Interface StreamletScope<O>

All Known Subinterfaces:
GenericStreamlet<I,O>, RecordOutlet, Streamlet<I,O>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRecordOutlet, AbstractRecordStreamlet, AbstractStreamlet, DownlinkRecord, DownlinkStreamlet, ListDownlinkRecord, MapDownlinkRecord, RecordModel, RecordScope, RecordStreamlet, ValueDownlinkRecord

public interface StreamletScope<O>
  • Method Details

    • streamletScope

      StreamletScope<? extends O> streamletScope()
      Returns the lexically scoped parent of this StreamletScope. Returns null if this StreamletScope has no lexical parent.
    • streamletContext

      StreamletContext streamletContext()
      Returns the environment in which this StreamletScope operates.
    • outlet

      Outlet<O> outlet(String key)
      Returns an Outlet that updates when the specified key updates.