Module swim.util

Package swim.util

package swim.util
Extended collection, iterator, and builder interfaces, lightweight cache sets and maps, and other foundational utilities.
  • Class
    Type that accumulates input values of type I, and binds an output result of type O.
    Type that accumulates map entries, and binds an output result of type O.
    A hashed generational cache map discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
    A hashed generational cache set discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
    A hashed generational map evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
    A hashed generational set evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
    Takes actions when presented messages of various severities.
    32-bit MurmurHash algorithm, version 3.
    Type that accumulates pairs of input values, and binds an output result of type O.
    An OrderedMap that memoizes partial combinations of sub-elements to support efficient, incremental reduction of continuously mutating datasets.
    Level of importance.