All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for all Agents.
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Task.
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Timer.
Internal context that enables URI-based addressability, contextual Lane and Store creation mechanisms, logging, and scheduling to some Agent.
For some class A extends Agent, factory to create instances of A.
AgentRoute<A extends Agent>
Factory for agents that are lazily instantiated when a node URI route pattern is accessed.
Internal context that provides concrete implementations for most AgentRoute methods.
For some type, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an array of elements with that type.
Factory for constructing Avro decoders and encoders.
Base-10 (decimal) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
Base-16 (hexadecimal) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
Base-64 (7-bit ASCII) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a BigInteger.
Byte Input/Output factory.
An Operator that represents a binary operation, i.e.
Significant bit interval encoding.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double.
Interface between a guest language execution environment and a host runtime.
A host object that wraps a guest value and its dynamic bridge.
Immutable OrderedMap backed by a B-tree.
Mutable, thread-safe Map backed by a B-tree.
Type that accumulates input values of type I, and binds an output result of type O.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a ByteBuffer.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Byte.
Handle used to eventually complete an asynchronous operation by invoking a Continuation.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Character.
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "children" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
For some Class, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an instance of that Class.
Transport-layer security client authentication configuration.
Hashed wheel timer Schedule.
Continuation of an asynchronous operation.
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a Call or Continuation.
Factory for constructing CSV parsers and writers.
Type that can output a developer readable debug string.
Continuation of how to decode subsequent input buffers from a byte stream.
Thrown when a Decoder decodes invalid data.
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter stack, yields all of the "descendants" of the top Item in stack.
Informational message attached to an input location.
Type that can output a human readable display string.
A BinaryOperator that represents a division operation between its two operands.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double.
Used to trap a continuation when a PullRequest drops.
Dynamically generated Decoder continuation.
Dynamically generated Encoder continuation.
Continuation of how encode subsequent output buffers for a byte stream.
Thrown when an Encoder encodes invalid data.
Type that accumulates map entries, and binds an output result of type O.
A BinaryOperator that represents an equality comparison between its two operands.
A combination of operators, constants, and variables.
A Selector that, when evaluated, yields each Item in interpreter such that evaluating predicate against this Item would select at least one defined result.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Float.
Flow-controlled network channel context.
Network channel flow state, controlling accept, connect, read, and write operations.
Network channel flow delta, modifying read and write operations.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a nominally typed Java object.
Text format utility functions.
A BinaryOperator that represents greater than or equal to operation between its two operands.
A Selector that, when evaluated, searches all variables in its evaluation scope and yields the most recent Value that corresponds to key.
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly greater than operation between its two operands.
A host object that wraps a guest value.
A hashed generational cache map discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
A hashed generational cache set discards the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
A hashed generational map evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
A hashed generational set evicts the least recently used value with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
A host object that has a dynamic array type descriptor.
A dynamic array type descriptor for a host type.
A dynamic object type descriptor for an instantiable host type.
A dynamically typed constructor descriptor for a host type.
A dynamically typed field descriptor for a host type.
A host object that has a dynamic function type descriptor.
A dynamic function type descriptor for a host type.
A collection of dynamically typed module descriptors representing a host library.
A dynamically typed member descriptor for a host type.
A dynamically typed method descriptor for a host type.
A host object that has a dynamic object type descriptor.
A dynamic object type descriptor for a host type.
A collection of dynamic type descriptors representing a host package.
A collection of dynamically typed library descriptors representing a host runtime.
A dynamically typed static field descriptor for a host type.
A dynamically typed static member descriptor for a host type.
A dynamically typed static method descriptor for a host type.
A dynamic type descriptor for a host type.
A host object that has a dynamic type descriptor.
HTTP configuration parameters.
Input connector into a Streamlet.
Non-blocking token stream reader, with single token lookahead.
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
Thrown when reading invalid Input.
Input consumption parameters.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and an Integer.
IP network connection context.
Network interface for binding and connecting IP sockets and modems.
Network socket binding that provides asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
Network service listener that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
Network listener context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
External handle to a network IpService listener.
IP Socket configuration parameters.
Network socket binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
Adapter from a flow-controlled IpSocket to a decoder/encoder controlled IpModem.
External handle to a network IpSocket.
Fall-through "transformation" between a structural Item and a nominal Item.
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and writers.
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and parse trees.
Factory for constructing JSON writers.
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "keys" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
A BinaryOperator that represents a less than or equal to comparison between its two operands.
