial
SpatialValueMap(SpatialMap<Value, S, Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
sphericalMercator() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
sphericalMercatorForm() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
sphericalMercatorInverse() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
split(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
split(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
split(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
split(QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
splitLeft(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
splitLeft(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
splitLeft(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
splitRight(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
splitRight(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
splitRight(int, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
sqrt() - Static method in class swim.structure.func.MathModule
sqrt() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
sqrt(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
sqrt(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
sslContext - Variable in class
sslContext() - Method in class
Returns the factory used to create secure sockets.
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TlsSettings configured with the given sslContext for creating secure sockets.
stage - Variable in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
stage - Variable in class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Stage on which to execute timer functions.
stage - Variable in class
Stage on which to execute I/O tasks.
stage - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
stage - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
stage - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkView
stage - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
stage - Variable in class swim.system.scope.Scope
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
The single-threaded execution Stage on which this AgentContext runs its application logic.
stage() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.AgentContext
The single-threaded execution Stage on which this AgentContext runs its application logic.
stage() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
stage() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.AuthenticatorContext
stage() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
stage() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.PlaneContext
stage() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
stage() - Method in interface swim.api.service.ServiceContext
stage() - Method in interface
stage() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
stage() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
Returns the execution Stage to which this task is bound.
stage() - Method in class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Returns the stage on which to execute timer functions.
stage() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.TaskContext
Returns the execution Stage to which the task is bound.
stage() - Method in class swim.db.Database
stage() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
stage() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
stage() - Method in class swim.db.PageContext
stage() - Method in class swim.db.Store
stage() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
stage() - Method in class
Returns the Stage on which this Station executes I/O tasks.
stage() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
stage() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
stage() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
stage() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
stage() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.StreamletContext
Returns the Stage on which the Streamlet can execute tasks.
stage() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
stage() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
stage() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
stage() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
stage() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
stage() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
stage() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneUplink
stage() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneUplink
stage() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
stage() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
stage() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
stage() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
stage() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
stage() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
Stage - Interface in swim.concurrent
An execution context in which to schedule tasks, create continuation calls, and set timers.
StageClock - Class in swim.concurrent
Clock that invokes timer functions on an execution Stage, rather than on the clock thread.
StageClock(Stage) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Constructs a new StageClock with a timer resolution of Clock.TICK_MILLIS milliseconds, and a clock period of Clock.TICK_COUNT ticks per revolution, that executes timer functions on the given stage.
StageClock(Stage, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Constructs a new StageClock with a timer resolution of tickMillis milliseconds, and a clock period of tickCount ticks per revolution, that executes timer functions on the given stage.
StageClock(Stage, ClockDef) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.StageClock
Constructs a new StageClock, with the timer resolution and clock period specified by the given clockDef, that executes timer functions on the given stage.
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in class
stageDef() - Method in interface swim.system.CellDef
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
stageDef(StageDef) - Method in class
StageDef - Interface in swim.concurrent
Marker interface for a Stage definition.
standard() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the Base64 encoding with the standard alphabet.
standard() - Static method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
Returns InputSettings configured to include diagnostic metadata in generated output.
standard() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns OutputSettings configured with the system line separator, pretty printing disabled, and styling disabled.
standard() - Static method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
standard() - Static method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
standard() - Static method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
standard() - Static method in class
Returns the default HttpSettings instance.
standard() - Static method in class
Returns the default IpSettings instance.
standard() - Static method in class
standard() - Static method in class
Returns the default TcpSettings instance.
standard() - Static method in class
Returns the default TlsSettings instance.
standard() - Static method in class
Returns the default TransportSettings instance.
standard() - Static method in class
standard() - Static method in class
standard() - Static method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
standard() - Static method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
standard() - Static method in class
standard(boolean) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the Base64 encoding with the standard alphabet, and required padding, if isPadded is true.
standardClientEngine() - Static method in class
standardDecoder() - Static method in class swim.hpack.Hpack
standardDecoder() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.Mqtt
standardDecoder() - Static method in class
standardEncoder() - Static method in class swim.hpack.Hpack
standardEncoder() - Static method in class swim.mqtt.Mqtt
standardEncoderMasked() - Static method in class
standardEncoderUnmasked() - Static method in class
standardParser() - Static method in class swim.http.Http
standardParser() - Static method in class swim.uri.Uri
standardServerEngine() - Static method in class
standardWriter() - Static method in class swim.http.Http
star() - Static method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
star() - Static method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
star() - Static method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in interface swim.api.client.Client
start() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
start() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
start() - Method in class swim.codec.Span
start() - Method in class swim.codec.Tag
Returns the first source position covered by this Tag.
start() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Ensures that this Clock is up and running, starting up the clock thread if it has not yet been started.
start() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.MainStage
Ensures that this Stage is up and running.
start() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Ensures that this Theater is up and running.
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
Ensures that this Station is up and running, starting up the selector thread if it has not yet been started.
start() - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
start() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
start() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
start() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
start() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
start() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
start() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
start() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
start() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
start() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
start() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
START_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
STARTED - Static variable in class
STARTED - Static variable in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
STARTED - Static variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
STARTED_PHASE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
STARTED_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
STARTING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
startTime - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
startTime() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
state - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
state - Variable in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeMapCombinator
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.MemoizeValueCombinator
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.combinator.ReduceFieldsOperator
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.MapInput
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.MapOutput
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.ValueInput
state - Variable in class swim.streamlet.ValueOutput
state - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
state - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
state - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
state() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
STATE_MASK - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
STATEFUL - Static variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
StaticHttpResponder<T> - Class in
StaticHttpResponder(HttpResponse<T>) - Constructor for class
staticMembers(Bridge) - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
staticMembers(Bridge) - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
station - Variable in class
station - Variable in class
station - Variable in class
station() - Method in class
station() - Method in class
station() - Method in interface
station() - Method in class
station() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
station() - Method in interface swim.kernel.KernelContext
station() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
Station - Class in
Asynchronous I/O multiplexor.
Station(Stage) - Constructor for class
Station(Stage, TransportSettings) - Constructor for class
StationException - Exception in
Thrown when a Station encounters an error.
StationException() - Constructor for exception
StationException(String) - Constructor for exception
StationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
StationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
status - Variable in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
status - Variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
status - Variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
status - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
status - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
status() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
status(int, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
status(HttpStatus) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
STATUS - Static variable in class
STATUS - Static variable in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
STATUS - Static variable in class swim.service.ServicePort
STATUS - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
statusParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
statusWriter(int, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
stay(StayContext, int) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.PullRequest
stay(StayContext, int) - Method in class swim.concurrent.PushRequest
stay(StayContext, int) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Stay
Invoked when the asynchronous operation needs to wait before proceeding.
Stay<T> - Interface in swim.concurrent
Backpressure aware continuation.
StayContext - Interface in swim.concurrent
Source that can delay continuations.
stem() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
stem() - Method in class swim.db.Database
stem() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
stem() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
stem() - Method in class swim.db.Page
stem() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
stem() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
stem() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
stem() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
stem() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
stem() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
step() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but advanced to the next token.
step() - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
step() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
step() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
step() - Method in interface swim.util.Cursor
step(int) - Method in class swim.codec.InputBuffer
step(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in interface swim.api.client.Client
stop() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
stop() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Ensures that this Clock has been permanently stopped, shutting down the clock thread, if it's currently running.
stop() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.MainStage
Ensures that this Stage has been permanently stopped.
stop() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Ensures that this Theater has been permanently stopped, shutting down the thread pool, if it's currently running.
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class
Ensures that this Station has been permanently stopped, shutting down the selector thread, if it's currently running.
stop() - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
stop() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
stop() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
stop() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
stop() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
stop() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
STOPPING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
store - Variable in class
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
store() - Method in class swim.db.Database
store() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
store() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class
store() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
store() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
store() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
store() - Method in interface swim.system.CellContext
store() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
store() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
store() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
store() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
store() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
store() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
store() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
store() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
store() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
store() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
store() - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
Store - Class in swim.db
Store - Interface in
Store() - Constructor for class swim.db.Store
StoreAddress - Class in swim.system
StoreAddress(String) - Constructor for class swim.system.StoreAddress
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding - Variable in class
storeBinding() - Method in interface
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
storeBinding() - Method in class
StoreBinding - Interface in
storeContext - Variable in class
storeContext - Variable in class
storeContext - Variable in class
storeContext() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
storeContext() - Method in class swim.db.Store
storeContext() - Method in class
storeContext() - Method in class
storeContext() - Method in interface
storeContext() - Method in class
StoreContext - Class in swim.db
StoreContext - Interface in
StoreContext() - Constructor for class swim.db.StoreContext
StoreContext(StoreSettings) - Constructor for class swim.db.StoreContext
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in class
storeDef() - Method in interface swim.system.CellDef
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
storeDef(StoreDef) - Method in class
StoreDef - Interface in
StoreException - Exception in
StoreException - Exception in swim.db
StoreException() - Constructor for exception
StoreException() - Constructor for exception swim.db.StoreException
StoreException(String) - Constructor for exception
StoreException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.db.StoreException
StoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
StoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.db.StoreException
StoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
StoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.db.StoreException
storeName - Variable in class
storeName() - Method in class
storeName() - Method in interface
storeName() - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
storeName(String) - Method in class
storeName(String) - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
storeName(Value) - Method in class
StoreProxy - Class in
StoreProxy(StoreBinding) - Constructor for class
StoreSettings - Class in swim.db
StoreSettings(int, int, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.db.StoreSettings
streamlet - Variable in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
streamlet - Variable in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
streamlet - Variable in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
streamlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
streamlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
streamlet() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
Streamlet<I,O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
Stateful node in a dataflow graph that uses the state of its Inlets to compute the state of its Outlets.
streamletContext() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
streamletContext() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
streamletContext() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
streamletContext() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Returns the environment in which this Streamlet operates.
streamletContext() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.StreamletScope
Returns the environment in which this StreamletScope operates.
StreamletContext - Interface in swim.streamlet
Environment in which a Streamlet executes.
StreamletException - Exception in swim.streamlet
StreamletException() - Constructor for exception swim.streamlet.StreamletException
StreamletException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.streamlet.StreamletException
StreamletException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.streamlet.StreamletException
StreamletException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.streamlet.StreamletException
StreamletInlet<I> - Class in swim.streamlet
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
StreamletInlet(Streamlet<? super I, ?>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
StreamletInoutlet<I,O> - Class in swim.streamlet
An Inoutlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inoutlet decoheres, that recoheres the parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inoutlet recoheres, and which gets its state from the parameterized Streamlet.
StreamletInoutlet(Streamlet<? super I, ? extends O>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
StreamletOutlet<O> - Class in swim.streamlet
An Outlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Outlet decoheres, and which gets its state from the parameterized Streamlet.
StreamletOutlet(Streamlet<?, ? extends O>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
streamletScope() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
streamletScope() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
streamletScope() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordScope
streamletScope() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
streamletScope() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Returns the lexically scoped parent of this Streamlet.
streamletScope() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.StreamletScope
Returns the lexically scoped parent of this StreamletScope.
StreamletScope<O> - Interface in swim.streamlet
STree<T> - Class in swim.collections
STree - Class in swim.db
STree() - Constructor for class swim.collections.STree
STree(STreePage<T>) - Constructor for class swim.collections.STree
STree(TreeContext, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.STree
STree(TreeContext, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.STree
STree(TreeContext, STreePageRef, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.STree
STREE - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.TreeType
STreeContext<T> - Class in swim.collections
STreeContext() - Constructor for class swim.collections.STreeContext
STreeDelegate - Interface in swim.db
streeDidDrop(STree, STree, long) - Method in interface swim.db.STreeDelegate
streeDidDrop(STree, STree, long) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidDrop(STree, STree, long) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
streeDidDrop(STree, STree, long) - Method in class
streeDidInsert(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.STreeDelegate
streeDidInsert(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidInsert(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
streeDidInsert(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class
streeDidMove(STree, STree, long, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidRemove(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.STreeDelegate
streeDidRemove(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidRemove(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
streeDidRemove(STree, STree, long, Value, Value) - Method in class
streeDidTake(STree, STree, long) - Method in interface swim.db.STreeDelegate
streeDidTake(STree, STree, long) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidTake(STree, STree, long) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
streeDidTake(STree, STree, long) - Method in class
streeDidUpdate(STree, STree, long, Value, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.STreeDelegate
streeDidUpdate(STree, STree, long, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
streeDidUpdate(STree, STree, long, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
streeDidUpdate(STree, STree, long, Value, Value, Value) - Method in class
STreeLeaf - Class in swim.db
STreeLeaf(STreePageRef, long, Slot[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreeLeaf
STreeList<T> - Class in swim.collections
Mutable, thread-safe KeyedList backed by an S-Tree.
STreeList - Class in swim.db
STreeList() - Constructor for class swim.collections.STreeList
STreeList(STreePage<T>) - Constructor for class swim.collections.STreeList
STreeList(Trunk<STree>) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreeList
STreeListView - Class in swim.db
STreeListView(STree) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreeListView
STreeNode - Class in swim.db
STreeNode(STreePageRef, long, STreePageRef[], long[]) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreeNode
STreePage<T> - Class in swim.collections
STreePage - Class in swim.db
STreePageRef - Class in swim.db
STreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreePageRef
STreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value, Object) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreePageRef
STreePageRef(PageContext, PageType, int, int, int, long, long, Value, Object, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.db.STreePageRef
Strict - Enum constant in enum class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader.SameSite
stride - Variable in class swim.math.TensorDims
stride() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
string(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
string(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
stringCol() - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
stringCol(String) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
stringCol(Value) - Static method in class swim.csv.structure.CsvStructure
stringDecoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
stringDecoder(AvroStringType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
stringDecoder(ProtobufStringType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
stringEncoder(byte[]) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(byte[], boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(String) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
stringEncoder(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(Input) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(Input, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
stringEncoder(Input, int, boolean) - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackEncoder
StringForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a String.
StringForm(String) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.StringForm
stringInput(String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringOutput() - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that buffers Unicode code points.
stringOutput(int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringOutput(int, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringOutput(String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that appends Unicode code points to the given string.
stringOutput(StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that writes Unicode code points to the given string builder.
stringOutput(StringBuilder, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that writes Unicode code points to the given string builder, using the given output settings.
stringOutput(String, OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that appends Unicode code points to the given string, using the given output settings.
stringOutput(OutputSettings) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
Returns a new Output that buffers Unicode code points, using the given output settings.
stringParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringParser() - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stringParser(StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringParser(StringBuilder) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stringParser(StringBuilder, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stringParser(UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stringType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
stringType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
stringType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.reflection.ProtobufReflection
stringType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns the empty String because Extant behaves like an empty Record, which converts to a String by concatenating the string values of all its members, if all its members convert to string values.
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a String value, if possible.
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a String value, if possible.
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a String value.
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
stringValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a String value, if possible.
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns the empty String because Extant behaves like an empty Record, which converts to a String by concatenating the string values of all its members, if all its members convert to string values.
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Converts the value of this Field into a String value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a string value.
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Converts this Item into a String value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a string value.
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
Converts this Num into a String value; equivalent to Num.stringValue().
