Variable OutputStyleConst

OutputStyle: {
    black<T_3>(output) => Output<T_3>;
    blackBold<T_11>(output) => Output<T_11>;
    blue<T_7>(output) => Output<T_7>;
    blueBold<T_15>(output) => Output<T_15>;
    bold<T_1>(output) => Output<T_1>;
    cyan<T_9>(output) => Output<T_9>;
    cyanBold<T_17>(output) => Output<T_17>;
    faint<T_2>(output) => Output<T_2>;
    gray<T_10>(output) => Output<T_10>;
    grayBold<T_18>(output) => Output<T_18>;
    green<T_5>(output) => Output<T_5>;
    greenBold<T_13>(output) => Output<T_13>;
    magenta<T_8>(output) => Output<T_8>;
    magentaBold<T_16>(output) => Output<T_16>;
    red<T_4>(output) => Output<T_4>;
    redBold<T_12>(output) => Output<T_12>;
    reset<T>(output) => Output<T>;
    yellow<T_6>(output) => Output<T_6>;
    yellowBold<T_14>(output) => Output<T_14>;

Stylized text output utility functions.

Type declaration

  • black:function
    • Writes the ASCII black foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_3


      Returns Output<T_3>

      the continuation of the output.

  • blackBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold black foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_11


      Returns Output<T_11>

      the continuation of the output.

  • blue:function
    • Writes the ASCII blue foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_7


      Returns Output<T_7>

      the continuation of the output.

  • blueBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold blue foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_15


      Returns Output<T_15>

      the continuation of the output.

  • bold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold (increased intensity) escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_1


      Returns Output<T_1>

      the continuation of the output.

  • cyan:function
    • Writes the ASCII cyan foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_9


      Returns Output<T_9>

      the continuation of the output.

  • cyanBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold cyan foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_17


      Returns Output<T_17>

      the continuation of the output.

  • faint:function
    • Writes the ASCII faint (decreased intensity) escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_2


      Returns Output<T_2>

      the continuation of the output.

  • gray:function
    • Writes the ASCII gray foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_10


      Returns Output<T_10>

      the continuation of the output.

  • grayBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold gray foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_18


      Returns Output<T_18>

      the continuation of the output.

  • green:function
    • Writes the ASCII green foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_5


      Returns Output<T_5>

      the continuation of the output.

  • greenBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold green foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_13


      Returns Output<T_13>

      the continuation of the output.

  • magenta:function
    • Writes the ASCII magenta foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_8


      Returns Output<T_8>

      the continuation of the output.

  • magentaBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold magenta foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_16


      Returns Output<T_16>

      the continuation of the output.

  • red:function
    • Writes the ASCII red foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_4


      Returns Output<T_4>

      the continuation of the output.

  • redBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold red foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_12


      Returns Output<T_12>

      the continuation of the output.

  • reset:function
    • Writes the ASCII reset escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T


      Returns Output<T>

      the continuation of the output.

  • yellow:function
    • Writes the ASCII yellow foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_6


      Returns Output<T_6>

      the continuation of the output.

  • yellowBold:function
    • Writes the ASCII bold yellow foreground color escape code to output, if [[OutputSettings.isStyled output.settings.isStyled()]] is true.

      Type Parameters

      • T_14


      Returns Output<T_14>

      the continuation of the output.

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