All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
Absent |
AbstractAgent |
Abstract base class for all Agents .
AbstractAgentRoute<A extends Agent> |
AbstractAuthenticator |
AbstractDownlinkBinding |
AbstractHostObjectType<T> |
AbstractHostType<T> |
AbstractHttpClient |
AbstractHttpRequester<T> |
AbstractHttpResponder<T> |
AbstractHttpServer |
AbstractHttpService |
AbstractInlet<I> |
AbstractInoutlet<I,O> |
AbstractIpModem<I,O> |
AbstractIpService |
AbstractIpSocket |
AbstractMapInlet<K,V,O> |
AbstractMapInletMapOutlet<KI,KO,VI,VO,I,O> |
AbstractMapInletOutlet<K,V,I,O> |
AbstractMapInoutlet<K,VI,VO,I,O> |
AbstractMapOutlet<K,V,O> |
AbstractMqttService |
AbstractMqttSocket<I,O> |
AbstractOutlet<O> |
AbstractPlane |
AbstractPolicy |
AbstractRecordOutlet |
AbstractRecordStreamlet<I extends Value,O extends Value> |
AbstractService |
AbstractStreamlet<I,O> |
AbstractTask |
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Task .
AbstractTierBinding |
AbstractTimer |
Skeletal implementation of a stateful Timer .
AbstractUplinkContext |
AbstractWarpClient |
AbstractWarpRef |
AbstractWarpServer |
AbstractWarpSocket |
AbstractWebSocket<I,O> |
AbstractWsClient |
AbstractWsServer |
AcceptCharsetHeader |
AcceptEncodingHeader |
AcceptHeader |
AcceptLanguageHeader |
ActorAgentRoute |
ActorAuthenticator |
ActorCell |
ActorHost |
ActorHostDef |
ActorIdentity |
ActorKernel |
ActorLane |
ActorLaneDef |
ActorMesh |
ActorMeshDef |
ActorNode |
ActorNodeDef |
ActorPart |
ActorPartDef |
ActorSpace |
ActorSpaceDef |
ActorTier |
AffineSpace<P,V,S> |
Agent |
AgentContext |
Internal context that enables URI-based addressability, contextual
Lane and Store creation mechanisms, logging, and scheduling to some
Agent .
AgentDef |
AgentException |
AgentFactory<A extends Agent> |
For some class A extends Agent , factory to create instances of
A .
AgentLane |
AgentModel |
AgentNode |
AgentPolicy |
AgentPulse |
AgentRoute<A extends Agent> |
Factory for agents that are lazily instantiated when a node
URI route pattern is accessed.
AgentRouteContext |
Internal context that provides concrete implementations for most AgentRoute methods.
AgentRoutePolicy |
AgentTimer |
AgentView |
AllowHeader |
AlternativeRoute |
AndOperator |
AndOutlet |
Arg |
ArrayForm |
For some type, a transformation between a structurally typed Item and
an array of elements with that type.
Attr |
AttrForm<T> |
AuthedResponse |
Authenticated |
Authenticator |
AuthenticatorAddress |
AuthenticatorContext |
AuthenticatorDef |
AuthenticatorException |
AuthenticatorKernel |
AuthRequest |
Avro |
Factory for constructing Avro decoders and encoders.
AvroArrayType<I,T> |
AvroBooleanType<T> |
AvroComplexType<T> |
AvroDataType<T> |
AvroDecoder |
AvroDoubleType<T> |
AvroEnumType<T> |
AvroException |
AvroFieldType<V,R> |
AvroFixedType<T> |
AvroFloatType<T> |
AvroIntType<T> |
AvroKind |
AvroLongType<T> |
AvroMapType<K,V,T> |
AvroMember |
AvroName |
AvroNamedType<T> |
AvroNamespace |
AvroNullType<T> |
AvroOrder |
AvroPrimitiveType<T> |
AvroRecordType<T,R> |
AvroReflection |
AvroStringType<T> |
AvroStructure |
AvroType<T> |
AvroUnionType<T> |
AvroVarintType<T> |
Base10 |
Base16 |
Base64 |
BigIntegerForm |
Binary |
BinaryOperator |
An Operator that represents a binary operation, i.e.
BinaryOutlet |
BitInterval |
Significant bit interval encoding.
BitwiseAndOperator |
BitwiseAndOutlet |
BitwiseNotOperator |
BitwiseNotOutlet |
BitwiseOrOperator |
BitwiseOrOutlet |
BitwiseXorOperator |
BitwiseXorOutlet |
Bool |
BooleanForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double .
BootKernel |
Boundary<T> |
Bridge |
Interface between a guest language execution environment and a host runtime.
BridgeException |
BridgeFunc |
BridgeGuest |
A host object that wraps a guest value and its dynamic bridge.
BTree<K,V> |
BTree |
BTreeContext<K,V> |
BTreeDelegate |
BTreeLeaf |
BTreeMap<K,V,U> |
Mutable, thread-safe Map backed by a B-tree.
BTreeMap |
BTreeMapView |
BTreeNode |
BTreePage<K,V,U> |
BTreePage |
BTreePageRef |
Builder<I,O> |
Type that accumulates input values of type I , and binds an output
result of type O .
ByteBufferForm |
ByteForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Byte .
Call<T> |
Handle used to eventually complete an asynchronous operation by invoking a
Cont inuation.
