Module swim.codec
Package swim.codec

Class Base10


public final class Base10 extends Object
Base-10 (decimal) encoding Parser/Writer factory.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static int
    countDigits(int value)
    Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.
    static int
    countDigits(long value)
    Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.
    static Parser<Number>
    static int
    decodeDigit(int c)
    Returns the decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive) represented by the base-10 digit c.
    static Writer<?,Double>
    doubleWriter(long input)
    Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static int
    encodeDigit(int b)
    Returns the Unicode code point of the base-10 digit that encodes the given decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive).
    static Writer<?,Float>
    floatWriter(long input)
    Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static Parser<Number>
    static Writer<Integer,?>
    Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Integer value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static Writer<?,Integer>
    intWriter(int input)
    Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static boolean
    isDigit(int c)
    Returns true if the Unicode code point c is a valid base-10 digit.
    static Writer<Long,?>
    Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Long value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static Writer<?,Long>
    longWriter(long input)
    Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    static Parser<Number>
    static Parser<Number>
    static Parser<Number>
    static Parser<Number>
    static Writer<?,?>
    writeDouble(Output<?> output, double input)
    Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    static Writer<?,?>
    writeFloat(Output<?> output, float input)
    Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    static Writer<?,?>
    writeInt(Output<?> output, int input)
    Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    static Writer<?,?>
    writeLong(Output<?> output, long input)
    Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • parseNumber

      public static Parser<Number> parseNumber(Input input)
    • parseDecimal

      public static Parser<Number> parseDecimal(Input input)
    • parseInteger

      public static Parser<Number> parseInteger(Input input)
    • numberParser

      public static Parser<Number> numberParser()
    • decimalParser

      public static Parser<Number> decimalParser()
    • integerParser

      public static Parser<Number> integerParser()
    • intWriter

      public static Writer<Integer,?> intWriter()
      Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Integer value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • intWriter

      public static Writer<?,Integer> intWriter(int input)
      Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • longWriter

      public static Writer<Long,?> longWriter()
      Returns a Writer that, when fed an input Long value, returns a continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • longWriter

      public static Writer<?,Long> longWriter(long input)
      Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • floatWriter

      public static Writer<?,Float> floatWriter(long input)
      Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • doubleWriter

      public static Writer<?,Double> doubleWriter(long input)
      Returns a Writer continuation that writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value.
    • writeInt

      public static Writer<?,?> writeInt(Output<?> output, int input)
      Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    • writeLong

      public static Writer<?,?> writeLong(Output<?> output, long input)
      Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    • writeFloat

      public static Writer<?,?> writeFloat(Output<?> output, float input)
      Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    • writeDouble

      public static Writer<?,?> writeDouble(Output<?> output, double input)
      Writes the base-10 (decimal) encoding of the input value to the output, returning a Writer continuation that knows how to write any remaining output that couldn't be immediately generated.
    • isDigit

      public static boolean isDigit(int c)
      Returns true if the Unicode code point c is a valid base-10 digit.
    • decodeDigit

      public static int decodeDigit(int c)
      Returns the decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive) represented by the base-10 digit c.
      IllegalArgumentException - if c is not a valid base-10 digit.
    • encodeDigit

      public static int encodeDigit(int b)
      Returns the Unicode code point of the base-10 digit that encodes the given decimal quantity between 0 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive).
    • countDigits

      public static int countDigits(int value)
      Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.
    • countDigits

      public static int countDigits(long value)
      Returns the number of decimal digits in the given absolute value.