Interface Schedule

All Known Subinterfaces:
MainStage, Stage
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAgent, AgentModel, AgentNode, Clock, MetaEdgeAgent, MetaHostAgent, MetaLaneAgent, MetaMeshAgent, MetaPartAgent, SideStage, StageClock, Theater

public interface Schedule
Timetable for executing timers at their scheduled times. Schedule is thread safe.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setTimer(long millis, TimerFunction timer)
    Schedules timer to execute after millis milliseconds have elapsed.
    Returns an unscheduled TimerRef bound to timer, which can later be used to schedule timer.
  • Method Details

    • timer

      TimerRef timer(TimerFunction timer)
      Returns an unscheduled TimerRef bound to timer, which can later be used to schedule timer.
    • setTimer

      TimerRef setTimer(long millis, TimerFunction timer)
      Schedules timer to execute after millis milliseconds have elapsed. Returns a TimerRef that can be used to check the status of, reschedule, and cancel timer.