CellAddress |
CellBinding |
CellContext |
CellDef |
CharacterForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Character .
ChildrenSelector |
Chunk |
ChunkExtension |
ClassForm<T> |
For some Class , a transformation between a structurally typed
Item and an instance of that Class .
CliClient |
Client |
ClientAuth |
Transport-layer security client authentication configuration.
ClientException |
ClientRuntime |
Clock |
ClockDef |
Cmd |
CollectionForm<T> |
CombinerFunction<V,U> |
CommandLane<V> |
CommandLaneModel |
CommandLaneUplink |
CommandLaneView<V> |
CommandMessage |
Commit |
CompleteField<S> |
ConcurrentTrancheQueue<T> |
ConditionalOperator |
ConditionalOutlet |
ConnectionHeader |
Cont<T> |
Continuation of an asynchronous operation.
ContentCoding |
ContentEncodingHeader |
ContentLengthHeader |
ContentTypeHeader |
ContException |
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a Call or Cont inuation.
Credentials |
Csv |
Factory for constructing CSV parsers and writers.
CsvCol<C> |
CsvHeader<T,R,C> |
CsvParser |
CsvStructure |
CsvStructureCol |
CsvStructureHeader |
Cursor<T> |
Data |
Database |
DatabaseDelegate |
DataBinding |
DataContext |
Dataflow |
DbStore |
DbStoreDef |
DbStoreKernel |
DeauthedResponse |
DeauthRequest |
Debug |
Type that can output a developer readable debug string.
Decoder<O> |
Continuation of how to decode subsequent input buffers from a byte stream.
DecodeRequestHttp<V> |
DecodeResponseHttp<V> |
DecoderException |
Thrown when a Decoder decodes invalid data.
Deflate<O> |
DeflateException |
DemandDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> |
DemandLane<V> |
DemandLaneModel |
DemandLaneUplink |
DemandLaneView<V> |
DemandMapLane<K,V> |
DemandMapLaneModel |
DemandMapLaneUplink |
DemandMapLaneView<K,V> |
DemandUplinkModem |
DescendantsSelector |
Detect |
Diagnostic |
Informational message attached to an input location.
DidClear |
DidClose |
DidCommand |
DidConnect |
DidDisconnect |
DidDownlinkMap<L> |
DidDownlinkValue<K> |
DidDrop |
DidEnter |
DidFail |
DidLeave |
DidLink |
DidMoveIndex<V> |
DidMoveShape<K,S,V> |
DidReadFrameWs<I> |
DidReceive |
DidRemoveIndex<V> |
DidRemoveKey<K,V> |
DidRemoveShape<K,S,V> |
DidRequestHttp<V> |
DidRespondHttp<V> |
DidSet<V> |
DidSync |
DidTake |
DidUnlink |
DidUpdateIndex<V> |
DidUpdateKey<K,V> |
DidUpdateShape<K,S,V> |
DidUpgradeWs |
DidUplink |
DidWriteFrameWs<O> |
DimensionException |
DirectoryRoute |
Display |
Type that can output a human readable display string.
Distribution |
DivideOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a division operation between its
two operands.
DivideOutlet |
DoRequestHttp<V> |
DoRespondHttp<V> |
DoubleForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Double .
DoUpgradeWs |
Downlink |
DownlinkAddress |
DownlinkException |
DownlinkFactory |
DownlinkGetter |
DownlinkLogger |
DownlinkModel<View extends DownlinkView> |
DownlinkPolicy |
DownlinkPulse |
DownlinkRecord |
DownlinkRelay<Model extends DownlinkModel<View>,View extends DownlinkView> |
DownlinkStreamlet |
DownlinkView |
DropException |
DynamicDecoder<O> |
Dynamically generated Decoder continuation.
DynamicEncoder<I,O> |
Dynamically generated Encoder continuation.
EcCharacteristic2FieldDef |
EcDef |
EcDomainDef |
EcFieldDef |
EcKeyDef |
EcPointDef |
EcPrimeFieldDef |
EcPrivateKeyDef |
EcPublicKeyDef |
EdgeAddress |
EdgeAddressed |
EdgeBinding |
EdgeContext |
EdgeDef |
EdgeException |
EdgeProfile |
EdgeProxy |
EdgePulse |
EdgeTable |
EdgeTableMesh |
Encoder<I,O> |
Continuation of how encode subsequent output buffers for a byte stream.
EncoderException |
Thrown when an Encoder encodes invalid data.
EntryBuilder<K,V,O> |
Type that accumulates map entries, and binds an output result of type
O .
Envelope |
EqOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents an equality comparison between its
two operands.
EqOutlet |
EventDownlink<V> |
EventDownlinkModel |
EventDownlinkView<V> |
EventMessage |
ExecCmd |
ExpectHeader |
Expression |
A combination of operators, constants, and variables.
Extant |
F2<V,S> |
F3<V,S> |
Field<S> |
Field |
FieldForm<T> |
FileStore |
FileZone |
FilterFieldsCombinator<K,V,I> |
FilterFieldsFunction<K,V> |
FilterFieldsOperator<K,V,I> |
FilterSelector |
A Selector that, when evaluated , yields each
Item in interpreter such that evaluating predicate
against this Item would select at least one defined result.
FingerTrieSeq<T> |
FloatForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Float .
FlowContext |
Flow-controlled network channel context.
FlowControl |
Network channel flow state, controlling accept, connect,
read, and write operations.
