
Interface FlowContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
HttpClientContext, HttpRequesterContext, HttpResponderContext, HttpServerContext, HttpServiceContext, IpModemContext<I,O>, IpServiceContext, IpSocketContext, MqttServiceContext, MqttSocketContext<I,O>, TransportContext, TransportRef, WarpSocketContext, WebSocketContext<I,O>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHttpClient, AbstractHttpRequester, AbstractHttpResponder, AbstractHttpServer, AbstractHttpService, AbstractIpModem, AbstractIpService, AbstractIpSocket, AbstractMqttService, AbstractMqttSocket, AbstractWarpClient, AbstractWarpServer, AbstractWarpSocket, AbstractWebSocket, AbstractWsClient, AbstractWsServer, HttpClientModem, HttpClientRequester, HttpServerModem, HttpServerResponder, HttpSocketService, HttpWebResponder, IpSocketModem, MqttSocketModem, MqttSocketService, StaticHttpResponder, WarpWebSocket, WebServer, WebSocketModem, WsUpgradeRequester, WsUpgradeResponder

public interface FlowContext
Flow-controlled network channel context.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current FlowControl state of the underlying network channel.
    flowControl(FlowControl flowControl)
    Enqueues an atomic replacement of the underlying network channel's flow control state with a new flowControl.
    flowControl(FlowModifier flowModifier)
    Enqueues an atomic modification to the underlying network channel's flow control state by applying a flowModifier delta.
  • Method Details

    • flowControl

      FlowControl flowControl()
      Returns the current FlowControl state of the underlying network channel.
    • flowControl

      void flowControl(FlowControl flowControl)
      Enqueues an atomic replacement of the underlying network channel's flow control state with a new flowControl.
    • flowControl

      FlowControl flowControl(FlowModifier flowModifier)
      Enqueues an atomic modification to the underlying network channel's flow control state by applying a flowModifier delta.