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Text
stringValue(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Converts this Value into a String value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a string value.
stringWriter() - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringWriter(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
stringWriter(O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stringWriter(O, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
stripped() - Static method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
Returns InputSettings configured to not include diagnostic metadata in generated output.
structureParser() - Static method in class swim.json.Json
structureParser() - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
structureParser() - Static method in class swim.xml.Xml
structureWriter() - Static method in class swim.json.Json
structureWriter() - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
styled() - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
Returns OutputSettings configured with the system line separator, pretty printing disabled, and styling enabled.
subAckPacket(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubStatus>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
subAckPacketEncoder(MqttSubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
subject() - Method in class
subject() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Identity
subject() - Method in class swim.auth.Authenticated
subject() - Method in class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
subject() - Method in class
subject(String) - Method in class
subject(String) - Method in class
subject(String) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
subList(int, int) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
subList(int, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
subMap(K, K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
subMap(K, K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
subMap(K, K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
subMap(K, K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
subMap(K, K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
subMap(Value, Value) - Method in class
subMap(Value, Value) - Method in class
subMap(Value, Value) - Method in class
subMap(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
subscribePacket(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubscription>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
subscribePacketEncoder(MqttSubscribePacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
subscription(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscription(String, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
subscription(String, MqttQoS) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscription(MqttSubscription) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscription(MqttSubStatus) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
subscriptionDecoder() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
subscriptionEncoder(MqttSubscription) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
subscriptions() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
subscriptions() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscriptions(FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubscription>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscriptions(FingerTrieSeq<MqttSubStatus>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
subscriptions(MqttSubscription...) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
subscriptions(MqttSubStatus...) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
subStatus(int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
substitute(Interpreter) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
substitute(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
subtag() - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
subtract(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
subtract(Long, Long) - Method in class swim.math.Z
subtract(S, S) - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
subtract(R2Vector, R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
subtract(R3Vector, R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
subtract(RNVector, RNVector) - Method in class swim.math.RN
subtract(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, double[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int, TensorDims, float[], int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int, TensorDims, Object, int) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(Tensor, Tensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(Tensor, Tensor, MutableTensor) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(Tensor, Tensor, TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
subtract(Z2Vector, Z2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z2
subtract(Z3Vector, Z3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.Z3
subtract(T, T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
subtract(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
subtract(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
subtract(V, V) - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
subtype() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
subtype() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
subtype() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
suffixModuleSource(UriPath, StringBuilder) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsNodeModuleResolver
suffixModuleSource(UriPath, StringBuilder) - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsStaticModuleResolver
superType() - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
superType() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
superType() - Method in class swim.dynamic.JavaHostObjectType
superType() - Method in class swim.dynamic.PolyglotHostObjectType
SupplyDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
SupplyDownlinkModem(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.SupplyDownlinkModem
supplyLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
supplyLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
supplyLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
supplyLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
SupplyLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
SupplyLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
SupplyLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneModel
SupplyLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
SupplyLaneUplink(SupplyLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneUplink
SupplyLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
SupplyLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
SupplyLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
SupplyUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
SupplyUplinkModem(WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.SupplyUplinkModem
supports(int) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
supports(UpgradeProtocol) - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
swapScope(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter - module
Swim actor runtime. - package
Swim actor runtime.
swim.api - module swim.api
Agent programming interface.
swim.api - package swim.api
Agent programming interface.
swim.api.agent - package swim.api.agent
Agent runtime interface.
swim.api.auth - package swim.api.auth
Authentication runtime interface.
swim.api.client - package swim.api.client
Client runtime interface. - package
Data runtime interface.
swim.api.downlink - package swim.api.downlink
Stateful, read- and write-capable, subscriptions to Lanes.
swim.api.function - package swim.api.function
Lifecycle callback function interfaces.
swim.api.http - package swim.api.http
HTTP lanes and downlinks.
swim.api.http.function - package swim.api.http.function
HTTP lane and downlink callback function interfaces.
swim.api.lane - package swim.api.lane
Lane runtime interface.
swim.api.lane.function - package swim.api.lane.function
Lane lifecycle callback function interfaces.
swim.api.plane - package swim.api.plane
Plane runtime interface.
swim.api.policy - package swim.api.policy
Security policy runtime interface.
swim.api.ref - package swim.api.ref
Linkable, partially resolved references to hosts, nodes, and lanes.
swim.api.service - package swim.api.service
Network service runtime interface. - package
Space runtime interface. - package
Storage runtime interface.
swim.api.warp - package swim.api.warp
WARP lane and downlink interfaces.
swim.api.warp.function - package swim.api.warp.function
WARP lane and downlink callback function interfaces. - package
WebSocket lanes and downlinks. - package
WebSocket lane and downlink callback function interfaces.
swim.args - module swim.args
Composable command line argument parser.
swim.args - package swim.args
Composable command line argument parser.
swim.auth - module swim.auth
Swim authenticator runtime.
swim.auth - package swim.auth
Swim Authenticator runtime.
swim.avro - module swim.avro
Apache Avro codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.avro - package swim.avro
Apache Avro codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.avro.decoder - package swim.avro.decoder
Apache Avro decoder.
swim.avro.reflection - package swim.avro.reflection
Reflectively typed Apache Avro schema.
swim.avro.schema - package swim.avro.schema
Abstract Apache Avro schema.
swim.avro.structure - package swim.avro.structure
Structurally typed Apache Avro schema.
swim.cli - module swim.cli
Swim Command Line Interface.
swim.cli - package swim.cli
Swim Command Line Interface.
swim.client - module swim.client
Web Agent client runtime.
swim.client - package swim.client
Web Agent client runtime.
swim.codec - module swim.codec
Incremental I/O; functional parsers and writers; display, debug, and diagnostic formatters; and Unicode and binary codecs.
swim.codec - package swim.codec
Incremental I/O; functional parsers and writers; display, debug, and diagnostic formatters; and Unicode and binary codecs.
swim.collections - module swim.collections
Immutable, structure sharing collections, including hash array mapped tries, finger tries, B-trees, and S-trees (sequence trees).
swim.collections - package swim.collections
Immutable, structure sharing collections, including hash array mapped tries, finger tries, B-trees, and S-trees (sequence trees).
swim.concurrent - module swim.concurrent
Timer, task, and continuation passing style interfaces, with lightweight scheduler and execution stage implementations.
swim.concurrent - package swim.concurrent
Timer, task, and continuation passing style interfaces, with lightweight scheduler and execution stage implementations.
swim.csv - module swim.csv
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.csv - package swim.csv
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.csv.parser - package swim.csv.parser
CSV parser.
swim.csv.schema - package swim.csv.schema
Abstract CSV schema.
swim.csv.structure - package swim.csv.structure
Structurally typed CSV schema.
swim.dataflow - module swim.dataflow
Compiler from swim-structure expressions to live-updated data models.
swim.dataflow - package swim.dataflow
Compiler from swim-structure expressions to live-updated data models.
swim.dataflow.operator - package swim.dataflow.operator
swim.dataflow.selector - package swim.dataflow.selector
swim.db - module swim.db
Lock-free document store—optimized for high rate atomic state changes—that concurrently commits and compacts on-disk log-structured storage files without blocking parallel in-memory updates to associative B-tree maps, spatial Q-tree maps, sequential S-tree lists, and singleton U-tree values.
swim.db - package swim.db
Lock-free document store—optimized for high rate atomic state changes—that concurrently commits and compacts on-disk log-structured storage files without blocking parallel in-memory updates to associative B-tree maps, spatial Q-tree maps, sequential S-tree lists, and singleton U-tree values.
swim.deflate - module swim.deflate
DEFLATE codec that incrementally compresses and decompresses streams.
swim.deflate - package swim.deflate
DEFLATE codec that incrementally compresses and decompresses streams.
swim.dynamic - module swim.dynamic
Language binding interfaces.
swim.dynamic - package swim.dynamic
Language binding interfaces.
swim.dynamic.api - module swim.dynamic.api
swim.api dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api - package swim.dynamic.api
swim.api dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.agent - package swim.dynamic.api.agent
swim.api.agent dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.function - package swim.dynamic.api.function
swim.api.function dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.lane - package swim.dynamic.api.lane
swim.api.lane dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.lane.function - package swim.dynamic.api.lane.function
swim.api.lane.function dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.plane - package swim.dynamic.api.plane
swim.api.plane dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.warp - package swim.dynamic.api.warp
swim.api.warp dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.api.warp.function - package swim.dynamic.api.warp.function
swim.api.lane.function dynamic language bindings. - module
java.base dynamic language bindings. - package
java.base dynamic language bindings. - package
java.lang dynamic language bindings. - package
java.util dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.observable - module swim.dynamic.observable
swim.observable dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.observable - package swim.dynamic.observable
swim.observable dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.observable.function - package swim.dynamic.observable.function
swim.observable.function dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.structure - module swim.dynamic.structure
swim.structure dynamic language bindings.
swim.dynamic.structure - package swim.dynamic.structure
swim.structure dynamic language bindings.
swim.hpack - package swim.hpack
Header Compression for HTTP/2.
swim.http - module swim.http
HTTP message model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes HTTP streams without intermediate buffering.
swim.http - package swim.http
HTTP message model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes HTTP streams without intermediate buffering.
swim.http.header - package swim.http.header
HTTP header models.
swim.http2 - module swim.http2
HTTP/2 frame model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes HTTP/2 streams without intermediate buffering. - module
Explicitly flow-controlled, non-blocking, parallel I/O engine, with swim-codec-modulated socket modems, and TCP and TLS transports. - package
Explicitly flow-controlled, non-blocking, parallel I/O engine, with swim-codec-modulated socket modems, and TCP and TLS transports. - module
HTTP client and server socket modems for pipelining and concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled HTTP streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering. - package
HTTP client and server socket modems for pipelining and concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled HTTP streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering. - module
MQTT socket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled MQTT streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering. - package
MQTT socket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled MQTT streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering. - module
WARP socket modem for multiplexing and concurrently transporting prioritized explicitly flow-controlled WARP treams over a network, without blocking or intermediate buffering. - package
WARP socket modem for multiplexing and concurrently transporting prioritized, explicitly flow-controlled WARP treams over a network, without blocking or intermediate buffering. - module
WebSocket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled WebSocket streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering, and swim-io-http requesters and responders for upgrading HTTP client and server modems to WebSocket modems. - package
WebSocket modem for concurrently transporting explicitly flow-controlled WebSocket streams over a network without blocking or intermediate buffering, and swim-io-http requesters and responders for upgrading HTTP client and server modems to WebSocket modems. - module
Java kernel runtime. - package
Java kernel runtime.
swim.js - module swim.js
JavaScript kernel runtime.
swim.js - package swim.js
JavaScript kernel runtime.
swim.json - module swim.json
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.json - package swim.json
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.kernel - module swim.kernel
Swim kernel runtime.
swim.kernel - package swim.kernel
Swim kernel runtime.
swim.math - module swim.math
Mathematical and geometric structures, including rings, fields, vector modules and spaces, affine spaces, tensor spaces, probability distributions, and associated operators.
swim.math - package swim.math
Mathematical and geometric structures, including rings, fields, vector modules and spaces, affine spaces, tensor spaces, probability distributions, and associated operators.
swim.meta - module swim.meta
Swim reflection runtime.
swim.meta - package swim.meta
Swim reflection runtime.
swim.mqtt - module swim.mqtt
MQTT packet model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes MQTT streams without intermediate buffering.
swim.mqtt - package swim.mqtt
MQTT packet model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes MQTT streams without intermediate buffering.
swim.observable - module swim.observable
Collection interfaces that notify registered observers of precise state changes.
swim.observable - package swim.observable
Collection interfaces that notify registered observers of precise state changes.
swim.observable.function - package swim.observable.function
Observable collection callback function interfaces.
swim.protobuf - module swim.protobuf
Protocol Buffers (protobuf) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.protobuf - package swim.protobuf
Protocol Buffers (protobuf) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.protobuf.decoder - package swim.protobuf.decoder
Protocol Buffers decoder.
swim.protobuf.reflection - package swim.protobuf.reflection
Reflectively typed Protocol Buffers schema.
swim.protobuf.schema - package swim.protobuf.schema
Abstract Protocol Buffers schema.
swim.protobuf.structure - package swim.protobuf.structure
Structurally typed Protocol Buffers schema.
swim.recon - module swim.recon
Object notation with attributes, like if JSON and XML had a baby.
swim.recon - package swim.recon
Object notation with attributes, like if JSON and XML had a baby.
swim.remote - module swim.remote
Web Agent remote router.
swim.remote - package swim.remote
Web Agent remote router. - module
Signing and encryption of swim-structure values using the JSON Web Key (JWK), JSON Web Signature (JWS), JSON Web Token (JWT), and OpenID standards. - package
Signing and encryption of swim-structure values using the JSON Web Key (JWK), JSON Web Signature (JWS), JSON Web Token (JWT), and OpenID standards.
swim.server - module swim.server
Swim server loader.
swim.server - package swim.server
Swim server loader.
swim.service - module swim.service
Swim network service runtime.
swim.service - package swim.service
Swim network service runtime.
swim.service.web - module swim.service.web
Web service runtime.
swim.service.web - package swim.service.web
Web service runtime.
swim.spatial - module swim.spatial
Geospatial projections and spatial collections, including sparse prefix Q-trees optimized for continuous n-body geofencing and real-time spatial clustering and reduction.
swim.spatial - package swim.spatial
Geospatial projections and spatial collections, including sparse prefix Q-trees optimized for continuous n-body geofencing and real-time spatial clustering and reduction. - module
Storage runtime interface. - package
Storage runtime interface. - module
Database storage runtime. - package
Database storage runtime. - module
In-memory storage runtime. - package
In-memory storage runtime.
swim.streamlet - module swim.streamlet
Stateful, streaming component model for application componets that continuously consume input state from streaming inlets, and continuously produce output state on streaming outlets.
swim.streamlet - package swim.streamlet
Stateful, streaming component model for application componets that continuously consume input state from streaming inlets, and continuously produce output state on streaming outlets.
swim.streamlet.combinator - package swim.streamlet.combinator
Stateful streaming operators and combinators.
swim.streamlet.function - package swim.streamlet.function
Stateful streaming combinator function interfaces.
swim.structure - module swim.structure
Generic structured data model, with support for selectors, expressions, and lambda functions.
swim.structure - package swim.structure
Generic structured data model, with support for selectors, expressions, and lambda functions.
swim.structure.collections - package swim.structure.collections
Nominally typed views of structurally typed collections.
swim.structure.form - package swim.structure.form
Structural type transformation forms.
swim.structure.func - package swim.structure.func
Function expression trees.
swim.structure.operator - package swim.structure.operator
Operator expression trees.
swim.structure.selector - package swim.structure.selector
Selector expression trees.
swim.system - module swim.system
Swim system interfaces.
swim.system - package swim.system
Swim system interfaces.
swim.system.agent - package swim.system.agent
Web Agent runtime implementation.
swim.system.downlink - package swim.system.downlink
Downlink runtime implementation.
swim.system.http - package swim.system.http
HTTP lane and downlink runtime implementations.
swim.system.lane - package swim.system.lane
Lane runtime implementation.
swim.system.profile - package swim.system.profile
Runtime profile model.
swim.system.reflect - package swim.system.reflect
Runtime reflection metamodel.
swim.system.router - package swim.system.router
Table-based router implementation.
swim.system.scope - package swim.system.scope
Scope runtime implementation.
swim.system.warp - package swim.system.warp
WARP lane and downlink runtime implementations.
swim.uri - module swim.uri
Rich object model for working with Uniform Resource Identifiers, URI subcomponents, and URI patterns, including an efficient and safe codec for parsing and writing compliant URI strings.
swim.uri - package swim.uri
Rich object model for working with Uniform Resource Identifiers, URI subcomponents, and URI patterns, including an efficient and safe codec for parsing and writing compliant URI strings.
swim.util - module swim.util
Extended collection, iterator, and builder interfaces, lightweight cache sets and maps, and other foundational utilities.
swim.util - package swim.util
Extended collection, iterator, and builder interfaces, lightweight cache sets and maps, and other foundational utilities.
swim.vm - module swim.vm
Swim polyglot virtual machine integration.
swim.vm - package swim.vm
Swim polyglot virtual machine integration.
swim.vm.js - module swim.vm.js
Swim JavaScript language integration.
swim.vm.js - package swim.vm.js
Swim JavaScript language integration.
swim.warp - module swim.warp
WebSocket protocol for dynamically multiplexing large numbers of bidirectional links to streaming API endpoints, called lanes, of URI-addressed distributed objects, called nodes, that run stateful distributed processes, called Web Agents.
swim.warp - package swim.warp
WebSocket protocol for dynamically multiplexing large numbers of bidirectional links to streaming API endpoints, called lanes, of URI-addressed distributed objects, called nodes, that run stateful distributed processes, called Web Agents.
swim.web - module swim.web
High-level web server API and routing DSL, with HTTP, WebSocket, and WARP routing directives.
swim.web - package swim.web
High-level web server API and routing DSL, with HTTP, WebSocket, and WARP routing directives.
swim.web.route - package swim.web.route
Web server routing directives. - module
WebSocket frame model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes fragmented WebSocket streams without intermediate buffering. - package
WebSocket frame model and wire protocol codec that incrementally decodes and encodes fragmented WebSocket streams without intermediate buffering.
swim.xml - module swim.xml
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
swim.xml - package swim.xml
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.