FlowModifier |
Network channel flow delta, modifying read and write
FN<V,S> |
Form<T> |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a nominally
typed Java object.
Format |
Text format utility functions.
FormException |
Func |
GenericStreamlet<I,O> |
GeOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents greater than or equal to operation
between its two operands.
GeoProjection |
GeOutlet |
Germ |
GetAttrSelector |
GetItemSelector |
GetOutlet |
GetSelector |
A Selector that, when evaluated , searches all
variables in its evaluation scope and yields the most recent Value
that corresponds to key .
GoogleIdAuthenticator |
GoogleIdAuthenticatorDef |
GoogleIdToken |
GtOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly greater than operation
between its two operands.
GtOutlet |
GuestAgent |
GuestAgentRoute |
GuestDidClear |
GuestDidClose |
GuestDidCommand |
GuestDidConnect |
GuestDidDisconnect |
GuestDidDownlinkMap<L> |
GuestDidDownlinkValue<K> |
GuestDidDrop |
GuestDidEnter |
GuestDidFail |
GuestDidLeave |
GuestDidMoveIndex<V> |
GuestDidMoveShape<K,S,V> |
GuestDidRemoveIndex<V> |
GuestDidRemoveKey<K,V> |
GuestDidRemoveShape<K,S,V> |
GuestDidSet<V> |
GuestDidTake |
GuestDidUpdateIndex<V> |
GuestDidUpdateKey<K,V> |
GuestDidUpdateShape<K,S,V> |
GuestDidUplink |
GuestOnCommand<V> |
GuestOnCue<V> |
GuestOnCueKey<K,V> |
GuestOnSyncKeys<K> |
GuestPlane |
GuestWillClear |
GuestWillCommand |
GuestWillDownlinkMap<L> |
GuestWillDownlinkValue<K> |
GuestWillDrop |
GuestWillEnter |
GuestWillLeave |
GuestWillMoveIndex<V> |
GuestWillMoveShape<K,S,V> |
GuestWillRemoveIndex |
GuestWillRemoveKey<K> |
GuestWillRemoveShape<K,S> |
GuestWillSet<V> |
GuestWillTake |
GuestWillUpdateIndex<V> |
GuestWillUpdateKey<K,V> |
GuestWillUpdateShape<K,S,V> |
GuestWillUplink |
GuestWrapper |
A host object that wraps a guest value.
HashGenCacheMap<K,V> |
A hashed generational cache map discards the least recently used value
with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenCacheSet<T> |
A hashed generational cache set discards the least recently used value
with the worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenMap<K,V> |
A hashed generational map evicts the least recently used value with the
worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashGenSet<V> |
A hashed generational set evicts the least recently used value with the
worst hit rate per hash bucket.
HashTrieMap<K,V> |
HashTrieSet<T> |
Header |
HostAbsent |
HostAddress |
HostAddressed |
HostAddressed |
HostAgent |
HostAgentContext |
HostAgentFactory |
HostAgentRoute |
HostAgentRouteContext |
HostArray |
A host object that has a dynamic array type descriptor.
HostArrayType<T> |
A dynamic array type descriptor for a host type.
HostAttr |
HostBinding |
HostBool |
HostClassType<T> |
A dynamic object type descriptor for an instantiable host type.
HostCollection |
HostCommandLane |
HostComparable |
HostConstructor |
A dynamically typed constructor descriptor for a host type.
HostContext |
HostData |
HostDef |
HostDemandLane |
HostDemandMapLane |
HostException |
HostExtant |
HostField<T> |
A dynamically typed field descriptor for a host type.
HostField |
HostFunction |
A host object that has a dynamic function type descriptor.
HostFunctionType<T> |
A dynamic function type descriptor for a host type.
HostHeader |
HostInfo |
HostItem |
HostIterable |
HostIterator |
HostJoinMapLane |
HostJoinValueLane |
HostLane |
HostLaneFactory |
HostLibrary |
A collection of dynamically typed module descriptors representing
a host library.
HostLink |
HostList |
HostListLane |
HostMap |
HostMapLane |
HostMember<T> |
A dynamically typed member descriptor for a host type.
HostMethod<T> |
A dynamically typed method descriptor for a host type.
HostNum |
HostObject |
A host object that has a dynamic object type descriptor.
HostObject |
HostObjectType<T> |
A dynamic object type descriptor for a host type.
HostObservableList |
HostObservableMap |
HostObservableSortedMap |
HostObservableSpatialMap |
HostObservableValue |
HostPackage |
A collection of dynamic type descriptors representing a host package.
HostPlane |
HostPlaneContext |
HostProfile |
HostProxy |
HostPulse |
HostRecord |
HostRef |
HostRuntime |
A collection of dynamically typed library descriptors representing
a host runtime.
HostScope |
HostSlot |
HostSpatialLane |
HostStaticField |
A dynamically typed static field descriptor for a host type.
HostStaticMember |
A dynamically typed static member descriptor for a host type.
HostStaticMethod |
A dynamically typed static method descriptor for a host type.
HostSupplyLane |
HostTable |
HostTableNode |
HostText |
HostThrowable |
HostType<T> |
A dynamic type descriptor for a host type.
HostValue |
A host object that has a dynamic type descriptor.
