Interface ThemeAnimatorClass<A>

Type Parameters


  • Type Parameters


    • template: FastenerTemplate<F2>

    Returns FastenerDecorator<F2>


  • Protected


    • fastener: A
    • owner: A extends Fastener<R, any, any>
          ? R
          : never

    Returns A

  • Parameters

    • owner: A extends Fastener<R, any, any>
          ? R
          : never

    Returns A

  • Type Parameters


    • className: PropertyKey
    • template: FastenerTemplate<F2>
    • Optional extendsClass: FastenerClass<A>

    Returns FastenerClass<F2>

  • Type Parameters

    • F2 extends ThemeAnimator<any, any, any>

    • C extends FastenerClass<any> = FastenerClass<F2>


    • className: PropertyKey
    • template: FastenerTemplate<F2>
    • Optional classTemplate: FastenerClassTemplate<C>

    Returns C

  • Dummy getter function that always throws an exception. Used as a stand-in for decorated fastener getters, whose implementation is injected by the decorator.

    Type Parameters

    Returns F2

  • Parameters

    • fastenerClass: FastenerClass<Fastener<any, any, any>>

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • template: A extends {
              descriptorType?: Proto<D>;
          ? D
          : never

    Returns FastenerClass<A>

  • Type Parameters

    • R

    • K extends string | number | symbol

    • F = R[K]


    • owner: R
    • fastenerName: K

    Returns F extends {
            value: T;
        ? T
        : undefined

  • Type Parameters

    • R

    • K extends string | number | symbol

    • E

    • F = R[K]


    • owner: R
    • fastenerName: K
    • elseValue: E

    Returns F extends {
            value: T;
        ? E | NonNullable<T>
        : E

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