SwimAgent - Annotation Interface in swim.api
SwimApi - Class in swim.dynamic.api
SwimApiAgent - Class in swim.dynamic.api.agent
SwimApiLane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.lane
SwimApiPlane - Class in swim.dynamic.api.plane
SwimApiWarp - Class in swim.dynamic.api.warp
SwimContext - Class in swim.api
Thread-local context variables.
SwimLane - Annotation Interface in swim.api
SwimObservable - Class in swim.dynamic.observable
SwimResident - Annotation Interface in swim.api
SwimRoute - Annotation Interface in swim.api
SwimStructure - Class in swim.dynamic.structure
SwimTransient - Annotation Interface in swim.api
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
symbol(String) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
symbolCount() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroEnumType
symmetricKey() - Method in class
symmetricKey(String) - Method in class
sync() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
Sync<T> - Class in swim.concurrent
A Continuation whose completion can be synchronously awaited.
Sync() - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Sync
Constructs a new Sync continuation that awaits a value of type T.
syncCmd() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
syncDown(Iterator<Value>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapUplinkModem
syncedResponse() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
SyncedResponse - Class in swim.warp
SyncedResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
SyncedResponse(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
SyncedResponse(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
SyncedResponse(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
SyncException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Thrown when awaiting a Sync continuation times out.
SyncException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.SyncException
SyncException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.SyncException
SyncException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.SyncException
SyncException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.SyncException
syncRequest() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
SyncRequest - Class in swim.warp
SyncRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(String, String, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(String, String, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(Uri, Uri, float, float) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
SyncRequest(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.SyncRequest
system - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
system - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
system() - Static method in class swim.dataflow.Reifier
system() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
system() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
SystemPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
SystemPulse(int, int, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse


tableBuilder() - Method in class swim.csv.schema.CsvHeader
tableParser() - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
tableParser(int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
tableParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
tableParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>) - Method in class swim.csv.parser.CsvParser
tableParser(CsvHeader<T, R, C>, int) - Static method in class swim.csv.Csv
tag - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
tag() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
Returns the annotated location Tag in the input to which this diagnostic is attached.
tag() - Method in enum class swim.db.PageType
tag() - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
tag() - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
tag() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns null because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a first member Attr whose key string could be returned.
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns the key of the tag attribute that distinguishes structures of this Form; returns null if this Form has no distinguishing tag attribute.
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the key string of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr; otherwise returns null if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr.
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the key string of the first member of this Record, if the first member is an Attr; otherwise returns null if the first member is not an Attr.
tag() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the key string of the first member of this Value, if this Value is a Record, and its first member is an Attr; otherwise returns null if this Value is not a Record, or if this Value is a Record whose first member is not an Attr.
tag() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.AuthedResponse
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.AuthRequest
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.CommandMessage
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthedResponse
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.DeauthRequest
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.EventMessage
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkedResponse
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.LinkRequest
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.SyncedResponse
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.SyncRequest
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
tag() - Method in class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
tag(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
tag(String) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns a version of this Form that requires a head Attr with the given tag name.
tag(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
tag(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
tag(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
tag(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
tag(String, Value) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
tag(String, V) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
Tag - Class in swim.codec
Description of a source location.
Tag - Annotation Interface in swim.structure
tagBuilder(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
tagBuilder(String) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
tagBuilder(String, Value) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
tagBuilder(String, V) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
TagForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
TagForm(String, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.TagForm
tail() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
tail() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
tail() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns an empty Record because a Field can't itself be a Record, so it can't have any non-first members.
tail() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns a view of all but the first member of this Item, if this Item is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is itself an empty Record.
tail() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns a view of all but the first member of this Record, if this Record is non-empty; otherwise returns an empty Record, if this Record is itself empty.
tail() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns a view of all but the first member of this Value, if this Value is a non-empty Record; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Value is not a Record, of if this Value is itself an empty Record.
tail() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
tail() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
tailMap(K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
tailMap(K) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
tailMap(K) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
tailMap(K) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
tailMap(K) - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
tailMap(Value) - Method in class
tailMap(Value) - Method in class
tailMap(Value) - Method in class
tailMap(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
take(int) - Method in interface
take(int) - Method in interface
take(int) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
take(int) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
take(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
take(int) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
take(int) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
take(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
take(int) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
take(int) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
take(int) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
take(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
take(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class
take(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
take(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
take(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
take(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
take(int) - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
take(int, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
take(int, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
take(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
take(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
take(long, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
take(ListDownlinkView<?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
take(MapDownlinkView<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
take(ListLaneView<?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
take(MapLaneView<?, ?>, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
tan(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
tan(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
tanh(Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
tanh(S) - Method in interface swim.math.CompleteField
target() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Always returns the value component of this Field.
target() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the flattened members of this Item after all attributes have been removed, if this Item is a Record; otherwise returns this if this Item is a non-Record Value, or returns the value component if this Item is a Field.
target() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the flattened members of this Record after all attributes have been removed.
target() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns the flattened members of this Value after all attributes have been removed, if this Value is a Record; otherwise returns this if this Value is not a Record.
task(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
task(TaskFunction) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Stage
Returns an uncued TaskRef bound to the task, which can later be used to cue the task.
task(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
task(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
Task - Interface in swim.concurrent
Stateful TaskFunction to invoke as a sequential process on a concurrent execution Stage, with lifecycle callbacks, and a TaskContext for self-management.
taskContext - Variable in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
Context used to manage this Task; null if this Task is not bound to an execution Stage.
taskContext - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
taskContext() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
taskContext() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Returns the context used to managed this Task.
taskContext() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
TaskContext - Interface in swim.concurrent
Internal context that binds a Task to an execution Stage.
taskDidCancel() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
taskDidCancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Lifecycle callback invoked after this Task is explicitly cancelled.
taskDidCancel() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
taskDidCancel(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked after a cued task is canceled.
taskDidFail(TaskFunction, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately after task.runTask() fails by throwing an error.
taskDidRun(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately after task.runTask() returns nominally.
TaskException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a TaskFunction.
TaskException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TaskException
TaskException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TaskException
TaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TaskException
TaskException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TaskException
TaskFunction - Interface in swim.concurrent
Function to invoke as a sequential process on a concurrent execution Stage.
TaskRef - Interface in swim.concurrent
External handle to a TaskFunction bound to an execution Stage.
taskWillBlock() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
taskWillBlock() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Returns true if this Task might block its thread of execution when running; returns false if this Task will never block.
taskWillBlock() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
taskWillCue() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTask
taskWillCue() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Task
Lifecycle callback invoked before this Task is scheduled for execution.
taskWillCue() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
taskWillCue(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked before a task is cued for execution.
taskWillRun(TaskFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
Introspection callback invoked immediately before task.runTask() is executed.
tcpSettings - Variable in class
tcpSettings() - Method in class
Returns the TCP socket configuration.
tcpSettings() - Method in class
Returns the TCP socket configuration.
tcpSettings() - Method in class
tcpSettings() - Method in class
tcpSettings() - Method in class
tcpSettings(TcpSettings) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these HttpSettings configured with the given tcpSettings.
tcpSettings(TcpSettings) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these IpSettings configured with the given tcpSettings.
tcpSettings(TcpSettings) - Method in class
tcpSettings(TcpSettings) - Method in class
tcpSettings(TcpSettings) - Method in class
TcpSettings - Class in
TCP configuration parameters.
TcpSettings(boolean, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
template() - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
Tensor - Class in swim.math
Tensor(TensorDims, double...) - Constructor for class swim.math.Tensor
Tensor(TensorDims, double[], int) - Constructor for class swim.math.Tensor
Tensor(TensorDims, float...) - Constructor for class swim.math.Tensor
Tensor(TensorDims, float[], int) - Constructor for class swim.math.Tensor
Tensor(TensorDims, Object, int) - Constructor for class swim.math.Tensor
TensorArray<V,S> - Class in swim.math
TensorArray(TensorSpace<TensorArray<V, S>, S>, Object...) - Constructor for class swim.math.TensorArray
TensorArrayForm<T,V> - Class in swim.math
TensorArrayForm() - Constructor for class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
TensorArraySpace<T,V,S> - Class in swim.math
TensorArraySpace() - Constructor for class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
TensorDims - Class in swim.math
TensorForm<T> - Class in swim.math
TensorForm() - Constructor for class swim.math.TensorForm
TensorSpace<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
test(Uri) - Method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
test(Uri, int) - Method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
Text - Class in swim.structure
Text(String) - Constructor for class swim.structure.Text
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class
textCss() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
textDecoder(Decoder<T>) - Method in class
textFrame(T) - Method in class
textFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
textFrameEncoder(WsFrame<T>) - Method in class
textHtml() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
textOutput() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
textOutput() - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
textOutput() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
textOutput() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
textOutput() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
textOutput() - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
textPlain() - Static method in class swim.http.MediaType
Theater - Class in swim.concurrent
Stage that executes timers, tasks, and continuations on a ForkJoinPool.
Theater() - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(int, Schedule) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(String) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(String, int) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(String, int, Schedule) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(String, Schedule) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(Schedule) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
Theater(TheaterDef) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.Theater
TheaterDef - Class in swim.concurrent
TheaterDef(String, int, ScheduleDef) - Constructor for class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
theaterForm() - Static method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
theaterForm(Form<ScheduleDef>) - Static method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
then() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
Returns the Selector that this Selector uses to match sub-selections.
then() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
thenInlet() - Method in class swim.dataflow.operator.ConditionalOutlet
thenTerm() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
tick() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Returns the tick sequence number of the lowest clock tick that has yet to finish executing.
TICK_COUNT - Static variable in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Default number of ticks per clock revolution, used by the no-arg Clock() constructor.
TICK_MILLIS - Static variable in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Default number of milliseconds between clock ticks, used by the no-arg Clock() constructor.
tickCount() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
tickCount(int) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
tickMillis() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
tickMillis(int) - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
TierBinding - Interface in swim.system
tierContext() - Method in class
tierContext() - Method in class
tierContext() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
tierContext() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
tierContext() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
TierContext - Interface in swim.system
tileCursor() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
tileCursor() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
tileCursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
tileCursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
tileCursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
tileCursor(long, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
time - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
time() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
timer - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Schedule
Returns an unscheduled TimerRef bound to timer, which can later be used to schedule timer.
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.SideStage
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
timer(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
Timer - Interface in swim.concurrent
Stateful TimerFunction to invoke at a scheduled time, with lifecycle callbacks, and a TimerContext for self-management.
timerContext - Variable in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
Context used to manage this Timer; null if this Timer is not bound to a Schedule.
timerContext - Variable in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
timerContext() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
timerContext() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Timer
Returns the context used to manage this Timer.
timerContext() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
TimerContext - Interface in swim.concurrent
Internal context that binds a Timer to a Schedule.
timerDidCancel() - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
timerDidCancel() - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Timer
Lifecycle callback invoked after this Timer is explicitly cancelled.
timerDidCancel() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
timerDidCancel(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked after a timer has been explicitly cancelled; not invoked when a timer is implicitly cancelled, such as when rescheduling an already scheduled timer.
timerDidFail(TimerFunction, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked after a timer execution fails by throwing an error.
timerDidRun(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked after a timer executes nominally.
timerEventCount - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
timerEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
timerEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
timerEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
timerEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
timerEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
timerEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
timerEventRate - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
timerEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
TimerException - Exception in swim.concurrent
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a TimerFunction.
TimerException() - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TimerException
TimerException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TimerException
TimerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TimerException
TimerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.concurrent.TimerException
TimerFunction - Interface in swim.concurrent
Function to invoke at a scheduled time.
TimerRef - Interface in swim.concurrent
External handle to a TimerFunction bound to a Schedule.
timerWillRun(TimerFunction) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked before a timer is executed.
timerWillSchedule(long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.AbstractTimer
timerWillSchedule(long) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Timer
Lifecycle callback invoked before this Timer is scheduled for execution.
timerWillSchedule(long) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentTimer
timerWillSchedule(TimerFunction, long) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Introspection callback invoked before a timer is scheduled for execution with a delay of millis milliseconds.
times(double) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
times(double) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
times(double) - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
times(double) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
times(long) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
times(long) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
times(S) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
times(Tensor) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
times(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
times(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
times(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
times(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
times(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
times(Num) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
times(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Expression
times(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Num
times(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Value
times(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
times(V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
timesMatrix(Tensor) - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
TimesOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
A BinaryOperator that represents a multiplication operation between its two operands.
TimesOperator(Item, Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
TimesOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
TimesOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.TimesOutlet
tlsSettings - Variable in class
tlsSettings() - Method in class
Returns the TLS socket configuration.
tlsSettings() - Method in class
Returns the TLS socket configuration.
tlsSettings() - Method in class
tlsSettings() - Method in class
tlsSettings() - Method in class
tlsSettings(TlsSettings) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these HttpSettings configured with the given tlsSettings.
tlsSettings(TlsSettings) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these IpSettings configured with the given tlsSettings.
tlsSettings(TlsSettings) - Method in class
tlsSettings(TlsSettings) - Method in class
tlsSettings(TlsSettings) - Method in class
TlsSettings - Class in
TLS configuration parameters.
