Class Form<T>

Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayForm, BigIntegerForm, BooleanForm, ByteBufferForm, ByteForm, CharacterForm, ClassForm, CollectionForm, DoubleForm, FieldForm, FloatForm, IntegerForm, ItemForm, LongForm, MapForm, NumberForm, PolyForm, R2Form, R3Form, ShortForm, StringForm, TagForm, TensorForm, UnitForm, UriForm, UriPathForm, UriPatternForm, ValueForm, Z2Form, Z3Form

public abstract class Form<T> extends Object
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a nominally typed Java object.
  • Constructor Details

    • Form

      public Form()
  • Method Details

    • tag

      public String tag()
      Returns the key of the tag attribute that distinguishes structures of this Form; returns null if this Form has no distinguishing tag attribute. Used to accelerate distrcrimination of polymorphic structural types with nominal type hints.
    • tag

      public Form<T> tag(String tag)
      Returns a version of this Form that requires a head Attr with the given tag name.
    • unit

      public T unit()
      Returns a default–possibly null–value of type T. Used as the fallback return value when coercing an invalid structural value.
    • unit

      public Form<T> unit(T unit)
      Returns a version of this Form with the given unit value.
    • type

      public abstract Class<?> type()
      Returns the reified Class of type T.
    • mold

      public Item mold(T object, Item item)
      Converts a nominally typed Java object into its structurally typed equivalent based on the provided prototype item. The passed-in item is assumed to be non-null. The returned Item must never be null.
    • mold

      public abstract Item mold(T object)
      Converts a nominally typed Java object into its structurally typed equivalent. The returned Item must never be null.
    • cast

      public T cast(Item item, T object)
      Converts a structurally typed item into a nominally typed Java object based on the provided prototype object. The passed-in item is assumed to be non-null. The passed-in prototype object may be null.
    • cast

      public abstract T cast(Item item)
      Converts a structurally typed item into a nominally typed Java object. The passed-in item is assumed to be non-null.
    • forByte

      public static Form<Byte> forByte()
      Utility method to receive a singleton ByteForm.
    • forShort

      public static Form<Short> forShort()
      Utility method to receive a singleton ShortForm.
    • forInteger

      public static Form<Integer> forInteger()
      Utility method to receive a singleton IntegerForm.
    • forLong

      public static Form<Long> forLong()
      Utility method to receive a singleton LongForm.
    • forFloat

      public static Form<Float> forFloat()
      Utility method to receive a singleton FloatForm.
    • forDouble

      public static Form<Double> forDouble()
      Utility method to receive a singleton DoubleForm.
    • forCharacter

      public static Form<Character> forCharacter()
      Utility method to receive a singleton CharacterForm.
    • forBoolean

      public static Form<Boolean> forBoolean()
      Utility method to receive a singleton BooleanForm.
    • forBigInteger

      public static final Form<BigInteger> forBigInteger()
      Utility method to receive a singleton BigIntegerForm.
    • forNumber

      public static Form<Number> forNumber()
      Utility method to receive a singleton NumberForm.
    • forString

      public static Form<String> forString()
      Utility method to receive a singleton StringForm.
    • forByteBuffer

      public static Form<ByteBuffer> forByteBuffer()
      Utility method to receive a singleton ByteBufferForm.
    • forItem

      public static Form<Item> forItem()
      Utility method to receive a singleton ItemForm.
    • forValue

      public static Form<Value> forValue()
      Utility method to receive a singleton ValueForm.
    • forArray

      public static <T> Form<T> forArray(Class<?> type, Form<?> form)
      Utility method to construct an ArrayForm.
    • forCollection

      public static <CC, T> Form<CC> forCollection(Class<?> type, Form<T> form)
      Utility method to construct a CollectionForm.
    • forList

      public static <T> Form<List<T>> forList(Form<T> form)
      Utility method to construct a CollectionForm where the underlying collection is of type List<T>.
    • forSet

      public static <T> Form<Set<T>> forSet(Form<T> form)
      Utility method to construct a CollectionForm where the underlying collection is of type List<T>.
    • forMap

      public static <CC, K, V> Form<CC> forMap(Class<?> type, Form<K> keyForm, Form<V> valForm)
      Utility method to construct a MapForm where casts return objects of type type.
      ClassCastException - if type does not extend Map
    • forMap

      public static <K, V> Form<Map<K,V>> forMap(Form<K> keyForm, Form<V> valForm)
      Utility method to construct a MapForm.
    • isBuiltin

      public static boolean isBuiltin(Class<?> type)
      Returns whether type has a built-in base (i.e. is defined in swim.structure.form and is not a CollectionForm) Form.
    • forBuiltin

      public static <T> Form<T> forBuiltin(Class<?> type)
      Returns the type built-in Form for type if it exists, and null if it does not.
    • forClass

      public static <T> Form<T> forClass(Class<?> type, PolyForm scope)
      Returns a Form for type against scope preferring built-in Forms to ClassForm constructions whenever possible.
    • forClass

      public static <T> Form<T> forClass(Class<?> type)
      Returns a Form for type preferring built-in Forms to ClassForm constructions whenever possible.