  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All






  • Returns the key component of this Item, if this Item is a <a href="_swim_structure.field.html">Field</a>; otherwise returns <a href="_swim_structure.absent.html">Absent</a> if thisItemis aValue`.

    Returns Value


  • get length(): number


Abstract alias

  • alias(): void

Abstract and


Abstract bitwiseAnd

Abstract bitwiseNot

  • bitwiseNot(): Item

Abstract bitwiseOr

Abstract bitwiseXor

Abstract body

Abstract booleanValue

  • booleanValue(): boolean | undefined
  • booleanValue<T>(orElse: T): boolean | T
  • Converts this Item into a boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can't be converted into a boolean value.

    Returns boolean | undefined

  • Converts this Item into a boolean value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a boolean value.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns boolean | T

Abstract branch


  • cast<T>(form: Form<T, unknown>): T | undefined
  • cast<T, E>(form: Form<T, unknown>, orElse: E): T | E

Abstract clone


  • coerce<T>(form: Form<T, unknown>): T
  • coerce<T, E>(form: Form<T, unknown>, orElse: E): T | E

Abstract commit

  • commit(): this

Abstract compareTo

  • compareTo(that: Item): 0 | 1 | -1


Abstract conditional

Abstract debug

Abstract deleted


  • display(output: Output): void

Abstract divide


Abstract equals

  • equals(that: unknown): boolean



Abstract flattened

  • Returns the sole member of this Item, if this Item is a Record with exactly one member, and its member is a Value; returns Extant if this Item is an empty Record; returns Absent if this Item is a Field; otherwise returns this if this Item is a Record with more than one member, or if this Item is a non-Record Value.

    Used to convert a unary Record into its member Value. Facilitates writing code that treats a unary Record equivalently to a bare Value.

    Returns Value


  • forEach<T, S>(callback: (this: S, item: Item, index: number) => T | void, thisArg?: S): T | undefined
  • Type parameters

    • T

    • S


    • callback: (this: S, item: Item, index: number) => T | void
        • (this: S, item: Item, index: number): T | void
        • Parameters

          • this: S
          • item: Item
          • index: number

          Returns T | void

    • Optional thisArg: S

    Returns T | undefined


Abstract get

Abstract getAttr

Abstract getField

Abstract getItem

  • Returns the member of this Item at the given index, if this Item is a Record, and the index is greater than or equal to zero, and less than the length of the Record; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but the index is out of bounds.


    Returns Item

Abstract getSlot


Abstract has

  • Returns true if this Item is a Record that has a Field member with a key that is equal to the given key; otherwise returns false if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record, but has no Field member with a key equal to the given key.


    Returns boolean

Abstract hashCode

  • hashCode(): number

Abstract head

Abstract header

  • header(tag: string): Value
  • Returns the value of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns Absent if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is an Attr whose key does not equal the tag.

    Used to conditionally get the value of the head Attr of a structure, if and only if the key string of the head Attr is equal to the tag. Can be used to check if a structure might conform to a nominal type named tag, while simultaneously getting the value of the tag attribute.


    • tag: string

    Returns Value

Abstract headers

  • headers(tag: string): Record | undefined
  • Returns the unflattened header of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr whose key string is equal to tag; otherwise returns undefined.

    The headers of the tag attribute of a structure are like the attributes of an XML element tag; through unlike an XML element, tag attribute headers are not limited to string keys and values.


    • tag: string

    Returns Record | undefined

Abstract inverse


Abstract isAliased

  • isAliased(): boolean

Abstract isConstant

  • isConstant(): boolean

Abstract isDefined

  • isDefined(): boolean

Abstract isDistinct

  • isDistinct(): boolean

Abstract isMutable

  • isMutable(): boolean


Abstract keyEquals

  • keyEquals(key: unknown): boolean

Abstract lambda





Abstract minus

Abstract modulo


Abstract negative

Abstract not

Abstract numberValue

  • numberValue(): number | undefined
  • numberValue<T>(orElse: T): number | T
  • Converts this Item into a number value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can't be converted into a number value.

    Returns number | undefined

  • Converts this Item into a number value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a number value.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns number | T

Abstract or

Abstract plus

Abstract positive


Abstract stringValue

  • stringValue(): string | undefined
  • stringValue<T>(orElse: T): string | T
  • Converts this Item into a string value, if possible; otherwise returns undefined if this Item can't be converted into a string value.

    Returns string | undefined

  • Converts this Item into a string value, if possible; otherwise returns orElse if this Item can't be converted into a string value.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • orElse: T

    Returns string | T


Abstract tag

  • tag(): string | undefined
  • Returns the key string of the first member of this Item, if this Item is a Record, and its first member is an Attr; otherwise returns undefined if this Item is not a Record, or if this Item is a Record whose first member is not an Attr.

    Used to concisely get the name of the discriminating attribute of a structure. The tag can be used to discern the nominal type of a polymorphic structure, similar to an XML element tag.

    Returns string | undefined

Abstract tail

Abstract target

  • Returns the flattened members of this Item after all attributes have been removed, if this Item is a Record; otherwise returns this if this Item is a non-Record Value, or returns the value component if this Item is a Field.

    Used to concisely get the scalar value of an attributed structure. An attributed structure is a Record with one or more attributes that modify one or more other members.

    Returns Value

Abstract times

Abstract toAny


  • toString(): string

Abstract toValue

Abstract typeOrder

  • typeOrder(): number
  • Returns the heterogeneous sort order of this Item. Used to impose a total order on the set of all items. When comparing two items of different types, the items order according to their typeOrder}.

    Returns number

Abstract unflattened




Static absent

Static empty

Static extant

Static fromAny

Static globalScope

  • globalScope(): Item