HostValue |
HostValueLane |
HostWarpLane |
Hpack |
HpackDecoder |
HpackEncoder |
HpackException |
HpackHeader |
HpackIndexing |
Http |
HttpBinding |
HttpBody<T> |
HttpCharset |
HttpChunk |
HttpChunked<T> |
HttpChunkHeader |
HttpChunkTrailer |
HttpClient |
HttpClientContext |
HttpClientModem |
HttpClientRequester<T> |
HttpContext |
HttpDownlink<V> |
HttpEndpoint |
HttpErrorUplinkModem |
HttpException |
HttpHeader |
HttpInterface |
HttpLane<V> |
HttpLaneModel<View extends HttpLaneView<?>,U extends HttpUplinkModem> |
HttpLaneResponder |
HttpLaneView<V> |
HttpLink |
HttpMessage<T> |
HttpMethod |
HttpParser |
HttpPart |
HttpPayload<T> |
HttpPolicy |
HttpProxy |
HttpRequest<T> |
HttpRequester<T> |
HttpRequesterContext |
HttpResponder<T> |
HttpResponderContext |
HttpResponse<T> |
HttpServer |
HttpServerContext |
HttpServerModem |
HttpServerResponder<T> |
HttpService |
HttpServiceContext |
HttpSettings |
HTTP configuration parameters.
HttpSocketService |
HttpStatus |
HttpUplink |
HttpUplinkModem |
HttpValue<T> |
HttpVersion |
HttpWriter |
Identity |
IdentitySelector |
In |
Inflate<O> |
Inlet<I> |
Inout |
Inoutlet<I,O> |
Input |
Non-blocking token stream reader, with single token lookahead.
InputBuffer |
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
InputException |
Thrown when reading invalid Input .
InputSettings |
Input consumption parameters.
IntegerForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and an Integer .
Interpreter |
InterpreterException |
InterpreterSettings |
InvokeOperator |
InvokeOutlet |
IpContext |
IP network connection context.
IpEndpoint |
Network interface for binding and connecting IP sockets and modems.
IpException |
IpInterface |
IpModem<I,O> |
Network socket binding that provides asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders
for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpModemContext<I,O> |
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O decoders and encoders
for a non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpService |
Network service listener that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
IpServiceContext |
Network listener context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO server socket channel.
IpServiceRef |
External handle to a network IpService listener.
IpSettings |
IP Socket configuration parameters.
IpSocket |
Network socket binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpSocketContext |
Network socket context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO network channel.
IpSocketModem<I,O> |
Adapter from a flow-controlled IpSocket to a decoder/encoder
controlled IpModem .
IpSocketRef |
IpStation |
Item |
ItemForm |
Fall-through "transformation" between a structural Item and a nominal
Item .
IterableMap<K,V> |
JavaAgentDef |
JavaAgentFactory<A extends Agent> |
JavaBase |
JavaHostBuiltinType<T> |
JavaHostClassType<T> |
JavaHostLibrary |
JavaHostObjectType<T> |
JavaHostPackage |
JavaHostRuntime |
JavaKernel |
JavaLang |
JavaPlaneDef |
JavaPlaneFactory<P extends Plane> |
JavaUtil |
JoinMapLane<L,K,V> |
JoinMapLaneDownlink<K,V> |
JoinMapLaneModel |
JoinMapLaneUplink |
JoinMapLaneView<L,K,V> |
JoinValueLane<K,V> |
JoinValueLaneDownlink<V> |
JoinValueLaneModel |
JoinValueLaneUplink |
JoinValueLaneView<K,V> |
JsAgent |
JsAgentDef |
JsAgentFactory |
JsBridge |
JsCachedModuleResolver |
JsGuestModule |
JsGuestModuleExports |
JsGuestModuleLoader |
JsGuestModuleObject |
JsHostClass |
JsHostLibraryModule |
JsHostMethod<T> |
JsHostObject<T> |
JsHostPrototype |
JsHostRuntime |
JsHostStaticMethod |
JsHostType |
JsKernel |
JsModule |
JsModuleException |
JsModuleLoader |
JsModuleResolver |
JsModuleSystem |
JsNodeModuleResolver |
Json |
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and writers.
JsonParser<I,V> |
Factory for constructing JSON parsers and parse trees.
JsonStructureParser |
JsonStructureWriter |
JsonWebKey |
JsonWebSignature |
JsonWebToken |
JsonWriter<I,V> |
Factory for constructing JSON writers.
JsPlane |
JsPlaneDef |
JsPlaneFactory |
JsRequireFunction |
JsRuntime |
JsStaticModuleResolver |
Kernel |
KernelBinding |
KernelContext |
KernelException |
KernelLoader |
KernelProxy |
KernelShutdownHook |
KeyDef |
KeyedList<E> |
KeyEffect |
KeyOutlet<K,V> |
KeysSelector |
Kind |
LambdaFunc |
Lane |
LaneAddress |
LaneAddressed |
LaneAddressed |
LaneBinding |
LaneContext |
LaneDef |
LaneException |
LaneFactory |
LaneInfo |
LaneModel<View extends LaneView,U extends AbstractUplinkContext> |
LanePolicy |
LaneProxy |
LanePulse |
LaneRef |
LaneRelay<Model extends LaneModel<View,?>,View extends LaneView> |
LaneScope |
LaneView |
LanguageRange |
LeOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a less than or equal to comparison
between its two operands.
