Module swim.structure
Package swim.structure.operator
Operator expression trees.
Class Summary Class Description AndOperator BinaryOperator AnOperator
that represents a binary operation, i.e.BitwiseAndOperator BitwiseNotOperator BitwiseOrOperator BitwiseXorOperator ConditionalOperator DivideOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a division operation between its two operands.EqOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents an equality comparison between its two operands.GeOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents greater than or equal to operation between its two operands.GtOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a strictly greater than operation between its two operands.InvokeOperator LeOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a less than or equal to comparison between its two operands.LtOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a strictly less than comparison between its two operands.MinusOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a subtraction operation between its two operands.ModuloOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a modulus operation between its two operands.NegativeOperator NeOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents an inequality comparison between its two operands.NotOperator OrOperator PlusOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents an addition operation between its two operands.PositiveOperator TimesOperator ABinaryOperator
that represents a multiplication operation between its two operands.UnaryOperator AnOperator
that represents a unary operation, i.e.