
Interface IpService

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIpService, HttpSocketService, MqttSocketService

public interface IpService
Network service listener that handles asynchronous I/O operations for a non-blocking NIO server socket channel.

An IpService interfaces with the underlying asynchronous networking system via an IpServiceContext. The service context invokes I/O callbacks on the IpService when the underlying server socket is ready to perform I/O operations permitted by the service context's FlowControl.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a new IpSocket binding to handle an incoming network connection.
    Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has accepted a new socket connection.
    Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has bound to a port.
    Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context when the underlying network listener fails by throwing an error.
    Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has been unbound.
    Returns the network listener context to which this IpService is bound; returns null if this IpService is unbound.
    Sets the network listener context to which this IpService is bound.
  • Method Details

    • ipServiceContext

      IpServiceContext ipServiceContext()
      Returns the network listener context to which this IpService is bound; returns null if this IpService is unbound.
    • setIpServiceContext

      void setIpServiceContext(IpServiceContext context)
      Sets the network listener context to which this IpService is bound.
    • createSocket

      IpSocket createSocket()
      Returns a new IpSocket binding to handle an incoming network connection.
    • didBind

      void didBind()
      Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has bound to a port.
    • didAccept

      void didAccept(IpSocket socket)
      Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has accepted a new socket connection.
    • didUnbind

      void didUnbind()
      Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context after the underlying network listener has been unbound.
    • didFail

      void didFail(Throwable error)
      Lifecycle callback invoked by the service context when the underlying network listener fails by throwing an error. The listener will automatically be closed.