TlsSettings(SSLContext, ClientAuth, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class
toArray() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
toArray() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
toArray() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
toArray() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
toArray() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
toArray() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
toArray() - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
toArray() - Method in class
toArray() - Method in class
toArray() - Method in class
toArray() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
toArray() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
toArray() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
toArray() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
toArray() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
toArray() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
toArray(T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
toArray(T) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
toArray(T[]) - Method in class
toArray(T[]) - Method in class
toArray(T[]) - Method in class
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
toArray(T[]) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
toArray(T2[]) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
toArray(U[]) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
toArray(U[]) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
toArray(U[]) - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
toArray(V[]) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkModel
toBase16() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toBase16(Base16) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toBase64() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toBase64(Base64) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toBlockData(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
toBlockString(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
toByteArray() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toByteBuffer() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
toByteBuffer() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toData(Item) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
toData(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
toDebugString() - Method in class swim.db.Page
toDebugString() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
toDiff(long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
toECField() - Method in class
toECField() - Method in class
toECField() - Method in class
toECParameterSpec() - Method in class
toECPoint() - Method in class
toEllipticCurve() - Method in class
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.Page
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
toHeader() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
toHelp() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
toHttp() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPart
toInputBuffer() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
toJws() - Method in class
tokenName - Variable in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
topicName() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
topicName() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
topicName(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
topicName(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
topicName(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
topicNames() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
topicNames(String...) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
topicNames(FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
toRecon() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
toRSAOtherPrimeInfo() - Method in class
toSelectorOps() - Method in enum class
Returns the SelectionKey interest set corresponding to this FlowControl.
toSizeArray() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toSizeArray(int[]) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toStrideArray() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toStrideArray(int[]) - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
toString() - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
toString() - Method in class swim.args.Opt
toString() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticatorDef
toString() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroName
toString() - Method in class swim.avro.AvroNamespace
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.InputSettings
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputSettings
toString() - Method in exception swim.codec.ParserException
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.Span
toString() - Method in class swim.codec.UtfErrorMode
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieSet
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.STree
toString() - Method in class swim.collections.STreeList
toString() - Method in class swim.concurrent.ClockDef
toString() - Method in class swim.concurrent.TheaterDef
toString() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
toString() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
toString() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
toString() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
toString() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
toString() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
toString() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
toString() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
toString() - Method in class swim.db.StoreSettings
toString() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
toString() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
toString() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
toString() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
toString() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
toString() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
toString() - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
toString() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunk
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
toString() - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
toString() - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
toString() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
toString() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
toString() - Method in class swim.http.Product
toString() - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
toString() - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
toString() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
toString() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgentDef
toString() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlaneDef
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R2
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R3
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
toString() - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
toString() - Method in class swim.math.RN
toString() - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Tensor
toString() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArray
toString() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z2
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z3
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
toString() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnAckPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDisconnectPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingReqPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPingRespPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubAckPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubCompPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPublishPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRecPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttPubRelPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubAckPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscribePacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubscription
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttSubStatus
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubAckPacket
toString() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttUnsubscribePacket
toString() - Method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueEntry
toString() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
toString() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
toString() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
toString() - Method in class swim.structure.InterpreterSettings
toString() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
toString() - Method in class swim.system.AuthenticatorAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.HostAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.LaneAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.MeshAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.NodeAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.PartAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.ServiceAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.StoreAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.system.UplinkAddress
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriHost
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPort
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
toString() - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
toString() - Method in class swim.util.Severity
toString() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostClass
toString() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostPrototype
toString() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostType
toString() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(OutputSettings) - Method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
toString(Item) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
toString(Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
total_in - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
total_in - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
total_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
total_out - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
toTensor(T, TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
toTensor(T, TensorDims, double[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
toTensor(T, TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorArrayForm
toTensor(T, TensorDims, float[], int) - Method in class swim.math.TensorForm
toUri() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.MetaLeaf
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.Page
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
toValue() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
toValue() - Method in class
Returns a structural Value representing these HttpSettings.
toValue() - Method in class
Returns a structural Value representing these IpSettings.
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
Returns a structural Value representing these TcpSettings.
toValue() - Method in class
Returns a structural Value representing these TlsSettings.
toValue() - Method in class
Returns a structural Value representing these TransportSettings.
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Precision
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.RNVector
toValue() - Method in interface swim.math.Shape
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.TensorDims
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
toValue() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in interface
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in interface
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class
toValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns the value component of this Field.
toValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the value component of this Item, if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns this if this Item is a Value.
toValue() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Always returns this because every Value is its own value component.
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.PartPredicate
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.AgentPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LaneInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LinkInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodeInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.Pulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.SystemPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
toValue() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
toValue() - Method in interface swim.system.reflect.WarpPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
toValue() - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
toValue() - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
toValue() - Method in class
trace() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with TRACE_LEVEL of importance.
trace(Object) - Method in class
trace(Object) - Method in class
trace(Object) - Method in class
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
trace(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
trace(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
trace(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs a trace-level message.
trace(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with TRACE_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
trace(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
trace(Uri, FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
trace(Uri, HttpHeader...) - Static method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
trace(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
TRACE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpMethod
TRACE_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
TRACE_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
traceDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
traceDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
traceDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
traceDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
traceDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
traceUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
traceUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
traceUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
traceUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
traceUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
traceUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
transferCoding(String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
TransferCoding - Class in swim.http
transferCodingParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
transferCodings() - Method in class swim.http.HttpBody
transferCodings() - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunked
transferCodings() - Method in class swim.http.HttpPayload
transferCodings() - Method in class swim.http.HttpValue
transferCodingWriter(String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
TransferEncodingHeader - Class in swim.http.header
transform(R2ToZ2Function) - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
transform(R2ToZ2Function) - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
transform(R2ToZ2Function) - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
transform(R2ToZ2Function) - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
transform(R2ToZ2Function) - Method in class swim.math.R2Vector
transform(R3ToZ3Function) - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
transform(R3ToZ3Function) - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
transform(R3ToZ3Function) - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
transform(R3ToZ3Function) - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
transform(R3ToZ3Function) - Method in class swim.math.R3Vector
transform(Z2ToR2Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
transform(Z2ToR2Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
transform(Z2ToR2Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
transform(Z2ToR2Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
transform(Z3ToR3Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
transform(Z3ToR3Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
transform(Z3ToR3Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
transform(Z3ToR3Function) - Method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
transformed(R2Form<T>, R2ToZ2Function) - Static method in class swim.math.R2Form
transformed(Z2Form<T>, Z2ToR2Function) - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Form
transformed(Z3Form<T>, Z3ToR3Function) - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Form
transformX(double, double) - Method in interface swim.math.R2ToZ2Function
transformX(double, double, double) - Method in interface swim.math.R3ToZ3Function
transformX(long, long) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2ToR2Function
transformX(long, long, long) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3ToR3Function
transformY(double, double) - Method in interface swim.math.R2ToZ2Function
transformY(double, double, double) - Method in interface swim.math.R3ToZ3Function
transformY(long, long) - Method in interface swim.math.Z2ToR2Function
transformY(long, long, long) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3ToR3Function
transformZ(double, double, double) - Method in interface swim.math.R3ToZ3Function
transformZ(long, long, long) - Method in interface swim.math.Z3ToR3Function
translate(Double, Double) - Method in class swim.math.R
translate(P, V) - Method in interface swim.math.AffineSpace
translate(R2Point, R2Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R2
translate(R3Point, R3Vector) - Method in class swim.math.R3
transport(Transport, FlowControl) - Method in class
Binds the given transport to this Station, initializing the transport's context with the given flowControl state.
Transport - Interface in
I/O transport binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO channel.
transportContext() - Method in interface
Returns the I/O transport context to which this Transport is bound; returns null if this Transport is unbound.
TransportContext - Interface in
I/O transport context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO channel.
transportDidAccept(Transport) - Method in class
Introspection callback invoked after a transport completes an accept operation.
transportDidClose(Transport) - Method in class
Introspection callback invoked after a transport closes.
transportDidConnect(Transport) - Method in class
Introspection callback invoked after a transport completes a connect operation.
transportDidFail(Transport, Throwable) - Method in class
Introspection callback invoked after a transport operation fails by throwing an error.
transportDidTimeout(Transport) - Method in class
Introspection callback invoked after a transport times out.
TransportRef - Interface in
External handle to an I/O Transport.
transportSettings - Variable in class
Transport configuration parameters.
transportSettings() - Method in class
Returns the transport configuration parameters that govern this Station's regsitered transports.
transportSettings() - Method in interface
Returns the configuration parameters that govern the underlying I/O transport.
transportSettings(TransportSettings) - Method in class
Updates the transport configuration parameters that govern this Station's registered transports, and returns this.
TransportSettings - Class in
Transport configuration parameters.
TransportSettings(int, long, long) - Constructor for class
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Decoder
Returns the decode error.
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicDecoder
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.DynamicEncoder
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Encoder
Returns the encode error.
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Input
Returns the input error.
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Returns the output error.
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Parser
Returns the parse error.
trap() - Method in class swim.codec.Writer
Returns the write error.
trap(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Call
Completes this Call with an error by eventually invoking the trap(Throwable) method of this Call's Continuation.
trap(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Cont
Invoked when the asynchronous operation fails with an error.
trap(Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Sync
trap(Throwable) - Method in class swim.db.Commit
trap(Throwable) - Method in class swim.system.Push
tree - Variable in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
tree - Variable in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
tree - Variable in class swim.db.STreeListView
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree - Variable in class
tree() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
tree() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
tree() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
tree() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
tree() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
tree() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
tree() - Method in class
tree() - Method in class
tree() - Method in class
tree() - Method in class
tree() - Method in class
tree() - Method in class
Tree - Class in swim.db
treeContext() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
treeContext() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
treeContext() - Method in class swim.db.STree
treeContext() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
treeContext() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
TreeContext - Class in swim.db
TreeContext() - Constructor for class swim.db.TreeContext
treeCount() - Method in class swim.db.Database
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
treeDelegate() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
TreeDelegate - Interface in swim.db
treeDidChange(Store, Database, Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in interface swim.db.TreeDelegate
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidChange(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in interface swim.db.TreeDelegate
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidClear(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidClose(Store, Database, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in interface swim.db.TreeDelegate
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidCommit(Tree, Tree) - Method in class
treeDidLoadPage(Page) - Method in interface swim.db.TreeDelegate
treeDidLoadPage(Page) - Method in class
treeDidLoadPage(Page) - Method in class
treeDidLoadPage(Page) - Method in class
treeDidLoadPage(Page) - Method in class
treeDidOpen(Store, Database, Tree) - Method in class swim.db.StoreContext
treeFromSeed(TreeContext, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
treeName() - Method in class
treeName() - Method in class
treeName() - Method in class
treeName(Value) - Method in class
trees() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
trees() - Method in class swim.db.Database
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.Database
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.Page
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.STree
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
treeSize() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.BTree
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.QTree
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.STree
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.Tree
treeType() - Method in class swim.db.UTree
TreeType - Enum Class in swim.db
trunk() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
trunk() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
trunk() - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
trunk() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeValue
Trunk<T extends Tree> - Class in swim.db
Trunk(Database, Value, T) - Constructor for class swim.db.Trunk
trunkCount() - Method in class swim.db.Database
tryBind(T) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Call
Tries to complete this Call with a value, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed.
tryTrap(Throwable) - Method in interface swim.concurrent.Call
Tries to complete this Call with an error, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed.
type - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
type() - Method in class swim.db.MetaLeaf
type() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
type() - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
type() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
type() - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
type() - Method in class
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.AttrForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteBufferForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.LongForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.SlotForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.StringForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns the reified Class of type T.
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
type() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
type() - Method in class swim.uri.UriForm
type() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathForm
type() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPatternForm
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.HostAgent
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.HostAgentContext
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.HostAgentFactory
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.HostAgentRoute
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.HostAgentRouteContext
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.HostLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.HostLink
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostCommandLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostDemandLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostDemandMapLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostJoinMapLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostJoinValueLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostLaneFactory
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostListLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostMapLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostSpatialLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostSupplyLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.HostValueLane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.HostPlane
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.HostPlaneContext
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.HostWarpLane
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.HostObservableList
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.HostObservableMap
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.HostObservableSortedMap
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.HostObservableSpatialMap
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.observable.HostObservableValue
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostAbsent
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostAttr
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostBool
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostData
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostExtant
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostField
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostItem
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostNum
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostRecord
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostSlot
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostText
TYPE - Static variable in class swim.dynamic.structure.HostValue
typeDecoder(AvroType<T>) - Static method in class swim.avro.Avro
typeDecoder(AvroType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
typeDecoder(ProtobufType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
typeDecoder(ProtobufType<T>) - Static method in class swim.protobuf.Protobuf
typeName() - Method in class swim.dynamic.AbstractHostType
typeName() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.HostType
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Bool
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.func.BridgeFunc
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.func.LambdaFunc
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns the heterogeneous sort order of this Item.
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Num
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.AndOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseAndOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseNotOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseOrOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.BitwiseXorOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ConditionalOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.DivideOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.EqOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GeOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.GtOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.InvokeOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LeOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.LtOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.ModuloOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NegativeOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NeOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.NotOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.OrOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PlusOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.PositiveOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.operator.TimesOperator
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ChildrenSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.DescendantsSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.FilterSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetAttrSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetItemSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.GetSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.KeysSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.LiteralSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
typeOrder() - Method in class swim.structure.Text
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
typesafeObservers(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView


uint32(int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
uint32(int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
uint32(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
uint32(int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
uint32(int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
uint64(long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
uint64(long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
uint64(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
uint64(long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
uint64(long) - Static method in class swim.structure.Num
UiRouter - Class in swim.service.web
SwimOS kernel module for routing HTTP requests for the bundled UI.
UiRouter() - Constructor for class swim.service.web.UiRouter
UiRouter(double) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.UiRouter
UNACCEPTABLE_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnStatus
unapply(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
unapply(String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
unapply(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
unapply(Uri, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPattern
unary(T) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
UnaryOperator - Class in swim.structure.operator
An Operator that represents a unary operation, i.e.
UnaryOperator(Item) - Constructor for class swim.structure.operator.UnaryOperator
UnaryOutlet - Class in swim.dataflow.operator
UnaryOutlet() - Constructor for class swim.dataflow.operator.UnaryOutlet
Unauthenticated - Class in swim.remote
Unauthenticated(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.remote.Unauthenticated
UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
unbind() - Method in class
unbind() - Method in class
unbind() - Method in interface
unbind() - Method in class
unbind() - Method in interface
Unbinds the underlying network listener.
unbind() - Method in class
unbind() - Method in interface
unbind() - Method in class
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
unbindInput() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Inlet
Disconnects this Inlet from its input Outlet, if connected.
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
unbindInput() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
unbindInput(String) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
unbindInput(String) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
unbindInput(String) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Streamlet
Disconnects the Inlet of this Streamlet, identified by the given key, from its input Outlet, if connected.
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Removes an output from the set of Inlets that depend on the state of this Outlet.
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super MapDownlink<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super MapLane<K, V>>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super Record>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
unbindOutput(Inlet<? super V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
unbindOutputs() - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
Disconnects all outputs from this Outlet by invoking Inlet.unbindInput() on each Inelt that depends on the state of this Outlet.
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
unbindOutputs() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class swim.concurrent.Theater
uncommit(long) - Method in class swim.db.Database
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.Page
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
uncommitted(long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
uncommitted(PageRef) - Method in class swim.db.Seed
undefined() - Static method in class swim.math.Precision
undefined() - Static method in class swim.math.TensorDims
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriFragment
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriHost
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriPort
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriScheme
undefined() - Static method in class swim.uri.UriUser
unexpected(Input) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, Severity) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, Severity, String) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, Severity, String, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unexpected(Input, Severity, Diagnostic) - Static method in class swim.codec.Diagnostic
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
Always returns an empty Record because Absent is not a distinct value.
