Class Text

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<Item>, Iterable<Item>, Debug, Display

public class Text extends Value
  • Field Details

    • value

      protected final String value
  • Constructor Details

    • Text

      protected Text(String value)
  • Method Details

    • isConstant

      public boolean isConstant()
      Description copied from class: Item
      Returns true if this Item always evaluates to the same Item.
      Specified by:
      isConstant in class Item
    • size

      public int size()
    • stringValue

      public String stringValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a String value, if possible.
      stringValue in class Value
    • stringValue

      public String stringValue(String orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a String value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a string value.
      stringValue in class Value
    • byteValue

      public byte byteValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive byte value, if possible.
      byteValue in class Value
    • byteValue

      public byte byteValue(byte orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive byte value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive byte value.
      byteValue in class Value
    • shortValue

      public short shortValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive short value, if possible.
      shortValue in class Value
    • shortValue

      public short shortValue(short orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive short value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive short value.
      shortValue in class Value
    • intValue

      public int intValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive int value, if possible.
      intValue in class Value
    • intValue

      public int intValue(int orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive int value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive int value.
      intValue in class Value
    • longValue

      public long longValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive long value, if possible.
      longValue in class Value
    • longValue

      public long longValue(long orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive long value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive long value.
      longValue in class Value
    • floatValue

      public float floatValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive float value, if possible.
      floatValue in class Value
    • floatValue

      public float floatValue(float orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive float value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive float value.
      floatValue in class Value
    • doubleValue

      public double doubleValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive double value, if possible.
      doubleValue in class Value
    • doubleValue

      public double doubleValue(double orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive double value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive double value.
      doubleValue in class Value
    • integerValue

      public BigInteger integerValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a BigInteger value, if possible.
      integerValue in class Value
    • integerValue

      public BigInteger integerValue(BigInteger orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a BigInteger value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a BigInteger value.
      integerValue in class Value
    • numberValue

      public Number numberValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a Number object, if possible.
      numberValue in class Value
    • numberValue

      public Number numberValue(Number orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a Number object, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a Number object.
      numberValue in class Value
    • charValue

      public char charValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive char value, if possible.
      charValue in class Value
    • charValue

      public char charValue(char orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive char value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive char value.
      charValue in class Value
    • booleanValue

      public boolean booleanValue()
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value, if possible.
      booleanValue in class Value
    • booleanValue

      public boolean booleanValue(boolean orElse)
      Description copied from class: Value
      Converts this Value into a primitive boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Value can't be converted into a primitive boolean value.
      booleanValue in class Value
    • plus

      public Value plus(Value that)
      plus in class Value
    • plus

      public Text plus(Text that)
    • branch

      public Text branch()
      branch in class Value
    • commit

      public Text commit()
      Description copied from class: Item
      Flags this Item as immutable, recursively if it is a Record, then returns this Item.
      commit in class Value
    • typeOrder

      public int typeOrder()
      Description copied from class: Item
      Returns the heterogeneous sort order of this Item. Used to impose a total order on the set of all items. When comparing two items of different types, the items order according to their typeOrder.
      Specified by:
      typeOrder in class Item
    • compareTo

      public final int compareTo(Item other)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Item>
      Specified by:
      compareTo in class Item
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object other)
      Specified by:
      equals in class Item
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in class Item
    • debug

      public <T> Output<T> debug(Output<T> output)
      Description copied from interface: Debug
      Writes a developer readable, debug-formatted string representation of this object to output.
      Specified by:
      debug in interface Debug
      Specified by:
      debug in class Item
      the continuation of the output.
    • display

      public <T> Output<T> display(Output<T> output)
      Description copied from interface: Display
      Writes a human readable, display-formatted string representation of this object to output.
      Specified by:
      display in interface Display
      display in class Item
      the continuation of the output.
    • empty

      public static Text empty()
    • from

      public static Text from(String value)
    • fromObject

      public static Text fromObject(Object object)
    • output

      public static Output<Text> output(OutputSettings settings)
    • output

      public static Output<Text> output()