LeOutlet |
Link |
LinkAddress |
LinkAddressed |
LinkBinding |
LinkContext |
LinkedResponse |
LinkException |
LinkInfo |
LinkKeys |
LinkPulse |
LinkRequest |
ListData<V> |
ListDataBinding |
ListDataContext |
ListDataModel |
ListDataModel |
ListDataProxy |
ListDataView<V> |
ListDownlink<V> |
ListDownlinkModel |
ListDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> |
ListDownlinkRecord |
ListDownlinkView<V> |
ListLane<V> |
ListLaneModel |
ListLaneUplink |
ListLaneView<V> |
ListLinkDelta |
ListUplinkModem |
LiteralSelector |
Log |
Takes actions when presented messages of various severities.
LogDef |
LogEntry |
LongForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Long .
LtOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a strictly less than comparison
between its two operands.
LtOutlet |
Main |
MainStage |
Stage that can be started and stopped.
MapData<K,V> |
MapDataBinding |
MapDataContext |
MapDataModel |
MapDataModel |
MapDataProxy |
MapDataView<K,V> |
MapDownlink<K,V> |
MapDownlinkModel |
MapDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> |
MapDownlinkRecord |
MapDownlinkView<K,V> |
MapFieldValuesCombinator<K,VI,VO,I> |
MapFieldValuesFunction<K,VI,VO> |
MapFieldValuesOperator<K,VI,VO,I> |
MapForm<K,V> |
For some Map<K,V> , a transformation between a structurally
typed Item and an instance of that Map .
MapInlet<K,V,I> |
Input connector into a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
MapInletMapOutlet<KI,KO,VI,VO,I,O> |
MapInletOutlet<K,V,I,O> |
MapInoutlet<K,VI,VO,I,O> |
MapInput<K,V> |
MapLane<K,V> |
MapLaneModel |
MapLaneUplink |
MapLaneView<K,V> |
MapOutlet<K,V,O> |
Output connector from a Streamlet for a key-value map state.
MapOutput<K,V> |
MapUplinkModem |
MapValueCombinator<I,O> |
MapValueFunction<I,O> |
MapValueOperator<I,O> |
Mark |
Description of a source position, identified by byte offset, line, and
column number, with an optional note.
MathModule |
MaxForwardsHeader |
MediaRange |
MediaType |
Member |
MemoizeMapCombinator<K,V,IO> |
MemoizeValueCombinator<IO> |
MemStore |
MemStoreKernel |
MersenneTwister64 |
MeshAddress |
MeshAddressed |
MeshBinding |
MeshContext |
MeshDef |
MeshException |
MeshInfo |
MeshProfile |
MeshProxy |
MeshPulse |
MeshTable |
MeshTablePart |
MetaEdgeAgent |
MetaHostAgent |
MetaKernel |
MetaLaneAgent |
MetaLeaf |
MetaMeshAgent |
MetaPartAgent |
MetaTree |
Metric |
MinusOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a subtraction operation between its
two operands.
MinusOutlet |
ModuloOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a modulus operation between its two
ModuloOutlet |
Mqtt |
MqttConnAckPacket |
MqttConnectPacket |
MqttConnStatus |
MqttDecoder |
MqttDisconnectPacket |
MqttEncoder |
MqttEndpoint |
MqttException |
MqttInterface |
MqttPacket<T> |
MqttPingReqPacket |
MqttPingRespPacket |
MqttPubAckPacket |
MqttPubCompPacket |
MqttPublishPacket<T> |
MqttPubRecPacket |
MqttPubRelPacket |
MqttQoS |
MqttService |
MqttServiceContext |
MqttSettings |
MqttSocket<I,O> |
MqttSocketContext<I,O> |
MqttSocketModem<I,O> |
MqttSocketService |
MqttSubAckPacket |
MqttSubscribePacket |
MqttSubscription |
MqttSubStatus |
MqttUnsubAckPacket |
MqttUnsubscribePacket |
Murmur3 |
MutableTensor |
NegativeOperator |
NegativeOutlet |
NeOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents an inequality comparison between
its two operands.
NeOutlet |
NodeAddress |
NodeAddressed |
NodeBinding |
NodeContext |
NodeDef |
NodeException |
NodeInfo |
NodeProfile |
NodeProxy |
NodePulse |
NodeRef |
NodeScope |
NotOperator |
NotOutlet |
Num |
NumberForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Number .
Observable<O> |
ObservableIterableMap<K,V> |
ObservableList<V> |
ObservableMap<K,V> |
ObservableOrderedMap<K,V> |
ObservableSortedMap<K,V> |
ObservableSpatialMap<K,S,V> |
ObservableValue<V> |
OnCommand<V> |
OnCommandMessage |
OnCue<V> |
OnCueKey<K,V> |
OnEvent<V> |
OnEventMessage |
OnLinkedResponse |
OnLinkRequest |
OnSyncedResponse |
OnSyncKeys<K> |
OnSyncRequest |
OnUnlinkedResponse |
OnUnlinkRequest |
OpenIdAuthenticator |
OpenIdAuthenticatorDef |
OpenIdToken |
Operator |
An Expression that identifies an operation on constants, variables,
or Selector expressions.
Opt |
OrderedField<S> |
OrderedMap<K,V> |
OrderedMapCursor<K,V> |
OrderedRing<S> |
OriginHeader |
OrOperator |
OrOutlet |
Out |
Outlet<O> |
OutletInlet<I> |
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever
the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized
Outlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
OutletMapInlet<K,V,O> |
A MapInlet that decoheres a parameterized Outlet whenever
the MapInlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized
Outlet whenever the MapInlet recoheres.
Output<T> |
Non-blocking token stream writer.
OutputBuffer<T> |
Non-blocking token stream buffer.
OutputException |
Thrown when writing invalid Output .
OutputSettings |
OutputStyle |
Stylized text output utility functions.
Page |
PageContext |
PageLoader |
PageRef |
PageType |
PairBuilder<K,V,O> |
Type that accumulates pairs of input values, and binds an output result of
type O .
Parser<O> |
Continuation of how to parse subsequent Input tokens from a stream.
ParserException |
Thrown when a Parser parses invdalid syntax.
PartAddress |
PartAddressed |
PartBinding |
PartContext |
PartDef |
PartException |
PartInfo |
PartPredicate |
PartProfile |
PartProxy |
PartPulse |
PartTable |
PartTableHost |
PartTableHttpUplink |
PartTableWarpUplink |
PathPrefixRoute |
Plane |
PlaneContext |
PlaneDef |
PlaneException |
PlaneFactory<P extends Plane> |
PlanePolicy |
PlusOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents an addition operation between its
two operands.
PlusOutlet |
Policy |
PolicyDef |
PolicyDirective<T> |
PolyForm |
PolyglotHostObjectType<T> |
A dynamic object type descriptor that has specialized members for specific
guest languages.
PositiveOperator |
PositiveOutlet |
Precision |
Preemptive |
Function interface that callers can optionally invoke concurrently.
PrivateKeyDef |
Product |
Protobuf |
Factory for constructing Protocol Buffers decoders and encoders.
ProtobufComplexType<T> |
ProtobufDataType<T> |
ProtobufDecoder |
ProtobufException |
ProtobufFieldType<V,M> |
ProtobufFixed32Type<T> |
ProtobufFixed64Type<T> |
ProtobufKind |
ProtobufMapEntryType<K,V,E> |
ProtobufMapType<K,V,E,M> |
ProtobufMember |
ProtobufMessageType<T,M> |
ProtobufPrimitiveType<T> |
ProtobufReflection |
ProtobufRepeatedType<I,T> |
ProtobufStringType<T> |
ProtobufStructure |
ProtobufType<T> |
ProtobufVarintType<T> |
ProtobufWireType |
ProtobufZigZagType<T> |
PublicKeyDef |
PullContext<T> |
PullRequest<T> |
Pulse |
Push<M> |
PushRequest<T> |
QTree |
QTree<K,S,V> |
QTreeContext<K,S,V> |
QTreeDelegate |
QTreeEntry<K,S,V> |
QTreeLeaf |
QTreeMap<S> |
QTreeMap<K,S,V> |
QTreeMapView<S> |
QTreeNode |
QTreePage |
QTreePage<K,S,V> |
QTreePageRef |
R |
R2 |
R2Boundary<T> |
R2Box |
R2Circle |
R2Form<T> |
R2Point |
R2Shape |
R2ToZ2Function |
R2ToZ2Operator |
R2Vector |
R3 |
R3Boundary<T> |
R3Box |
R3Form<T> |
R3Point |
R3Shape |
R3Sphere |
R3ToZ3Function |
R3ToZ3Operator |
R3Vector |
Random |
RawHeader |
RealField<S> |
Recon |
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and writers.
ReconParser<I,V> |
Factory for constructing Recon parsers and parse trees.
ReconSignature |
ReconStructureParser |
ReconStructureWriter |
ReconWriter<I,V> |
Factory for constructing Recon writers.
Record |
RecordFieldUpdater |
RecordModel |
RecordOutlet |
RecordScope |
RecordStreamlet<I extends Value,O extends Value> |
ReducedMap<K,V,U> |
An OrderedMap that memoizes partial combinations of sub-elements to
support efficient, incremental reduction of continuously mutating datasets.
ReduceFieldsCombinator<K,V,I,O> |
ReduceFieldsOperator<K,V,I,O> |
Reifier |
RejectRoute |
RemoteCredentials |
RemoteHost |
RemoteHostClient |
RemoteHostException |
RemoteKernel |
ResourceDirectoryRoute |
RestLaneModel |
RestLaneUplink |
RestLaneView<V> |
Ring<S> |
RN |
RNVector |
RsaKeyDef |
RsaPrimeDef |
RsaPrivateKeyDef |
RsaPublicKeyDef |
Schedule |
Timetable for executing timers at their scheduled times.
ScheduleDef |
Marker interface for a Schedule definition.
ScheduleException |
Thrown when a Schedule encounters an error.
Scope |
SecWebSocketAcceptHeader |
SecWebSocketExtensionsHeader |
SecWebSocketKeyHeader |
SecWebSocketProtocolHeader |
SecWebSocketVersionHeader |
Seed |
Selectee<T> |
Selector |
ServerHeader |
ServerLoader |
Service |
ServiceAddress |
ServiceContext |
ServiceDef |
ServiceException |
ServiceFactory<S extends Service> |
ServiceKernel |
ServicePort |
Severity |
Level of importance.
Shape |
ShortForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a Short .
SideStage |
Stage wrapper that prevents its underlying stage from being started
and stopped.
Slot |
SlotForm<T> |
Space |
SpaceDef |
SpaceException |
Span |
Description of a source range, identified by a closed interval between start
and end marks .