A Selector that, when evaluated, evaluates and yields item against interpreter.
Takes actions when presented messages of various severities.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Long.
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly less than comparison between its two operands.
Stage that can be started and stopped.
For some Map<K,V>, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and an instance of that Map.
Input connector into a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
Output connector from a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
Description of a source position, identified by byte offset, line, and column number, with an optional note.
A BinaryOperator that represents a subtraction operation between its two operands.
A BinaryOperator that represents a modulus operation between its two operands.
32-bit MurmurHash algorithm, version 3.
A BinaryOperator that represents an inequality comparison between its two operands.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Number.
An Expression that identifies an operation on constants, variables, or Selector expressions.
Output connector from a Streamlet.
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Outlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
A MapInlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever the MapInlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Outlet whenever the MapInlet recoheres.
Non-blocking token stream writer.
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
Thrown when writing invalid Output.
Output production parameters.
Stylized text output utility functions.
Type that accumulates pairs of input values, and binds an output result of type O.
Continuation of how to parse subsequent Input tokens from a stream.
Thrown when a Parser parses invdalid syntax.
A BinaryOperator that represents an addition operation between its two operands.
A dynamic object type descriptor that has specialized members for specific guest languages.
Function interface that callers can optionally invoke concurrently.
Factory for constructing Protocol Buffers decoders and encoders.
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and writers.
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and parse trees.
Factory for constructing Recon writers.
RecordStreamlet<I extends Value,O extends Value>
An OrderedMap that memoizes partial combinations of sub-elements to support efficient, incremental reduction of continuously mutating datasets.
Timetable for executing timers at their scheduled times.
Marker interface for a Schedule definition.
Thrown when a Schedule encounters an error.
An Expression that returns references to Items when it is evaluated.
Level of importance.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Short.
Stage wrapper that prevents its underlying stage from being started and stopped.
Description of a source range, identified by a closed interval between start and end marks.
An execution context in which to schedule tasks, create continuation calls, and set timers.
Clock that invokes timer functions on an execution Stage, rather than on the clock thread.
Marker interface for a Stage definition.
Asynchronous I/O multiplexor.
Thrown when a Station encounters an error.
Backpressure aware continuation.
Source that can delay continuations.
Stateful node in a dataflow graph that uses the state of its Inlets to compute the state of its Outlets.
Environment in which a Streamlet executes.
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
An Inoutlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inoutlet decoheres, that recoheres the parameterized Streamlet whenever the Inoutlet recoheres, and which gets its state from the parameterized Streamlet.
An Outlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever the Outlet decoheres, and which gets its state from the parameterized Streamlet.
Mutable, thread-safe KeyedList backed by an S-Tree.
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a String.
Thread-local context variables.
A Continuation whose completion can be synchronously awaited.
Thrown when awaiting a Sync continuation times out.
Description of a source location.
Stateful TaskFunction to invoke as a sequential process on a concurrent execution Stage, with lifecycle callbacks, and a TaskContext for self-management.
Internal context that binds a Task to an execution Stage.
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a TaskFunction.
Function to invoke as a sequential process on a concurrent execution Stage.
External handle to a TaskFunction bound to an execution Stage.
TCP configuration parameters.
Stage that executes timers, tasks, and continuations on a ForkJoinPool.
Stateful TimerFunction to invoke at a scheduled time, with lifecycle callbacks, and a TimerContext for self-management.
Internal context that binds a Timer to a Schedule.
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a TimerFunction.
Function to invoke at a scheduled time.
External handle to a TimerFunction bound to a Schedule.
A BinaryOperator that represents a multiplication operation between its two operands.
TLS configuration parameters.
I/O transport binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO channel.
I/O transport context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO channel.
External handle to an I/O Transport.
Transport configuration parameters.
Trunk<T extends Tree>
SwimOS kernel module for routing HTTP requests for the bundled UI.
An Operator that represents a unary operation, i.e.
Unicode code point Input/Output/Writer factory.
UTF-8 Input/Output factory.
Unicode transformation format error handling mode.
Fall-through transformation between a structurally typed Item and a structurally typed Value.
A Selector that, when evaluated against some Interpreter, yields all of the "values" of the top Item in the interpreter's frame stack.
Continuation of how to write subsequent Output tokens to a stream.
Thrown when a Writer attempts to write invalid syntax.
WebSocket handshake request.
WebSocket handshake response.
WebSocket configuration parameters.
Factory for constructing XML parsers and writers.
Factory for constructing XML parsers and parse trees.