Class Theater

All Implemented Interfaces:
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, Executor, MainStage, Schedule, Stage

public class Theater extends Object implements MainStage, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Stage that executes timers, tasks, and continuations on a ForkJoinPool.
  • Constructor Details

    • Theater

      public Theater(TheaterDef theaterDef)
    • Theater

      public Theater(String name, int parallelism, Schedule schedule)
    • Theater

      public Theater(String name, int parallelism)
    • Theater

      public Theater(String name, Schedule schedule)
    • Theater

      public Theater(String name)
    • Theater

      public Theater(int parallelism, Schedule schedule)
    • Theater

      public Theater(int parallelism)
    • Theater

      public Theater(Schedule schedule)
    • Theater

      public Theater()
  • Method Details

    • name

      public final String name()
    • parallelism

      public final int parallelism()
    • schedule

      public final Schedule schedule()
    • setSchedule

      public void setSchedule(Schedule schedule)
    • start

      public void start()
      Ensures that this Theater is up and running.
      Specified by:
      start in interface MainStage
      IllegalStateException - if this Theater has been stopped.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Ensures that this Theater has been permanently stopped, shutting down the thread pool, if it's currently running. Upon return, this Theater is guaranteed to be in the stopped state.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface MainStage
    • execute

      public void execute(Runnable runnable)
      Description copied from interface: Stage
      Schedules a runnable for concurrent execution.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface Executor
      Specified by:
      execute in interface Stage
    • task

      public TaskRef task(TaskFunction task)
      Description copied from interface: Stage
      Returns an uncued TaskRef bound to the task, which can later be used to cue the task.
      Specified by:
      task in interface Stage
    • call

      public <T> Call<T> call(Cont<T> cont)
      Description copied from interface: Stage
      Returns a Call that completes the continuation.
      Specified by:
      call in interface Stage
    • timer

      public TimerRef timer(TimerFunction timer)
      Description copied from interface: Schedule
      Returns an unscheduled TimerRef bound to timer, which can later be used to schedule timer.
      Specified by:
      timer in interface Schedule
    • setTimer

      public TimerRef setTimer(long millis, TimerFunction timer)
      Description copied from interface: Schedule
      Schedules timer to execute after millis milliseconds have elapsed. Returns a TimerRef that can be used to check the status of, reschedule, and cancel timer.
      Specified by:
      setTimer in interface Schedule
    • didStart

      protected void didStart()
      Lifecycle callback invoked before the thread pool starts up.
    • didStop

      protected void didStop()
      Lifecycle callback invoked after the thread pool shuts down.
    • didFail

      protected void didFail(Throwable error)
      Lifecycle callback invoked if this Theater encounters an internal error.
    • taskWillCue

      protected void taskWillCue(TaskFunction task)
      Introspection callback invoked before a task is cued for execution.
    • taskDidCancel

      protected void taskDidCancel(TaskFunction task)
      Introspection callback invoked after a cued task is canceled.
    • taskWillRun

      protected void taskWillRun(TaskFunction task)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately before task.runTask() is executed.
    • taskDidRun

      protected void taskDidRun(TaskFunction task)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately after task.runTask() returns nominally.
    • taskDidFail

      protected void taskDidFail(TaskFunction task, Throwable error)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately after task.runTask() fails by throwing an error.
    • callWillCue

      protected void callWillCue(Cont<?> cont)
      Introspection callback invoked before a cont call is cued for execution.
    • callWillBind

      protected <T> void callWillBind(Cont<T> cont, T value)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately before a call to cont.bind(value).
    • callDidBind

      protected <T> void callDidBind(Cont<?> cont, T value)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.bind(value) returns nominally.
    • callWillTrap

      protected void callWillTrap(Cont<?> cont, Throwable error)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately before a call to cont.trap(error).
    • callDidTrap

      protected void callDidTrap(Cont<?> cont, Throwable error)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.trap(error) returns nominally.
    • callDidFail

      protected void callDidFail(Cont<?> cont, Throwable error)
      Introspection callback invoked immediately after a call to cont.bind(T) fails by throwing an error.
    • uncaughtException

      public void uncaughtException(Thread thead, Throwable error)
      Specified by:
      uncaughtException in interface Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler