- java.lang.Object
- swim.structure.Item
- swim.structure.Value
- swim.structure.Expression
- swim.structure.Operator
- swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
- swim.structure.operator.MinusOperator
public final class MinusOperator extends BinaryOperator
that represents a subtraction operation between its two operands.
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description MinusOperator(Item lhs, Item rhs)
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected int
compareTo(Operator that)
<T> Output<T>
debug(Output<T> output)
Writes a developer readable, debug-formatted string representation of this object tooutput
equals(Object other)
evaluate(Interpreter interpreter)
Returns the token that identifiers thisOperator
's operation.int
substitute(Interpreter interpreter)
Returns the heterogeneous sort order of thisItem
Methods inherited from class swim.structure.operator.BinaryOperator
isConstant, lhs, rhs
Methods inherited from class swim.structure.Expression
and, and, bitwiseAnd, bitwiseAnd, bitwiseNot, bitwiseOr, bitwiseOr, bitwiseXor, bitwiseXor, conditional, conditional, divide, divide, eq, eq, ge, ge, gt, gt, inverse, le, le, lt, lt, minus, minus, modulo, modulo, ne, ne, negative, not, or, or, plus, plus, positive, times, times
Methods inherited from class swim.structure.Value
absent, alias, body, booleanValue, booleanValue, branch, builder, byteValue, byteValue, charValue, charValue, commit, contains, containsKey, containsKey, containsValue, doubleValue, doubleValue, empty, extant, flattened, floatValue, floatValue, fromObject, get, get, getAttr, getAttr, getField, getField, getItem, getSlot, getSlot, head, header, headers, integerValue, integerValue, intValue, intValue, isAliased, isDefined, isDefinite, isDistinct, isMutable, key, keyEquals, lambda, length, longValue, longValue, numberValue, numberValue, removed, removed, shortValue, shortValue, stringValue, stringValue, tag, tail, target, toValue, unflattened
Methods inherited from class swim.structure.Item
appended, appended, appended, appended, appended, appended, appended, appended, cast, cast, coerce, coerce, concat, display, evaluate, filter, filter, globalScope, invoke, iterator, max, min, prepended, prepended, prepended, prepended, prepended, prepended, prepended, prepended, substitute, toString, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updated, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedAttr, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot, updatedSlot
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
forEach, spliterator
Method Detail
public String operator()
Description copied from class:BinaryOperator
Returns the token that identifiers thisOperator
's operation. Used to uniquely identify the type of operation, and to aid serialization.- Specified by:
in classBinaryOperator
public int precedence()
- Overrides:
in classItem
public Item evaluate(Interpreter interpreter)
public Item substitute(Interpreter interpreter)
- Overrides:
in classItem
public int typeOrder()
Description copied from class:Item
Returns the heterogeneous sort order of thisItem
. Used to impose a total order on the set of all items. When comparing two items of different types, the items order according to theirtypeOrder