Module swim.db
Package swim.db

Class FileZone


public class FileZone extends Zone
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • store

      public final Store store()
    • id

      public final int id()
      Specified by:
      id in class Zone
    • file

      public final File file()
    • stage

      public final Stage stage()
    • database

      public final Database database()
    • germ

      public final Germ germ()
      Specified by:
      germ in class Zone
    • settings

      public final StoreSettings settings()
      Specified by:
      settings in class Zone
    • size

      public final long size()
      Specified by:
      size in class Zone
    • open

      public boolean open()
      Specified by:
      open in class Zone
    • willOpen

      protected void willOpen()
      Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opening state.
    • onOpen

      protected void onOpen()
      Lifecycle callback invoked to actually open the zone.
    • didOpen

      protected void didOpen()
      Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the opened state.
    • close

      public boolean close()
      Specified by:
      close in class Zone
    • willClose

      protected void willClose()
      Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closing state.
    • onClose

      protected void onClose()
      Lifecycle callback invoked to actually close the zone.
    • didClose

      protected void didClose()
      Lifecycle callback invoked upon entering the closed state.
    • loadGerm

      protected Germ loadGerm()
    • parseGerm

      protected Germ parseGerm(Input input)
    • openDatabase

      public Database openDatabase()
      Specified by:
      openDatabase in class Zone
    • openReadChannel

      public FileChannel openReadChannel() throws IOException
    • openWriteChannel

      public FileChannel openWriteChannel() throws IOException
    • commitAndWriteChunk

      public Chunk commitAndWriteChunk(Commit commit)
      Specified by:
      commitAndWriteChunk in class Zone