Variable BinaryConst

Binary: {
    output(initialCapacity?, settings?) => Output<Uint8Array>;
    output(settings) => Output<Uint8Array>;
    outputBuffer(array, offset?, length?) => OutputBuffer<Uint8Array>;

Byte [[Input]]/[[Output]] factory.

The Binary.outputBuffer(...) function returns an Output that writes bytes to a growable array, and [[Output.bind binds]] a Uint8Array containing all written bytes.

Type declaration

  • output:function
    • Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes, if initialCapacity is defined, using the given settings, if settings is defined. The returned Output accepts an unbounded number of bytes, remaining permanently in the cont state, and can [[Output.bind bind]] a Uint8Array with the current output state at any time.


      Returns Output<Uint8Array>

    • Returns a new Output that appends bytes to a growable array, pre-allocated with space for initialCapacity bytes, if initialCapacity is defined, using the given settings, if settings is defined. The returned Output accepts an unbounded number of bytes, remaining permanently in the cont state, and can [[Output.bind bind]] a Uint8Array with the current output state at any time.


      Returns Output<Uint8Array>

  • outputBuffer:function
    • Parameters

      • array: Uint8Array
      • Optional offset: number
      • Optional length: number

      Returns OutputBuffer<Uint8Array>

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