Interface Call<T>

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Call<T> extends Cont<T>
Handle used to eventually complete an asynchronous operation by invoking a Continuation. A Call abstracts over the execution context in which a Continuation runs. Think of a Call as a way to asynchronously invoke Cont.bind(T), and Cont#trap(Throwable). Use to get a Call that asynchronously executes a Continuation on an execution Stage.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    bind(T value)
    Completes this Call with a value by eventually invoking the bind(T) method of this Call's Continuation.
    Returns the Continuation that this Call completes.
    trap(Throwable error)
    Completes this Call with an error by eventually invoking the trap(Throwable) method of this Call's Continuation.
    tryBind(T value)
    Tries to complete this Call with a value, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed.
    Tries to complete this Call with an error, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed.
  • Method Details

    • cont

      Cont<T> cont()
      Returns the Continuation that this Call completes.
    • bind

      void bind(T value)
      Completes this Call with a value by eventually invoking the bind(T) method of this Call's Continuation.
      Specified by:
      bind in interface Cont<T>
      ContException - if this Call has already been completed.
    • trap

      void trap(Throwable error)
      Completes this Call with an error by eventually invoking the trap(Throwable) method of this Call's Continuation.
      Specified by:
      trap in interface Cont<T>
      ContException - if this Call has already been completed.
    • tryBind

      boolean tryBind(T value)
      Tries to complete this Call with a value, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed. If successful, the bind(T) method of this Call's Continuation will eventually be invoked.
    • tryTrap

      boolean tryTrap(Throwable error)
      Tries to complete this Call with an error, returning true if this operation caused the completion of the Call; returns false if this Call was already completed. If successful, the trap(Throwable) method of this Call's Continuation will eventually be invoked.