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Extant
Always returns an empty Record because Extant is not a distinct value.
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns a Record containing just this Field.
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Item
Returns this if this Item is a Record; returns a Record containing just this Item, if this Item is distinct; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Item is Extant or Absent.
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns this Record.
unflattened() - Method in class swim.structure.Value
Returns this if this Value is a Record; returns a Record containing just this Value, if this Value is distinct; otherwise returns an empty Record if this Value is Extant or Absent.
Unicode - Class in swim.codec
Unicode code point Input/Output/Writer factory.
UniformDistribution - Class in swim.math
UniformDistribution(double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.UniformDistribution
UniformDistribution(Random, double, double) - Constructor for class swim.math.UniformDistribution
union(long, long) - Static method in class swim.spatial.BitInterval
union(Tag) - Method in class swim.codec.Mark
union(Tag) - Method in class swim.codec.Span
union(Tag) - Method in class swim.codec.Tag
Returns a Tag that includes all source locations covered by both this tag, and some other tag.
unionDecoder(AvroUnionType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
unionType() - Static method in class swim.avro.reflection.AvroReflection
unionType() - Static method in class swim.avro.structure.AvroStructure
unit - Variable in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
unit - Variable in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
unit() - Method in class swim.math.R
unit() - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
unit() - Method in class swim.math.Z
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ArrayForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.CollectionForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.LongForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.MapForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.StringForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns a default–possibly null–value of type T.
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
unit() - Method in class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
unit() - Method in class swim.uri.UriForm
unit() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathForm
unit() - Method in class swim.uri.UriPatternForm
unit(Boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BooleanForm
unit(Byte) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ByteForm
unit(Character) - Method in class swim.structure.form.CharacterForm
unit(Double) - Method in class swim.structure.form.DoubleForm
unit(Float) - Method in class swim.structure.form.FloatForm
unit(Integer) - Method in class swim.structure.form.IntegerForm
unit(Long) - Method in class swim.structure.form.LongForm
unit(Number) - Method in class swim.structure.form.NumberForm
unit(Object) - Method in class swim.structure.form.PolyForm
unit(Short) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ShortForm
unit(String) - Method in class swim.structure.form.StringForm
unit(BigInteger) - Method in class swim.structure.form.BigIntegerForm
unit(Item) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ItemForm
unit(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
unit(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.UriForm
unit(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPathForm
unit(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.ClassForm
unit(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.TagForm
unit(T) - Method in class swim.structure.Form
Returns a version of this Form with the given unit value.
unit(T) - Method in class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
UnitForm<T> - Class in swim.structure.form
UnitForm(T, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.UnitForm
unlink() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
unlink() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
unlinkedResponse() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
UnlinkedResponse - Class in swim.warp
UnlinkedResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
UnlinkedResponse(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
UnlinkedResponse(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
UnlinkedResponse(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkedResponse
unlinkRequest() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
UnlinkRequest - Class in swim.warp
UnlinkRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
UnlinkRequest(String, String, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
UnlinkRequest(Uri, Uri) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
UnlinkRequest(Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.warp.UnlinkRequest
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
unload() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
unload() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
unload() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
unload() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
unload() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
unload() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
unload() - Method in interface swim.system.TierBinding
UNLOADING_STATE - Static variable in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
unmerge(UriPath) - Method in class swim.uri.UriPath
unmerged(UriMapper<T>) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Downlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpUplink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Lane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Link
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.Uplink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpUplink
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
unobserve(Object) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
unobserve(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
unobserve(O) - Method in interface swim.observable.Observable
unprotectedHeader - Variable in class
unprotectedHeader() - Method in class
unprotectedHeader(Value) - Method in class
unresolve(Uri) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
unsetDomain() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsetHttpOnly() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsetMaxAge() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsetPath() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsetSameSite() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsetSecure() - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
unsubAckPacket(int, int) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
unsubAckPacketEncoder(MqttUnsubAckPacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
unsubscribePacket(int, int, FingerTrieSeq<String>) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttDecoder
unsubscribePacketEncoder(MqttUnsubscribePacket) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttEncoder
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
unwrap() - Method in class swim.dynamic.BridgeGuest
unwrap() - Method in interface swim.dynamic.GuestWrapper
Returns the guest value that this host object wraps.
unwrap() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
unwrap() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.js.JsHostObject
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostArray
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostObject
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.VmHostProxy
unwrap() - Method in class swim.vm.VmProxyArray
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in interface
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapData(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeBinding
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.EdgeContext
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
unwrapEdge(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.HostBinding
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.HostContext
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
unwrapHost(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
unwrapKernel(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.kernel.Kernel
unwrapKernel(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LaneContext
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
unwrapLane(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
unwrapLink(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshBinding
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.MeshContext
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
unwrapMesh(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeBinding
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.NodeContext
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
unwrapNode(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in class
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.PartBinding
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in interface swim.system.PartContext
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
unwrapPart(Class<T>) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
update(int, Value, Value) - Static method in class swim.system.warp.ListLinkDelta
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class swim.streamlet.KeyEffect
updated() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
updated() - Method in class swim.db.MetaTree
updated() - Method in class swim.db.Seed
updated(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.FingerTrieSeq
updated(int, T) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
updated(int, T, Object) - Method in class swim.collections.STree
updated(int, T, STreeContext<T>) - Method in class swim.collections.STreePage
updated(long, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
updated(long, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
updated(long, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.STreePage
updated(long, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.STree
updated(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
updated(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updated(String, T) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
updated(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
updated(K, S, int, long, int, long, V, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
updated(K, S, long, long, V, QTreeContext<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
updated(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
updated(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
updated(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
updated(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
updated(K, V) - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
updated(K, V, BTreeContext<K, V>) - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
updated(M, V) - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFieldType
updated(R, V) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
updated(HashTrieMap<K, HashTrieSet<V>>, K, V) - Static method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
updated(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, int, long, int, long, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
updated(Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
updated(Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePage
updated(Value, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
updated(Value, long, long, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
updated(Value, long, long, Value, long, boolean) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
updated(Value, long, long, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
updated(Value, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
updated(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updated(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updated(Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
updated(Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
updated(Value, Value, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePage
updated(Value, Value, long, int) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
updated(UriPattern, T) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
updated(Uri, T) - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
updatedAttr(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updatedAttr(Text, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
updatedAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedAttr(Text, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
updatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
updatedHeader(HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
updatedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
updatedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
updatedHeaders(FingerTrieSeq<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
updatedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
updatedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
updatedHeaders(HttpHeader...) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
updatedQuery(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
updatedSlot(String, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(String, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updatedSlot(Value, boolean) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, double) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, float) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, int) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, long) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, String) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Absent
updatedSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Item
updatedSlot(Value, Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Record
updatedValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
updatedValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns a copy of this Field with the updated value.
updatedValue(Value) - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
updateTree(T, T, long) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
upgrade() - Static method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
upgrade(WarpSocket, WsRequest) - Method in class
upgrade(WarpSocket, WsResponse) - Method in class
upgrade(WarpSocket, WsResponse, WarpSettings) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
upgrade(WebSocket<?, ?>, WsRequest) - Method in class
upgrade(WebSocket<?, ?>, WsResponse) - Method in class
upgrade(WebSocket<?, ?>, WsResponse, WsSettings) - Method in class swim.web.WebRequest
UPGRADE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
UpgradeHeader - Class in swim.http.header
upgradeProtocol(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
UpgradeProtocol - Class in swim.http
upgradeProtocolParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
upgradeProtocolWriter(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
Uplink - Interface in swim.api
uplinkAddress - Variable in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
UplinkAddress - Class in swim.system
UplinkAddress(String, Uri, Value, Uri, Uri, Uri, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.UplinkAddress
UplinkAddressed - Interface in swim.system
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkCloseCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkCloseDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkCommandCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkCommandDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkCommandRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
UplinkError - Class in swim.system
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkEventCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkEventDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkEventRate() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
UplinkException - Exception in swim.api
UplinkException() - Constructor for exception swim.api.UplinkException
UplinkException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.api.UplinkException
UplinkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.UplinkException
UplinkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.api.UplinkException
uplinkForm() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.UplinkInfo
UplinkInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
UplinkInfo() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.UplinkInfo
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkOpenCount() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.EdgeProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.HostProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.MeshProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.NodeProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.PartProfile
uplinkOpenDelta() - Method in class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
uplinkPolicy(Uplink) - Method in class swim.api.policy.AbstractPolicy
uplinkPolicy(Uplink) - Method in interface swim.api.policy.LanePolicy
UplinkPolicy - Interface in swim.api.policy
uplinkPulse - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
uplinkPulse() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
UplinkPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
UplinkPulse() - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.UplinkPulse
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.LaneModel
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
uplinks - Variable in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
uplinks() - Method in class
uplinks() - Method in interface swim.system.LaneBinding
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.EdgePulse
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.HostPulse
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.MeshPulse
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.NodePulse
uplinks() - Method in class swim.system.reflect.PartPulse
UPLINKS - Static variable in class swim.system.LaneModel
uppercase() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
Returns the Base16 encoding with uppercase alphanumeric digits.
upQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.ListDownlinkModem
upQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.MapDownlinkModem
upQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.SupplyDownlinkModem
upQueueIsEmpty() - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
uri() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
uri(Uri) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
Uri - Class in swim.uri
Uri(UriScheme, UriAuthority, UriPath, UriQuery, UriFragment) - Constructor for class swim.uri.Uri
URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
UriAuthority - Class in swim.uri
UriAuthority(UriUser, UriHost, UriPort) - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriAuthority
UriException - Exception in swim.uri
UriException() - Constructor for exception swim.uri.UriException
UriException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.uri.UriException
UriException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.uri.UriException
UriException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.uri.UriException
UriForm - Class in swim.uri
UriFragment - Class in swim.uri
UriFragment(String) - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriFragment
UriHost - Class in swim.uri
UriHost() - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriHost
UriMapper<T> - Class in swim.uri
UriParser - Class in swim.uri
UriParser() - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriParser
UriPart - Class in swim.uri
UriPath - Class in swim.uri
UriPathBuilder - Class in swim.uri
UriPathBuilder() - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriPathBuilder
UriPathForm - Class in swim.uri
UriPattern - Class in swim.uri
UriPatternForm - Class in swim.uri
UriPort - Class in swim.uri
UriPort(int) - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriPort
UriQuery - Class in swim.uri
UriQuery() - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriQuery
UriQueryBuilder - Class in swim.uri
UriQueryBuilder() - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriQueryBuilder
UriScheme - Class in swim.uri
UriScheme(String) - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriScheme
UriUser - Class in swim.uri
UriUser(String, String) - Constructor for class swim.uri.UriUser
url() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the Base64 encoding with the url and filename safe alphabet.
url(boolean) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base64
Returns the Base64 encoding with the url and filename safe alphabet, and required padding, if isPadded is true.
urlUnpadded() - Static method in class swim.codec.Base64
USE_PROXY - Static variable in class swim.http.HttpStatus
user - Variable in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
user() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
user() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
user(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
user(UriUser) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
user(UriUser) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
UserAgentHeader - Class in swim.http.header
username - Variable in class swim.uri.UriUser
username() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
username() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
username() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
username() - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
username(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
username(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
username(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
username(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriUser
username(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
username(String, String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
userParser() - Method in class swim.uri.UriParser
userPart() - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
userPart() - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
userPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.Uri
userPart(String) - Method in class swim.uri.UriAuthority
Utf8 - Class in swim.codec
UTF-8 Input/Output factory.
UtfErrorMode - Class in swim.codec
Unicode transformation format error handling mode.
UTree - Class in swim.db
UTree(TreeContext, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTree
UTree(TreeContext, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTree
UTree(TreeContext, UTreePageRef, Seed, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTree
UTREE - Enum constant in enum class swim.db.TreeType
UTreeDelegate - Interface in swim.db
utreeDidUpdate(UTree, UTree, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.TreeContext
utreeDidUpdate(UTree, UTree, Value, Value) - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
utreeDidUpdate(UTree, UTree, Value, Value) - Method in interface swim.db.UTreeDelegate
utreeDidUpdate(UTree, UTree, Value, Value) - Method in class
UTreeLeaf - Class in swim.db
UTreeLeaf(UTreePageRef, long, Value) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
UTreePage - Class in swim.db
UTreePageRef - Class in swim.db
UTreePageRef(PageContext, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTreePageRef
UTreePageRef(PageContext, int, int, int, long, Object) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTreePageRef
UTreePageRef(PageContext, int, int, int, long, Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTreePageRef
UTreeValue - Class in swim.db
UTreeValue(Trunk<UTree>) - Constructor for class swim.db.UTreeValue


value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialMap.SimpleEntry
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class swim.structure.Text
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.api.SwimAgent
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.api.SwimLane
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.api.SwimResident
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.api.SwimRoute
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.api.SwimTransient
value() - Method in class swim.args.Arg
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.avro.AvroMember
value() - Method in class swim.db.MetaLeaf
value() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
value() - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
value() - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
value() - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
value() - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
value() - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.protobuf.ProtobufMember
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.streamlet.In
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.streamlet.Inout
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.streamlet.Out
value() - Method in class swim.structure.Attr
value() - Method in class swim.structure.Field
Returns the value component of this Field.
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.structure.Header
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.structure.Member
value() - Method in class swim.structure.Slot
value() - Element in annotation interface swim.structure.Tag
value() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
value(I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
value(I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
value(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
value(I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
value(String) - Method in class swim.args.Arg
value(Item) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureParser
value(Item) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
value(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
value(Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
Value - Class in swim.structure
valueBuilder() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
valueBuilder() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufRepeatedType
valueBuilder() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
valueBuilder() - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
valueClass(Class<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
valueClass(Class<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
ValueCollection<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueCollection(Collection<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
valueCount() - Method in class swim.dataflow.RecordModel
valueCount() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
Returns the number of Value members contained in this Record.
ValueCursor<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueCursor(Cursor<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
valueData(String) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
valueData(String) - Method in interface
valueData(String) - Method in class
valueData(String) - Method in class
valueData(String) - Method in class
valueData(String) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
valueData(Value) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
valueData(Value) - Method in interface
valueData(Value) - Method in class
valueData(Value) - Method in class
valueData(Value) - Method in class
valueData(Value) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
ValueData<V> - Interface in
ValueDataBinding - Interface in
ValueDataContext - Interface in
ValueDataModel - Class in
ValueDataModel - Class in
ValueDataModel(Value, UTreeValue) - Constructor for class
ValueDataModel(Value, Value) - Constructor for class
ValueDataProxy - Class in
ValueDataProxy(ValueDataBinding) - Constructor for class
ValueDataView<V> - Class in
ValueDataView(ValueDataBinding, Form<V>) - Constructor for class
ValueDownlink<V> - Interface in swim.api.downlink
ValueDownlinkModel - Class in swim.system.downlink
ValueDownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
ValueDownlinkRecord - Class in swim.api.downlink
ValueDownlinkRecord(ValueDownlink<Value>) - Constructor for class swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlinkRecord
ValueDownlinkView<V> - Class in swim.system.downlink
ValueDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Form<V>, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
ValueDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
ValueEntry<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueEntry(Map.Entry<Value, Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntry
ValueEntryCursor<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueEntryCursor(Cursor<? extends Map.Entry<? extends Value, ? extends Value>>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
ValueEntryIterator<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueEntryIterator(Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<? extends Value, ? extends Value>>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
valueField() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapEntryType
valueForm - Variable in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
valueForm - Variable in class
valueForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
valueForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
valueForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
valueForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
valueForm - Variable in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
valueForm - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
valueForm() - Method in interface
valueForm() - Method in interface
valueForm() - Method in interface
valueForm() - Method in interface
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
valueForm() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
valueForm() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
valueForm() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
valueForm() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCollection
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueCursor
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
valueForm(Form<T2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeList
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeListView
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryCursor
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueEntryIterator
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneDownlink
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
valueForm(Form<V2>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
ValueForm - Class in swim.structure.form
Fall-through transformation between a structurally typed Item and a structurally typed Value.
