Module swim.js
Package swim.js

Class JsPlane

All Implemented Interfaces:
Plane, GuestWrapper

public class JsPlane extends Object implements Plane, GuestWrapper
  • Field Details

    • planeContext

      protected final PlaneContext planeContext
    • bridge

      protected final JsBridge bridge
    • module

      protected final JsModule module
    • guest

      protected final Object guest
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • planeContext

      public final PlaneContext planeContext()
      Specified by:
      planeContext in interface Plane
    • bridge

      public final JsBridge bridge()
    • module

      public final JsModule module()
    • unwrap

      public final Object unwrap()
      Description copied from interface: GuestWrapper
      Returns the guest value that this host object wraps.
      Specified by:
      unwrap in interface GuestWrapper
    • willStart

      public void willStart()
      Specified by:
      willStart in interface Plane
    • didStart

      public void didStart()
      Specified by:
      didStart in interface Plane
    • willStop

      public void willStop()
      Specified by:
      willStop in interface Plane
    • didStop

      public void didStop()
      Specified by:
      didStop in interface Plane
    • willClose

      public void willClose()
      Specified by:
      willClose in interface Plane
    • didClose

      public void didClose()
      Specified by:
      didClose in interface Plane
    • didFail

      public void didFail(Throwable error)
      Specified by:
      didFail in interface Plane