Module swim.avro
Apache Avro codec that incrementally parses and writes
swim-structure values.
Exports Package Description swim.avro Apache Avro codec that incrementally parses and writes swim-structure values.swim.avro.decoder Apache Avro decoder.swim.avro.reflection Reflectively typed Apache Avro schema.swim.avro.schema Abstract Apache Avro schema.swim.avro.structure Structurally typed Apache Avro schema.
Requires Modifier Module Description transitive swim.codec Incremental I/O; functional parsers and writers; display, debug, and diagnostic formatters; and Unicode and binary codecs.transitive swim.deflate DEFLATE codec that incrementally compresses and decompresses streams.transitive swim.structure Generic structured data model, with support for selectors, expressions, and lambda functions.Indirect Requires Modifier Module Description transitive swim.collections Immutable, structure sharing collections, including hash array mapped tries, finger tries, B-trees, and S-trees (sequence trees).