ValueForm(Value) - Constructor for class swim.structure.form.ValueForm
ValueInput<O> - Class in swim.streamlet
ValueInput() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.ValueInput
ValueInput(O) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.ValueInput
ValueIterable<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueIterable(Iterable<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterable
ValueIterableMap<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueIterableMap(IterableMap<? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
valueIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
valueIterator() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTree
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreeMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.BTreePage
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeMapView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeMapView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTree
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeMap
valueIterator() - Method in interface swim.spatial.SpatialMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.spatial.SpatialValueMap
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterableMap
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
valueIterator() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
valueIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
valueIterator() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
ValueIterator<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueIterator(Iterator<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueIterator
ValueKeyedList<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueKeyedList(KeyedList<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueKeyedList
valueLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
valueLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
valueLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
valueLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
ValueLane<V> - Interface in swim.api.lane
ValueLaneModel - Class in swim.system.lane
ValueLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
ValueLaneUplink - Class in swim.system.lane
ValueLaneUplink(ValueLaneModel, WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneUplink
ValueLaneView<V> - Class in swim.system.lane
ValueLaneView(AgentContext, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
ValueList<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueList(List<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueList
ValueListIterator<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueListIterator(ListIterator<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueListIterator
ValueMap<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueMap(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
ValueMapEntrySet<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueMapEntrySet(Map<? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueMapEntrySet
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.avro.schema.AvroOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.db.PageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.hpack.HpackIndexing
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader.SameSite
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class swim.streamlet.KeyEffect
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
ValueOrderedMap<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueOrderedMap(OrderedMap<? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMap
ValueOrderedMapCursor<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueOrderedMapCursor(OrderedMapCursor<? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueOrderedMapCursor
ValueOutput<I> - Class in swim.streamlet
ValueOutput() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.ValueOutput
ValueOutput(I) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.ValueOutput
valueParser() - Method in class swim.json.JsonParser
ValueReducedMap<K,V,U> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueReducedMap(ReducedMap<? extends Value, ? extends Value, ? extends Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>, Form<U>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueReducedMap
values() - Static method in enum class swim.avro.schema.AvroOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class swim.collections.HashTrieMap
values() - Static method in enum class swim.db.PageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swim.db.TreeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swim.hpack.HpackIndexing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader.SameSite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swim.mqtt.MqttQoS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class
values() - Method in class
values() - Method in class
values() - Static method in enum class swim.streamlet.KeyEffect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class swim.structure.collections.ValueMap
values() - Method in class swim.structure.Record
values() - Method in class swim.structure.selector.IdentitySelector
values() - Method in class swim.structure.Selector
An abstraction over Selector.andThen(swim.structure.Selector) where then is the ValuesSelector.
values() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkModel
values() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
values() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
values() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
values() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
values() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
values() - Method in class swim.uri.UriMapper
values() - Method in class swim.uri.UriQuery
values() - Method in interface swim.util.IterableMap
values() - Method in interface swim.util.OrderedMap
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values(Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureParser
values(Cursor<? extends Map.Entry<?, ? extends V>>) - Static method in interface swim.util.Cursor
values(V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconParser
ValueSet<T> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueSet(Set<? extends Value>, Form<T>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueSet
valueSize() - Method in class swim.hpack.HpackHeader
ValueSortedMap<K,V> - Class in swim.structure.collections
ValueSortedMap(SortedMap<Value, Value>, Form<K>, Form<V>) - Constructor for class swim.structure.collections.ValueSortedMap
ValuesSelector - Class in swim.structure.selector
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "values" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
ValuesSelector(Selector) - Constructor for class swim.structure.selector.ValuesSelector
valueType() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroFieldType
valueType() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroMapType
valueType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFieldType
valueType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMapType
variant(AvroType<? extends T>) - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroUnionType
variantCount() - Method in class swim.avro.schema.AvroUnionType
VARINT - Enum constant in enum class swim.protobuf.ProtobufWireType
varintDecoder(AvroVarintType<T>) - Method in class swim.avro.decoder.AvroDecoder
varintDecoder(ProtobufVarintType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
varintType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
vector() - Method in interface swim.math.AffineSpace
vector() - Method in class swim.math.R
vector() - Method in class swim.math.R2
vector() - Method in class swim.math.R3
VectorModule<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
VectorSpace<V,S> - Interface in swim.math
verify(String, Iterable<PublicKeyDef>) - Static method in class
verify(String, Iterable<PublicKeyDef>) - Static method in class
verify(JsonWebSignature, Iterable<PublicKeyDef>) - Static method in class
verify(JsonWebSignature, Iterable<PublicKeyDef>) - Static method in class
verifyECDSASignature(Signature, PublicKey) - Method in class
verifyMac(Key) - Method in class
verifyMac(Mac, Key) - Method in class
verifyRsaSignature(Signature, PublicKey) - Method in class
verifyRSASignature(Signature, PublicKey) - Method in class
verifySignature(PublicKey) - Method in class
verifySignature(PublicKey) - Method in class
version - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
version - Variable in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
version - Variable in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
version - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
version - Variable in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
version - Variable in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
version - Variable in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
version() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
version() - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
version() - Method in class swim.db.Database
version() - Method in class swim.db.Germ
version() - Method in class swim.db.Page
version() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
version() - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
version() - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
version() - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
version() - Method in class swim.db.Trunk
version() - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
version() - Method in class swim.http.HttpMessage
version() - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
version() - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
version() - Method in class swim.http.Product
version() - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
version(int, int) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
version(HttpVersion) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
version(HttpVersion) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
version13() - Static method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
versionParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
versions() - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
versionWriter(int, int) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
viewCount - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
viewCount - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
viewIndex - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
viewIndex - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
views - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
views - Variable in class swim.system.DownlinkRelay
views - Variable in class swim.system.LaneModel
views - Variable in class swim.system.LaneRelay
VIEWS - Static variable in class swim.system.DownlinkModel
VIEWS - Static variable in class swim.system.LaneModel
VmBridge - Class in swim.vm
VmBridge(HostRuntime, String) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmBridge
VmBridgeArray - Class in swim.vm
VmBridgeArray(VmBridge, Object[]) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmBridgeArray
VmHostArray<T> - Class in swim.vm
VmHostArray(VmBridge, HostArrayType<? super T>, T) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmHostArray
VmHostMethod<T> - Class in swim.vm
VmHostMethod(VmBridge, HostMethod<? super T>, T) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmHostMethod
VmHostObject<T> - Class in swim.vm
VmHostObject(VmBridge, HostObjectType<? super T>, T) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmHostObject
VmHostProxy<T> - Class in swim.vm
VmHostProxy() - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmHostProxy
VmHostStaticMethod - Class in swim.vm
VmHostStaticMethod(VmBridge, HostStaticMethod) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmHostStaticMethod
VmProxyArray - Class in swim.vm
VmProxyArray(Object[]) - Constructor for class swim.vm.VmProxyArray


WAIT - Enum constant in enum class
accept, connect, read, and write disabled.
WANT - Enum constant in enum class
Client authentication requested.
warn(Object) - Method in class
warn(Object) - Method in class
warn(Object) - Method in class
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.UiRouter
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.DownlinkView
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.LaneView
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
warn(Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
warn(Object) - Method in class swim.system.scope.Scope
warn(Object) - Method in interface swim.util.Log
Logs a warn-level message.
warn(Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
warn(Uri, Uri, Object) - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
WARN_LOG_URI - Static variable in class swim.system.reflect.LogEntry
warnDown(Object) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
warnDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractDownlinkBinding
warnDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
warnDown(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkBinding
warnDown(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
warning() - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns the Severity with WARNING_LEVEL of importance.
warning(String) - Static method in class swim.util.Severity
Returns a Severity with WARNING_LEVEL of importance, and the given descriptive label.
WARNING_LEVEL - Static variable in class swim.util.Severity
warnUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.AbstractUplinkContext
warnUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
warnUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
warnUp(Object) - Method in interface swim.system.LinkContext
warnUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
warnUp(Object) - Method in class swim.system.WarpProxy
warp - Variable in class swim.api.downlink.DownlinkStreamlet
warp - Variable in class swim.cli.CliClient
warp() - Method in class swim.cli.CliClient
WarpBinding - Interface in swim.system
WarpContext - Interface in swim.system
WarpDownlink - Interface in swim.api.warp
WarpDownlinkModel<View extends WarpDownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpDownlinkModel(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModel
WarpDownlinkModem<View extends DownlinkView> - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpDownlinkModem(Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
WarpDownlinkProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
WarpDownlinkProfile(DownlinkAddress, long, long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.WarpDownlinkProfile
WarpDownlinkPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
WarpDownlinkPulse(long, int, long, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.WarpDownlinkPulse
WarpDownlinkView - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpDownlinkView(CellContext, Stage, Uri, Uri, Uri, Uri, float, float, Value, int, Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
WarpErrorUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpErrorUplinkModem(WarpBinding, Value) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpErrorUplinkModem
WarpException - Exception in swim.warp
WarpException() - Constructor for exception swim.warp.WarpException
WarpException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.warp.WarpException
WarpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.warp.WarpException
WarpException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.warp.WarpException
WarpInfo - Interface in swim.system.reflect
WarpLane - Interface in swim.api.warp
WarpLaneModel<View extends WarpLaneView,U extends WarpUplinkModem> - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpLaneModel() - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneModel
WarpLaneProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
WarpLaneProfile(LaneAddress, long, long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, long, int, int, int, int, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.WarpLaneProfile
WarpLanePulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
WarpLanePulse(long, WarpDownlinkPulse, WarpUplinkPulse) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.WarpLanePulse
WarpLaneView - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpLaneView(Object) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
WarpLink - Interface in swim.api.warp
WarpProxy - Class in swim.system
WarpProxy(WarpBinding) - Constructor for class swim.system.WarpProxy
WarpPulse - Interface in swim.system.reflect
WarpRef - Interface in swim.api.ref
warpSettings - Variable in class
warpSettings - Variable in class
warpSettings - Variable in class
warpSettings() - Method in class
warpSettings() - Method in class
warpSettings() - Method in class
warpSettings() - Method in interface
warpSettings() - Method in class
warpSettings() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
warpSettings() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
warpSettings() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
warpSettings(WarpSettings) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
WarpSettings - Class in
WarpSettings(WsSettings) - Constructor for class
WarpSocket - Interface in
warpSocketContext - Variable in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
warpSocketContext() - Method in class
warpSocketContext() - Method in interface
warpSocketContext() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
WarpSocketContext - Interface in
WarpUplink - Interface in swim.api.warp
warpUplinkForm() - Static method in class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
WarpUplinkInfo - Class in swim.system.reflect
WarpUplinkInfo(Value, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkInfo
WarpUplinkModem - Class in swim.system.warp
WarpUplinkModem(WarpBinding, UplinkAddress) - Constructor for class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
WarpUplinkProfile - Class in swim.system.profile
WarpUplinkProfile(UplinkAddress, int, int, long, int, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.profile.WarpUplinkProfile
WarpUplinkPulse - Class in swim.system.reflect
WarpUplinkPulse(long, int, long, int, long) - Constructor for class swim.system.reflect.WarpUplinkPulse
WarpWebSocket - Class in
WarpWebSocket(WarpSocket, WarpSettings) - Constructor for class
warpWebSocketResponder(WsRequest, WsResponse) - Method in class swim.service.web.WebServer
watch(WatchFieldsFunction<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.MapOutlet
watch(WatchValueFunction<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.Outlet
WatchFieldsCombinator<K,V,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
WatchFieldsCombinator(WatchFieldsFunction<? super K, ? super V>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsCombinator
WatchFieldsFunction<K,V> - Interface in swim.streamlet.function
WatchFieldsOperator<K,V,O> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
WatchFieldsOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchFieldsOperator
WatchValueCombinator<I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
WatchValueCombinator(WatchValueFunction<? super I>) - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueCombinator
WatchValueFunction<I> - Interface in swim.streamlet.function
WatchValueOperator<I> - Class in swim.streamlet.combinator
WatchValueOperator() - Constructor for class swim.streamlet.combinator.WatchValueOperator
weaken(K) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheMap
weaken(T) - Method in class swim.util.HashGenCacheSet
WebRequest - Class in swim.web
WebRequest() - Constructor for class swim.web.WebRequest
WebResponse - Class in swim.web
WebResponse() - Constructor for class swim.web.WebResponse
WebRoute - Interface in swim.web
WebServer - Class in swim.service.web
WebServer(KernelContext, WebServiceDef, WebRoute) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.WebServer
WebServerRequest - Class in swim.web
WebServerRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Constructor for class swim.web.WebServerRequest
WebServerRequest(HttpRequest<?>, UriPath) - Constructor for class swim.web.WebServerRequest
WebService - Class in swim.service.web
WebService(KernelContext, ServiceContext, WebServiceDef, WebRoute) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.WebService
WebServiceDef - Class in swim.service.web
WebServiceDef(String, String, int, boolean, String, String, UriPath, UriPath, WarpSettings) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.WebServiceDef
WebServiceFactory - Class in swim.service.web
WebServiceKernel - Class in swim.service.web
WebServiceKernel() - Constructor for class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
WebServiceKernel(double) - Constructor for class swim.service.web.WebServiceKernel
websocket() - Static method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
websocket() - Static method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
webSocket() - Method in class
webSocket() - Method in class
WebSocket<I,O> - Interface in
webSocketContext() - Method in class
webSocketContext() - Method in class
webSocketContext() - Method in interface
WebSocketContext<I,O> - Interface in
webSocketExtension(String, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketParam>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
WebSocketExtension - Class in swim.http
webSocketExtensionParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
webSocketExtensionWriter(String, Iterator<WebSocketParam>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
WebSocketModem<I,O> - Class in
WebSocketModem(WebSocket<I, O>, WsSettings, WsDecoder, WsEncoder) - Constructor for class
webSocketParam(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
WebSocketParam - Class in swim.http
webSocketParamParser() - Method in class swim.http.HttpParser
webSocketParamWriter(String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
weight() - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
weight() - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
weight() - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
weight() - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
weight(float) - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
weight(float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
weight(float) - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
weight(float) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
wgs84() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
wgs84Form() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
wgs84Inverse() - Static method in class swim.spatial.GeoProjection
whave - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context before it has become a new socket implementation.
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context before it has become a new socket implementation.
