Module swim.codec
Package swim.codec

Class InputBuffer


public abstract class InputBuffer extends Input
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
  • Constructor Details

    • InputBuffer

      public InputBuffer()
  • Method Details

    • isPart

      public abstract InputBuffer isPart(boolean isPart)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns a partial Input equivalent to this Input, if isPart is true; returns a final Input equivalent to this Input if isPart is false. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      isPart in class Input
    • index

      public abstract int index()
    • index

      public abstract InputBuffer index(int index)
    • limit

      public abstract int limit()
    • limit

      public abstract InputBuffer limit(int limit)
    • capacity

      public abstract int capacity()
    • remaining

      public abstract int remaining()
    • array

      public abstract byte[] array()
    • arrayOffset

      public abstract int arrayOffset()
    • has

      public abstract boolean has(int index)
    • get

      public abstract int get(int index)
    • set

      public abstract void set(int index, int token)
    • step

      public abstract InputBuffer step()
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but advanced to the next token. Returns an Input in the error state if this Input is not in the cont state. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      step in class Input
    • step

      public abstract InputBuffer step(int offset)
    • seek

      public abstract InputBuffer seek(Mark mark)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but repositioned to the given mark. Returns an Input in the error state if this Input does not support seeking, or if this Input is unable to reposition to the given mark. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      seek in class Input
    • fork

      public InputBuffer fork(Object condition)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but whose behavior may be altered by the given out-of-band condition. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      fork in class Input
    • id

      public abstract InputBuffer id(Object id)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but logically identified by the given–possibly nullid. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      id in class Input
    • mark

      public abstract InputBuffer mark(Mark mark)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but logically positioned at the given mark. The physical position in the input stream is not modified. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      mark in class Input
    • settings

      public abstract InputBuffer settings(InputSettings settings)
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an Input equivalent to this Input, but with the given input settings. The caller's reference to this Input should be replaced by the returned Input.
      Specified by:
      settings in class Input
    • clone

      public abstract InputBuffer clone()
      Description copied from class: Input
      Returns an independently positioned view into the token stream, initialized with identical state to this Input.
      Specified by:
      clone in class Input
    • empty

      public static InputBuffer empty()
      Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state.
    • empty

      public static InputBuffer empty(InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, with the given settings.
    • empty

      public static InputBuffer empty(Object id, Mark mark)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
    • empty

      public static InputBuffer empty(Object id, Mark mark, InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the empty state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
    • done

      public static InputBuffer done()
      Returns an InputBuffer in the done state.
    • done

      public static InputBuffer done(InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, with the given settings.
    • done

      public static InputBuffer done(Object id, Mark mark)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
    • done

      public static InputBuffer done(Object id, Mark mark, InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the done state, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.
    • error

      public static InputBuffer error(Throwable error)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error.
    • error

      public static InputBuffer error(Throwable error, InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error and settings.
    • error

      public static InputBuffer error(Throwable error, Object id, Mark mark)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id.
    • error

      public static InputBuffer error(Throwable error, Object id, Mark mark, InputSettings settings)
      Returns an InputBuffer in the error state, with the given input error, at the mark position of a token stream logically identified by id, with the given settings.