SpatialData<K,S,V> |
SpatialDataBinding<S> |
SpatialDataContext<S> |
SpatialDataModel<S> |
SpatialDataModel<S> |
SpatialDataProxy<S> |
SpatialDataView<K,S,V> |
SpatialLane<K,S,V> |
SpatialLaneModel<S> |
SpatialLaneUplink<S> |
SpatialLaneView<K,S,V> |
SpatialMap<K,S,V> |
SpatialMap.Entry<K,S,V> |
SpatialMap.SimpleEntry<K,S,V> |
SpatialValueEntry<K,S,V> |
SpatialValueMap<K,S,V> |
Stage |
An execution context in which to schedule tasks, create continuation calls,
and set timers.
StageClock |
Clock that invokes timer functions on an execution Stage ,
rather than on the clock thread.
StageDef |
Marker interface for a Stage definition.
StaticHttpResponder<T> |
Station |
Asynchronous I/O multiplexor.
StationException |
Thrown when a Station encounters an error.
Stay<T> |
Backpressure aware continuation.
StayContext |
Source that can delay continuations.
Store |
Store |
StoreAddress |
StoreBinding |
StoreContext |
StoreContext |
StoreDef |
StoreException |
StoreException |
StoreProxy |
StoreSettings |
Streamlet<I,O> |
Stateful node in a dataflow graph that uses the state of its Inlets to compute the state of its Outlets .
StreamletContext |
StreamletException |
StreamletInlet<I> |
An Inlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet whenever
the Inlet decoheres, and that recoheres the parameterized
Streamlet whenever the Inlet recoheres.
StreamletInoutlet<I,O> |
An Inoutlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet
whenever the Inoutlet decoheres, that recoheres the parameterized
Streamlet whenever the Inoutlet recoheres, and which gets
its state from the parameterized Streamlet .
StreamletOutlet<O> |
An Outlet that decoheres a parameterized Streamlet
whenever the Outlet decoheres, and which gets its state from
the parameterized Streamlet .
StreamletScope<O> |
STree<T> |
STree |
STreeContext<T> |
STreeDelegate |
STreeLeaf |
STreeList<T> |
Mutable, thread-safe KeyedList backed by an S-Tree.
STreeList |
STreeListView |
STreeNode |
STreePage<T> |
STreePage |
STreePageRef |
StringForm |
Transformation between a structurally typed Item and a String .
SupplyDownlinkModem<View extends WarpDownlinkView> |
SupplyLane<V> |
SupplyLaneModel |
SupplyLaneUplink |
SupplyLaneView<V> |
SupplyUplinkModem |
SwimAgent |
SwimApi |
SwimApiAgent |
SwimApiLane |
SwimApiPlane |
SwimApiWarp |
SwimContext |
Thread-local context variables.
SwimLane |
SwimObservable |
SwimResident |
SwimRoute |
SwimStructure |
SwimTransient |
Sync<T> |
A Cont inuation whose completion can be synchronously awaited.
SyncedResponse |
SyncException |
Thrown when awaiting a Sync continuation times out.
SyncRequest |
Tag |
Description of a source location.
Tag |
TagForm<T> |
Task |
Stateful TaskFunction to invoke as a sequential process on a
concurrent execution Stage , with lifecycle callbacks, and a TaskContext for self-management.
TaskContext |
Internal context that binds a Task to an execution Stage .
TaskException |
Thrown when performing an invalid operation on a TaskFunction .
TaskFunction |
Function to invoke as a sequential process on a concurrent execution Stage .
TaskRef |
TcpSettings |
TCP configuration parameters.
Tensor |
TensorArray<V,S> |
TensorArrayForm<T,V> |
TensorArraySpace<T,V,S> |
TensorDims |
TensorForm<T> |
TensorSpace<V,S> |
Text |
Theater |
Stage that executes timers, tasks, and continuations on a
ForkJoinPool .
TheaterDef |
TierBinding |
TierContext |
Timer |
TimerContext |
TimerException |
TimerFunction |
Function to invoke at a scheduled time.
TimerRef |
TimesOperator |
A BinaryOperator that represents a multiplication operation between
its two operands.
TimesOutlet |
TlsSettings |
TLS configuration parameters.
TransferCoding |
TransferEncodingHeader |
Transport |
I/O transport binding that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO channel.
TransportContext |
I/O transport context that manages asynchronous I/O operations for a
non-blocking NIO channel.
TransportRef |
TransportSettings |
Tree |
TreeContext |
TreeDelegate |
TreeType |
Trunk<T extends Tree> |
UnaryOperator |
An Operator that represents a unary operation, i.e.
UnaryOutlet |
Unauthenticated |
Unicode |
UniformDistribution |
UnitForm<T> |
UnlinkedResponse |
UnlinkRequest |
UpgradeHeader |
UpgradeProtocol |
Uplink |
UplinkAddress |
UplinkAddressed |
UplinkError |
UplinkException |
UplinkInfo |
UplinkPolicy |
UplinkPulse |
Uri |
UriAuthority |
UriException |
UriForm |
UriFragment |
UriHost |
UriMapper<T> |
UriParser |
UriPart |
UriPath |
UriPathBuilder |
UriPathForm |
UriPattern |
UriPatternForm |
UriPort |
UriQuery |
UriQueryBuilder |
UriScheme |
UriUser |
UserAgentHeader |
Utf8 |
UtfErrorMode |
Unicode transformation format error handling mode.
