

  • Parameters

    Returns Slot


key: Value

Returns the key component of this Field.

value: Value

Returns the value component of this Field.


  • get length(): number
  • Always returns 0 because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't contain any members.

    Returns number

  • get tag(): string
  • Always returns undefined because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a first member Attr whose key string could be returned.

    Returns string

  • get target(): Value
  • Always returns the value component of this Field.

    Returns Value

  • get typeOrder(): number
  • Returns the heterogeneous sort order of this Item. Used to impose a total order on the set of all items. When comparing two items of different types, the items order according to their typeOrder.

    Returns number


  • Returns Cursor<Item>

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns Field

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Record

  • Returns Item

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have any non-first members to flatten, and because a Field isn't a distinct Value, so it can't return Extant.

    Returns Value

  • Converts the value of this Field into a boolean value, if possible.

    Returns boolean


    Error if the value of this Field can't be converted into a boolean value.

  • Converts the value of this Field into a boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a boolean value.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns boolean | T

  • Returns Slot

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • form: Form<T, unknown>

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T

    • E = T


    • form: Form<T, unknown>
    • orElse: E

    Returns T | E

  • Returns Slot

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • form: Form<T, unknown>

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T

    • E = T


    • form: Form<T, unknown>
    • orElse: E

    Returns T | E

  • Returns Slot

  • Parameters

    • that: unknown

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    Returns Record

  • Parameters

    Returns Field

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • output: Output<T>

    Returns Output<T>

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • output: Output<T>

    Returns Output<T>

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    • that: unknown

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • that: unknown
    • Optional epsilon: number

    Returns boolean

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be flattened into a Value.

    Returns Value

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • callback: ((item, index) => void | T)
        • (item, index): void | T
        • Parameters

          • item: Item
          • index: number

          Returns void | T

    Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T

    • S


    • callback: ((this, item, index) => void | T)
        • (this, item, index): void | T
        • Parameters

          • this: S
          • item: Item
          • index: number

          Returns void | T

    • thisArg: S

    Returns T

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.


    Returns Value

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have an Attr member whose key is equal to the given key.


    Returns Value

  • Always returns undefined because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.


    Returns Field

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a member at the given index.


    Returns Item

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Slot member whose key is equal to the given key.


    Returns Value

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Always returns false because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a Field member whose key is equal to the given key.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns number

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a first member.

    Returns Item

  • Always returns [[Absent]] because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a head Attr whose value could be returned if its key were equal to the tag.


    • tag: string

    Returns Value

  • Always returns undefined because a Field can't be a Record, so it can't have a head Attr whose value could be returned as a Record if its key were equal to the tag.


    • tag: string

    Returns Record

  • Parameters

    Returns Interpolator<Slot>

  • Parameters

    Returns Interpolator<Item>

  • Parameters

    • that: unknown

    Returns Interpolator<Item>

  • Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this Item always [[Item.evaluate evaluates]] to the same Item.

    Returns boolean

  • Always returns true because a Field can never be [[Absent]].

    Returns boolean

  • Always returns true because a Field cannot be one of: an empty Record, False, Extant, or Absent.

    Returns boolean

  • Always returns true because a Field can be neither [[Extant]] nor [[Absent]].

    Returns boolean

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns Cursor<Item>

  • Parameters

    • key: unknown

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    Returns Value

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Returns Item

  • Returns Item

  • Converts the value of this Field into a number value, if possible.

    Returns number


    Error if the value of this Field can't be converted into a number value.

  • Converts the value of this Field into a number value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a number value.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns number | T

  • Parameters

    Returns Field

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Returns Item

  • Parameters

    Returns Record

  • Sets the value of this Field to the new value, returning the old value.


    Returns Value


    Error if this Field is immutable.

  • Converts the value of this Field into a string value, if possible.

    Returns string


    Error if the value of this Field can't be converted into a string value.

  • Converts the value of this Field into a string value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if the value of this Field can't be converted into a string value.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns string | T

  • Always returns an empty Record because a Field can't itself be a Record, so it can't have any non-first members.

    Returns Record

  • Parameters

    Returns Item

  • Returns string

  • Returns the value component of this Field.

    Returns Value

  • Returns a Record containing just this Field.

    Returns Record

  • Returns a copy of this Field with the updated value.


    Returns Slot

  • Returns Item

  • Returns Item

  • Returns Item

  • Returns Item

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