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in interface
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
willBecome(IpSocket) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
willClear() - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillClear
willClear() - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillClear
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
willClear(WillClear) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willClear(WillClear) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
WillClear - Interface in swim.observable.function
willClose() - Method in class
willClose() - Method in class
willClose() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willClose() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent closes.
willClose() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
willClose() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
willClose() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
willClose() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
willClose() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willClose() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closing state.
willClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closing state.
willClose() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closing state.
willClose() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willClose() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
willClose() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willClose() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
willClose() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
willClose() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willClose() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willClose() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
willCommand(WillCommand) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
willCommand(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillCommand
willCommand(Value) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillCommand
WillCommand - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in interface
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context before the underlying network socket attempts to open a connection.
willConnect() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context before the underlying network socket attempts to open a connection.
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in interface
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in interface
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in interface
willConnect() - Method in class
willConnect() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willDecohere() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willDecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
willDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
willDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
willDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
willDecohereInput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
willDecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willDecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
willDecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
willDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
willDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willDecohereKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willDecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
willDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
willDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
willDecohereOutput() - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
willDecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
willDecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
willDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.WillDownlinkValue
willDownlink(K, ValueDownlink<?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestWillDownlinkValue
willDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.function.WillDownlinkMap
willDownlink(L, MapDownlink<?, ?>) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.lane.function.GuestWillDownlinkMap
willDownlink(WillDownlinkMap<L>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willDownlink(WillDownlinkMap<L>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willDownlink(WillDownlinkValue<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willDownlink(WillDownlinkValue<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
WillDownlinkMap<L> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
WillDownlinkValue<K> - Interface in swim.api.lane.function
willDrop(int) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillDrop
willDrop(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillDrop
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willDrop(WillDrop) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
WillDrop - Interface in swim.observable.function
willEnter(Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillEnter
willEnter(Identity) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillEnter
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willEnter(WillEnter) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
WillEnter - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willLeave(Identity) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillLeave
willLeave(Identity) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillLeave
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willLeave(WillLeave) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
WillLeave - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willLink() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillLink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
willLink(WillLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
willLink(WillLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willLink(WillLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willLink(WillLink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willLink(WillLink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
willLink(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
willLink(LinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
WillLink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willLoad() - Method in class
willLoad() - Method in class
willLoad() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willLoad() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent loads.
willLoad() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willLoad() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willLoad() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willLoad() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willLoad() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willMessage() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willMessage(Data) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willMove(int, int, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillMoveIndex
willMove(int, int, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillMoveIndex
willMove(K, S, V, S) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillMoveShape
willMove(K, S, V, S) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillMoveShape
willMove(WillMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willMove(WillMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willMove(WillMoveIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willMove(WillMoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willMove(WillMoveIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willMove(WillMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willMove(WillMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
willMove(WillMoveShape<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
WillMoveIndex<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
WillMoveShape<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
willOpen() - Method in class
willOpen() - Method in class
willOpen() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willOpen() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent opens.
willOpen() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willOpen() - Method in class swim.db.Database
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opening state.
willOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opening state.
willOpen() - Method in class swim.db.FileZone
Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opening state.
willOpen() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willOpen() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willOpen() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHostClient
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willOpen() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willOpen() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willOperate(Operator) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
willPushMessage(Envelope) - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
willQoS() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willQoS(MqttQoS) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willReadFrame() - Method in interface
willReadFrame(WillReadFrameWs<I>) - Method in interface
willReadFrame(WillReadFrameWs<I>) - Method in interface
WillReadFrameWs<I> - Interface in
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willReceive(WillReceive) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
willReceive(Value) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillReceive
WillReceive - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInoutlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInoutlet
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willRecohere(int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willRecohereInlet(Inlet<? extends I>, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
willRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
willRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
willRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractOutlet
willRecohereInput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletOutlet
willRecohereInputKey(KO, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willRecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapOutlet
willRecohereInputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.combinator.FilterFieldsOperator
willRecohereInputKey(Value, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordOutlet
willRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInoutlet
willRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willRecohereKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in class swim.dataflow.AbstractRecordStreamlet
willRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractStreamlet
willRecohereOutlet(Outlet<? super O>, int) - Method in interface swim.streamlet.GenericStreamlet
willRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractInlet
willRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
willRecohereOutput(int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.StreamletInlet
willRecohereOutputKey(KI, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletMapOutlet
willRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInlet
willRecohereOutputKey(K, KeyEffect, int) - Method in class swim.streamlet.AbstractMapInletOutlet
willRemove(int) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveIndex
willRemove(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillRemoveIndex
willRemove(K) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveKey
willRemove(K) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillRemoveKey
willRemove(K, S) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillRemoveShape
willRemove(K, S) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillRemoveShape
willRemove(WillRemoveIndex) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willRemove(WillRemoveIndex) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willRemove(WillRemoveIndex) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willRemove(WillRemoveIndex) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willRemove(WillRemoveIndex) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willRemove(WillRemoveKey<K>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willRemove(WillRemoveShape<K, S>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willRemove(WillRemoveShape<K, S>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
willRemove(WillRemoveShape<K, S>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
WillRemoveIndex - Interface in swim.observable.function
WillRemoveKey<K> - Interface in swim.observable.function
WillRemoveShape<K,S> - Interface in swim.observable.function
willRequest(WillRequestHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
willRequest(WillRequestHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
willRequest(WillRequestHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
willRequest(WillRequestHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
willRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
willRequest(HttpRequest<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.WillRequestHttp
willRequest(U, HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
WillRequestHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
willRespond(WillRespondHttp<?>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpLane
willRespond(WillRespondHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneView
willRespond(WillRespondHttp<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneView
willRespond(WillRespondHttp<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.HttpDownlink
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpErrorUplinkModem
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.RestLaneUplink
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpContext
willRespond(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
willRespond(HttpResponse<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.http.function.WillRespondHttp
willRespond(U, HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpLaneModel
WillRespondHttp<V> - Interface in swim.api.http.function
willRetain() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willRetain(boolean) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the modem context before the underlying network socket establishes a secure connection.
willSecure() - Method in interface
Lifecycle callback invoked by the socket context before the underlying network socket establishes a secure connection.
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in interface
willSecure() - Method in class
willSecure() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteHost
willSelect(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
willSet(WillSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willSet(WillSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
willSet(WillSet<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableValue
willSet(WillSet<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willSet(WillSet<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willSet(Value) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkModel
willSet(V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillSet
willSet(V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillSet
WillSet<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
willStart() - Method in class
willStart() - Method in class
willStart() - Method in class
willStart() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willStart() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent starts.
willStart() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
willStart() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
willStart() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
willStart() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
willStart() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
willStart() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
willStart() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willStart() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Lifecycle callback invoked before the clock thread starts.
willStart() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willStart() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
willStart() - Method in class
Lifecycle callback invoked before the selector thread starts.
willStart() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willStart() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
willStart() - Method in class swim.kernel.BootKernel
willStart() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
willStart() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneModel
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneModel
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willStart() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willStart() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willStop() - Method in class
willStop() - Method in class
willStop() - Method in class
willStop() - Method in class
willStop() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willStop() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent stops.
willStop() - Method in class swim.api.auth.AbstractAuthenticator
willStop() - Method in interface swim.api.auth.Authenticator
willStop() - Method in class swim.api.plane.AbstractPlane
willStop() - Method in interface swim.api.plane.Plane
willStop() - Method in class swim.api.service.AbstractService
willStop() - Method in interface swim.api.service.Service
willStop() - Method in class swim.auth.BaseAuthenticator
willStop() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willStop() - Method in class swim.concurrent.Clock
Lifecycle callback invoked before the clock thread stops.
willStop() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willStop() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.plane.GuestPlane
willStop() - Method in class
Lifecycle callback invoked before the selector thread stops.
willStop() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willStop() - Method in class swim.js.JsPlane
willStop() - Method in class swim.kernel.KernelProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.service.ServiceKernel
willStop() - Method in class swim.service.ServicePort
willStop() - Method in class swim.service.web.WebService
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willStop() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willStop() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willSync() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillSync
willSync(WillSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
willSync(WillSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willSync(WillSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willSync(WillSync) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willSync(WillSync) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
willSync(WillSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
willSync(WillSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willSync(WillSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willSync(WillSync) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willSync(WillSync) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneUplink
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
willSync(SyncRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
WillSync - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willTake(int) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillTake
willTake(int) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillTake
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willTake(WillTake) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSortedMap
willTake(WillTake) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willTake(WillTake) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willTake(WillTake) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willTake(WillTake) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
WillTake - Interface in swim.observable.function
willTopic() - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willTopic(String) - Method in class swim.mqtt.MqttConnectPacket
willTransform(Selector) - Method in class swim.structure.Interpreter
willUnlink() - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillUnlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.EventDownlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ValueDownlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpDownlink
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.EventDownlinkView
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ValueDownlinkView
willUnlink(WillUnlink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkView
willUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpDownlinkModem
willUnlink(UnlinkRequest) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpUplinkModem
WillUnlink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willUnload() - Method in class
willUnload() - Method in class
willUnload() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
willUnload() - Method in interface swim.api.agent.Agent
Lifecycle callback invoked immediately before this Agent unloads.
willUnload() - Method in class swim.client.ClientRuntime
willUnload() - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.agent.GuestAgent
willUnload() - Method in class swim.js.JsAgent
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.AbstractTierBinding
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentLane
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentModel
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.EdgeProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.HostProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.LaneModel
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.LaneProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.MeshProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.NodeProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.PartProxy
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTable
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.EdgeTableMesh
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTable
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.HostTableNode
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTable
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.MeshTablePart
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTable
willUnload() - Method in class swim.system.router.PartTableHost
willUnload() - Method in interface swim.system.TierContext
willUpdate(int, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateIndex
willUpdate(int, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillUpdateIndex
willUpdate(K, S, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateShape
willUpdate(K, S, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillUpdateShape
willUpdate(K, V) - Method in class swim.dynamic.observable.function.GuestWillUpdateKey
willUpdate(K, V) - Method in interface swim.observable.function.WillUpdateKey
willUpdate(WillUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.ListDownlink
willUpdate(WillUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willUpdate(WillUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableList
willUpdate(WillUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.ListDownlinkView
willUpdate(WillUpdateIndex<V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.downlink.MapDownlink
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableMap
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.downlink.MapDownlinkView
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willUpdate(WillUpdateKey<K, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willUpdate(WillUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willUpdate(WillUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in interface swim.observable.ObservableSpatialMap
willUpdate(WillUpdateShape<K, S, V>) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
WillUpdateIndex<V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
WillUpdateKey<K,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
WillUpdateShape<K,S,V> - Interface in swim.observable.function
willUpgrade(WillUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
willUpgrade(WillUpgradeWs) - Method in interface
willUpgrade(WsRequest) - Method in interface
WillUpgradeWs - Interface in
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.CommandLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.DemandMapLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinMapLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.JoinValueLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ListLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.MapLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SpatialLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.SupplyLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.lane.ValueLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.WarpLane
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.CommandLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.DemandMapLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinMapLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.JoinValueLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ListLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.MapLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SpatialLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.SupplyLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.lane.ValueLaneView
willUplink(WillUplink) - Method in class swim.system.warp.WarpLaneView
willUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in interface swim.api.warp.function.WillUplink
willUplink(WarpUplink) - Method in class swim.dynamic.api.warp.function.GuestWillUplink
WillUplink - Interface in swim.api.warp.function
willWriteFrame(WillWriteFrameWs<O>) - Method in interface
willWriteFrame(WillWriteFrameWs<O>) - Method in interface
willWriteFrame(WsFrame<? extends O>) - Method in interface
WillWriteFrameWs<O> - Interface in
window - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
window_buffer - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufDataType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed32Type
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufFixed64Type
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessageType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufRepeatedType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufStringType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufVarintType
wireType() - Method in class swim.protobuf.schema.ProtobufZigZagType
wnext - Variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
wrap(byte[]) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
wrap(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
wrap(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.structure.Data
write(int) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes a single token to the stream, if this Output is in the cont state.
write(int) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
write(String) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes the code points of the given string.
write(String) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
write(ReadableByteChannel) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
write(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
write(Encoder<?, O2>) - Method in class
write(Encoder<?, O2>) - Method in interface
Enqueues a write encoder from which output data will be asynchronously pulled.
write(Encoder<?, O2>) - Method in class
write(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
write(Output<?>, Item) - Static method in class swim.json.Json
write(Output<?>, Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
write(MqttPacket<O2>) - Method in class
write(MqttPacket<O2>) - Method in interface
write(MqttPacket<O2>) - Method in class
write(WsControlFrame<?, ? extends Envelope>) - Method in class
write(WsControlFrame<?, ? extends Envelope>) - Method in interface
write(WsControlFrame<?, ? extends Envelope>) - Method in class
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in class
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in class
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsControlFrame<?, O2>) - Method in class
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in class
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in class
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in interface
write(WsDataFrame<O2>) - Method in class
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
write enabled; accept, connect, and read disabled.
writeAbsent(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeArray(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeAttr(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBase16(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
writeBase16(Output<?>, Base16) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
writeBase64(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
writeBase64(Output<?>, Base64) - Method in class swim.structure.Data
writeBlock(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBlock(Output<?>, Iterator<I>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBlock(Output<?>, Item) - Static method in class swim.recon.Recon
writeBlockItem(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBlockItem(Output<?>, Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeBlockValue(Output<?>, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeBlockValue(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBool(Output<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeBool(Output<?>, boolean) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeBuffer() - Method in interface
Returns the buffer from which output data should be written by the underlying I/O transport.
writeBufferSize - Variable in class
writeBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the size in bytes of the per-socket userspace buffers from which data is sent.
writeBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Returns a copy of these TcpSettings configured with the given writeBufferSize for per-socket userspace write buffers.
writeByteArray(Output<?>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte array to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeByteArray(Output<?>, byte[]) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte array to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeByteArray(Output<?>, byte[]) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
writeByteBuffer(Output<?>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
Writes the base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding of the input byte buffer to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeByteBuffer(Output<?>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Writes the base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding of the input byte buffer to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeByteBuffer(Output<?>, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class swim.codec.Binary
writeCharset(Output<?>, String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeChildrenSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeChunkExtension(Output<?>, String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeChunkHeader(Output<?>, long, Iterator<ChunkExtension>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeChunkTrailer(Output<?>, Iterator<HttpHeader>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeComments(Output<?>, Iterator<String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeConditionalOperator(Output<?>, I, I, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeContentCoding(Output<?>, String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeData(Output<?>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeData(Output<?>, ByteBuffer) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeDescendantsSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Page
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
writeDiff(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
writeDiff(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.db.BTree
writeDiff(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.db.QTree
writeDiff(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.db.STree
writeDiff(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.db.Tree
writeDiff(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.db.UTree
writeDisabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its write operation disabled.
writeDouble(Output<?>, double) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeEnabled() - Method in enum class
Returns an updated FlowControl with its write operation enabled.
