Interface Inoutlet<I,O>

All Superinterfaces:
Inlet<I>, Outlet<O>
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInoutlet, AbstractMapInoutlet, MapFieldValuesCombinator, MapFieldValuesOperator, MapValueCombinator, MapValueOperator, MemoizeMapCombinator, MemoizeValueCombinator, StreamletInoutlet

public interface Inoutlet<I,O> extends Inlet<I>, Outlet<O>
  • Method Details

    • disconnectInputs

      void disconnectInputs()
      Disconnects all Inlets dominated by this Inoutlet in the dataflow dependency graph. Used to recursively clean up chains of combinators passing through this Inoutlet.
      Specified by:
      disconnectInputs in interface Inlet<I>
      Specified by:
      disconnectInputs in interface Outlet<I>
    • disconnectOutputs

      void disconnectOutputs()
      Disconnects all Inletss dominated by this Inoutlet in the dataflow graph. Used to recursively clean up chains of combinators passing through this Inoutlet.
      Specified by:
      disconnectOutputs in interface Inlet<I>
      Specified by:
      disconnectOutputs in interface Outlet<I>