Class Diagnostic

Informational message attached to an input location.


  • Diagnostic



  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic


cause: Diagnostic

The Diagnostic cause of this diagnostic, forming a linked chain of diagnostics, or null if this diagnostic has no cause.

lineDigits: any
message: string

The help message that describes this diagnostic.

note: string

An informative comment on the source context to which this diagnostic is attached.

severity: Severity

The level of importance of this diagnostic.

tag: Tag

The location in the input to which this diagnostic is attached.

consumeLineText: any
display: any
displayAnchor: any
displayContext: any
displayEndLine: any
displayLine: any
displayLineComment: any
displayLineLead: any
displayLineLeadArrow: any
displayLineLeadComment: any
displayLineLeadEllipsis: any
displayLineLeadNumber: any
displayLineText: any
displayLines: any
displayMidLine: any
displayNote: any
displaySingleLine: any
displayStartLine: any
formatSeverity: any


  • Writes a human readable, display-formatted string representation of this object to output.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns Output<T>

    the continuation of the output.


    [[OutputException]] if the output exits the cont state before the full display string has been written.

  • Parameters

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • input: Input
    • tag: Tag
    • severity: Severity
    • message: string
    • note: string
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • expected: string | number
    • input: Input
    • note: string
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • expected: string | number
    • input: Input
    • severity: Severity
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • expected: string | number
    • input: Input
    • Optional severity: Severity
    • Optional note: string
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • input: Input
    • severity: Severity
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • message: string
    • input: Input
    • Optional severity: Severity
    • Optional note: string
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    Returns Diagnostic

  • Parameters

    • input: Input
    • Optional severity: Severity
    • Optional note: string
    • Optional cause: Diagnostic

    Returns Diagnostic

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