Module swim.deflate
Package swim.deflate

Class Deflate<O>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Deflate<O> extends Encoder<Encoder<?,O>,O> implements Cloneable
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input, int wrap, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input, int wrap, int level, int windowBits, int memlevel)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input, int wrap, int level, int windowBits)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input, int wrap, int level)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input, int wrap)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(Encoder<?,O> input)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(int wrap, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(int wrap, int level, int windowBits, int memlevel)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(int wrap, int level, int windowBits)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(int wrap, int level)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate(int wrap)
    • Deflate

      public Deflate()
  • Method Details

    • deflateInit

      protected void deflateInit(int wrap, int level, int windowBits, int memLevel, int strategy)
    • deflateResetKeep

      public void deflateResetKeep()
    • deflateReset

      public void deflateReset()
    • deflateParams

      public void deflateParams(int level, int strategy)
    • clone

      public Deflate<O> clone()
      clone in class Object
    • flush

      public Deflate<O> flush(int flush)
    • flush_pending

      protected void flush_pending()
    • feed

      public Deflate<O> feed(Encoder<?,O> input)
      Description copied from class: Encoder
      Returns an Encoder that represents the continuation of how to encode the given input object.
      feed in class Encoder<Encoder<?,O>,O>
    • pull

      public Encoder<Encoder<?,O>,O> pull(OutputBuffer<?> output)
      Description copied from class: Encoder
      Incrementally encodes as much output buffer data as possible, and returns another Encoder that represents the continuation of how to write additional buffer data. If isLast is true, then pull must return a terminated Encoder, i.e. an Encoder in the done state, or in the error state. The given output buffer is only guaranteed to be valid for the duration of the method call; references to output must not be stored.
      Specified by:
      pull in class Encoder<Encoder<?,O>,O>
    • deflate

      public boolean deflate(int flush)
    • deflateEnd

      protected void deflateEnd()
    • read_buf

      protected int read_buf(byte[] buf, int start, int size)
    • fill_window

      protected void fill_window()
    • deflate_stored

      protected int deflate_stored(int flush)
    • deflate_fast

      protected int deflate_fast(int flush)
    • deflate_slow

      protected int deflate_slow(int flush)
    • deflate_rle

      protected int deflate_rle(int flush)
    • deflate_huff

      protected int deflate_huff(int flush)