UTree |
UTreeDelegate |
UTreeLeaf |
UTreePage |
UTreePageRef |
UTreeValue |
Value |
ValueCollection<T> |
ValueCursor<T> |
ValueData<V> |
ValueDataBinding |
ValueDataContext |
ValueDataModel |
ValueDataModel |
ValueDataProxy |
ValueDataView<V> |
ValueDownlink<V> |
ValueDownlinkModel |
ValueDownlinkRecord |
ValueDownlinkView<V> |
ValueEntry<K,V> |
ValueEntryCursor<K,V> |
ValueEntryIterator<K,V> |
ValueForm |
Fall-through transformation between a structurally typed Item and a
structurally typed Value .
ValueInput<O> |
ValueIterable<T> |
ValueIterableMap<K,V> |
ValueIterator<T> |
ValueKeyedList<T> |
ValueLane<V> |
ValueLaneModel |
ValueLaneUplink |
ValueLaneView<V> |
ValueList<T> |
ValueListIterator<T> |
ValueMap<K,V> |
ValueMapEntrySet<K,V> |
ValueOrderedMap<K,V> |
ValueOrderedMapCursor<K,V> |
ValueOutput<I> |
ValueReducedMap<K,V,U> |
ValueSet<T> |
ValueSortedMap<K,V> |
ValuesSelector |
VectorModule<V,S> |
VectorSpace<V,S> |
VmBridge |
VmBridgeArray |
VmHostArray<T> |
VmHostMethod<T> |
VmHostObject<T> |
VmHostProxy<T> |
VmHostStaticMethod |
VmProxyArray |
WarpBinding |
WarpContext |
WarpDownlink |
WarpDownlinkModel<View extends WarpDownlinkView> |
WarpDownlinkModem<View extends DownlinkView> |
WarpDownlinkProfile |
WarpDownlinkPulse |
WarpDownlinkView |
WarpErrorUplinkModem |
WarpException |
WarpInfo |
WarpLane |
WarpLaneModel<View extends WarpLaneView,U extends WarpUplinkModem> |
WarpLaneProfile |
WarpLanePulse |
WarpLaneView |
WarpLink |
WarpProxy |
WarpPulse |
WarpRef |
WarpSettings |
WarpSocket |
WarpSocketContext |
WarpUplink |
WarpUplinkInfo |
WarpUplinkModem |
WarpUplinkProfile |
WarpUplinkPulse |
WarpWebSocket |
WatchFieldsCombinator<K,V,O> |
WatchFieldsFunction<K,V> |
WatchFieldsOperator<K,V,O> |
WatchValueCombinator<I> |
WatchValueFunction<I> |
WatchValueOperator<I> |
WebRequest |
WebResponse |
WebRoute |
WebServer |
WebServerRequest |
WebService |
WebServiceDef |
WebServiceFactory |
WebServiceKernel |
WebSocket<I,O> |
WebSocketContext<I,O> |
WebSocketExtension |
WebSocketModem<I,O> |
WebSocketParam |
WillClear |
WillCommand |
WillDownlinkMap<L> |
WillDownlinkValue<K> |
WillDrop |
WillEnter |
WillLeave |
WillLink |
WillMoveIndex<V> |
WillMoveShape<K,S,V> |
WillReadFrameWs<I> |
WillReceive |
WillRemoveIndex |
WillRemoveKey<K> |
WillRemoveShape<K,S> |
WillRequestHttp<V> |
WillRespondHttp<V> |
WillSet<V> |
WillSync |
WillTake |
WillUnlink |
WillUpdateIndex<V> |
WillUpdateKey<K,V> |
WillUpdateShape<K,S,V> |
WillUpgradeWs |
WillUplink |
WillWriteFrameWs<O> |
Writer<I,O> |
Continuation of how to write subsequent Output tokens to a stream.
WriterException |
Thrown when a Writer attempts to write invalid syntax.
Ws |
WsBinaryFrame<T> |
WsCloseFrame<P,T> |
WsControlFrame<P,T> |
WsDataFrame<T> |
WsDecoder |
WsDeflateDecoder |
WsDeflateEncoder |
WsDownlink<I,O> |
WsEncoder |
WsEngine |
WsEngineSettings |
WsException |
WsFragmentFrame<T> |
WsFrame<T> |
WsLane<I,O> |
WsLink |
WsOpcode |
WsPingFrame<P,T> |
WsPongFrame<P,T> |
WsRequest |
WebSocket handshake request.
WsResponse |
WebSocket handshake response.
WsSettings |
WebSocket configuration parameters.
WsStandardDecoder |
WsStandardEncoder |
WsStatus |
WsTextFrame<T> |
WsUpgradeRequester |
WsUpgradeResponder |
WsUplink |
Xml |
Factory for constructing XML parsers and writers.
XmlParser<I,V> |
Factory for constructing XML parsers and parse trees.
XmlStructureParser |
Z |
Z2 |
Z2Boundary<T> |
Z2Box |
Z2Form<T> |
Z2Point |
Z2Shape |
Z2ToR2Function |
Z2ToR2Operator |
Z2Vector |
Z3 |
Z3Boundary<T> |
Z3Box |
Z3Form<T> |
Z3Point |
Z3Shape |
Z3ToR3Function |
Z3ToR3Operator |
Z3Vector |
Zone |