writeEncoded(Output<?>, Writer<I, O>) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
writeEncoded(Output<?>, Writer<I, O>, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
writeExtant(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeField(Output<?>, I, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeField(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeField(Output<?>, Item, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
writeField(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeFilterSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeFloat(Output<?>, float) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeFullName(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
writeFunc(Output<?>, Func) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeGetAttrSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeGetItemSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeGetSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeHeader(Output<?>, HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpHeader) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptCharsetHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptEncodingHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.AcceptLanguageHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.AllowHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ConnectionHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentEncodingHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentLengthHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ContentTypeHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.CookieHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ExpectHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.HostHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.LocationHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.MaxForwardsHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.OriginHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.RawHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketKeyHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketProtocolHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SecWebSocketVersionHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.ServerHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.SetCookieHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.TransferEncodingHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.UpgradeHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.header.UserAgentHeader
writeHeaderValue(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
writeHelp(Output<T>) - Method in class swim.args.Cmd
writeHttp(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPart
writeHttp(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
writeHttp(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.ChunkExtension
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.ContentCoding
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.Cookie
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpCharset
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkHeader
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpChunkTrailer
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpHeader
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpMethod
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpPart
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpRequest
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpResponse
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpStatus
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.HttpVersion
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.LanguageRange
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.MediaRange
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.MediaType
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.Product
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.TransferCoding
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.UpgradeProtocol
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension
writeHttp(Output<?>, HttpWriter) - Method in class swim.http.WebSocketParam
writeIdentitySelector(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeInfixOperator(Output<?>, I, String, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeInt(Output<?>, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeInt(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeInt(Output<?>, int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeIntLiteral(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeIntLiteral(Output<?>, int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeInvokeOperator(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeItem(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeItem(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeItem(Output<?>, Item) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
writeItem(Output<?>, Item) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeJws(Output<?>) - Method in class
writeKeysSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeLambdaFunc(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeLanguageRange(Output<?>, String, String, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeLiteralSelector(Output<?>, I, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeln() - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes the code points of the settings' line separator.
writeln() - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
writeln(String) - Method in class swim.codec.Output
Writes the code points of the given string, followed by the code points of the settings' line separator.
writeln(String) - Method in class swim.codec.OutputBuffer
writeLong(Output<?>, long) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base10
Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
writeLong(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeLong(Output<?>, long, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeLongLiteral(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeLongLiteral(Output<?>, long, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base16
writeMarkupText(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeMarkupText(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeMediaRange(Output<?>, String, String, float, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeMediaType(Output<?>, String, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeMethod(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeNull(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, double) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, double) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, float) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, float) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, BigInteger) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeNum(Output<?>, BigInteger) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeObject(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeOperator(Output<?>, Operator) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeLeaf
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreeNode
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Page
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeLeaf
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreeNode
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeLeaf
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreeNode
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreeLeaf
writePage(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
writePageRef(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
writePageRef(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
writePageRef(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
writePageRef(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
writePageRef(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
writeParam(Output<?>, String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeParamList(Output<?>, Iterator<? extends HttpPart>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeParamListWithSeparator(Output<?>, Iterator<? extends HttpPart>, char) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeParamMap(Output<?>, Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writePhrase(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writePrefixOperator(Output<?>, String, I, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writePrimary(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeProduct(Output<?>, String, String, Iterator<String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeQuantum(Output<T>, int, int) - Static method in class swim.codec.Base16
s Decodes the base-16 digits c1 and c2, and writes the 8-bit quantity they represent to the given output.
writeQuantum(Output<T>, int, int, int, int) - Method in class swim.codec.Base64
Decodes the base-64 digits c1, c2, c3, and c4, and writes the 8 to 24 bit quantity they represent to the given output.
writeQuoted(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeQValue(Output<?>, float) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writer() - Method in class swim.structure.Data
Writer<I,O> - Class in swim.codec
Continuation of how to write subsequent Output tokens to a stream.
Writer() - Constructor for class swim.codec.Writer
writeRawParam(Output<?>, String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeRawParamMap(Output<?>, Iterator<? extends Map.Entry<?, ?>>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeRecon(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.warp.Envelope
writeRecord(Output<?>, I) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeRequest(Output<?>, HttpRequest<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
writeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in class
writeRequest(HttpRequest<?>) - Method in interface
writeResponse(Output<?>, HttpResponse<T>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.service.web.HttpLaneResponder
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.http.HttpUplinkModem
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in interface swim.system.HttpBinding
writeResponse(HttpResponse<?>) - Method in class swim.system.HttpProxy
WriterException - Exception in swim.codec
Thrown when a Writer attempts to write invalid syntax.
WriterException() - Constructor for exception swim.codec.WriterException
WriterException(String) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.WriterException
WriterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.WriterException
WriterException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception swim.codec.WriterException
writeSelector(Output<?>, Selector) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeSlot(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeStatus(Output<?>, int, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeString(Output<?>, Object) - Static method in class swim.codec.Unicode
writeString(Output<?>, O) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
writeString(Output<?>, O, UtfErrorMode) - Static method in class swim.codec.Utf8
writeText(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeText(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThen(Output<?>, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeThen(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenChildrenSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenDescendantsSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenFilterSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenGetAttrSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenGetItemSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenGetSelector(Output<?>, V, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenIdentitySelector(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenKeysSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenLiteralSelector(Output<?>, I, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeThenValuesSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeToken(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeTokenList(Output<?>, Iterator<?>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeTransferCoding(Output<?>, String, HashTrieMap<String, String>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeUint32(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeUint32(Output<?>, int) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeUint64(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeUint64(Output<?>, long) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeUndefined(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeUpgradeProtocol(Output<?>, String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeValue(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class swim.db.Germ
writeValue(Output<?>) - Method in class swim.db.Germ
writeValue(Output<?>, I, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, Item, int) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, Value) - Method in class swim.json.JsonStructureWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, Value) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconStructureWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.json.JsonWriter
writeValue(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeValuesSelector(Output<?>, V) - Method in class swim.recon.ReconWriter
writeVersion(Output<?>, int, int) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeWebSocketExtension(Output<?>, String, Iterator<WebSocketParam>) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
writeWebSocketParam(Output<?>, String, String) - Method in class swim.http.HttpWriter
Ws - Class in
WsBinaryFrame<T> - Class in
WsCloseFrame<P,T> - Class in
WsControlFrame<P,T> - Class in
WsDataFrame<T> - Class in
WsDataFrame() - Constructor for class
WsDecoder - Class in
WsDecoder() - Constructor for class
WsDeflateDecoder - Class in
WsDeflateDecoder(Inflate<?>) - Constructor for class
WsDeflateDecoder(Inflate<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class
WsDeflateEncoder - Class in
WsDeflateEncoder(Deflate<?>, int) - Constructor for class
WsDownlink<I,O> - Interface in
WsEncoder - Class in
WsEncoder() - Constructor for class
WsEngine - Class in
WsEngineSettings - Class in
WsEngineSettings(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
WsException - Exception in
WsException(String) - Constructor for exception
WsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
WsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
WsFragmentFrame<T> - Class in
WsFrame<T> - Class in
wsLane() - Method in class swim.api.agent.AbstractAgent
wsLane() - Method in interface swim.api.lane.LaneFactory
wsLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentNode
wsLane() - Method in class swim.system.agent.AgentView
WsLane<I,O> - Interface in
WsLink - Interface in
WsOpcode - Enum Class in
WsPingFrame<P,T> - Class in
WsPongFrame<P,T> - Class in
wsRequest() - Method in class
WsRequest - Class in
WebSocket handshake request.
WsRequest(HttpRequest<?>, SecWebSocketKeyHeader, FingerTrieSeq<String>, HashTrieMap<String, Cookie>, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>) - Constructor for class
wsResponse() - Method in class
WsResponse - Class in
WebSocket handshake response.
WsResponse(HttpRequest<?>, HttpResponse<?>, String, FingerTrieSeq<WebSocketExtension>) - Constructor for class
wsSettings - Variable in class
wsSettings - Variable in class
wsSettings - Variable in class
wsSettings - Variable in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in interface
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class
wsSettings() - Method in class swim.remote.RemoteKernel
wsSettings(WsSettings) - Method in class
wsSettings(WsSettings) - Method in class
WsSettings - Class in
WebSocket configuration parameters.
WsSettings(HttpSettings, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
WsStandardDecoder - Class in
WsStandardDecoder() - Constructor for class
WsStandardEncoder - Class in
WsStandardEncoder() - Constructor for class
WsStatus - Class in
WsTextFrame<T> - Class in
WsUpgradeRequester - Class in
WsUpgradeRequester(WebSocket<?, ?>, WsRequest, WsSettings) - Constructor for class
WsUpgradeResponder - Class in
WsUpgradeResponder(WebSocket<?, ?>, WsResponse, WsSettings) - Constructor for class
WsUplink - Interface in


x - Variable in class swim.math.R2Point
x - Variable in class swim.math.R2Vector
x - Variable in class swim.math.R3Point
x - Variable in class swim.math.R3Vector
x - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Point
x - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Vector
x - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Point
x - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Vector
x - Variable in class
x() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
x() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
x() - Method in class
x() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
x() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
x509CertificateChain() - Method in class
x509CertificateChain() - Method in class
x509Sha1Thumbprint() - Method in class
x509Sha1Thumbprint() - Method in class
x509Sha256Thumbprint() - Method in class
x509Sha256Thumbprint() - Method in class
x509Url() - Method in class
x509Url() - Method in class
xBase() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
xBase() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
xBase() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
xBase() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
xMask() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
xMask() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
xMask() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
xMax - Variable in class swim.math.R2Box
xMax - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
xMax - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Box
xMax - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
xMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
xMin - Variable in class swim.math.R2Box
xMin - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
xMin - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Box
xMin - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
xMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
xml(Value) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
xml(V) - Method in class swim.xml.XmlParser
Xml - Class in swim.xml
Factory for constructing XML parsers and writers.
XmlParser<I,V> - Class in swim.xml
Factory for constructing XML parsers and parse trees.
XmlParser() - Constructor for class swim.xml.XmlParser
XmlStructureParser - Class in swim.xml
XmlStructureParser() - Constructor for class swim.xml.XmlStructureParser
xor(FlowControl) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowControl with all operations enabled in this or that—but not both—enabled.
xor(FlowModifier) - Method in enum class
Returns the FlowModifier with all modifications applied in this or that—but not both—applied, with enable instructions taking precedence over conflicting disable instructions.
xRank() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
xRank() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
xRank() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
xRank() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
xSplit() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
xSplit() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
xSplit() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
xWebkitDeflateFrame(boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class swim.http.WebSocketExtension


y - Variable in class swim.math.R2Point
y - Variable in class swim.math.R2Vector
y - Variable in class swim.math.R3Point
y - Variable in class swim.math.R3Vector
y - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Point
y - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Vector
y - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Point
y - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Vector
y - Variable in class
y() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
y() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
y() - Method in class
y() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
y() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
yBase() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
yBase() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
yBase() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
yBase() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
yellow(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII yellow foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
yellowBold(Output<T>) - Static method in class swim.codec.OutputStyle
Writes the ASCII bold yellow foreground color escape code to output, if output.settings().isStyled() is true.
yMask() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
yMask() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
yMask() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
yMax - Variable in class swim.math.R2Box
yMax - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
yMax - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Box
yMax - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
yMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
yMin - Variable in class swim.math.R2Box
yMin - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
yMin - Variable in class swim.math.Z2Box
yMin - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Box
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Circle
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Point
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R2Shape
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Box
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Point
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z2Shape
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
yMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
yRank() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
yRank() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
yRank() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreeEntry
yRank() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage
ySplit() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePage
ySplit() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
ySplit() - Method in class swim.spatial.QTreePage


z - Variable in class swim.math.R3Point
z - Variable in class swim.math.R3Vector
z - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Point
z - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Vector
Z - Class in swim.math
Z() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z
Z_BEST_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_BEST_SPEED - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_BINARY - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_BLOCK - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_BLOCK - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_BUF_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_BUF_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_DATA_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_DATA_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_ERRNO - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_ERRNO - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_FILTERED - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_FINISH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_FINISH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_FIXED - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_FULL_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_FULL_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_MEM_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_MEM_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_NEED_DICT - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_NEED_DICT - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_NO_COMPRESSION - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_NO_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_NO_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_NO_WRAP - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_NO_WRAP - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_OK - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_OK - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_RLE - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_STREAM_END - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_STREAM_END - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_STREAM_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_STREAM_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_SYNC_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_SYNC_FLUSH - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_TEXT - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_TREES - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_TREES - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_VERSION_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_VERSION_ERROR - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_WRAP_GZIP - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_WRAP_GZIP - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z_WRAP_ZLIB - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Deflate
Z_WRAP_ZLIB - Static variable in class swim.deflate.Inflate
Z2 - Class in swim.math
Z2() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2
Z2Boundary<T> - Interface in swim.math
Z2Box - Class in swim.math
Z2Box(long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2Box
Z2Form<T> - Class in swim.math
Z2Form() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2Form
Z2Point - Class in swim.math
Z2Point(long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2Point
Z2Shape - Class in swim.math
Z2Shape() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2Shape
Z2ToR2Function - Interface in swim.math
Z2ToR2Operator - Interface in swim.math
Z2Vector - Class in swim.math
Z2Vector(long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z2Vector
Z3 - Class in swim.math
Z3() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3
Z3Boundary<T> - Interface in swim.math
Z3Box - Class in swim.math
Z3Box(long, long, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3Box
Z3Form<T> - Class in swim.math
Z3Form() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3Form
Z3Point - Class in swim.math
Z3Point(long, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3Point
Z3Shape - Class in swim.math
Z3Shape() - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3Shape
Z3ToR3Function - Interface in swim.math
Z3ToR3Operator - Interface in swim.math
Z3Vector - Class in swim.math
Z3Vector(long, long, long) - Constructor for class swim.math.Z3Vector
zero() - Static method in class swim.codec.Mark
Returns a Mark at byte offset 0, line 1, and column 1, with no attached note.
zero() - Method in class swim.math.R
zero() - Method in class swim.math.R2
zero() - Static method in class swim.math.R2Vector
zero() - Method in class swim.math.R3
zero() - Static method in class swim.math.R3Vector
zero() - Method in interface swim.math.Ring
zero() - Method in class swim.math.RN
zero() - Method in class swim.math.TensorArraySpace
zero() - Method in interface swim.math.TensorSpace
zero() - Method in interface swim.math.VectorModule
zero() - Method in interface swim.math.VectorSpace
zero() - Method in class swim.math.Z
zero() - Method in class swim.math.Z2
zero() - Static method in class swim.math.Z2Vector
zero() - Method in class swim.math.Z3
zero() - Static method in class swim.math.Z3Vector
zero(TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.MutableTensor
zero(TensorDims) - Static method in class swim.math.Tensor
zero(TensorDims, Precision) - Static method in class swim.math.MutableTensor
zigZagDecoder(ProtobufZigZagType<T>) - Method in class swim.protobuf.decoder.ProtobufDecoder
zigZagType() - Static method in class swim.protobuf.structure.ProtobufStructure
zMax - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
zMax - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
zMax() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
zMin - Variable in class swim.math.R3Box
zMin - Variable in class swim.math.Z3Box
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Box
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Point
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Shape
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.R3Sphere
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Box
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Point
zMin() - Method in class swim.math.Z3Shape
zone() - Method in class swim.db.BTreePageRef
zone() - Method in class swim.db.Chunk
zone() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
zone() - Method in class swim.db.Page
zone() - Method in class swim.db.PageRef
zone() - Method in class swim.db.QTreePageRef
zone() - Method in class swim.db.Store
zone() - Method in class swim.db.STreePageRef
zone() - Method in class swim.db.UTreePageRef
zone(int) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
zone(int) - Method in class swim.db.Store
Zone - Class in swim.db
Zone() - Constructor for class swim.db.Zone
zoneFile(int) - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
zoneFileExt() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
zoneFiles() - Method in class swim.db.FileStore
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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