Module swim.util
Package swim.util

Interface Builder<I,O>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRecordOutlet, AbstractRecordStreamlet, DownlinkRecord, DownlinkStreamlet, ListDownlinkRecord, MapDownlinkRecord, Record, RecordModel, RecordScope, RecordStreamlet, UriPathBuilder, UriQueryBuilder, ValueDownlinkRecord

public interface Builder<I,O>
Type that accumulates input values of type I, and binds an output result of type O.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(I input)
    Adds a single input value to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
    addAll(Collection<? extends I> inputs)
    Adds multiple input values to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
    Returns the output result of this builder.
  • Method Details

    • add

      boolean add(I input)
      Adds a single input value to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
    • addAll

      boolean addAll(Collection<? extends I> inputs)
      Adds multiple input values to this builder, returning true if the state of the builder changed.
    • bind

      O bind()
      Returns the output result of this builder.